Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas Sd

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas Sd

soal bahasa inggris kelas 2 sd​

Daftar Isi

1. soal bahasa inggris kelas 2 sd​

B. Yes they are stars.

C. No, they are not. They are Trees.

D. Yes, they is.

E. No it is not, it is lake.

f. No it is not, it is Mountain.

G. Yes it is.

H. No it is not. it is the rainbow.


C:Yes they were a flower

D:Yes it is the water and fish

E:No,its isn't a sea

F:No,its isn't a school yard

G:Yes it is the sun

H:No its isn't a star


maaf kalau salah

2. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd​


1 Aldi

2. no

3. Yes

4. No

5. Winter



2no she is not

3cuz its raining outside

4yes he is

5winter season

Penjelasan:#grinding point

3. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd​

Rain star clowdy isk







6a moon

7a star

8a rainbow


10a flood

Penjelasan:no 10 gak terlalu yakin

4. soal bahasa Inggris ke 2bantu terjemahkan kakak2untuk kelas 3 SD​


5. kelas berapa cassia ?

a.dia kelas 2 SMP

b.dia kelas 2 di sekolah dasar

c.dia kelas 5 di sekolah dasar

d.dia kelas 3 di SMP

6.diana: halo, artorious. kemana kamu pergi ?

artorious: ..., Diana ,aku pergi ke sekolah


b.sampai jumpa

c. aku baik


7.frieda:....Lazarus , saya harus pergi ke perpustakaan sekarang.

Lazarus : oke, selamat tinggal. hati-hati

a.sampai ketemu lagi

b.Senang bertemu dengan Anda

c. selamat pagi


8.nama saya rio . saya.... seorang siswa di sekolah dasar





9.saya memiliki saudara perempuan . dia....vira

jangan lupa like

follow aku

dan kasih jawaban terbaik yeye


5. DIa kelas 2 SMP

6. Halo

7. Sampai ketemu lagi

8. Saya


5. Bantu......Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SDButuh jawaban segera​


My name is Kasih. I have a doll. This is my doll. Its name is Barbie. Its colour is pink. I love it very much.

Hope it helps~ヾ(^∇^)

My name is Kinasih. I have a doll. This is my doll. Its name is Barbie. Its color is pink. I love it very much.

semoga membantu.

6. Jawabin semuanya bangg soal kelas 4 sd bahasa inggris


1.happy birthday

2.alan:how are you?



5.raise your hand




9.what do you havein your bag? many pencil do you have?


#maaf kalo salah#

#kalo betul jadikan jawaban tercerdass

7. Buatlah soal bahasa inggris perkelanan kelas 3 sd

Tentu! Berikut beberapa contoh soal bahasa Inggris untuk perkenalan kelas 3 SD:


**A. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat!**

1. My name is ... .

  - a) apple

  - b) book

  - c) Dara

  - d) pen

2. I have ... brother.

  - a) two

  - b) book

  - c) car

  - d) eat

3. My father's brother is my ... .

  - a) uncle

  - b) grandfather

  - c) brother

  - d) father


**B. Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang tepat!**

4. My mother's daughter is my ... .

5. I am ... years old.

6. My favorite ... is blue.


**C. Gambarkan dan tuliskan dalam bahasa Inggris!**

7. [Gambar buku] = ... .

8. [Gambar sepeda] = ... .

9. [Gambar pohon] = ... .


**D. Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris!**

10. Saya punya satu adik perempuan. = I have ... .

11. Itu adalah sepatuku. = That is ... .

12. Ayahku adalah seorang dokter. = My father is ... .


Semoga soal-soal di atas dapat membantu! Anda bisa menyesuaikannya sesuai kebutuhan.

8. Kunci jawaban soal bahasa inggris kelas 5 SD Jelaskan empat pembuluh darah pada ikan!


Arteri dalam tubuh ikan terdiri dari tiga buah lapisan, yaitu intima , endothelium, dan subendothelium


maaf kalau salah:)

9. Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD tolongg di jawab secepatnya karna mau di kumpulin hari ini


1. I wake up in the morning

2. I clean my bed.

3. I take a bath.

4. I am having a breakfast.

5. I am sweeping the floor.

6. I am watching TV.

7. I am dancing.

8. I am singing and playing guitar.

9. I am studying.


Picture 1 : Today Budi wake up early

Picture 2 : After Budi wake up, he immediately made the bed

Picture 3 : After that, Budi took a shower

Picture 4 : And he wear his clothes and have a breakfast

Picture 5 : After he have a breakfast he sweeping and cleaning his house

Picture 6 : After that he got tired and then sit and watch a tv

Picture 7 : When he's getting bored, he dances

Picture 8 : When he already doing he's dance, he playing some music

                 with a guitar

Picture 9 : After he having fun, he study for school



10. mohon di jawab soal bahasa inggris kelas v sd​

1. pediatrician

2. surgeon

3. dentist

5. medicine

9. injection

11. thermometer

12. otolaryngologist

11. contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 1 sd tentang numbers

I have_______ eyes
I have_______ nose
I have_______fingers
I have_______teeth

12. tolong berikan soal bahasa inggris untuk sd kelas 1?

apa bahasa inggrisnya pisang ?

13. Tolong bantu jawab semua soal bahasa Inggris ini dong!! Yang bisa bahasa Inggris Note: 1. Jawabannya harus benar, betul, dan tepat!! 2. Jawab sekarang!! 3. Pelajaran kelas 6 SD​


1. I saw the circus

2. man put head on Tiger

3. they run very fast

4. when I was seeing circus I' m rating and eating


1. Dan went to a circus for the first time.

2. Dan was scared because he saw a man put his head in a lion's mouth.

3. One of the elephants played with a soccer ball.

4. Dan went on a diet because he ate a lot when watching the circus.

14. Soal jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd halaman 18 sampay 19


soalnya mana woy tulong dijelaskan

15. -Hai kawan, bantu aku ya. Ini pelajaran bahasa Inggris, kalo tidak bisa tidak usah di jawab. Ini hanya pelajaran kelas 4 sd, dan hanya 1 soal.Poin lumayan besar, nanti aku follow dan aku kasih like. Tanpa basa-basi lagi, aku akan mulai. Dan jangan ngasal :)Soal :----------------------------------------------Buatlah 3 kalimat (Sentence) dan tunjukkan elemennya.----------------------------------------------Itu saja soalnya ya :DPelajaran : Bahasa InggrisMateri : Kalimat SentenceKelas : 4 SD​


Contoh Kalimat Simple Sentence

1 My sister read the magazine.


subject= my sister

verb= read

(direct) object= the magazine

2 The manager came late today.


subject= the manager

verb= came

adverb= late, today

3 He is diligent.

(Dia rajin)


subject= he (pronoun)

(linking) verb= is

adjective= diligent

4 I was doing physically exercises at this time yesterday.

(Saya sedang melakukan latihan-latihan fisik sepanjang hari.)


subject= I

verb= was doing

(direct) object= physically exercises

prepositional phrase= at this time yesterday

16. soal bahasa inggris kelas 2 SD tentang foods and drinks​


maksudnya gimana nih?



1. rice : nasi

2. fruits : buah-buahan

3. vegetables : sayuran

4. noodles : mie

5. soup : sup

6. egg : telur

7. meatballs : bakso

8. fried fish : ikan goreng

9. fried chicken : ayam goreng

10. fried rice : nasi goreng

What do you like to eat?

(Makanan apa yang kamu suka?)

I like to eat meatballs.

(Saya suka bakso.)


1. water : air

2. coffee : kopi

3. tea : teh

4. milk : susu

5. juice : jus / sari buah

What do you like to drink?

(Minuman apa yang kamu suka?)

I like to drink a glass of orange juice.

(Saya suka minum segelas jus jeruk.)


1. breakfast : sarapan / makan pagi

I have breakfast in the morning.

(Saya sarapan pada pagi hari.)

2. brunch : makan diatara waktu makan pagi dan makan siang (breakfast+lunch)

I have brunch late in the morning.

(Saya makan pada pagi menjelang siang.)

3. lunch : makan siang

I have lunch in the afternoon.

(Saya makan siang pada siang hari.)

4. dinner : makan malam

I have dinner in the evening.

(Saya makan malam pada malam hari.)


1. bread : roti

2. corn : jagung

3. chocolate : coklat

4. cake : kue

5. fried banana : pisang goreng

6. peanuts : kacang

7. chips : keripik

8. biscuits : biskuit

Complete the following sentences!

(Lengkapi kalimat berikut!)

1. I eat b r_ _ d for b r _ _ k f _ s t.

2. My father eats m _ _ t b _ l l s for l _ n c h.

3. We eat f r _ _ d r _ c _ for d _ n n _ r.

4. I eat b _ s c _ _ t s for b r _ n c h

5. My mother eats s _ _ p and f r _ _ d c h _ c k _ n for dinner.

Jawaban :

1. bread - breakfast

2. meatballs - lunch

3. fried rice - dinner

4. biscuits - brunch

5. soup - fried chicken





17. soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd tentang my body


18. Bahasa inggris kelas 10 SMA. Jago bahasa inggris, SMA dan kuliah jawab ini ya kecuali anak SMP DAN SD!JAWAB YA SOAL GAMBAR DIATAS JANGAN ASAL!

Jawab lagi ah, Jawaban no 5 itu goes. Karena es/s menunjukan suatu aktivitas yg dilakukan rutin, terus menerus, setiap hari dan present. Ga lampau. Jawaban nya goes.

Ada lagi?6. Goes 7.Are 8. Has

19. soal bahasa inggris kelas 5 sd tentang simple present tense

Maaf, Mana soalnya ya??? S + v1 + O

I eat noodle = saya makan mie
She bakes a cake = dia memanggang sebuah kue

20. Tolong bang soal kelas 4 sd doang kok bahasa inggris tapi






maaf kalooo salahhh

23.A im sorry, indonesia ( Aku minta maaf )
24.C Clock . indonesia ( Jam )
25.D announcement board indonesia (papan pegumunan )

semoga membantu

21. soal bahasa inggris kelas 1 sd tentang family

sister=saudara perempuan
brother =saudara laki laki

dan lain lain.1.What's the name of your father?
2.What's the name of your mother?
3.How's your brother? you have a sister?

22. soal bahasa inggris tentang body kelas 3 sd

how many nose in your body? one
you watch with? eyes
you walk with? foot
We have 2 eye,we have two hands,we have 1 nose,we have 2 ear,we have 1 mouth

23. bantuin dong yang pro bahasa inggris kalok ngasal auto report ini soalnya ini kelas 5 sd​


2 opened

4.roadside stall work

6.library place


10.swimming pool

12.tall building

13.Javanese traditional culture that is still sustainable

14.train station




24. Soal dan jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd halaman 98


gambarnya mana........

25. Tolong dong kasih soal ulangan kenaikan kelas (UKK) bahasa Inggris kelas 4 sd

Jawablah soal UTS 2 Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada abjad a,b dan c pada jawaban yang benar!

1. Ria : “What fruit is that ?“
Ani : “That is an ...“
The best answer is...........
A. mango
B. banana
C. apple
D. grape

2. Fill with the best article!
My mother buys ... chair.
A. a
B. an
C. in
D. on

3. The colour of scout uniform is.......
A. blue
B. brown
C. pink
D. yellow

4. ... is happy today.
The best subject to fill the blank is.........
A. I
B. He
C. She
D. They

5. Rearrange the letter of the fruit!
The best word is.......

A. pineapple
B. pineapuzzle
C. pinefruit
D. jackfruit

6. Dian : “What is that?”
Rini : “.....a car”. (itu adalah)
The best answer to fill the blank is.............
A. This is
B. This are
C. That is
D. Is not

7. Joko “How many cats are there?”
Teddy “There are ... cats.”
A. seven
B. eight
C. nine
D. ten

8. I eat a plate of fried rice with ... egg.
The best article to fill the blank is......
A. a
B. an
C. many
D. much

9. We ... a chili, because the taste is spicy and make me got stomachache.
The best answer is........
A. like
B. love
C. dislike
D. want

10. Mr. Andre has two......
A. uncles
B. mother
C. child
D. children

11. I ... a bowl of noodles because it is delicious food.
A. don’t like
B. like
C. dislike
D. hate

12. My father is a ... . He works in the hospital.
A. Teacher
B. Police
C. Army
D. Doctor

13. He ... a farmers. He works in the rice field.
A. am
B. are
C. is
D. do

14. look! They ... my friends.
A. is
B. are
D. was

15. Wow! The colour of the balloons is ... (ungu).
A. purple
B. green
C. grey
D. red

16. I ... the vegetables because they make my body healthy.
A. hate
B. like
C. dislike
D. not like

17. lam a fruit.
My body is long.
My colour is green or yellow.
The monkey eats me. I am a......
A. orange
B. strawberry
C. banana
D. durian

18. ... am a student. I’m in the fourth grade.....
A. I
B. She
C. They
D. He

19. They have ... books on their shelves.
A. two four
B. twelve three
C. two hundred and three
D. twenty three

20. Mrs. Salsa ... on the whiteboard.
The best verb to fIll the blank is ........
A. writes
B. writer
C. cooks
D. cook

#II. Isilah Soal UTS B Inggris Kelas 4 SD ini dengan jawaban yang benar !

21. Rearrange the letter!s-g-p-e-r-a
This is.......................

22. Complete the blank with the best letter according the picture!
He eats p.....p a.....a

23. The colours of Indonesian flag are...and...

24. FIll with to be (is, am, or are)!
She ... a kind teacher.

25. My uncle is a.......

26. Fill with subject ( We, They, She or He)! cooking in the kitchen.

27. Fill with article (a or an )!
a. Santi looks ... elephant in the zoo.
b. My grandfather makes...........table by the wood.

28. We always clean our................

29. 75 The number is.............

30. These are two............

III. Jawablah soal UTS Inggris Semester 2 Kelas 4 kategori pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang paling tepat

31. Mention three kinds of animals!
a. ................
b. ................
c. ................

32. Mention three kinds of colours!

33. reads - my - sister - a - book - livingroom - in – the
Rearrange the word become the best sentence!

34. Make a sentence about like / dislikeaccording the picture!

35. Write job according the picture!
1. ..................
2. ..................
3. ..................(+)
(?) Did she go to the supermarket yesterday ?

26. jawaban soal pts bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD joyfull​




semoga bermanfaat dek

27. contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd

1. Bandung is located is ...
a. West Java
b. East Java
c.  Central Java
d. Banten

2.Devi is clever. Ayu is clever. Devi is ... Ayu.
a. as clever as
b. as clever
c. more clever
d. cleverest

3.Dodi is twelve years old. Andi is ten years old. Andi is ... than Dodi.
a. old
b. young
c. older
d. younger

4. ....... the baby is sleeping !
a. Don’t make noise
b. Be happy
c. Be careful
d. Be diligent

5. You have a motorcycle. The motorcycle is ...
a. you
b. your
c. yours
d. you are

6. Where are they studying ? They are in the...
a. classroom 
b. canteen 
c. library 
d. office

7. He is ... in Kelud mountain.
a. fishing 
b. climbing 
c. cleaning 
d. traveling

8. Nonik is ... in the bed room
a. sleeping
b. eating
c. traveling
d. swimming

9. She is ... the floor.
a. driving
b. sweeping
c. swimming
d. speaking

10. Moslems pray in the...
a. mosque                
b. church                  
c. temple                           
d. airport

28. bagaimana contoh soal uraian bahasa inggris kelas 5 sd berbasis c4

8. We have two . . .a. nose b. chinc. earsd. hair 9. This is an elephant. . . . . . . . . . . tail is big.a. its b. hisc. her d. their 10. Dana, Dani and Doni have a new ball. This is . . . . . . . . . ball.a. your  b. our c. her d. their 11. Anna is . . . . . . . . . . She wants a glass of water.a. angry b. thirstyc. hungryd. happy12. Joko is my friend. His hair is . . .a. big b. smallc. shortd. thin13. Mr. Abi has a . . . . . . . . . . nose.a. big b. straightc. thick d. long14. My grandmother is seventy years old, she is . . .a. young b. oldc. boldd. long15. I help sick people to ge well again. I am a . . .a. student b. barber

c. doctor d. farmer 16. Are you a typist? No, . . . . .a. we are not b. she is notc. I am notd. he is not17. My mother is . . . . . . . . . . she is at home all day.a. teacher  b. secretaryc. house wifed. nurse18. He works in a bookshop. He is a . . . . .a. barber  b. bookseller c. housekeeper d. painter 19. Are Andhika and Amir students ? Yes, . . . . .a. we are b. they arec. she isd. I am20. There are . . . . . . . . . . seasons in our country.a. 4 b. 2c. 3d. 5

B. Fill in the blanks with correct words

1. ………………… is the last day of the week.2. Moslems go to the mosque on …………….3. We go to school from …………….. until ……………… expect on Sunday.4. Tuesday is between …………………….. and …………………5. The new year of “hijriyah” is …………………6. The boy is naughty. His father ………………….. with him.7. The man is so …………………. He has five cars and two big houses.8. She is from Papua. Her hair is …………….9. My little sister does not like to eat anything. Her body is so ……………..10. This is my uncle. He is my father’s ……………11. Tono is my brother’s son. He is my ……………

12. I am Andy. This is my father. I am his ………………13. This is Mira. She is my father’s daughter. She is my ………………14. They want to was their hands at the mall. They go to the …………..15. They cross the street on the ……………..16. I walk with my …………….17. Riri smells the flower with her ……………18. The children listen to the music with their …………..19. We have to brush our …………………… every day.20. Dita always combs her ………………….. neatly.

C. Arrange these words into goog sentences!

1. play – morning – usually – we – badminton – every.2. happy – children – to have – are – a picnic.3. get – what – Tina – does – time – up ?4. on – what – do – usually – you – Sunday – do?5. stay – Rini – home – always – at

29. soal bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SDtolong bantu bagian e dan f​


e. whistle loudly

f. listen carefully


Semoga membantu :)

Maaf kalau salah :(

Jawaban :

E. 1. Carefully run

2. Loudly whistle

3. Politely ask

4. Seriously work

5. Quickly wake up

6. Suddenly listen

Semoga membantu..

Maaf kalau salah..

30. tolong berikan soal bahasa inggris untuk sd kelas 6 ?

semoga membantu yaaahow to make keju
artinya bagaimana cara membuat keju

31. soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd ​


1. Sunday

2. In the Yard

3. Kite

4. Running Slowly

5. Playing football

1. Yes

2. No

3. Yes

4. No

5. No



1.Today is Sunday.

2.The kids are in the yard.

3.Tony is playing a kite.

4.Diana is running slowly.

5.Fikri is playing football.

1.She is

2.She is not

3.Yes, he

4.She is

5.She is not

Maaf kalau salah or if incorrect sorry please.

Aku juga kelas 3 sd

32. Tolong dibantu ya soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd​

2. Is

3. Is

4. Are

5. Is

6. Are

7. Is

8. Is

9. Is

11. Is

12. Are

13. Are

14. Are

15. Am

— Semoga membantu —


nomor 2 sampai 9, sama nomor 11 sampai 14 jawabannya "is" yaa :)


33. contoh soal ulangan bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd

contoh soal
how made egg
dan masih banyak

34. soal ulangan harian multiple choice bahasa inggris kelas 1 sd semester 1 tentang warna

red= merah blue=biru green=hijau broun=coklat black=hitam yellow=kuning pink=merah muda purple=ungu rainbow=pelangi  WHat The colour of your TeeTh?

35. Soal dan jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd halaman 98 what is an earthquake


Earthquake: An Earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the earth resulting from a sudden energy in the Earth's lithosphere that creates a seismic waves.


When the Earth create this seismic waves, the surface of the earth started to shake and may cause damage to surroundings. The earthquake can be measured with the unit of the "Richter Scale".

36. Kunci jawaban soal bahasa inggris kelas 5 SD nama2 tempat dalam bahasa inggris


3. b. Where

4. a. behind

5. b. beside

6. b. beside


maaf klo salah

37. soal bahasa Inggris kelas 3 sd​

1. cat








9. (maaf Gatau)

10. it cant


maaf banget kalo salah

semoga dapat nilai terbaik yya

38. tolong buatkan soal bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd minimal 20 ya

1. Shanti is........ In her class (beautifull)
2. Evi=50 books
Ida=30 books
Evi have............ books than Ida (fewer \more\less)
3. .......... we going?
(kata tanya)
4. How........ books are there?
5. Sing
6. Do
Sorry i can't give you 20 quation.

39. soal latihan bahasa inggris kelas 5 sd

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C or D!

(Pilih jawaban yang tepat dengan menyilang huruf A, B, C atau D!)

Rina is 150 cm

Vini is 165 cm

Anisa is 170 cm

Vini is ... than Rina.

   A. tall

   B. taller

   C. tallest

   D. as tall as

Answer : B. taller

40. Soal jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd halaman 18


fotonya dimana????


kalo gk ada foto mana bisa di kerjain

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