Contoh Soal Infinitive Beserta Pembahasannya

Contoh Soal Infinitive Beserta Pembahasannya

Pengertian gerund dan infinitive beserta rumus dan contohnya. please

Daftar Isi

1. Pengertian gerund dan infinitive beserta rumus dan contohnya. please

gerund : kata kerja atau verb yang di tambah -ing (dalam bahasa inggris ) dan berfungsi sebagai noun atau benda
infinitive  : kata kerja atau dalam bahasa inggris di sebut verb terdiri dari particle to dan bentuk simple dari verb ..dmna dapat berfungsi sebagai noun adjective and adverb ..

contonya ,, gerund as subject - reading is not my hobby
                   gerund as object I like reading
dan masih banyak lagi ...

contohnya infinitive (to+verb)
- to be, to run, to talk
contoh kalimat infinitive .. subject-noun ; to travel in this season is a bad idea,

2. pembahasan mengenau gerund, infinitive, present participle

Gerund Gerund adalah kata yang dibentuk dari verb dengan ditambahkan suffix (akhiran ) –ing dan berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda). Karena gerund berfungsi sebagai noun, maka harus ada verb di dalam suatu kalimat. Sebagai noun, gerund dapat menempati posisi sebagai subject, direct object, subject complement, object of preposition, atau appositive di dalam suatu kalimat. Contoh Gerund: Running may be hard for some people. [running = subject of sentence] Infiniti Infinitive adalah verbal yang terdiri dari to dan bentuk simple dari verb (bare infinitive) dimana dapat berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda), adjective (kata sifat), atau adverb (kata keterangan). Ketika digunakan sebagai noun, infinitive dapat menempati posisi subject, direct object, subject complement, atau appositive. Contoh Infinitive: He wants to go now. [to go = direct onject Participle Participle adalah kata hasil kombinasi bare infinitive dengan suffix -ing pada present participle atau dengan suffix -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n, atau -ne pada past participle pada regular verb dan bentuk yang tidak konsisten pada irregular verb. Sebagai verbal, participle berfungsi sebagai adjective. Sebagai adjective, participle digunakan pada noun phrase dan reduced adjective clause (active dan passive voice). Contoh Participle: I have seen the disturbing picture. [disturbing = present participle, noun phrase

3. soal dan jawaban dari infinitive

Question : I am trying..................the math homework,but it very hard do learn read eat

Answer : A

4. contoh kalimat dari ""'please+infinitive""

to watch the movie, you should buy the ticket

5. contoh kalimat gerund dan infinitive

gerund (verb+ing) dan infinitive (to+verb) sama-sama merupakan verbal yang dapat berfungsi sebagai noun.

6. Beda nya gerund dan infinitive serta contoh kalimatnya =?

To infinitive digunakan paling sering setelah kata kerja dengan di awali to.

Contoh kalimatnya :

a. I hope to go on a vacation soon.

b. They agreed to sign.

c. she hesitated to speak.

Gerund adalah kata kerja yang diubah ke dalam bentuk verb ing agar berfungsi sebagai kata benda.

Contoh kalimatnya :

a. Reading a book is my hobby.

b. She enjoyed cooking.

c. I postponed watching TV.


7. contoh kalimat should+present infinitive

I should go to my friend’s house now

8. Beda nya gerund dan infinitive serta contoh kalimatnya =?

To infinitive digunakan paling sering setelah kata kerja dengan di awali to.

Contoh kalimatnya :

a. I hope to go on a vacation soon.

b. They agreed to sign.

c. she hesitated to speak.

Gerund adalah kata kerja yang diubah ke dalam bentuk verb ing agar berfungsi sebagai kata benda.

Contoh kalimatnya :

a. Reading a book is my hobby.

b. She enjoyed cooking.

c. I postponed watching TV.


9. 5 contoh kalimat yang menggunakan infinitivedan 5 contoh kalimat yang menggunakan gerund ​

i go to school every dayshe reads a novelshe loves methey hate uswe give you some apple

contoh gerund

listening to music makes me happymy friend enjoys dancingi go swimmingsmoking is dangeruos for youreading is my hobby

10. Beda nya gerund dan infinitive serta contoh kalimatnya =?

To infinitive digunakan paling sering setelah kata kerja dengan di awali to.

Contoh kalimatnya :

a. I hope to go on a vacation soon.

b. They agreed to sign.

c. she hesitated to speak.

Gerund adalah kata kerja yang diubah ke dalam bentuk verb ing agar berfungsi sebagai kata benda.

Contoh kalimatnya :

a. Reading a book is my hobby.

b. She enjoyed cooking.

c. I postponed watching TV.


11. contoh kalimat don't+infinitive​


we don't have time for eat


Done :D


12. contoh kalimat take dalam infinitive

i take a drink in the party

kalo ada pertanyaan seperti ini PM aja
i want to take a book in my bag .

13. Apa itu dan berikan Contoh dari gerund dan infinitive

Gerund adalah kata berbentuk V-ing yang dikatabendakan atau dgn kata lain, kata tsb bermakna benda walaupun bentuknya sperti kata kerja.

Letak dan fungsi gerund:
1. Diletakkan pada awal kalimat sbg subjek Contoh : Singing can make me relax
2. Diletakkan stlh kata kerja, preposisi, atau possessive pronoun sbg objek. Contohnya : I can't stop dancing (objeknya kata kerja)
Thank you for giving me (objeknya preposisi)
3. Diletakkan stlh to be sbg komplemen. Contohnya : Now, what I need is drinking coffee

Infinitive adalah bentuk kata kerja yang merupakan bentuk dasar dan tidak mengacu pada tenses atau subject.
Infinitive terbagi menjadi 2 : Bare Invinitive adan to invinitive

Bare infinitive = > adalah infinitive yg benar" murni tanpa mendapat tambahan apapun.  Contoh :  I can stay, but you must go

To infinitive adalah infinitive yg digunakan bersama kata depan to. Contohnya : To mantain the  company is the function of the rule.
I'm confused what to answer.

Good Luck! :D

14. 3 contoh kalimat wish + Infinitive​


1. i wish to give this book

2. you wish to graduate from this school

3. they wish to win the competition


invinitive: kata kerja

15. Contoh Lagu yang terdiri dari modifier,qualifier,gerund dan infinitive

Jawaban :




Allah yang tau

16. contoh verb to infinitive 10 contoh verb to gerund 10

to infinitive                            gerund
to go                                    going
to walk                                 walking
to swim                                swimming
to write                                writing
to eat                                  eating
to sleep                                sleeping
to drink                                drinking
to play                                  playing
to take a shower                   taking a shower
to fly                                    flying
contoh: I like to swim.    I like swimming (atau swimming is my hobby)

17. contoh cerita yang menggunakan infinitive absolut phrase​


Contoh Gerund :

1. Gerund sebagai subject

Apabila Gerund sebagai Subject, maka Gerund dapat berdiri sendiri atau berbentuk sebagai frase. Contoh: Drawing a landscape is my hobby.

18. contoh kalimat infinitive yang menggunakan to dan tidak menggunakan to

Kelas: SMA
Pelajaran: Bhs Inggris
Kategori: infinitive

Infinitive adalah jenis kata kerja dasar yang sering digunakan dalam kalimat. Berikut contoh kalimat infinitive+ to
- I prefer to see a doctor now.
- She managed to survive there.
- They would like to book a ticket soon.

Berikut contoh kalimat infinitive without to
- I make them do the housework.
- They let me see her for the last time.
- He had his bike fixed yesterday.

19. saya disuruh guru untuk membuat Asking about and stating capability contoh: (+) subject+can+infinitive (-) subject+cannot/can't+infinitive (?) can+subject+infinitive+? sekilas seperti itu tolong bantu saya tidak bisa


(+) I can speak three languages fluently.

(-) She cannot swim.

(?) Can you play the piano?

(+) We can solve complex mathematical problems.

(-) They can't run a marathon.

(?) Can he fix the car?

(+) The robot can perform various tasks autonomously.

(-) The cat cannot climb up the tree.

(?) Can you cook a delicious meal?

(+) He can play the guitar like a professional.

(-) I can't dance.

(?) Can she speak French fluently?

(+) The team can complete the project ahead of schedule.

(-) The dog cannot bark silently.

(?) Can they solve the riddle?

20. soal dan jawaban dari infinitive

1. Daniel suggested _____ video games after school.a. to play
b. playing
2.My father enjoys _____ football match.
a. to watch
b. watching3. I miss _____ as a teacher. I hope I can get that profession back someday.a. to work
b. working
4. Where did you learn _____
a pizza?a. to make
b. making
5. Do you mind _____ that book?
a. to take
b. taking

21. contoh kalimat to infinitive

To infinitive = To + V1


I need to go

I'm ready to study

There is something to do

22. contoh kalimat kata kerja gerund dan infinitive 

Daftar Kata Kerja yang Diikuti Oleh Gerunds
admit detest advise discontinue appreciate discuss avoid dislike can't help dispute complete dread consider enjoy delay escape deny evade detest explain dislike fancy enjoy feel like escape feign excuse finish finish forgive forbid give up (stop) get through hate* have imagine imagine justify mind keep (continue) miss like* permit love* postpone mention practice mind (object to) quit miss recall necessitate report omit resent permit resist picture resume postpone risk prefer spend (time) prevent suggest prohibit tolerate propose waste (time) practice abhor prefer* practice prevent endure prohibit tolerate propose acknowledge quit admit recall allow recollect appreciate recommend attempt regret* avoid report be worth resent began resist *can't bear resume can't help risk can't stand* shirk celebrate shun confess start* consider suggest *continue support defend try* delay understand deny urge

Daftar Kata Kerja yang Diikuti Oleh Infinitives
can’t afford afford elect come long hesitate request prefer wish swear can’t bear agree endeavor consent love hope resolve prepare would like tend can’t stand appear expect continue manage hurry say pretend yearn threaten can’t wait arrange fail dare mean incline seek profess care turnout get ask need decide seem intend chance promise growup venture offer attempt shudder deserve choose learn guarantee prove pay volunteer start begin claim determine hate like plan refuse strive want

23. contoh penggunaan gerund dan infinitive dalam artikel/cerita

"...The seller saw her standing wheat faltered before the counter and asked:

- Hey little girl, you want to eat a bowl?

- But … but I do not carry money … she shyly replied.

- Okay, I’ll treat you – the seller said – come in, I will cook you a bowl.

A few minutes later the owner brought her a steaming bowl of noodles. Ate some pieces, Sue cried...."

to eat = Infinitive
steaming = gerund

24. contoh kalimat that + subject + should + infinitive without to

That the cat should inject

25. contoh kalimat infinitive verbs​

Penjelasan: is better not to go

2.tell her not to come

3.she asked me not to wait

maaf kalo salah


I am going to go to Lina's house.

The food I like to make is cake.

I attend law school to become an attorney.

Lisa really likes to help her sister.

My mom went to minimarket to buy milk.


Infinitive verb memiliki rumus dasar to + v1 (verb 1/verb dasar).

semoga membantu

26. contoh dan penjelasan tentang verb infinitive

Infinitive adalah suatu verbal yang terdiri dari particle to dan bentuk simple dari verb (bare infinitive) dimana dapat berfungsi sebagai noun, adjective, atau adverb.
Penggunaan Infinitive Contoh Kalimat Infinitive
Subject To travel in this season is a bad idea.
(Bepergian musim ini merupakan ide yang buruk.)
To survive in the big city is my hope.
(Bertahan di kota besar adalah harapan saya.)
Direct Object He wants to come tomorrow.
(Dia ingin datang besok.) direct object dari verb “want”
The children learned to write letters.
(Anak-anak belajar menulis surat.) direct object dari verb “learned”
Subject Complement His dream is to win the tender.
(Impiannya menang tender tersebut.)
Appositive His dream, to win the tender, has made him work harder.
(Impiannya, menang tender, telah membuatnya bekerja lebih keras.)
Adjective1 The best time to talk with him is at night.
(Waktu terbaik untuk berbicara dengannya adalah malam hari.) menerangkan noun “time”
It is the wrong way to ask a question.
(Itu cara yang salah untuk bertanya.)
menerangkan noun “way”
Adverb2 To watch the movie, you must buy a ticket.
(Untuk menonton film itu, kamu harus beli tiket.) menjelaskan “why you must buy a ticket” (mengapa kamu harus membeli tiket)

27. contoh kalimat infinitive pharase

Contoh Infinitive Phrase
Contoh Infinitive Phrase
to eat an apple
to eat= infinitive
an= indefinite article (modifier)
apple= noun
to run through the rain
to run= infinitive
through the rain= prepositional phrase (modifier)
to be trusted for all the things
to be trusted= passive infinitive
for all the thing= prepositional phrase (modifier)PELAJARAN:B.INGGRIS
contoh kalimat infinitive pharase adalah go home cook omelette wash dishes talk to your parents

28. Contoh kata kerja infinitive

to eat
to play
to laugh
to cry
to run

29. Subject+verb+enough+noun+to infinitive Berikan 2 contoh Subject+verb+adjective+enough+to infinitive Berikan 2 contoh Subject+verb+too+adjective+to infinitive Berikan 2 contoh

Sub-category : Too vs Enough

Level : JHS

Code : 5

Keywords : too, enough, adjective


Too dan enough digunakan untuk menerangkan adjective, adverb, atau noun.  

Too and enough menyatakan degree.

Too berarti "terlalu". Too memiliki arti negatif.

Too digunakan sebelum adjective atau adverb.

Contoh : He is too young to go to school.

Enough berarti "cukup".  

Enough diletakkan setelah adjective atau adverb.

Contoh : He is old enough to go to school.

Enough diletakkan sebelum kata benda.

Contoh : I have enough money.


Subject+verb+enough+noun+to infinitive

I have enough money to buy the car.

She made enough food to feed all the guests.


Subject+verb+adjective+enough+to infinitive

He seems strong enough to lift the heavy rock.

They feel angry enough to call the police.


Subject+verb+too+adjective+to infinitive

The film sounds too mature to be watched by young children.

The soup tastes too horrible to be served to the food critic.

30. contoh kalimat should+continuous infinitive (2 contoh)


- I should study for my test

- He should excersice more.


- Peter is eating his lunch

- She is waiting her order.


- I should study for my test

- He should excersice more.


- Peter is eating his lunch

- She is waiting her order.

31. contoh kalimat to infinitive

to infinitive adalah to + V1. Berikut contoh-contoh kalimatnya:

- I want to be a doctor
- The function of the text is to tell the people the past experiences of the writer
- She has cooked it to make you happy

Semoga membantuTo inf => kata kerja dalam bentuk pertama yang diikuti kata "to" 

Ex : 
∴ I have to study for my test tomorrow 
∴ This time for me to get the best score in my school 
∴ You want to hick the mountain , right ? 

I hope it can help u 

32. Tuliskan 10 contoh kalimatShould + present infinitivetolong jawab kak soal nyh mau di kumpulin bentar lagi^_^​

1. You should ask him not to be so loud

2. He should tell you to not be so late

3. We should not come

4. You should decide whether or not you want to go to London

5. She should come to collect her paycheque

6. She should have gone to finish her homework

7. You should talk to her to understand her feeling

8. You should build a garden for the children to play in

9. You should make a sandwich to eat

10. She should not eat meat

(maaf kalau salah)

33. contoh zero infinitive

Zero infinitive memiliki beberapa istilah, seperti : bare infinitive atau base form. Setelah penggunaan kata causative verb seperti: let, see, have, make, hear, dan watch, maka kata zero infinitive dapat ditambahkan. Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini : I saw her fall from the cliff.

34. (+) Subject + can + infinitive (-) Subject + cannot/can't + infinitive (?) Can + Subject + infinitive + ?​


ini apa


gw ditranselkan aja

35. contoh kalimat infinitive yang menggunakan to dan tidak menggunakan to

not to= Can you come guys?
to      = Can you come to my party?

36. contoh Kalimat Wish + To infinitive


i wish to celebrate Idhul adha with my family next year after pandemi end.

37. 10 contoh kalimat gerund dan infinitive

Gerund : no smoking, cooking is my hobby, no fishing in this river, no parking, he continued talking, we enjoy hiking, I don't mind helping you, thanks for your coming, I will wash the dishes after eating, I like reading.
Infinitive : I want to buy the book tomorrow, she goes home by foot to reduce her fat, to get access you must register first, I'm happy to hear the news, she was anxious to see her score, the best to call his is at night, it is the wrong way to ask for forgiveness, the car was too terrible to be used, to make poor people happy is my dream, your dream is not difficult enough to be reached.

38. Beda nya gerund dan infinitive serta contoh kalimatnya =?

Gerund: For + Verb + Ing (kata kerja yang dibendakan)
Contoh: Drawing is Lisa's hobby

Infinitive: Kata dasar
Contoh: i go to school (go adalah kata kerja infinitive) To infinitive digunakan paling sering setelah kata kerja dengan di awali to.

Contoh kalimatnya :

a. I hope to go on a vacation soon.

b. They agreed to sign.

c. she hesitated to speak.

Gerund adalah kata kerja yang diubah ke dalam bentuk verb ing agar berfungsi sebagai kata benda.

Contoh kalimatnya :

a. Reading a book is my hobby.

b. She enjoyed cooking.

c. I postponed watching TV.


39. 10 soal bahasa inggris pilihan ganda dan jawaban tentang infinitive

what do you mean by " 10 questions related to English while there are not a SINGLE one question

40. contoh kata yang bisa dipakai untuk gerunds dan infinitive

contoh: swimming make me healty
verb yg biasa diikuti gerund : enjoy,mind,quit,like finish

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