change cardinal numbers ordinal to be ordinal numbers 181 and 212
1. change cardinal numbers ordinal to be ordinal numbers 181 and 212
a hundred and eighty-first
two thousand twelfth
2. mention one example of cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers
Mention one example of cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers
- Cardinal number
How many of something there are
e.g. 1 (one)
- Ordinal number
The position of something in a list
e.g. 1st = first
Maaf jika ada yang salah
3. contoh cardinal numbers dan ordinal numbers
Cardinal numbers : one,two,three,four,five.. , ordinal numbers : first,second,third,fourth,fifth
4. Write cardinal and ordinal numbers start from no. 1 - 30
Cardinal numbers
1 ► one
2 ► two
3 ► three
4 ► four
5 ► five
6 ► six
7 ► seven
8 ► eight
9 ► nine
10 ► ten
11 ► eleven
12 ► twelve
13 ► thirteen
14 ► fourteen
15 ► fifteen
16 ► sixteen
17 ► seventeen
18 ► eighteen
19 ► nineteen
20 ► twenty
Ordinal numbers
1st ► first
2nd ► second
3rd ► third
4th ► fourth
5th ► fifth
6th ► sixth
7th ► seventh
8th ► eighth
9th ► ninth
10th ► tenth
11th ► eleventh
12th ► twelfth
13th ► thirteenth
14th ► fourteenth
15th ► fifteenth
16th ► sixteenth
17th ► seventeenth
18th ► eighteenth
19th ► nineteenth
20th ► twentieth
Cardinal and ordinal numbers merupakan jenis angka yang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut perbedaan serta fungsi dari keduanya.
1. Cardinal numbers
Cardinal numbers digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah. Contoh:
I will buy five pencils. (Aku akan membeli lima buah pensil)
Her weight is forty-eight kilogrammes. (Berat badannya 48 kg)
Do you have two cousins? (Apakah kamu punya dua sepupu?)
2. Ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers berfungsi untuk menyatakan urutan atau tingkatan. Contoh:
Today is my fourteenth birthday. (Hari ini adalah hari ulang tahunku yang ke-14)
Gosh, this is the third time you've asked me the same question. (Astaga, ini ketiga kalinya kamu menanyakan hal yang sama)
Can you give me the tenth apple? (Bisakah kamu memberikan apel yang kesepuluh padaku?)
:: semoga membantu ::
5. Buat 5 kalimat menggunakan cardinal numbers dan 5 kalimat menggunakan ordinal numbers
Cardinal numbers:
1) I have one eraser
2) Dino has two bags
3) You have three dolls
4) How many books do you have? I have five books.
5) This is eight ruler
Ordinal numbers:
1) Anira is my first sister
2) Salsa is the second member of our team
3) He is my fifth brothers
4) You are our fourth participant
5) Mr. Abi is their ninth teacher
sorry kalau salah ya:")
6. Cardinal and ordinal numbers. jawab dengan jelas dan baik akan diganjar dengan jawaban tercerdas !!!
1.twelve hundred and nine
3.fifty nine
4.eighty one
2.thirty third
3.twenty second
4.twenty eighth
7. Material: Age and date of birth Answer the questions! Dalam Bahasa Inggris angka dikelompokkan menjadi dua macam, yaitu: 'Cardinal number' dan 'Ordinal number'. 1. Sebutkan angka 1 sampai 20 beserta Bahasa Inggris dalam macam angka cardinal! 2.Sebutkan angka 1 sampai 20 beserta Bahasa Inggris dalam macam angka ordinal! tlng dijwb
Cardinal Number : One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fiftheen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty.
Ordinal Number : First (1st), Second (2nd), Third (3rd), Fourth (4th), Fifth (5th), Sixth (6th), Seventh (7th), Eighth (8th), Ninth (9th), Tenth (10th), Eleventh (11th), Twelfth (12th), Thirteenth (13th), Fourteenth (14th), Fifteenth (15th), Sixteenth (16th), Seventeenth (17th), Eighteenth (18th), Nineteenth (19th), Twentieth (20th).
8. Sebutkan Ordinal numbers & Cardinal Numbers dengan penggunaannya masing-masing!
Ordinal numbers:
dst.. s
Fungsinya untuk:
a. Untuk menyatakan angka urutan.
I am the fist of eight.
(Saya anak pertama dari delapan saudara.)
b. Untuk menyatakan tanggal.
Friday, 27th May 1988
(Jum’at, 27 Mei 1988)
Cardinal number
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
fungsinya untuk:
a. Untuk menyatakan jumlah.
I have three books.
(Saya punya tiga buku.)
b. Untuk menyatakan nomor telepon, nomor rumah, halaman buku, dan sebagainya.
My phone number is 3011428 (three zero one one four two eight)
(Nomor telepon saya adala 3011428)
9. Apa bahasa Inggris nya 1.780 menggunakan nombers ordinal dan cardinal
Ordinal: one thousand seven hundred eightieth
Cardinal: one thousand seven hundred eighty
10. Make 15 sentences using a cardinal numbers and ordinal numberscea
1. i have three mangoes.
2. the third mango is the biggest.
3. there are thirty one days in january.
4. my birthday is on january the thirty first.
5. Mr and mrs smith have four children.
6. the fourth child is the smartest.
7. there are five books on the desk.
8. the fifth one is mine
9. my brother has breakfast at six a.m.
10. he is in the sixth grade mow.
11. It costs only one pound.
12. I am so happy, that he won the first prize.
13. It takes five hours to get from London to Cairo by air.
14. It's the fifth day of our holiday in Florida.
15. It was his third goal in the last three games.
semoga membantu :)
11. perbedaan antara ordinal numbers dan cardinal numbers
Contoh dari cardinal number adalah angka satu (one) dua (two) tiga (three) empat (four) dan seterusnya. aedikit berbeda cardinal number, Sedangkan ordinal number adalah angka yg digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu urutan atau tahapan. Contohnya adalah pertama (firts) kedua (Second) ketiga (third), dan seterusnya.
Semoga bermanfaat;)
12. buatlah 1 paragraf tentang keluarga dalam bahasa Inggris dan menggunakan Cardinal number dan ordinal number
My family consists of five members. I am the eldest child, followed by my younger brother and two younger sisters. We have a close bond and support each other in everything we do. Every year, we celebrate our birthdays in a special way. For example, on my sister's tenth birthday, we had a surprise party and decorated the house with colorful balloons and banners. My parents always make sure to commemorate important milestones, such as our parents' twentieth wedding anniversary, with a memorable family gathering. I am grateful for my family and cherish the love and memories we create together.
13. Mention some example of cardinal numbers? Mention some example of ordinal numbers?
cardinal numbers (menyatakan jumlah) = one (1), two (2), three (3), etc
ordinal numbers (menyatakan tahapan) = first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), fourth (4th), fifth (5th), etc.cardinal numbers (menyatakan jumlah) = one (1), two (2), three (3), etc
ordinal numbers (menyatakan tahapan) = first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), fourth (4th), fifth (5th), etc.
14. Write the spelling of cardinal and ordinal numbers! (Tulislah ejaan angka cardinal dan ordinal!) A. 22nd = Twenty second B. 6 = C. 1st =D. 6th =E. 11 = F. 17 =
Berikut ini penulisan yang tepat:
22nd: Twenty second6: Six1st: First6th: Sixth11: Eleven17: Seventeen6: six1st : first
6th : sixth
11 : eleven
17 : seventeen
15. apa yg kamu ketahui tentang time , cardinal number dan ordinal number dalam bahasa Inggris ?
Cardinal number merupakan nomor yang menyatakan jumlah, misalnya satu, dua, tiga, empat, dan seterusnya. Sedangkan Ordinal number merupakan nomor yang menyatakan tahapan, misalnya pertama, kedua, ketiga, keempat, kelima, keenam, dan seterusnya.
Semoga bermanfaat :)
Cardinal numbers are numbers that are used to describe numbers in whole numbers.
The ordinal numbers are numbers used to describe the position.
16. Make 3 sentences containing cardinal numbers and 3 sentences containing ordinal numbers! bantuin dong soalnya deadline nya jam 8 malem
Cardinal numbers:
He is turning twelve today.There are eighteen people here.I purchased two sandwiches.Ordinal numbers:
She celebrated her fifth birthday.I placed second at the competition.He is getting his first trophy.Penjelasan:
Cardinal numbers hanyalah angka. Cardinal numbers memberi tahu kita berapa banyak jumlah tertentu yang ada. (misalnya, one, two, three)
Ordinal numbers adalah bilangan yang menunjukkan posisi atau tempat tertentu. (misalnya, first, second, third)
semoga membantu ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
17. APA artinya bahasa inggrisnya choose either cardinal numbers or ordinal numbers to complete the following sentences.
"pilih nomor kardinal atau nomor urut untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut."
18. perbedaan cardinal dan ordinal number dalam bahasa inggris
cardinal number digunakan untuk menyatakan jumlah
sedangkan ordinal number digunakan untuk menyatakan urutan
Cardinal Numbers also known as Counting Numbers and are used to count things. Cardinal numbers tell us "how many”. For example: 5 apples, 2 dogs, 3 books etc. They represent Quantity.
On the other hand, Ordinal Numbers refer to order of things. They tell us level or position in a group. For example: She came First in her class test, I live on Fourth floor of this building, It is his Second marriage anniversary etc.
In order to avoid confusing my child between these two number sets, I made her remember using this trick: C for Cardinal and C for “Counting” & O for Ordinal and O for “Order”
19. tolong dijawab ya,jawabanya pakai bahasa inggris.menggunakan cardinal numbers.
1. fifth
6.fifty ninth
ah sry cmn itu yg aku tau ._.2. Eight
8.One hundred and seventy-five
9.One thousand five hundred
10. Ten thousand five hundred
Semoga membantu
20. tolong Dibantu pakai Cardinal / Ordinal Numbers
it's is the first (1st) day of the week(ordinal number)
there are fourthy three boys and twelve girls playing games(cardinal number)
it's twenty second(22nd) of november(ordinal number)
jadiin jwbn terbaik dong
yg hps jwbn saya berarti jahat
21. Tuliskan contoh cardinal numbers dan ordinal numbers
Contoh dari cardinal number adalah angka satu (one), dua (two), tiga (three), empat (four) dan seterusnya. Sedikit berbeda dengan cardinal number, ordinal number adalah angka yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu urutan atau tahapan. Contohnya adalah pertama (first), kedua (second), ketiga (third), dan seterusnya.
semoga bermanfaat
Cardinal numbers tell 'how many' of something, they show quantity. Ordinal numbers tell the order of how things are set, they show the position or the rank of something. We use ordinal numbers for dates and the order of something (think ordinal = order).
Examples of Examples of cardinal numbers are are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and so on. The smallest Cardinal number is 1 as 0 is not used for counting, so it is not a cardinal number. We can use ordinal numbers to define their position or rank. Examples of ordinal numbers are 1st (First), 2nd (Second), 3rd (Third), 4th (Fourth), 5th (Fifth), 6th (Sixth), 7th (Seventh), 8th (Eighth), 9th (Ninth) and 10th (Tenth) tell the position of different athletes in the race. Hence, all of them are ordinal numbers.Penjelasan:
semoga ini membantu, cmiiw
#stayathome #studybebetter
22. Beri contoh 10 Cardinal Number dan 10 Ordinal Number dalam bahasa Inggris.
cardinal number:
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
ordinal number:
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth
semoga membantu ^^ maaf ya kalau salahh
23. make the 5 setences including of ordinal and cardinal numbers
Tina is on the 2nd rank.
Werra is on the 4th floor.
Yuyu is my 3rd sister.
Pizza is the 9th food that Fira like.
My uncle turns 35 next year.
I have 2 pens.
Azka loves number 5.
She hold 4 erasers.
They ordered 15 cupcakes.
Ordinal: in order > 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.
Cardinal: normal numbers > 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
24. Umur menggunakan cardinal numbers atau ordinal numbers?
Cardinal numbers karena cardinal numbers digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah kuantitas dan umur adalah kuantitas
Cardinal number (bilangan asli) menunjukkan jumlah/kuantitas
one, two, three, four, ....
I have three sisters.
Ordinal Numbers (bilangan bertingkat) menunjukkan tingkatan/peringkat
pertama, kedua, ketiga, ....
first, send, third, fourth, .....
This is the first child of mine.
25. Buatlah dialog pendek tentang cardinal and ordinal numbers .antara 2 orang saja.tolong dikirim nanti jam 7 malam terakhir
A: Wow, you seem to have a lot of cats.
B: Yes, most of the cats in my house are cats I picked up from the street.
A: How many cats do you keep?
B: There are 12 cats, but yesterday someone adopted three adult cats and two kittens. So now there are only seven in total.
jadikan jawaban terfavorit ya
26. Material: Age and date of birth Answer the questions! Dalam Bahasa Inggris angka dikelompokkan menjadi dua macam, yaitu: 'Cardinal number' dan 'Ordinal number'. 1. Sebutkan angka 1 sampai 20 beserta Bahasa Inggris dalam macam angka cardinal! 2.Sebutkan angka 1 sampai 20 beserta Bahasa Inggris dalam macam angka ordinal! tolong dijawab
Angka Kardinal
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
aku hanya tahu itu,maaf kalau nggak rapi
27. ordinal and cardinal numbres 55 th
ordinal =Fifty fifth
cardinal= Fifty five
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
semoga membantu
28. 1. Carilah pengertian dan fungsi cardinal dan ordinal numbers,Beserta contohnya!
Contoh dari cardinal number adalah angka satu (one), dua (two), tiga (three), empat (four) dan seterusnya. Sedikit berbeda dengan cardinal number, ordinal number adalah angka yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu urutan atau tahapan. Contohnya adalah pertama (first), kedua (second), ketiga (third), dan seterusnya.
29. Please make each 5 sentences using cardinal and ordinal numbers. Cardinal sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ordinal sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Cadinal Sentences
1. Rome as cardinal protector of the Spanish nation.
2. He became dean of Toledo early, and was made cardinal on the 5th of August 1669.
3. received the cardinal archbishop of Bordeaux and determined to support the cardinals at Pisa against both popes.
4. Giving him the title of senator, he sent him to Italy with the legate, Cardinal Albornoz, and having collected a few mercenary troops on the way, Rienzi entered Rome in August 13 54.
5. The pope would have appointed Lucifer a cardinal with what was done to that woman.
Ordinal sentences
1. The pig placed first at the county fair.
2. She celebrated her third birthday.
3. Sam is my seventh pet.
4. Our school is thirty-third in the state.
5. It is the one hundredth anniversary of our city's founding.
Kagak ada Penjelasan untuk Spoiler !
30. Apa bahasa Inggris nya 1.780 menggunakan nombers ordinal dan cardinal
1.780 dalam ordinal dan cardinal numbers adalah:
Ordinal: One thousand seven hundred and eightieth
Cardinal: One thousand seven hundred eighty
Ordinal numbers adalah angka yang digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu posisi atau urutan. Misalnya dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah pertama, kedua, ketiga, dst. Nah, dalam bahasa Inggris ordinal numbers adalah:
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,......First, second, third, fourth,....Cardinal numbers adalah angka yang digunakan untuk menunjukan jumlah dari suatu benda atau objek. Cardinal numbers bisa juga disebut dengan angka biasa. Contoh cardinal numbers:
1,2,3,4.....One, Two, Three, Four.....Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang cardinal and ordinal numbers:
__________________________Detil JawabanKelas : SMP
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Numbers
Kata kunci : Ordinal, Cardinal
31. Angka ordinal numbers 21-100 dalam bahasa inggris
Berikut adalah angka ordinal dari 21 hingga 100 dalam bahasa Inggris:
21st - twenty-first
22nd - twenty-second
23rd - twenty-third
24th - twenty-fourth
25th - twenty-fifth
26th - twenty-sixth
27th - twenty-seventh
28th - twenty-eighth
29th - twenty-ninth
30th - thirtieth
31st - thirty-first
32nd - thirty-second
33rd - thirty-third
34th - thirty-fourth
35th - thirty-fifth
36th - thirty-sixth
37th - thirty-seventh
38th - thirty-eighth
39th - thirty-ninth
40th - fortieth
41st - forty-first
42nd - forty-second
43rd - forty-third
44th - forty-fourth
45th - forty-fifth
46th - forty-sixth
47th - forty-seventh
48th - forty-eighth
49th - forty-ninth
50th - fiftieth
51st - fifty-first
52nd - fifty-second
53rd - fifty-third
54th - fifty-fourth
55th - fifty-fifth
56th - fifty-sixth
57th - fifty-seventh
58th - fifty-eighth
59th - fifty-ninth
60th - sixtieth
61st - sixty-first
62nd - sixty-second
63rd - sixty-third
64th - sixty-fourth
65th - sixty-fifth
66th - sixty-sixth
67th - sixty-seventh
68th - sixty-eighth
69th - sixty-ninth
70th - seventieth
71st - seventy-first
72nd - seventy-second
73rd - seventy-third
74th - seventy-fourth
75th - seventy-fifth
76th - seventy-sixth
77th - seventy-seventh
78th - seventy-eighth
79th - seventy-ninth
80th - eightieth
81st - eighty-first
82nd - eighty-second
83rd - eighty-third
84th - eighty-fourth
85th - eighty-fifth
86th - eighty-sixth
87th - eighty-seventh
88th - eighty-eighth
89th - eighty-ninth
90th - ninetieth
91st - ninety-first
92nd - ninety-second
93rd - ninety-third
94th - ninety-fourth
95th - ninety-fifth
96th - ninety-sixth
97th - ninety-seventh
98th - ninety-eighth
99th - ninety-ninth
100th - one hundredth
32. sebutkan 5 contoh cardinal numbers dan ordinal numbers dengan kegunaanya masing masing?
Contoh dari cardinal number adalah angka satu (one), dua (two), tiga (three), empat (four) dan seterusnya. Sedikit berbeda dengan cardinal number, ordinal number adalah angka yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu urutan atau tahapan. Contohnya adalah pertama (first), kedua (second), ketiga (third), dan seterusnya.
33. Tuliskan 5 contoh kalimat cardinal numbers Dan kalimat ordinal numbers
cardinal numbers
1. i have 3 books phone number is 3011428
ordinal number
1.i am the first (1st) child in my daily
2.Friday,May 27th 1988
34. tanggal dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan cardinal number atau ordinal number
Dalam penulisan hari sebaiknya menggunakan cardinal numbers (1,2,3) bukan ordinal number (first, second, third), walaupun dalam pengucapan kita menggunakan ordinal number. Hal ini bisa dibuktikan dengan pengucapan “January first two thousand seventeen” yang jika ditulis berubah menjadi January
Cardinal numberPenjelasan:
walaupun dalam pengucapan kita menggunakan ordinal number. Hal ini bisa dibuktikan dengan pengucapan “January first two thousand seventeen” yang jika ditulis berubah menjadi January 1, 2017.
lebih gampang daripada ordinal number
35. contoh angka ordinal dan cardinal dalam bahasa inggris
ordinal : first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd), fourth (4th), fifth (5th)
cardinal : 1 = One, 2 = Two, 3 = Three, 4 = Four, 5 = Five
ordinal : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. dst. kalo belakangnya ada angka satu, dua, atau tiga contohnya 21 dibaca twenty first atau 21st.
cardinal : 1,2,3,4,5 dst
36. apa maksudnya cardinal numbers dan ordinal numbers
Cardinal number itu : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Ordinal number : 1st,2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th dst.....
Semoga membantu:))
Jadikan jawabanku menjadi jawaban yang terbaik!:)Cardinal number adalah number untuk menyatakan jumlah (to express quantity),
Ordinal number untuk menyatakan tahapan (to express sequence).
37. Cardinal and ordinal number
Ordinal Number itu nomer yang berurutan. klo cardinalnya maaf abdi teh teu terang
38. cardinal number and ordinal number
Sebenarnya ini catatan. Tapi kalau bermanfaat silakan digunakan
39. mohon bantuaannya ya soalnya mau dikumpulin please bantuin ya misalnya 1. (cardinal numbers/ ordinal numbers)
ordinal numberscardinal numberscardinal numbersordinal numberscardinal numberssemoga membantu ya
1. Ordinal numbers
2. Ordinal numbers
3. Ordinal numbers
4. Ordinal numbers
5. Cardinal numbers
Cardinal Numbers itu contohnya: 1 (one), 2 (two), 3 (three), 4 (four), 5 (five), etc.
Ordinal Numbers itu contohnya : 1 (first), 2 (second), 3 (third), 4 (fourth), 5 (fifth), etc
40. Make 15 sentences using a cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers
cardinal numbers: i bought two bananas at the store.
there are seven people in my family.
ordinal numbers:nick's sister was tenth
my daughter is third in line for the bus.
"jadikan jawaban terbaik"1. i will be the first in my class.
2. there are two apples on the table.
3. the third person whom win the contest is me.
4. the second paragraph is lose.
5. i have five brothers.
6. i have been in here for two years.
7. i hope you will be the first.
8. i have spent one million dollar.
9. you must bring two books for tommorow.
10. i have one dollar for your fucking mouth.
11. Four peoples beat me last night.
12. i got three accident in three days.
13. we buy six phons.
14. they boil ten noodles.
15. you have to give me one dollar or i will kill you.