contoh soal news item
1. contoh soal news item
I. Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, r or e. Text 1
Bridge breaks in Central Java, killing 5 people and injuring 29 othersA footbridge packed with tourists broke at a mountainous resort on Java Island Wednesday, killing five people and injuring 29 after they plunged into a rocky riverbed, police and tourist officials said. The victims were evacuated to three nearby hospitals, said Surono, an employee at the Baturaden resort in Central Java province, adding that they fell more than 20 meters (yards) after one of the steel cables holding the small bridge snapped. Local police chief Emron Putra Agung said five people were killed and 29 injured. The accident occurred as the country enjoys a weeklong holiday marking the end of the Islamic month Ramadan, when people traditionally flock to holiday sites. Baturaden, located 300 kilometers (190 miles) east of the capital Jakarta, is one of the most popular resorts on the slopes of Mount Slamet (3,428 meters, 11,246 feet), Java's second-highest peak.
1. Some local tourist were killed and injured in Baturaden when ….a. they were swimming in the river.b. they were enjoying the landscape on the small bridge.c. they were in the riverbed.d. they were climbing Mount Slamet, Central Java.e. they were swinging on the small bridge over the rocky river.
2. The footbridge in Baturaden broke because ….a. it couldn’t afford supporting overload.b. it had been too old to walk on.c. it had not been used for long time.d. it lied on the slope of Mount Slamet.e. it was used to evacuate the victims.
2. teks news item beserta soal dan jawabannya
BaghdadThis text is for questions 25 to 27.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Six U.S. soldiers were killed by a blast north of Baghdad on Monday, the U.S. military said on Tuesday, in one of the single deadliest ground attacks against American forces in Iraq in months.
Three other soldiers were wounded after an explosion went off near their vehicles in the province of Salahaddin, the military said in a statement, without giving details. Salahaddin is a Sunni Arab insurgent stronghold.
More than 3,170 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003.
Iraqi and U.S. forces are in the third week of a security crackdown in Baghdad aimed at stemming sectarian violence. U.S. military commanders have expressed concerns that insurgents could step up attacks outside Baghdad.
25. The text talks about ….
A. six U.S. soldiers killed by a blast
B. attacking against American
C. a blast north of Baghdad
D. a Sunni Arab insurgent
E. the U.S. military
26. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the text?
A. Insurgents could increase attacks outside Baghdad.
B. Three soldiers were wounded after an explosion went off.
C. The U.S invasion has caused more than 3,170 of its soldiers died.
D. Six, US, soldiers died due to a blast north of Baghdad on Monday.
E. Iraqi and U.S. forces are in the second week of a security crackdown in Baghdad.
27. Iraqi and U.S. forces are in the third week of a security crackdown in Baghdad aimed at stemming sectarian violence. (Paragraph3)
The underlined word means….
A. line
B. guard
C. attack
D. clean-up
E. protection
3. Tuliskan news item 10 soal beserta jawabannya
Tuliskan news item 10 soal beserta jawabannya
PembahasanNews Item adalah text yang mempunyai fungsi untuk memberikan informasi atau berita tentang peristiwa sehari-hari. Jenis teks ini sering digunakan dalam media cetak seperti koran.
Generic Structure News item adalah:
Main Event: Bagian ini berisi ringkasan peristiwa yang terjadi. Biasanya disebut sebagai headline news. Background Events: Bagian ini berisi tentang latar belakang peristiwa atau kejadian, orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya, lokasi kejadian dan waktu kejadian.Source: Bagian ini berisi tentang sumber atau narasumber dan komentar dari saksi yang ada di tempat kejadian. Bagian ini juga berisi tentang pendapat ahli terhadap kejadian yang diberitakan.Language features News item adalah:
Informasi singkat yang tertuang pada headlinesMenggunakan saying verbs seperti reported, said, quoted by, dan lain lainMengginakan action verbsHanya fokus pada suatu kejadian.10 soal dan jawaban tentang News Item adalah:
Singapore to Develop Marine Tourism in Riau Islands of Indonesia
Singapore has expressed its interest in developing marine tourism in Natuna, Anambas and Lingga, three beautiful yet hidden regencies in the Riau Islands province of Indonesia.
According to Riau Islands deputy Governor, Soeryo Respationo, the three areas have their own beauty but lack of adequate infrastructure to boost tourism.
Singapore's investment in the tourism sector would perfectly match with the islands' need, he said recently. Soeryo said that Singapore Ambassador Anil Kumar Nayar visited the Riau islands administration on Tuesday to show the country's commitment in developing the marine tourism sector.
Soal dan Jawaban:
What is the purpose of the text above? Jawaban: The purpose of the text is to give an information of news about a daily event.What is the generic structures of the text above? Jawaban: Main Event, Background Event, and sourceMention the language features of the text! Jawaban: Use action verbs, use saying verbs, focus on one event.What is the main idea of Paragraph one? Jawaban: Singapore has expressed its interest in developing marine tourism in Natuna, Anambas and Lingga.What is the main idea of Paragraph two? Jawaban: the three areas have their own beauty but lack of adequate infrastructure to boost tourismWhat is the main idea of Paragraph three? Jawaban: Singapore's investment in the tourism sector would perfectly match with the islands' needWhat is the meaning of adequate? Jawaban: Memadahi.Their in 'the three areas have their own beauty' refers to? Jawaban: Natuna, Anambas and LinggaWhat is the synonym of investment? Jawaban: FundingWhat is the synonym of Ambassador? Jawaban: Agent, DiplomatSemoga bisa menjawab pertanyaan anda. Terimakasih :)
Pelajari lebih lanjut1. News item
2. News item
Detil JawabanKelas : 11
Mapel : B Inggris
Bab : News item
Kode :11.5.7
Kata Kunci: news item
4. membuat contoh news item
Actor Didi Petet dies aged 58
Veteran actor Didi Widiatmoko, popularly known as Didi Petet, died at the age of 58 at his residence in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South Tangerang, on Friday morning.
Didi’s niece Muthia Kautsar said that Didi, who starred in a number of comedy and drama films in the 1980s and 1990s, collapsed and lost consciousness when attending an expo in Milan, Italy, recently.
“He just arrived home on May 10 after attending the exhibition. In that city, he collapsed and lost consciousness and returned home in a wheelchair,” she said.
On Tuesday, Didi was taken to Bandung for treatment. Muthia said no diseases were detected but he died on Friday.
Didi’s body is laid out in his residence on Jl. Bambu Apus in Sasak Tinggi, Ciputat, South Tangerang. It has yet to be decided when and where he will be buried.
Aktor Didi Petet Meninggal diusia 58.
Aktor veteran Didi Widiatmoko , dikenal sebagai Didi Petet , meninggal pada usia 58 di kediamannya di Sasak Tinggi , Ciputat , Tangerang Selatan , Jumat pagi .
Didi keponakan Muthia Kautsar mengatakan bahwa Didi , yang membintangi sejumlah film komedi dan drama pada 1980-an dan 1990-an , runtuh dan kehilangan kesadaran ketika menghadiri sebuah pameran di Milan , Italia , baru-baru ini .
” Dia baru saja tiba di rumah pada 10 Mei setelah menghadiri pameran . Di kota itu , ia pingsan dan kehilangan kesadaran dan kembali ke rumah di kursi roda , ” katanya .
Pada hari Selasa , Didi dibawa ke Bandung untuk perawatan . Muthia mengatakan tidak ada penyakit yang terdeteksi tetapi dia meninggal pada hari Jumat .
Tubuh Didi diletakkan di kediamannya di Jl . Bambu Apus di Sasak Tinggi , Ciputat , Tangerang Selatan . Ini belum diputuskan kapan dan di mana ia akan dikubur.
5. characteristic of news item adalah
News item adalah teks yang memberikan informasi tentang kejadian / peristiwa harian. Peristiwa harian ini dianggap pantas dijadikan berita atau [bisa dibilang] penting).
semoga membantu....!
6. News item tentang covid-19
What is called Corona Virus?
Corona virus is a family of viruses found in humans and animals. Some of the viruses can correct humans and cause various diseases, ranging from general illnesses such as flu, to more fatal diseases, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
7. contoh news item text beserta 10 soal dan jawabannya
1. What is the title of the story above ?2. When was happening?3. Why last week was a terrible day for the author?4. Who is shouting?5. What is said to be the cousin of the author?6. Who is pursuing the author and his friends when run?7. What happens when a dog chasing a homeowner?8. Who brought author to the doctor?9. What the doctor said at author?10. How long author hospitalized?Dan ini adalah Jawaban dari soal recount text diatas. 1. Sunday The Terrible2. Last Week3. For kicking the ball too strong, so that the ball is kicked into the window and broke the window.4. The owner of the house5. To run6. dog pawnbroker7. The dog caught, and biting the author.8. Cousin9. The doctors say that the author is exposed to rabies10. Week
8. apa itu news item dan bagaimana contohnya?
News Item Text adalah salah satu genre teks dalam bahasa inggris yang penulisannya bertujuan untuk menginformasikan tentang suatu kejadian yang secara faktual sedang terjadi, artinya kejadian tersebut baru saja terjadi atau sudah lama terjadi tetapi masih hangat dibicarakan. Latar belakang kajiannya yang melulu tentang “recently-things” membuat News Item lebih dikenal sebagai Teks Berita.
Social Function :
To inform leaders, listeners or viewers about events the day which are consideren newsworthy or important.
Example of News Item Text :
Malaysian Women Suggested to Carry Condoms
Malaysian Deputy Health Ministry urged every woman to carry a condom to protect against HIV, a news report said.“This is not to debate them but to protect them. Women are the first ones to get exploited by their partners (whom are infected by HIV-positive)” Abdul Latiff Ahmad was quoted as saying by Sunday Star Newspaper. “But this just a suggestion, it’s up to them”.
Abdul latiff made remark to coincide with the International Aids Memorial day, which was celebrated openly for the first time in Malaysia, in bid to reduce stigma for HIV-victim. In the past the event was held behind closed door.
Last year, 745 Malaysian women were identified as HIV-positive and 193 were diagnosed with AIDS, he said in the report. Officials have said nearly 81000 Malaysian have been infected with HIV, less then 10 percent are woman, but the number is steadily rising.
Malaysian Aids Council president, Adeebah Kamarulzaman, was quoted as saying besides sex workers, many women who contract HIV are housewives, were infected unknowingly by their husbands. “It’s not that people don’t know that condoms can protect them. But there are some men who don’t care to take precaution, even though they know they have HIV” she said. Generic Structure :
Newsworthy event(s) : recounts the event in summary from.
Backround events : elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances.
Sources : comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event.
Significant Lexicogrammatical Features :
Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline.
Use of Material Processes to retell the events
(in the text bellow, many of the Material Processes are nominalised).
Use of projecting Verbal Processes in sources stage.
Focus on Circumstances (e.g.mostly within qualifiers).
9. apa fungsi news item
item berita,
barang berita
isinya biasanya berupa konten atau daftar berita
NEWS ITEM text adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan mengenai suatu kejadian. Teks listening news item banyak kita temui di radio dalam acara berita tentunya dan juga untuk teks reading news item kita bisa membacanya di koran. Selain itu jika kita sering menonton program berita di televisi, artinya kita juga sedang menonton teks news item.
News yang artinya berita, jenis teks ini memang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi baik kepada pendengar, pembaca maupun penonton. Adapun susunan dari jenis teks ini adalah:1. Newsworthy event (inti berita)2. Background event (latar belakang berita)3. Sources (sumber informasi)
Teks News Item adalah teks yang cukup mudah untuk dibedakan, contohnya:
Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck on Jalan Sultan at 10:35 p.m. last night. The dead were all passengers of the car. The police believed the car had been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car might not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching.The police said the car should not have tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan Sultan. In addition, the police reported that the car, a small Japanese car, should not have been carrying more than five people. If the passengers had brought their identity cards, the police would have identified the names of the victims easily.Dari teks tersebut di atas, disebutkan dalam paragraf pertama bahwa ada kecelakaan yang terjadi, yang merupakan inti berita. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyebab kecelakaan, yaitu karena “the car should not have tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan Sultan”. Ciri lainnya adalah adanya sumber “The police said the car should not …”.
Contoh kedua:Jakarta (JP). The number of people injured in the weekend earthquake in the Central Sulawesi capital of Palu reached 26. The earthquake, measuring 5,8 in the opened Ritcher Scale, also damaged or destroyed hundreds of buildings. So far no deaths have been reported.“Only 3 of the 26 injured are still being treated at a government clinic. In the Sausu Trans village, the rest have returned home,” Mohammad Haerollah, an official of the Central Sulawesi Office of the Ministry of Social Services, told the Jakarta Post yesterday.Officials at the meteorology and geophysics office in Palu said earlier that the epicenter was in the Gulf of Tomini, 32 kilometers east of Palu, at a depth of 32 kilometers. The office recorded 396 tremors between 5.30 p.m on Saturday and 12.00 a.m on Sunday. However, locals felt 47 of the tremors.Antara News Agency reported on Saturday that most of the casualties were adults, injured by collapsing structures. The agency also said, that victims were mainly residents of the Sausu, Suli, Torono, and Malakosa villages. Kalau kita analisa inti berita dari teks kedua adalah “The number of people injured in the weekend earthquake in the Central Sulawesi capital of Palu reached 26″. Latar belakangnya adalah “most of the casualties were adults, injured by collapsing structures” dan sumber beritanya adalah ” Officials at the meteorology and geophysics office in Palu said” “Antara News Agency reported”.
10. Jelasin dong, apa yang dimaksud news item!
news item adalah salah satu jenis "text" yang bisa mengantarkan kita menjadi seorang jurnalis handal. Dengan mempelajari teks ini, kita setidaknya sudah berlatih untuk bisa menulis layaknya seorang penulis berita profesional
News item is used to inform readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
The generic structure :
- Newsworthy event(s) : recaunts the event in summary form
- Background event(s) : elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances
- Sources : comments by participants in, witness to, and authorities expert on the event
Indonesian Language :
News item digunakan untuk memberi informasi kepada pembaca, pendengar, atau penonton tentang suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang dianggap layak diberitakan atau penting.
Struktur :
- Newsworthy event(s) : menceritakan peristiwa dalam bentuk ringkasan
- Background event(s) : Menguraikan apa yang terjadi, kepada siapa, dalam tempat kejadian
- Sources : pendapat orang yang terlibat, para saksi, dan para ahli pada kejadian tersebut
Hopefully, these will help u :)
11. news item tentang kesehatan
The Number Of Diabetic In Bandar Lampung in 2014 Reached 200 People
Bandar Lampung-Based on the report by Ministry of Health in Bandar Lampung, The number of patients with diabetes reached 200 people in 2014. This reports is based on the real number of patients from all the hospital in Bandar Lampung.
This number is higher than the number of patients with diabetes in 2013. Only 156 patients. They got the diabetes mellitus almost. The range of age of the patients is 20-30 15 people, 30-40 years old is 45 and 40-60 years old is 140 people. This number was surprising that the young people in productive age got higher than last years which only reach no one.
The ministry of health said that this condition is followed by the bad habits which patients have before, they eats much many junk foods than healthy foods In addition, they do not do an exercise regularly in their activities.
After this reports, the Ministry of Health in Bandar Lampung hopes that people in Bandar Lampung will do some dietary program and kick all their bad habits like eats more junk foods. Do some exercise regularly, he added.
Ini jawaban nya bila salah mohon maaf ya
12. Contoh teks news item dan contoh soal nya
UN: Indonesia records 117th human case of bird flu
Geneva (AP): Indonesia has recorded another human case of the H5N1 strain of the bird flu, raising its world-leading total to 117 cases, according to the World Health Organization.
The agency said Friday night that the Indonesian Health Ministry had reported that a 16-year-old girl from West Java Province has been hospitalized since Jan. 4 with symptoms of the disease. It said the strain had been confirmed as H5N1.
Of the total number of human cases in Indonesia, 94 have been fatal. WHO says that globally 349 people have been infected with H5N1 since the 2003 outbreak of the disease. Of those, 216 have died.
After Indonesia the country with the next highest number of cases in Vietnam with 101, followed by Egypt with 43, according to the U.N. health agency
1. Which of the following statement is true according to the text?
a. Egypt ranked second as the highest number of bird flu cases
b. Indonesia’s 117th human case of bird flu was found in West Java
c. The article is taken from the UN report
d. Since 2003, it has been reported that all 117 Indonesians died of bird flu
e. According to WHO, there have been 349 people in Indonesia infected by H5N1
2. In the WHO release, the country ranked second in number of bird flu case found is ….
a. Indonesia
b. Vietnam
c. Egypt
d. USA
e. Singapore
3. The word “fatal” in the third paragraph has the closest meaning to ….
a. Harmless
b. Poisonous
c. Tedious
d. Deadly
e. Extreme
13. Apa perbedaan news item dan recoun??
news item itu untuk ngasih tau info tentang kejadian yg terjadi sehari-hari
recount itu teks yg isinya menceritakan kejadian masa lampau
14. Contoh news item singkat beserta soal dan jawaban
Sisters reunited 30 years after colombia avalanche
Two sisters in colombia who were
Separated by an avalanche 30 years ago have been reunited. Jacqualine and lorena zanhez thought they had lost each other in 1985 after a volcano erupted near their town of armeno. Lava from the volcano melted nearby glaciers and caused four massivi landslides which killed more than 20,000 people jacqueline 33 and lorena 39 never found each other in the chaos . They each thought the other was aamong the dead armenia was the second
Deadliest volcanic disaster of the 20th country
1. Q: what were the name of the two sisters who were separated?
A: jacqueline and lorena sanchez
2. Q: When did the eruption happen?
A: 1985
3. What caused the mudslides?
Lava from an erupted volcano melted nearby glaciers
15. explain about news item!
News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.
Definition of News Item:
News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.
maaf kalau salah.
16. 1.carilah defenisi news item dalam bahasa inggris. 2.carilah klasifikasi news item dalam bahasa inggris 3.carilah contoh news item dalam bahasa inggris.
2. newsworthy event, background events, source
3. good afternoon. this is breaking news. a tiger has killed a zookeeper in wriclaw zoo on wednesday morning. the attack happened when the zookeeper was routinely cleaning the tiger's enclosure. as you know, the zookeeper hab worked at the zoo for twenty years and had been taking care of predators for the last fifteen. this incident should make people aware for the animals in the zoo.
17. Buatlah contoh soal news item essay beserta jawabannya!
News Item Text 1
The Surabaya Police have arrested a man, identified only as MN, for allegedly buying an infant via Instagram.
MN was arrested at his house on Jl. Karah in Jambangan district in Surabaya, East Java, on Sunday. He was found to have paid some Rp 3.8 million (US$250) for a baby boy when he was only three days olD.
Surabaya police chief Sr. Comr. Rudi Setiawan said recently that the transaction was conducted in Semarang, Central Java, on Sept. 23. The baby’s parents live in Tangerang in Banten.
“The baby is now safe with the Surabaya administration,” Rudi said on Monday (The Jakarta Post, Tue, October 16, 2018)
1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform readers about arrested man for buying an infant
B. To describe the important person for readers
C. To argue that arresting the man is important
D. To explain how police arrested the man
E. To convince reader that buying infant is illegal
2. What is the generic structure of the text above?
A. Orientation – Complication – Reorientation
B. Orientation – Series of event – Reorientation
C. Stating thesis – Arguments – Reiteration
D. Goal – Equipments – Steps
E. Newsworthy event – Background events – Sources
3. “MN was arrested at his house…” The underlined word refers to a house belongs to…….
A. The police officer
B. The arrested man
C. The infant parent
D. A Surabaya administration officer
E. A Semarang administration officer
4. “…for allegedly buying an infant” The infant word has similar meaning with ……
A. Adult
B. Teenager
C. Child
D. Grown
E. Man
18. Buatlah contoh soal essay dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang news item!
Amazon Prime Day will actually be two days this year
Amazon’s Prime Day will return for the fifth time next month, and this year the discount holiday will run for two entire days.
Amazon announced that Prime Day this year will start at midnight on Monday, July 15, and run for 48 hours. The company boasts that the event will include more than a million deals around the world, such as steep discounts on Alexa-enabled devices. In 2018, Prime Day lasted 36 hours, which was longer than in prior years. Amazon tested out its inaugural Prime Day in July of 2015 to celebrate its 20th anniversary. It designed the day to replicate Black Friday for Amazon die-hards.
19. contoh teks news item
Pamekasan student wins math contest in Romania
Alyssa Diva Mustika, a student from Pamekasan Junior High School, East Java, won the gold medal at the International Mathematics Contest held in Romania between March 22 to 29, Antara news agency reported.
Speaking to journalists, Diva said she was glad that she had been able to win the competition, which she said had been very tight. “Thank God I won. I will study harder,” she said.
Indonesia sent 10 students to the competition in Romania. Diva is not the first Pamekasan student to win an international science competition. Oktavian Latief, a student from SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan won gold at the International Physics Olympiad in 2006. Another student, Shohibul Maromi, won the same award in 2010.
“I thank Diva for giving a good name to Indonesia and Pamekasan on the international stage,” Pamekasan Regent Kholilurrahman said as quoted by Antara.
Analisis Contoh News Item di atas :
Paragraf Pertama : Main Events
Paragraf Kedua & Ketiga : Elaboration
Paragraf Keempat : Sources.
20. text news item dalam coherency
text news item in cohorency
21. buat materi powerpoint tentang "News item text"*pengertian*struktur News Item text*contoh News Item textmengunakan bahasa inggris mohon bantuannya ya secepatnya terimakasih
- Pengertian News Item Text
News item text is news text that provides information about an important event or occurrence that occurred on that day or some time before. The goal is to provide accurate and objective information to the reader.
- Struktur News Item Text
The structure of a news item text consists of three main parts:
1. Newsworthy event: an important event or events that are the main focus of the news.
2. Background event: additional information about the event or important events.
3. Source: the source of information used to write the news.
- Contoh News Item Text
Berikut adalah contoh news item text dalam bahasa Inggris:
- Newsworthy event: Bank robber interrupted a news broadcast
- Background events: An employee runs out and points to the robber off camera. The audience was assured that the event was not planned. Sallet was stepping away from the broadcast to call police.
- Source: Sallet tweeted later in the day that the suspect had been caught.
Semoga membantu
22. Apa perbedaan antara news item dengan news report text
news item itu memuat tentang berita terbaru.
kakau news report itu memuat tentang penjelasan mengenai suatu hal secara umum.
23. buatkan news item bahasa inggris dan artinya. kalo bisa yang ada soalnya juga PLEASE!!
Indonesian Maid BeheadedAs
Indonesian house maid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of killing her employer, the Saudi Interior Minister said. The woman was beheaded in the Southern Asir province in what was the second execution in the country. The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her jewelry. Rape, murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative desert kingdom. Last year, Saudi Arabia, which follow a strict interpretation of Syariah, Islamic law executed more than 130 people. (BBC NEWS)
Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang di Pancung
Tenaga kerja Indonesia telah di adili di Saudi Arabia setelah menjadi narapidana akibat membunuh majikannya. Kata menteri dalam negeri Saudi. Wanita yang di pancung di provinsi selatan Asir adalah eksekusi kedua di negara ini. Tenaga kerja ini awalnya mencekik majikan wanita dan mencuri perhiasannya. Perkosaan, pembunuhan, dan kejahatan yang serius lainnya berakhir dengan membawa kematian dalam negara gurun yang konservatif ini. tahun lalu, Saudi Arabia yang mengikuti Penegakan tegas hukum syariah, hukum islam telah mengeksekusi lebih dari 130 orang. (BBC NEWS)
24. penjelasan tentang news item text
News item text adalah suatu teks yang menginformasikan pembaca tentang peristiwa/kejadian sehari-hari yang layak diberitakan atau penting. Newsworthy yang berati layak untuk diberitakan, jadi tidak semua kejadian/peristiwa bisa diberitakan. Hanya kejadian atau peristiwa penting saja yang layak diberitakan. Jika peristiwa/kejadian itu tidak penting maka tidak layak untuk diberitakan dan diketahui banyak orang.News item text adalah suatu teks yang menginformasikan pembaca tentang peristiwa/kejadian sehari-hari yang layak diberitakan atau penting
25. news item about accident
A fuel truck lost control while speeding on the Mangunraharjo road, Surabaya and suffered serious accident. The truck crashed a motorcycle that came from the opposite direction and burned. A pedestrian who saw the incident said that the fuel truck was seen speeding then all of sudden swerved and hit a motorcyclist who came from the front on 1st December 2014.
This incident made the motorcycle rider was killed instantly after being hit by the truck while the truck driver suffered serious injuries to the chest and head.
30 minutes after the incident, the police came to investigate the Accident. After doing investigation, they found the cause that the driver was sleepy when driving the truck. In addition to the brake that didn’t work, so he couldn’t control his truck and hit the victim. The current truck driver had been taken to Doa Ibu hospital to be treated.
Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat
26. contoh News item text
- newsworthy event
- background event
- sources
News item text bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca mengenai suatu peristiwa. Struktur yang terdapat di news item ada 3 yaitu newsworthy event, background event, dan sources.
penjelasan tambahan :
semoga membantu yaa
27. contoh news item text
Cows Crashed a Party
BOXFORD, Mass. – Six cows crashed a party in Massachusetts and stole the beer, police said.
The cows escaped from a nearby farm and headed straight to the graduation party. One of the attendees called 911. The homeowner told his daughter the revelry had gone too far. “She came inside and said, ‘Dad there’s a cow outside,’” Kevin Spencer said. “And I says, ‘That’s it. Party’s over.’”
Police said the cows were actually drinking the beer left on the picnic table. “They enjoyed it. They went right for the beer,” Lt James Riter said. “When one was done they’d knock another one over and take care of that beer.” Officers steered the cows back to their farm.
Newsworthy event : A 16-year-old boy has survived a dangerous journey hidden in the wheel well of airplane. It was a 5-hour flight from California to Hawaii.
The boy had run away from home and climbed a fence at the airport in San Jose, California. He crossed the tarmac and crawled into the wheel well of Hawaiian Airlines flight 45.
Background event : According to FBI special agent Tom Simon, The boy quickly lost consciousness as temperatures in the compartment sank as low as minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It was 62 degrees Celsius below zero.
The boy got an apparent miracle. After he had been unconscious for most of the journey, the boy regained his consciousness about an hour after the plane landed on Sunday morning. The boy hopped down from the wheel well. He started wandering around the airport grounds, where was spotted by ground crew.
Source : The boy was turned over to local child protection officials. A medical examination showed that he appeared to have been unharmed.
Since records began in 1947, about 100 wheel well stowaways are thought to have attempted to board flights. Around three-quarters of them died.
“Our primary concern now is for the well-being of the boy, who is exceptionally lucky to have survived” Hawaiian Airlines said in a statement.
NB: yg di bold adalah generic structure nya, semoga membantu. Semangat.
28. 1 Judul cerita News ItemBagian-bagian News Item
1 Judul : Ujian Nasional 2015 Akan Segera Tiba
Pada news item text, terdapat tiga bagian struktur kebahasaannya, yaitu:
- Main event. Bagian ini juga dikenal dengan newsworthy event. ...
- Background event. ...
- Source.
New management for working man
29. buat lah news item dengan tema bebas
i cant to your pingsan (dibaca ai ken tu your pingsan)
30. contoh news item text beserta 10 soal dan jawabannya
Sisters reunited 30 years after Colombia Avalanche
Two sisters in Colombia who were separated by an avalanche 30 years ago have been reunited. Jacqueline and Lorena Sanchez thought they had lost each other in 1985 after a volcano erupted near their town of Armeno. Lava from the volcano melted nearby glaciers and caused four massive landslides, which killed more than 20,000 people. Jacqueline, 33 and Lorena, 39, never found each other in the chaos. They each thought the other was among the dead. Armenia was the second deadliest volcanic disaster of the 20th century.
Q: What were the name of the two sisters who were separated?
A: Jacqueline and Lorena Sanchez
Q: When did the eruption happen?
A: 1985
Q: What caused the mudslides?
A: Lava from an erupted volcano melted nearby glaciers.
Q: Where was the volcano eruption?
A: Armeno, Colombia
Q: How many casualties were there?
A: More than 20,000 people.
Q: At what age were the sisters separated?
A: Jacqueline, 3 and Lorena, 9
Q: Armeno was classified as the ________ deadliest volcanic disaster of the 20th century.
A: second
Q: How many mudslides were created?
A: Four
Q: What did each of them thought of the other?
A: They each thought the other was dead.
Q: How long did it take for the sisters to be reunited?
A: 30 years.
hope this helps :)
source of news:
31. contoh dari news item
Devi Savira, a student from anonymous junior high school, east java, had just won the gold medal, the International Mathematics Contest held in Romania between March 22 to 29, Antara news agency reported.
Speaking to journalists, Diva said she was glad that she had been able to win the competition, which she said had been very tight. “Thank God I won. I will study harder,” she said.
Indonesia sent 10 students to the competition in Romania. Diva is not the first Pamekasan student to win an international science competition. Oktavian Latief, a student from SMA Negeri 1 Pamekasan won gold at the International Physics Olympiad in 2006. Another student, Shohibul Maromi, won the same award in 2010.
“I thank Diva for giving a good name to Indonesia and Pamekasan on the international stage,” Pamekasan Regent Kholilurrahman said as quoted by Antara."Giant Wombat Skeleton Found"
The fossil of a car sized mega-wombat has been unearthed in northern Australia, scientists said Wednesday A relative of the modern-day wombat, the diprotodon skeleton was dug up in remote Queensland last week and scientists believe it could shed valuable light on the species' demise. Along with Australia's other mega fauna,which included towering kangaroos and gigantic crocodiles, diprotodon became extinct around the same time that indigenous tribes first appeared. "There's been a lot of debate about what killed the mega fauna and it's quite a hot topic in paleontology," Sue Hand, a professor on the team that made the discovery. There could be some very interesting data to be extracted from the find.The animal was two metres tall (6 feet,six inches) and 3.5 metres (11 feet, six inches) long. It was the size of arhinoceros or a car, pigeon-toed and with a backward-facing pouch. "They basically looked a lot like a wombat, a very big beefed-up wombat,much bigger than obviously anything that's around today," said Hand.
32. Bagaimanakah cara membuat news item
News item text adalah teks yang berfungsi untuk menyampaikan kejadian setiap harinya. Biasanya kejadian yang dituliskan adalah kejadian-kejadian yang bersifat penting dan terbaru. Teks jenis ini bisa ditemukan di dalam koran
• Menggunakan action verbs atau dynamic verbs (kata kerja yang menunjukan aktifitas)
• Dominan menggunakan saying verbs
• Menggunakan adverb of place, adverb of time, dan adverb of manner
33. buat materi powerpoint tentang "News item text"*pengertian*struktur News Item text*contoh News Item textmohon bantuannya ya secepatnya terimakasih
Slide 1:
Judul: News Item Text
Penjelasan: Pengenalan tentang News Item Text
Slide 2:
Pengertian News Item Text
- News Item Text adalah jenis teks yang berisi informasi atau berita tentang kejadian aktual yang terjadi baru-baru ini.
- News Item Text biasanya ditemukan di media massa seperti surat kabar, majalah, atau portal berita online.
- Tujuan dari News Item Text adalah menyampaikan informasi yang akurat dan objektif kepada pembaca.
Slide 3:
Struktur News Item Text
- Headline: Judul berita yang menarik perhatian pembaca.
- Orientation: Paragraf pembuka yang berisi latar belakang dan konteks berita.
- Events: Berisi rangkaian kejadian yang terjadi secara kronologis.
- Sources: Informasi tambahan dari sumber terpercaya yang mendukung berita.
- Closing: Penutup berita yang memberikan kesimpulan atau pemikiran akhir.
Slide 4:
Contoh News Item Text
Headline: "Gempa Bumi Mengguncang Kota ABC, Tidak Ada Korban Jiwa"
Orientation: Kota ABC, sebuah kota di wilayah XYZ, diguncang gempa bumi dengan kekuatan 6,2 skala Richter pada tanggal 10 Juli 2022 pukul 15.00 WIB.
1. Gempa bumi terjadi secara tiba-tiba dan warga dikejutkan oleh getaran yang kuat.
2. Bangunan-bangunan mengalami kerusakan ringan, tetapi tidak ada laporan korban jiwa atau luka-luka.
3. Pemerintah setempat segera merespons dengan mengirim tim bantuan dan memastikan keamanan warga.
Sources: Badan Meteorologi XYZ memastikan bahwa gempa bumi terjadi akibat aktivitas sesar di wilayah tersebut.
Closing: Meskipun gempa bumi ini mengguncang Kota ABC, beruntung tidak ada korban jiwa yang dilaporkan. Pemerintah akan terus memantau situasi dan memberikan bantuan kepada warga yang membutuhkan.
Slide 5:
- News Item Text adalah jenis teks yang berisi informasi atau berita tentang kejadian aktual.
- Struktur News Item Text terdiri dari headline, orientation, events, sources, dan closing.
- Contoh News Item Text dapat ditemukan di media massa dan memberikan informasi yang akurat dan objektif kepada pembaca.
34. jelaskan tentang news item text
News Items Text adalah salah satu (Types Of Text) yang memberi informasi kepada pembaca mengenai kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi sehari-hari
Tujuan komunikatif dari News Items Text adalah memberitakan kepada pembaca, pendengar atau penonton tentang peristiwa-peristiwa atau kejadian-kejadian yang dipandang penting atau layak diberitakan.
Generic Structure News Item Text
1. Newsworthy Event
Bagian pertama dari struktur kebahasaan News Item Text yang sering disebut Main Event adalah bagian yang menceritakan atau berisi berita tentang peristiwa atau kejadian inti yang biasanya dalam bentuk ringkasan atau Summary.
2. Backgroud Event
Bagian kedua dari struktur kebahasaan News Item Text atau yang sering disebut juga dengan Elaboration adalah bagian yang menceritakan atau berisi tentang latar belakang peristiwa atau kejadian, siapa yang terlibat dan di mana tempat kejadiannya.
3. Source
Bagian terakhir dari struktur kebahasaan News Item Text adalah bagian yang menceritakan atau berisi tentang komentar, saksi kejadian, pendapat para ahli, dsb. mengenai peristiwa atau kejadian yang diberitakan.
gampangannya, silahkan lihat koran atau berita di tv. yang pertama kalian lihat pasti judul (headline event). lalu kalian bakal baca isi berita itu (body / background). dan yang terakhir ditampilin adalah sumber (source)
35. Contoh news item beserta soal dan jawabannya .. mksih kak
Indonesia put in an impressive performance in their 2-0 defeat of Singapore, but still failed to qualify for next year's AFC U-22 soccer championship after finishing a third place at the end of Group E matches in Pekanbaru, Riau on Sunday.
The two goals for the home side, which welcomed Coach Aji Santoso back the sidelines from a four matches suspension, both came in the second half from Agung Supriyanto.
He scored his first goal from the penalty box before finding his second several minutes later. He beat a defender with a swift maneuver from the right flank and had the goalkeeper gasping as his thunderous goal blasted into the far post.
The young Indonesians collected 9 points, or just one point behind runner-up Australia, out of a six strong field of competitors. Japan topped the standing with a perfect collection 20-2 goal margin.
Singapore came in fourth with 7 points followed by Timor Leste with 3 points and Macau with no points.
In earlier matches in the day, favorite Japan continued their dominant form with a 5-0 drubbing of another tournament favorite Australia, while Timor Leste chalked up their first victory, a 4-1 over last-placed Macau.
1. Why did Indonesia fail to qualify for next year's AAFC U-22?
A. They defeated Singapore.
B. They got disqualified. (jawabannya)
C. They finished in the third place.
D. They did not have the chance.
E. They showed impressive performance.
2. How did Agung Supriyanto get his second goal?
A. He let the goalkeeper keep the ball.
B. He beat a goalkeeper with a maneuver.
C. He welcomed Coach Aji Santoso back.
D. He kicked the ball from the penalty box.
E. He beat a defender with a swift maneuver. (jawabannya)
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?
A. Indonesia failed to qualify next year's AFC U-22 despite their winning over Singapore. (jawabannya)
B. Indonesia and Singapore participated in the AFC U-22 in Pekanbaru, Riau.
C. Indonesia's impressive performance has trounced Singapore by 2-0.
D. Indonesia did not perform well but could defeat Singapore by 2-0.
E. Indonesia could defeat Singapore by 2-0.
36. contoh kalimat news item text beserta soalnya
Seven Killed in Accident on Jalan Sultan
Newsworthy Event
Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck at 10:35 p.m. on Jalan Sultan last night.
Backgroud Event
The dead were all passengers in the car. Police believe the car may have been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car may not have been using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching.
The police said the car should not have been trying to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan Sultan. In addition, the police reported that the car–a small Japanese car–should not have been carrying more than five people. The names of the victims are not yet known.
37. Apa hanya satu tujuan dari news item
what is only one goal from the news item
38. cara menghafal news item
Membaca mengulang dan memahami maksud dlm news item tersebut..membaca terus dan mengulang news item
semangat yah
39. Temukan teks tentang News Item
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.
The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow).
At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential treatments. WHO will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become available.
PENJELASAN:maaf kalo kepanjangan:D40. contoh membuat news item
the news telling about a dress sparkling and very very beutiful like buttrerfly
News item adalah teks yang memberikan informasi tentang kejadian yang berlangsung harian. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kita dapat menemukan teks-teks news item ini di portal-portal berita.
Generic Structure dari News Item
1. Main event
Bagian ini juga dikenal dengan newsworthy event. Bagian ini adalah bagian yang menceritakan atau berisi berita mengenai ringkasan (summary) peristiwa atau kejadian inti.
2. Background event
Bagian yang sering disebut sebagai Elaboration ini merupakan bagian yang menceritakan latar belakang peristiwa atau kejadian, siapa yang terlibat dan lokasi kejadian.
3. Source
Bagian terakhir adalah source, yaitu menceritakan tentang komentar, saksi kejadian, pendapat para ahli, dan sebagainya mengenai peristiwa atau kejadian yang diberitakan.
Language Features dari News item adalah
Informasi singkat yang tertuang dalam headline Fokus pada suatu kejadian Dominan menggunakan saying verbs, seperti diberitakan, dikutik, mengatakan, memberitakan, dan sebagainya. Umumnya menggunakan action verb, yaitu kata kerja yang menunjukkan aktivitas Sering menggunakan kata kerja bantu yang menunjukkan waktu dan tempat Menggunakan material processPembahasan
Contoh News Item Text
Flood cuts off Ruteng-Reo highway in E. Nusa Tenggara
A highway that connects Ruteng and Reo districts in Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, has been cut off following a flood that brought traffic to a complete halt, an official said on Thursday.
Manggarai Police spokesperson Daniel Djihu told The Jakarta Post that the police in Reo had inspected the road and cordoned it off.
“The police have inspected the entire area. The road that has been cut off is located in the western part of the Wae Pesi River,” he said.
Djihu added that a severe downpour had hit Manggarai Raya prior to the incident, causing the river to overflow.
Furthermore, the flood has also led to a delay in fuel supply deliveries from the Pertamina oil plant in Reo to several areas in Manggarai Raya.
Manggarai Regent Deno Kamelus said he had instructed the Manggarai Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD Manggarai) to dispatch a team to the location in order to assess the damage, as well as to come up with an alternative route for fuel deliveries.
BPBD Manggarai head Libert Habut said he had received many complaints from residents living in flood-ravaged areas.
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