tolong bantu saya jawab soal usbn smk bahasa inggris
1. tolong bantu saya jawab soal usbn smk bahasa inggris
1. b. Missing Child
2. a. Rules for museum visitors
Semoga Membantu ^_^
1.a.congratulating someones succes
2.b.he want to congratulate him
3. jawaban soal ujian akhir semester, bidang studi bahasa inggris semester genap 2019 dan 2020 smk negeri
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤTell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me
No, no, you wouldn't
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me
No, no, you wouldn't
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me
No, no, you wouldn't
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me
No, no, you wouldn't
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me
No, no, you wouldn't
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me
No, no, you wouldn't
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me
No, no, you wouldn't
Tell me why I'm waiting for someone
That couldn't give a fuck about me
No, no, you wouldn't
4. Buatlah contoh 5 soal bahasa inggris beserta artiNya untuk anak kls10 smk
welcome:selamat datang,how are you?:bagaimana kabarmu?,what are you doing?:apa yang kau lakukan?,why :kenapa,hello guys:halo teman
maaf kalo ada yang kakak tau! ;)
5. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 2
c. she left the festival
semoga membantu
c.she left the festival
6. soal soal usbn mtk kls 6 2019 sd mi
KPK, FPB, bil bulat, perkalian, bilangan prima, pechn sederhana, dst...
7. soal bahasa inggris dan jawabannya smk kelas 10
Berikut ini adalah contoh soal Bahasa Inggris untuk SMK Kelas 10. Jawaban yang benar adalah jawaban yang digarisbawahi.
Perhatikan teks berikut!
Dear Sally,
Last holiday, my friends and I visited Ponorogo. Ponorogo is a small city in East Java province, but it is very natural and beautiful. We spent the night at a villa in Jetis. On the first day, we visited Prigi beach. We watched the amazing views of the sea and the beautiful white waves. We grilled fish and had something called “Nasi Pecel” for lunch. On the second day, we visited “Dongko” mountain resort. There were a lot of plants, especially clove trees. I love this city because the people are very friendly and the prices are cheap.
I’II send some pictures for you.
1. What kind of text is the text above?
A. Procedure text
B. Explanation text
C. Descriptive text
D. Narrative text
2. Why is the writer loves Ponorogo?
A. The people are rude
B. The prices are expensive
C. The food is tasty
D. The sea view is amazing
3. What does the text mainly tells the reader?
A. The "Dongko" mountain resort
B. The trip to Ponorogo
C. How to grill fish
D. The Prigi southern beach
Descriptive text merupakan jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang isinya bertujuan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu. Pada umumnya, descriptive text memiliki struktur yang terdiri dari identifikasi (gambaran umum) dan deskripsi (ciri-ciri khusus). Meskipun begitu, pada soal, teks deskriptif yang terdapat di atas ditulis dalam bentuk surat, sehingga tidak mengandung struktur khusus. Ada pun teks di atas mendeskripsikan sebuah pengalaman berkunjung seseorang yang bernama Anna ke Ponorogo.
Descriptive text memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:
Menggunakan attribute verb seperti "be".Menggunakan simple present tense.Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang contoh dari descriptive text tentang narrative textDetail jawabanKelas: 10
Mapel: B. Inggris
Bab: 4
Kode: 10.5.3
8. tolong bantu kerjain soal usbn smk pelajaran kejuruan akuntansi :(
Osc = outstanding check
DIT = Deposit in transit
No nya urut ya 14 sm 15
9. Soal usbn smk pelajaran ipa tahun 2018
Apa apaan emang bisa tau apa kalau kita (doraemon) baru
^ Ahlinya
10. Apa jawaban dari soal tabel activity 6 pelajaran bahasa inggris kls xii smk
gak punya saya bukunya :(
maaf hehe...
11. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 9
c.preparing for the competition
12. jawab gaesss...soal USBN TAHUN 2018-2019
A. tanaman padi, belalang , mujair , burung pipit , burung bangau
maaf kalo salah:)
13. Soal usbn penjaskes kelas XII smk tahun 2017/2018
pertanyaannya mana g0blok?
14. soal USBN kelas 9 bahasa inggris
susun kalimat
15. tolong bantu saya menjawab soal usbn smk 2018
B.A Missing Child
karena dari paragrafnya menjelaskan tentang ciri² seseorang + di kalimat awal ada kata "Missing"1. d. Playing Video Games
2. d. The writer and her younger sister
3. b. Missing Child
4. a. Rules for museum visitors
Semoga Membantu ^_^
16. Contoh soal essay usbn bbahasa inggris kelas 9 smp k13
tidak ada karena usbn yang ada essay nya itu baru tahun ini, tahun kemarin" tidak ada essaynya.Dari kisi2 nya sih paling ngebahas descriptive text terus tensis sama fictionous.
Itu juga sih kalo bener.
17. Anwar adalah .... Soal usbn 2018/2019
Chairil Anwar adalah seorang penyair legendaris.
Chairil Anwar dilahirkan di Medan, 26 Juli 1922 dan meninggal di Jakarta, 28 April 1949. Dia merupakan anak satu-satunya dari pasangan Teoloes dan Saleha, keduanya berasal dari Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kotam Sumatera barat. Dia dikenal sebagai "Si Binatang Jalang" dalam karyanya berjudul aku adalah pelopor Angkatan '45 yang menciptakan trend baru pemakaian kata dalam berpuisi yang terkesan sangat luas, solid dan kuat.
Dia sudah menulis 96 karya, termasuk 70 puisi. Nama Chairil mulai terkenal dalam dunia sastra setelah pemuatan puisinya yang berjudul Nisan pada tahun 1942. Puisi nya menyangkut berbagai tema, mulai dari pemberontakan, kematian, individualisme, dan eksistensialisme hingga multi-interpretasi.
Puisi terakhir Chairil berjudul Cemara Menderai Sampai Jauh, ditulis pada tahun 1949, sedangkan karyanya yang paling terkenal berjudul aku dan Karawang Bekasi. Semua tulisannya baik yang asli, maupun modifikasi, dikompilasi dalam tiga buku yang diterbitkan oleh Pustaka Rakyat. Kompilasi pertama berjudul Deru Campur Debu pada tahun 1949, kemudian disusul oleh Kerikil Tajam Yang Terampas dan Yang Putus pada tahun 1949, dan Tiga Menguak Takdir beserta kumpulan puisi dengan Asrul Sani dan Rivai Apin pada tahun 1950.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Materi tentang Biografi Chairil Anwar : tentang sikap Chairil Anwar : tentang puisi karya Chairil Anwar : Jawaban
Kelas : VIII (SMP)
Mapel : Bahasa Indonesia
Bab : Sastra
Kode : 8.1.1
Kata Kunci : Penyair
18. Soal USBN Geografi kelas 12 tahun 2019
tanyakan pada guru mu, pasti dia tau soal nya
19. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 7
Tell past event [menceritakan kejadian yg lalu]
soalnya pembahasaan pake past tense [Go-went] [are-were]
20. jawabannya apa ini soal latihan USBN SMK tahun kemarin
41) The Indonesian Archipelago is the largest group of islands in the world.
42) It symbolizes the unity of the people in spite of their ethnic and cultural origins.
43) It extends betweeen two continents, Asia and Australia. It also lies between two oceans the Samudera Indonesia and the Pacific Ocean.
21. Soal bahasa inggris dan jawabannya smk kelas 10
Choose the right statement !
1. The story tells us about….
a. Iwan’s journey
b. A bung lary at see
c. The case on board
d. a mysterious creature
e. an adventurous night
2. Why did Iwan Jump out of bed and try to get to the window ?
a. He knew that the window was open
b. He was rest less and could not sleep
c. He couldn’t see anything in the dark room
d. He was thrown violently across the room
e. He wanted to know where the cold the room
3. Which of the following did not frigten Iwan ?
a. something moving behind him
b. A sound unfamiliar to him
c. The violent moving of the ship
d. Finding somebody lying on his bed
e. Touching something smooth and wet
4. Which of the following statements is true according to the text ?
a. Iwan was waiting in the dark for the creature
b. Iwan wondered why the window was open
c. Seeing the window open, he immediately rain to close it
d. Iwan jumped out of bed because he heard something moving
e. Iwan had forgatten to fasten the window when he went to bed
5. From the text we may conclude that…
a. the creature reamined a mysterys
b. Iwan succeeded in catching the creature
c. Iwan didn’t dare to run after the creature
d. the creature tried very hard to catch Iwan
e. Iwan and the creature ran out the room together
6. Rendra has to take a part-time job during the vacation…
he will not be able to rent a house
a. besides c. otherwise e. nevertheless
b. therefore d. moreover
7. My sister, Siska has all her dresses made because…
a. she likes sewing
b. she is a dress maker
c. she cannot sew at all
d. she doesn’t have a good dressmaker
e. she can’t offord to pay dress-maker
8. This area is not suitable for farming because the soil is not……
a. fertile c. fertility e. fertilization
b. fertilize d. fertilizer
9. ‘May I go shopping with my friends, mom ?’
‘No, you…….stay in bed until you recover.
a. can c. might e. must
b. may d. could
10. ‘When do you want to have the parcels………to you hosue ?’
‘It’s better tomorrow morning’
a. deliver c. delivered e. be delivered
b. to deliver d. delivering
11. Which sentence is correct ?
a. Do you watch every Thursday evening the English program on television ?
b. Do you watch on television the English program every Thursday evening ?
c. Do you watch the English program every Thursday evening on television ?
d. Do you watch the English program on television every Thursday evening ?
e. Every Thursday evening do you watch the English program on television ?
12. I think Nuki is too young……an engineer
a. to be c. of being e. when he is
b. in being d. if he be
13. None of Rian’s class mates … his birthday party
a. are invited c. of being e. when he is
b. is invited d. if he be
14. The manager think Santi is a very …..secretary because she always does her work well
a. rely c. reliance e. reliability
b. reliably d. reliable
15. The article…..we got the Dita for our essay is written by
a. that c. from whom e. at which
b. which d. from which
16. We must avoid…..too much because it causes lung cancer
a. smoke c. smoking e. to be smoking
b. to smoke d. in smoking
17. The results of the test were…..not only the teacher but also the students
a. disapproint d. being disappointed
b. disappointed e. to be disappointed
c. disappointing
18. He has to try several times because he wants to be the winner
We can also say:……., he has to try several times
a. to be the winner
b. being the winner
c. wanting to be the winner
d. wants to be winner
e. be the winner
19. After the house….white it looked beautiful
a. to be painted d. has been painted
b. has painted e. had been painted
c. had painted
20. ‘You wouldn’t have won if I hadn’t help you’
That’s not true, I certainly…….
a. did c. had e. would
b. win d. done
21. As Rian left an hour ago, he should have arrived by now.
From the underlined words we may conclude that Rian…
a. are already here now
b. has not arrived yet
c. will probably arrive soon
d. has just arrived
e. would probably not arrive
22. I…….to his behaving so rudely toward his wife
a. regret c. object e. complain
b. dislike d. disagree
23. The boy is now delivering the packages to the customers
We can also say….
a. The customers are delivering the packages now
b. The customers are now delivered packages
c. The packages are now delivered by the boy
d. The packages are now delivered to the customers
e. The packages are now being delivered to the customers
24. Mother promises to buy me a new red gown….by a famous dressmaker
a. make c. made e. be made
b. makes d. is made
25. ‘Andi didn’t meet Santi when he visited her yesterday’
‘Oh she….for Bandung to see her parents
a. has left c. will leave e. would leave
Kunci B Inggris
1. D
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. E
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. A
14. D
15. D
16. C
17. C
18. C
19. E
20. A
21. B
22. C
23. E
24. C
25. B
22. tolong jawab soal bahasa inggris kelas 11 smk..1-10 plissssass jawab
Have to shows us that the obligation comes from somebody else. It’s a law or a rule and the speaker can’t change it.
Must shows us that the obligation comes from the speaker. It isn’t a law or a rule.
We use don’t have to to show that there is no obligation.
mustn’t is used to show that something is prohibited – it is not allowed.
1. does she have to leave?
2. have to
3. have to
4. don't have to
5. mustn't
6. mustn't
7. doesn't have to
8. doesn't have to
9. don't have to
10. he have to go there
23. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMK Tolong di jawabkan Please
1. Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
2. Generic Structure of Procedure Text:
Goals/ Purpose : It is containt the purpose of the text.Material and tools : it is containt of the materials that used in the process.Steps /methods : it is containt of the steps to make something in the goal.3. The purpose of procedure text:
To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something through a sequence of actions or steps.To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something4. HOW TO MAKE A COFFEE
2 spoons of sugarone spoon of coffee powderhot watera cupa spoonSTEPS :
1. Prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, one spoon of coffee powder, a spoon.
2. Put one spoon of coffee powder into the cup.
3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
4. Add 2 spoons of sugar into a cup of coffee
5. Stir it well and the hot coffee is ready to drink.
24. Jawaban nomor. 43 dalam detik detik soal try out 2 usbn sd/ mi bahasa indonesia 2018/2019 adalah
2) - 4) - 6) - 7) - 3) - 9) - 5) - 8) - 1)
Semoga membantu!
25. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 15
Jawabannya D yaitu Lindsay's got her popularity
26. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 5
to join cooking competition
semoga membantu
c. to join a cooking competition
terlihat pada kalimat pertama yaitu " Rina went to a cooking festival in the morning to join the cooking competition "
( to join a cooking competition artinya adalah : untuk mengikuti kompetisi memasak )
27. soal soal uraian USBN IPS 2019/2020
maaf adanya 2018/2019
28. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 3
to describe past events that happened to Rina
29. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 13
because the question is earliest career, which in Indonesia means "Karir pertama"
Ada di kalimat ke 2 paragraf. Logan started in show business as a child fashion model
30. Contoh soal caption bahasa inggris klas 12 smk
'process is a precious'
what your opinion about that caption?
like that?
31. contoh postcard dalam bahasa inggris untuk smk
Hi Jules,
How are you? I hope you are doing absolutely fantastic! Me and my family are in Bali on holiday. The weather is great here. Can we come and see you in September? Please write or call, tell us.
Love from Frank
32. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 4
C. Upset
Maaf jika salah ㅇㅅㅇ
33. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 1
a.Brahmana,syiwa,and wisnu temples
'cause the answer is on the second paragraph
34. soal usbn ips 2019 essay dan pg
nggak tau coba tanya sama anggota dinas pendidikan mungkin fia bisa bantu
soalnya susah intinya belajar yang kls 7 dan 9 itu yg paling byk keluar kls 8 cuma sedikit
35. cara menjawab soal preposisi bahasa inggris smk. nomor 46 tsb bagaimana saya masih agak bingung
46 . kalau menurut saya jawabannya "because"jawabannya for karena setelah itu adalah noun
perposisi ada for, of, with, without
itu menurutku
36. Jawaban dan soal dari buku paket bahasa inggris sma/smk hal 54 tentang tanjung puting
Soalnya gimana ya kak?
37. contoh soal kalimat positif negatif dan introgatif. soal bahasa inggris kelas 10 smk
+ You like studying.
- You don't like studying.
? Do you like studying?+ he will play football everytuesday
- he won't play football everytuesday
? will he play football everytuesday?
38. Soal usbn penjaskes smk
coba searcing di google aja saya juga lagi uasbn soalnya hehee..
39. teman teman di jawab yh nomer 10 makasih itu soal usbn 2019
D) 28 : 12
= 7 : 3
Karena Dibagi 4
jawaban C. 3 : 7
sama sama dibagi 4 jadi hasil perbandingannya 3:7
40. Tulis contoh soal usbn agama katolik SD 2019!!!!!!!!!!!
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