Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 2019

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 2019

SOAL UJIAN SEMESTER GENAP 2019/2020Mr. Kardiman is a factory worker and Mrs.Nunik is a teacher. She teaches English in a vocationalschool in Surakarta from Monday till Saturday. They have been home, and at the moment they arerelaxing with their family. Mr. Kardiman is sitting in a sofa, watching some news on TV. Mrs.Nunik isbeside her husband reading a woman magazine. Their son, Rijal is playing games on the computer,Ajeng is in her bedroom, she is practicing a pop song with her Piano. Their other daughter, santi, isBAHASA INGGRIS KELAS VIIIAnswer The Questions Below Correctly!The following text is for questions number 1-5in the kitchen, preparing her favorite instant noodle.Nomor1. What is Mr kardiman doing infront of TV ?Is Santi preparing her meatball in the Kitchen?3. What is Ajeng doing in her bedroom?4.What is Mrs. Nunik's job?5. What is their son, Rijal doing?6. Themagazine costs Rp. 5000,00. The newspaper costs Rp. 5000,00. The novel costsRp.11.000,00. The magazine is ................. the newspaper.7. Randy is thestudent in my class. He always gets first rank.8.Bag costs Rp.50.000,00. Shoes cost Rp. 60.000.00. Shoes are ...........than the bag.9.Translates this sentence into English : Randy lebih tinggi daripada Toni.10. Changes this sentence into (-) and (?) form : she studies English every Monday​

Daftar Isi

1. SOAL UJIAN SEMESTER GENAP 2019/2020Mr. Kardiman is a factory worker and Mrs.Nunik is a teacher. She teaches English in a vocationalschool in Surakarta from Monday till Saturday. They have been home, and at the moment they arerelaxing with their family. Mr. Kardiman is sitting in a sofa, watching some news on TV. Mrs.Nunik isbeside her husband reading a woman magazine. Their son, Rijal is playing games on the computer,Ajeng is in her bedroom, she is practicing a pop song with her Piano. Their other daughter, santi, isBAHASA INGGRIS KELAS VIIIAnswer The Questions Below Correctly!The following text is for questions number 1-5in the kitchen, preparing her favorite instant noodle.Nomor1. What is Mr kardiman doing infront of TV ?Is Santi preparing her meatball in the Kitchen?3. What is Ajeng doing in her bedroom?4.What is Mrs. Nunik's job?5. What is their son, Rijal doing?6. Themagazine costs Rp. 5000,00. The newspaper costs Rp. 5000,00. The novel costsRp.11.000,00. The magazine is ................. the newspaper.7. Randy is thestudent in my class. He always gets first rank.8.Bag costs Rp.50.000,00. Shoes cost Rp. 60.000.00. Shoes are ...........than the bag.9.Translates this sentence into English : Randy lebih tinggi daripada Toni.10. Changes this sentence into (-) and (?) form : she studies English every Monday​

1. He is watching the news.

2. No, she is not.

3. Practicing a pop song with her piano.

4. She works as an English teacher.

5. Playing games on the computer.

6. as cheap as

7. smartest

8. more expensive

9. Randy is taller than Toni.

Semoga membantu, kak! ^^

2. PENILAIAN TENGAH SEMESTERKelas Hari/Tanggal :Semester Ganjil TP : 2019/2020BAHASA INGGRIS4 WaktuK-13 KAB. DELI SERDANGLEMBARAN SOAL1. PILIHAN GANDABerilah tanda silang (x) pada salah satuhuruf A, B, C atau D, yang merupakanjawaban yang paling tepat!10. The rensposes of Nice to meet you is....(ANice to meet you too.B. Pleasure to meet youC. See you laterD. Bye11. They .... Students.A. IsC AmB. WasD. Are1. Hello I.... Budi.A AmB. IsC. AreD. Were2. How are you today?A. I am fineC. He is OKB. I am a sailor D. She is fine12. There ..... a teacher in the classroom.A. AmC. AreB. WereDIS13. How old ... you?A. AmB. WasC. IsD) Are14. My ClassmateA. AreB. Werevery kind to me.C. AmDIS15. Jhon .... a doctor.A IsB. AreC. WereD. Been3. Selamat sore....A Good afternoonB. Good nightC. Good dayD. Good morning4. Bagaimana kabar mu?....A. How are you today?B. How long are you?C. What is your name?D. How does it?5. Good Evening means....A Selamat malamB. Selamat siangC. Selamat tinggalD. Selamat datang6. Selamat tinggal....A. Good byeB. Nice to meet youC. See you againD. when we meet16. Geoerge and Bryan .... Friends.A. AreC. Was(B. IsD. Having17. There .... some cats that catch a mouse.A. IsC. Am(B. AreD. Haveswimming in the18. The two boysswimming poolA IsB. AmC. AreD. Wasa Pilot.19.1.A. IsB. AmC. AreD. Were7. Sampai jumpa lagi....A. See you againB. Nice to meet youC. Pleasure to meet youD. Good day8. The responses of good night is....A Good nightC. Good afternoonB. Good Evening D. Good Bye9. The responses of see you later is....(A. See youC. Good byeB. ByeD. Nice to meet you20. How ..... you?A. IsB. AmC. WasD. Are21. .... Have a teacher. My teacher teachesEnglishА. НеCIB. TheyD. She​


7. A. see you again

8. A. good night

9. A. See you

10. A. Nice to meet you too

11. D. Are

12. D. is

13. D. are

14. D. is

15. A. is

16. A. are

17. B. are

18. C. are

19. -

20. D. are

21. C. I

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