Kumpulan Soal Reading Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kumpulan Soal Reading Dalam Bahasa Inggris

soal reading bahasa inggris beserta jawabannya

Daftar Isi

1. soal reading bahasa inggris beserta jawabannya

1.Stalagmites are formed by …

(A) drops of water which enter through cracks in the ceiling.

(B) underground rivers which flow through the cave.

(C) water dripping from an overhead stalactite.

(D) water which trickles down a slope.

Jawaban : (C) water dripping from an overhead stalactite.

2. Sinkholes are …

(A) the decorative dripstone features found in caves.

(B) natural openings on the surface that lead to caves.

(C) colorful layers of mineral deposits.

(D) None of the above

Jawaban : (B) natural openings on the surface that lead to caves.

3. Which speleothem grows upward from the floor?

(A) Stalagmites

(B) Stalactites

(C) Sinkholes

(D) Curtains

Jawaban : (A) Stalagmites

4. An “inclined ceiling” is one which …

(A) is straight.

(B) is crooked.

(C) is slanted.

(D) is wet.

Jawaban : (C) is slanted.

5. Which of the following are NOT caused by dripping water?

(A) Stalactites

(B) Stalagmites

(C) Slopes

(D) Curtains

Jawaban : (C) Slopes

6. The information in the passage is most relevant to which field of study?

(A) Geography

(B) Archaeology

(C) Physics

(D) Geology

Jawaban : (D) Geology

7. “ Curtains” can also be called …

(A) column.

(B) draperies.

(C) stalagmites.

(D) rims.

Jawaban : (B) draperies.

8. The word speleothem comes from which language?

(A) Latin

(B) French

(C) Greek

(D) English

Jawaban : (C) Greek

9. Stalagmites are formed by …

(A) drops of water which enter the cave through cracks in the ceiling.

(B) underground rivers which flow through the cave.

(C) water which seeps through the cave floor.

(D) water which trickles down a slope.

Jawaban : (A) drops of water which enter the cave through cracks in the ceiling.

10. Which speleothem hangs from the ceiling of a cave?

(A) Stalagmites

(B) Stalactites

(C) Columns

(D) Rimstones

Jawaban : (B) Stalactites

2. soal reading text bahasa inggris sma dan jawabannya

baca text reading text..... tidak ada soalan ya kak

3. Soal bahasa Inggris tentang Reading text... mohon bantuannya ​


1. One of big problem that is faced by smart phone and tabet users is the shortage of battery life.

2. The updating procces needs a lot of energy and it will also drain your battery.

3. When you have internet connection,your smart phone will automaticly update applications.

4. We can switch our email settings from "push" to "fetch".

5. You can turn off the notification to save juice and go to "Settings" and select "Notification Centre ".

Maaf kalo salah

4. apa perbedaan penggunaan kata ing dan ed dalam soal reading bahasa inggris?

akhiran ing biasa digunakan untuk menunjukan kata kerja yg sedang dilakukan, sedangkan akhiran ed digunakan untuk menunjukkan kata kerja yang telah dilakukan.
V-ing merupakan ciri ciri dari continous tense yang menerangkan sesuatu yang sedang dilakukan
seperti present continous tense(s+to be+v ing)
past continous tense(s+was/were+been+v ing)
perfect continous tense(s+has/have+been+v ing)
future continous(s+shall/will+be+v ing)

v2 merupakan ciri ciri dari past tense yang menerangka kata kerja yang telah dilakukan
seperti simple past=s+v2

5. Tips atau cara mengerjakan soal reading text bahasa Inggris​

Jawaban:menggunakan youtube


6. activity 1 : Reading Comprehension kelas 12 Bahasa dan sastra inggris ​


Find the meaning of the following words!

a. Threat (N): An expression of intent to injure or punish another.

b. Interfere (V): To get involved or involve oneself, causing disturbance.

c. Convey (V); To move (something) from one place to another

d. Subtle (Adj.): Hard to grasp; not obvious or easily understood; barely noticeable.

e. Race (N): A contest between people, animals, vehicles, etc. where the goal is to be the first to reach some objective

f. Heritage (N): An inheritance; property that may be inherited.


What are they discussing?

They are discussing about English as a global language.

Do most speakers agree with Max's opinion?

Yes, they do.

What is the conclusion of their discussion?

English is important because it is a global language that we need to communicate with people. English is also useful when we visit other countries. We cannot forget our own language because it is the way to maintain our culture heritage.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai conjunction showing contrast and contrary pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3954972


7. reading tema bebas dalam bahasa inggris​

free reading friends

maaf kalo salah

파크 리타

8. Bahasa Inggris• READING and Writing


kurang jelas fotoin nya kak. bolh kn foto ulng. agar saya bisa menjawab nya


jadikan jwbmu yg tercerdas

9. Apa kebalikan bahasa inggris was aisyah reading yesterday

Q : Was Aisyah reading yesterday?

A : Yesterday, Aisyah was reading

Maaf klo slh

10. tolong bantu saya menjawab soal bahasa inggris yg teks 3 dan reading

Taks 3
1. Wipe the window
2. Water the flower
3. Kurang jelas gambarnya
4.Kurang jelas juga
5.Kurang jelas juga T^T
yang reading itu yang bisa dikerjain task 2. tak 1 nya itu procedure teks
1. wipe the window
2. watering the flower
3. drink tea / coffee
4. fix the bycycle
5. take some book

11. pembahasaan asli soal listening section dan reading section UN Bahasa Inggris SMA 2012 serta jawabannya pembahasan

Soalnya mana? Maksudnya gmna?

12. bantu kak bahasa inggris reading angkanya msih acak di suruh ngurutin

4-3-2-1-5 .Alasannya 4 adalah cara yang paling pertama dia memberitahu kenapa sangat penting untuk membersihkan sepatu ketika tidak memiliki sabun. Lalu 3 adalah cara kedua yaitu mencampurkan baking soda dan deterjen dengan baik lalu yang ke 2 disuruh bersihkan hingga area sepatu bersih lalu yang ke 1 keringkan sepatunya dan yang ke 5 ada kata "Finally".Tips mengetahui urutan:Setiap urutan dengan menggunakan kata "Finally" ini adalah urutan yang paling akhir sedangkan kalau kata "First" ini adalah urutan yang paling pertama

13. Apa saja tips yang mampu membuat kita lancar dalam bahasa inggris baik dalam speaking, reading, listening dan writing?

dengan membiasakannya
kalau mau speaking yang baik baca, pahami, dan praktekkan kata yg ada di pronouncing dictionary
untuk belajar pengucapan yg benar karena selama in kita pake yang salah
Saya coba bantu jawab ya :) ini merupakan persepsi atau pandangan diri saya pribadi karena metode pembelajaran setiap orang berbeda" :) 

Bagi saya, kuncinya yaitu terus latihan dan terus mencoba. Terus asah kemampuan kamu untuk berani berbicara dengan bahasa inggris dengan teman yang mahir, menonton siaran acara atau film dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris dan membaca artikel" atau buku cerita berbahasa inggris. Salah itu wajar, yang terpenting jgn malu dan terus mencoba :) Ada baiknya untuk ikut les bahasa inggris untuk meningkatkan skill kamu :)

14. reading tema corona dalam bahasa inggris​


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).

At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become available.

15. Contoh dialog dalam bahasa inggris yg mengandung kata reading

my mom is reading a newspaper

16. 10 dialog bahasa inggris tentang kesukaan dalam hobi " Tentang hobi membaca / reading "​


a: hello ! may i ask what's your hobby? we're doing a list.

b:yes, my hobby is reading books

a: oh Really!? it's my first time i found someone who have the same hobby as me

b: you like reading too?

a: yup

b: what's your favorite author?

a:i love reading JK rowlings

b: ooh i love thag too

a:oh, i got to go my class is starting let's talk later

b:okay byee

17. contoh reading comprehension dalam buku bahasa Inggris


The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society, or to draw attention to the importance of precise timekeeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at daybreak and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of day. The value of this tradition is today more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic: the massive daily transfers of goods, services, and information would proceed in fits and starts; the very fabric of modem society would begin to unravel.

18. reading comprehension dalam bahasa inggris

Reading comprehension memiliki arti pemahaman membaca. 

Soal-soal yg berdasarkan pada kisi-kisi "reading comprehension" biasanya berupa text dan diikuti dengan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan teks tersebut.

19. Pembukaan dalam bahasa inggris news reading singkat!

Good morning viewers, with me, hilda14 and we're going to uncover another mystery in our favorite program, The Breaking News!

20. Buat dulu kalimat tentang dancing,colectingstamps,reading,swimming,singing dalan bahasa inggris

octa is dancing on the stage with bruno mars.
my new hobby is collecting stamp from traditional market

21. susun lah soal bahasa Inggris sister-a- library- my-in-reading-the-is-book​


my sister is reading a book in the library



22. Judul skripsi bahasa inggris tentang reading yang mudah?

reading the book for children judul skripsi yg pas

23. jawaban post reading activity vanity and pride bahasa inggris lengkap

maksudnya apa?.............

24. bagaimana cara mengerjakan bahasa Inggris judulnya reading atau membaca​


Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk mengerjakan reading atau membaca dalam bahasa Inggris:

1. Baca judul atau topik dengan teliti - pastikan bahwa Anda mengerti apa yang akan dibahas dalam teks tersebut.

2. Baca teks secara keseluruhan - ini akan membantu Anda memahami gambaran besar tentang apa yang akan dibahas dalam teks.

3. Baca teks lagi dengan lebih teliti - kali ini, cari informasi lebih detail mengenai topik yang dibahas dalam teks.

4. Buat catatan - setiap kali menemukan informasi penting, buatlah catatan atau coret-coret di samping teks tersebut agar lebih mudah untuk dikembalikan nanti.

5. Cari pemahaman dari konteks - jika terdapat kata atau frasa yang tidak Anda mengerti, coba cari tahu artinya dengan melihat konteks kalimat atau mencari definisi di kamus.

6. Cari informasi terkait - setelah selesai membaca, jangan lupa untuk mencari informasi tambahan mengenai topik yang dibahas dalam teks tersebut.

7. Latih kecepatan membaca - teruslah berlatih untuk meningkatkan kecepatan membaca Anda sehingga Anda dapat membaca teks dalam waktu yang lebih singkat tanpa kehilangan pemahaman terhadap isi teks.

Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah tersebut, Anda akan dapat mengerjakan reading atau membaca dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lebih efektif dan efisien.

25. Tuliskan 10 Defenisi further reading menurut para ahli. dalam bahasa inggris

1. According to Indonesian Dictionary, the definition of reading is to see and understand the contents, can be with or in your own thoughs.

2. According to Mr.Hodgson published 1960 pages 43-44, the definition of reading is the process undertaken by the readers to get the message, which will be delivered from the author with the mediator of the media words and written language. When explicit and implicit messages can be understood, the process of reading will be well executed.

3. Demanded Mr. Finochiaro and Bonomo published 1973 pages 119, the definition of reading is to take and understand a meaning and meaning contained in the written language.

4. According to Mr.Lado published in 1976 page 132, the definition of reading is to understand from the patterns or grammar of the picture written.

5. According to Mr.Gorys
Keraf published in 1996 page 24, the definition of reading is a complete process among other activities that contain physical and mental elements. Therefore, reading can also be interpreted as a process of giving meaning to visual symbols.

6. According to Mr. Fredick Mc Donald in Burns published in 1996 page 8, the definition of reading is a series of complete responses, which include attitude, cognitive, and manipulative responses. Definitions Reading can be divided into sub skills, including sensory; perception; sequence; experience; think; learn; association; affective; and constructive. According to Fredick, reading activity can occur when several sub skills are done together on a unified overall.

7. According to Mr.Kolker 1983 page 3, the definition of reading is the process of communication between the reader and the author with the language of writing. The origin of this reading according to Mr. Kolker there are three things, namely, cognitive, affective and language. A cognitive behavior refers to thinking, affective behavior refers to feeling, and the behavior of language refers to the language of the child.

8. According to Mr.Tampubalon published in 1987 page 6, states that the written language contains an idea / thoughts, so that in understanding the language of writing with the method of reading as cognitive processes or reasoning. Therefore, it is said that the definition of reading is a way to be able to coaching the power of reason.

9. According to Mr.Smith in the 2005 book Mr.Ginting, reading is a process that builds a comprehension of written essence (text).

10. According to Mr.Juel in the 2005 book of Mr.Sandjaja, reading is the process of getting to know a few words and integrating them into words into sentences and reading structures. Therefore, after reading can make the essence of the reading.

Some definitions of reading from the experts above can be concluded that reading is a process of understanding and taking the meaning of a word, ideas, ideas, concepts, and information that has been put forward by the author on the form of writing. Immediately read because by reading, your knowledge will increase. Reading materials to read it many sources, can be from textbooks, magazines, newspapers, and many more.

26. percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang book Reading​


saya belum pernah bahasa inggris kak jadi daktahu


maaf y

27. bahasa inggris reading buat no .5 makasih

5. because they can create their own jobs without waiting from the goverment to decrease buden of goverment and poverty in social life.

28. cara membaca reading skill Grade 1 dalam bahasa inggris

trying to understand the words and sentences on his reading skill book, by improving the verbs of the English word Verb
sorry if wrong ......

29. bantu kak bahasa inggris reading

translate dlu cerita yg d'atas br jwb soalny

30. Soal Bahasa inggrishal 8-9Reading took 1-2Writong tos 3-4ince​


gimana ya ini?hehe

kok gitu

31. Mohon di jawab nilai kkm bahasa inggris reading sma berapa


please answer how many kkm in englis are you reading

32. contoh reading bahasa inggris​


Quite a while prior there was a shrewd individual called Abu Nawas. He was so celebrated in light of the fact that his virtuoso thoughts when tackling issues. One day, Lord Ridwan, the King of Alabasta where Abu Nawas lived reported that there would be a rival and the champ will get an extraordinary prize. He tested the greater part of the members to full a room by anything they needed to fill in one day. Abu Nawas was intrigued and went along with it on the grounds that he could impart the prizes to vagrants. He was a kind and accommodating individual.

The day of rivalry began. The main hopeful attempted to fill the room by sand, lamentably he couldn’t complete it on the grounds that he was so drained conveying so much sand. At that point the following contender attempted to fill it with water, sadly, the water was dependably insufficient in light of the fact that the floor assimilated it and there were an excessive amount of gaps in the room. The opposition proceeded with and there was nobody could complete it. There were such a variety of competitors got befuddled and surrendered in light of the fact that the test was so difficult.

At last, his swing came to him. He just brought a flame that made numerous individuals giggled at him in light of the fact that he just brought it. They thought Abu Nawas was insane in light of the fact that a candle couldn’t fill the room until full. He simply grinned at them and when he was in the room, he simply take a seat and begin to light the flame. At that point he shut the room and said that the room was loaded with light. The Lord grinned at him and felt fulfilled. He merited the prize and after that he declared to share it to the vagrants when he got it. The individuals hollered and applauded conceding his cleverness and generosity.


1. Which of the accompanying would be the best title?

a. Abu Nawas and the Pirates

b. Abu Nawas and the King

c. Abu Nawas and his candle

d. Abu Nawas and the vagrants

33. bagaimana membuat lessonplan bahasa inggris kelas x tentang reading comprehension

first, you can give a pre-story about what the students study
second, give time for student for read the text
third, point two or three students for read loudly..comprehend their pronounciation and spelling
fourth, in pair, students answer the understanding lesson with short question..check their answer for grammar
finally, give the students task invidually about the text..
you can give language features..the expression or generic structure for the tasks..

good luck miss badarsholihah..
sorry if am wrong :)

34. tolong yang jago bahasa inggris bagian c. reading

1 ) B
2) A
3) D
cuma yang C aja kan ?!
tapi lain kali kalau soal cerita ceritanya agak dikeliatankan soalnya agak kurang jelas

35. bahasa inggris reading jawab no 3 dan 4 isiin alasan ya

3. Adib thinks that the unemployed people shouldn't wait for the government to provide jobs for them. He thinks that they should create their own jobs, because poverty is complex and the government can only do so much. (Jawaban diambil dari baris ke-9 dan baris ke-7. Alasan dari baris ke-4 yang dikembangkan.)

4. Entrepreneurship is creating jobs for yourself, like opening a restaurant. (Jawaban diambil dari respon Ayu di baris ke-8 terhadap pernyataan Adib di baris ke-7)

36. Bahasa Inggris nya Reading


reading itu sudah menjadi bahasa inggris..

klo b indo nya .. membaca

37. Dalam belajar bahasa inggris, metode listening atau reading yang paling ampuh ? apa alasannya ?

reading sih,kalo reading kan otomatis kalian membaca dan akan mempengaruhi latihan speaking kalo listening kan cuma mendengar aja :)menurut saya, kedua-duanya ampuh karena dengan membaca dan menulis kita dapat cepat menghapal bahasa inggris. Dengan menulis, kita dappat tau bagaimana tulisan yang akan kita hapal, dan dengan mendengar kita dapat mengetahui cara berbicara bahas inggris dengan benar

semoga membantu :)

38. soal dan jawaban reading text dalam bahas inggris

holiday to grandmother house

last week, i went to my grandmother house with my family, the air is so fresh and cool in my grandmother house, there is a garden in my grandmother house, in the garden there is so many flowers like orchid, rose, sunflower, and jasmine flower, and so many fruit trees like orange trees, durian trees, mango trees, and jackfruit trees, there is a lake near the garden, i like to fishing there

question :
1.when do the writter went to grandmother house?
2.with who the writter went to grandmother house?
3.how is the air on the grandmother house?
4.how many flower in the garden at grandmother house?
5.what do the writter like to do in the lake?

answer :
1.last week
2.with the writter familly
3.it is fresh and cool
4.4 flower (orchid, rose, sunflower, and jasmine flower)
5.the writter like to fishing in the lake

itu kayaknya maaf kalo salah

39. Contoh Praktek Bahasa Inggris Reading

contohnya yaitu dengan mambaca recaun textDENGAN MEMBACA SEJUMLAH ARTIKEL2 YANG ADA

40. please. BUATKAN 50 soal LISTENING AND READING bahasa inggris kelas X DAN XI semester genap

Kumpulnya kapan? banyak amat

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