⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 11
1. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 11
C. A fashion modelPenjelasan:
Semoga membantu
2. - No: 1 dan 2- Soal Bahasa inggris - Kelas: 11 SMK- Tolong bantuannya
Yang pertama B.Would you mind if i turn on the fan?
kedua C.That's a good idea
Semoga Membantu=)
Maaf kalo salah
Marta : it’s very hot here, would you mind if I turn on the fan?Sinta : sure. No problem.
Jenni : shall we have a picnic to Yogyakarta this weekend?
Tiara : I’m sorry, I can’t I’m sure we’ll have some fun there.
1. B. Would you mind if I turn on the fan?
2. B. I’m sorry I can’t
Maaf jika ada yang salah :(
No. 2 agak bingung :(
3. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMK Tolong di jawabkan Please
1. Procedure Text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
2. Generic Structure of Procedure Text:
Goals/ Purpose : It is containt the purpose of the text.Material and tools : it is containt of the materials that used in the process.Steps /methods : it is containt of the steps to make something in the goal.3. The purpose of procedure text:
To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something through a sequence of actions or steps.To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something4. HOW TO MAKE A COFFEE
2 spoons of sugarone spoon of coffee powderhot watera cupa spoonSTEPS :
1. Prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, one spoon of coffee powder, a spoon.
2. Put one spoon of coffee powder into the cup.
3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
4. Add 2 spoons of sugar into a cup of coffee
5. Stir it well and the hot coffee is ready to drink.
4. - No: 5- Soal Bahasa inggris - Kelas: 11 SMK- Tolong bantuannya- Ada di gambar atas.
semoga membantu ya....
jangan lupa follow
A. Suggesting
5. Soal : 13 Mapel: Bahasa inggris Kelas : 11 SMK Soal ada di gambar atas. Tolong bantuannya kak....
D. Kevin Agreed With Jordan's Opinion.
Kalo A kan Jordan suka perkataan Kevin.
Kalo B kan Jordan memperingatkan Kevin untuk ga sakitin si Lina.
Kalo C kan Perkataan Kevin menyakiti si Jordan
pertanyaannya Kalo bhs Indo ni:
Aku pikir kamu telah menyakiti Lina dengan kata kata kamu
Yaa menurutku sih D karena si Kevin setuju dengan pendapat Jordan...
Answered By FactorHigher
B. Jordan warned Kevin not to hurt Linasemoga membantu yaa
6. bahasa inggris kelas 11 smk
class 11 smk
maaf kalau salah
7. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 8
because wisnu temple was being repaired
(karena candi wisnu sedang diperbaiki)
B. because Wisnu temple is being repaired
Pada teksnya sudah tertulis bahwa "Wisnu temple is being renovated"
restore (something old, especially a building) to a good state of repair.
Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa "repaired" bisa disamakan dengan "renovated"
8. - No: 9 - Soal Bahasa inggris - Kelas: 11 SMK - Tolong bantuannya
D.I'll have an appointed at the same time
9. Soal : 14Mapel: Bahasa inggris Kelas : 11 SMK Soal ada di gambar atas. Tolong bantuannya kak....
C. uncertain
cmiiw, semoga membantu
10. Soal : 11 dan 12Mapel: Bahasa inggris Kelas : 11 SMK Soal ada di gambar atas. Tolong bantuannya kak....
11. D (in my opinion)
12. C (giving an opinion)
11. D. In my opinion
12. C. Giving an opinion
semoga membantu^^
11. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 13
because the question is earliest career, which in Indonesia means "Karir pertama"
Ada di kalimat ke 2 paragraf. Logan started in show business as a child fashion model
12. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 1
a.Brahmana,syiwa,and wisnu temples
'cause the answer is on the second paragraph
13. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 5
to join cooking competition
semoga membantu
c. to join a cooking competition
terlihat pada kalimat pertama yaitu " Rina went to a cooking festival in the morning to join the cooking competition "
( to join a cooking competition artinya adalah : untuk mengikuti kompetisi memasak )
14. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 4
C. Upset
Maaf jika salah ㅇㅅㅇ
15. contoh soal kalimat positif negatif dan introgatif. soal bahasa inggris kelas 10 smk
+ You like studying.
- You don't like studying.
? Do you like studying?+ he will play football everytuesday
- he won't play football everytuesday
? will he play football everytuesday?
16. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 2
c. she left the festival
semoga membantu
c.she left the festival
17. tolong jawab soal bahasa inggris kelas 11 smk..1-10 plissssass jawab
Have to shows us that the obligation comes from somebody else. It’s a law or a rule and the speaker can’t change it.
Must shows us that the obligation comes from the speaker. It isn’t a law or a rule.
We use don’t have to to show that there is no obligation.
mustn’t is used to show that something is prohibited – it is not allowed.
1. does she have to leave?
2. have to
3. have to
4. don't have to
5. mustn't
6. mustn't
7. doesn't have to
8. doesn't have to
9. don't have to
10. he have to go there
18. Good morning - No: 7- soal: Bahasa inggris- Kelas: 11 SMK - Ada di gambar atasTerimakasih
"May i know who is this?"
Semoga membantu! :D
di sini beberapa ekspresi menunjukkan situasi informal melalui telepon kecuali bolehkah saya tahu siapa ini
19. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 15
Jawabannya D yaitu Lindsay's got her popularity
20. ada yang tau ga?bahasa inggris kelas 11 SMK
1. The new building was built last month.
2. The museum was visited by Putri and Amar last morning.
3. Fried banana was cooked for Alvin by my mother.
4. Gilang is being called by Cici right now.
5. Next month, new present will be bought by Diary for her mother.
formula passive voice
Object + to be(corresponding to the tense used) + verb3 + by subject(optional) + other specifications (e.g=for subject2), also optional + time particle (optional)
The other specifications and time particle can be placed at the end or at the beginning of the passive sentence. diimbangin aja, jangan semuanya taruh di akhir atau di awal.
smoga membantu ^^
21. Good morning - No: 5- soal: Bahasa inggris- Kelas: 11 SMK - Ada di gambar atasTerimakasih
at hotel
ya di hotell. ada kok di teks nya
22. - No: 10 - Soal Bahasa inggris - Kelas: 11 SMK - Tolong bantuannya- keterangan "yang saya jawab itu belum tentu benar".
Jawaban :
A. Displeasure
Penjelasan :
A. Displeasure = ketidaksenangan
B. Happiness = senang/bahagia
C. Satisfaction = kepuasan
D. Doubt = ragu
didalam dialog menjelaskan kalau Iwan tidak lulus dalam test. Diandra menyatakan bahwa dia telah menasehati Iwan untuk tidak terlalu banyak bermain game online tandanya ekspresi yang dibuat oleh Diandra adalah tidak senang.
KALAU SALAH SAYA MINTA MAAF.23. - No: 2 - Soal Bahasa inggris - Kelas: 11 SMK - Tolong bantuannya- Ada di gambar atas
jawabannya c.that's good idea
jadi jawaban tercerdas
24. Soal : 1 dan 2Mapel: Bahasa inggris Kelas : 11 SMK Tolong bantuannya kak....
1. D. would you like to
2. A. how about
25. - No: 3 - 4- Soal Bahasa inggris - Kelas: 11 SMK - Tolong bantuannya- Ada di gambar atas.
D. Would you like me to get you
C. Offer help
semoga membantu
26. ada yg punya contoh soal uas semester 1 bahasa inggris buat smk kelas 10 ngga? kalo ada link atau file tolong yang punya dan yang mau, bagi, makasih,
Ulangan bahasa inggris kelas 10 mah paling jg tentang Tenses sama introduction bro
27. - No: 7 - Soal Bahasa inggris - Kelas: 11 SMK - Tolong bantuannya- Ada di gambar atas.
b. giving suggestion
translate: tinggalkan disana, dekat pagar
semoga membantu
28. bahasa inggris kelas 11 smk dibantu ya
1. Silvia and Dian enjoys swimming
2. she not only wants to buy shoes but also she wants to buy trousers
3. he not also doesn't lend me his pen, but also he doesn't lend me his pencil
4. you can have breakfast and lunch
5.not only her roommates but also her parents don't know where she isBoth Silvia and Dian enjoy swimming
She wants to buy either shoes or trousers
He doesn't lend me neither pen nor pencil
Not only you can have breakfast, but also lunc
Both her roommates and her parents don't know where she is
29. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 6
On Friday Evening
karena dia bilang on friday morning we went to yogya kraton,truss mereka pergi keborobudur, teruss in the evening we left for jakarta by wisata bus.
left itu berarti meninggalkan
jadi mereka pulang di hari jumat sore
On Friday Evening
Maaf ya kalo salah , soalnya aku masih Smp
Maaf ya kak
30. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 9
c.preparing for the competition
31. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 7
Tell past event [menceritakan kejadian yg lalu]
soalnya pembahasaan pake past tense [Go-went] [are-were]
32. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 3
to describe past events that happened to Rina
33. - No: 8 - Soal Bahasa inggris - Kelas: 11 SMK - Tolong bantuannya- gambar ada di atas
jawabannya (A)
semoga membantu
a. how about going to the fine art exhibition tomorrow
34. bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMK
4. d. agreement
5. a. suggestion
6. d. agreement
4. D. Agreement
Kikin : Do you agree with this idea?
* Kikin : Apakah anda setuju dengan ide ini?
-> Dari kalimat tersebut kita mengetahui bahwa Kikin sedang menanyakan apakah rini setuju/sepakat dengan ide yang diberikan.
Agreement = Persetujuan/Kesepakatan.
5. A. Suggestion
Disha : Why don't we swim together this afternoon?
* Disha : Mengapa kita tidak berenang bersama nanti siang?
-> Dari kalimat tersebut Disha sedang memberikan saran untuk berenang bersama Tari.
Suggestion = Saran
6. D. Disagreement
I disagree with your idea.
* Saya tidak setuju dengan ide anda.
Disagreement = Tidak sepakat/Tidak setuju
35. tugas bahasa inggris kelas 2 smk TASK 11
2. RC
3. MC
5. RC
6. RC
7. MC
8. MC
14. RC
36. bahasa inggris kelas 10 smk semester 2...dimohon cepat ya.
1. she has finished cleaning and washing
2. she wears an apron
3. grandmother
4. she has just finishing cooking
5. grandmother has always liked to watch a bird
semoga bermanfaat. semangat belajar nya. jgn lupa jadiin jawaban terbaik yaa:)
37. - No: 6 - Soal Bahasa inggris - Kelas: 11 SMK - Tolong bantuannya - Ada di gambar
D. sounds great, why not?
(sorry kalau kurang tepat)
Sounds great,Why not?
Smoga membantu:)
38. materi pelajaran smk kelas 11 semester 1
materi matematika smk kelas 11 semester 1/2:
bab 1 :rumus dan perbandingan trigonometri
bab 2: relasi dan fungsi
bab 3: barisan dan deret
bab 4: geometri dimensi 2
bab 5: geometri dimensi 3
bab 6: vektor bidang datar dan bangun ruang
39. Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 Kelas 12 Semester 1.
Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK Kelas 12 Semester 1
Read carefully and choose the best answer between a, b, c, d, or e!
1. .......... get you a drink?
a. Would you
b. Why don't you
c. Can I
d. I'll do
e. How about
2. Jeno: “ I am so thirsty.”
Jaemin: .......... get you something to drink?
a. How about
b. What about
c. Why don't
d. Can I
e. I'll do
3. .......... like me to clean your car?
a. How about
b. Let's
c. Would you
d. I think
e. Why don't you
4. Jimin : Hello, .......... the music down, please? It’s one o’clock and I’m trying to sleep.
Taehyung : Oh, sorry. Is that better?
Jimin : Yes, Thanks . Perhaps I can get some sleep now. Good night.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Can you throw
b. Can you destroy
c. Can you turn
d. Don't make
e. I really hate
5. You would like someone to take a photo of you in front of a famous monument. Making a polite request for this situation.
a. Hey! take some photos of me
b. Can you take a picture for me
c. Can I take your picture, please
d. Could you take some pictures of me
e. Would I take some pictures of you
The text below is for question 6 – 9
The Lion and The Mouse
Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and open his big jaws to swallow him.
“Pardon, O king,” cried the little mouse, “Forgive me this time, I shall never forget it; perhaps I may be able to do you a good turn some of these days.”
The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then, he lifted up his paw and let him go.
Sometime after, the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters, who wanted to carry him alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in. Just then, the little mouse happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bounded the king of the beasts. Soon after the little mouse had finished gnawing away the ropes, he asked the lion to run away.
6. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To entertain the readers
b. To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case
c. To inform the readers about the events of the day which are considered newsworthy
d. To explain something
e. To present at least two points of view about an issue
7. What is the moral value of the text?
a. Don’t look at someone because of his clothes
b. It is best for prepare for the days of necessity
c. Common people may prove great ones
d. United we stand, divided we fall
e. Honestly begins at home
8. Paragraph three mainly tells us that ..........
a. The little mouse asked for forgiveness
b. The hunters carried the lion alive to the King
c. The lion was tied to a tree by the hunters
d. The little mouse could prove that he could help the lion
e. From the first, the lion believed in what the little mouse said
e. be stolen
9. What did the little mouse do to prove his words?
a. He would never forget the lion
b. He tried hard to help the lion free
c. He ran up and down upon the lion
d. He asked for apology to the king of the beast
e. He tied the lion to the tree so that the hunters could carry him
10. Sam : I think what you did was wrong, David
David : ..........
a. I know. It was a mistake. I am so sorry
b. Sorry i did not have any more
c. I forget to take my wallet
d. I’m sorry. But I’m using it right now
e. Could it be you again who did it
40. ⏺️soal bahasa inggris⏺️Kelas= 1 smk⏺️Tolong bantuannya⏺️Soal ke 10
there is a recount text