Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Sd Semester Genap

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Sd Semester Genap

Tes, she does notb.volley balld. basB. Arrange the jumbled letters into correct words.(Susunlah huruf-huruf acak berikut menjadi sebuah kata-kata yang benarl)1. she-sc2. r-e-d-a-g-n-lg-n3. t-e-s-k-a-b-1-l-a-b4. do hind-a-k-o-os -5. g-n-i-m-w-m-i-sBahasa Inggris untuk SD/MI Kelas 4 Semester Genap (Kurikulum yang Berlaku) tolong jawab soalnya di kumpulin Sekarang​

Daftar Isi

1. Tes, she does notb.volley balld. basB. Arrange the jumbled letters into correct words.(Susunlah huruf-huruf acak berikut menjadi sebuah kata-kata yang benarl)1. she-sc2. r-e-d-a-g-n-lg-n3. t-e-s-k-a-b-1-l-a-b4. do hind-a-k-o-os -5. g-n-i-m-w-m-i-sBahasa Inggris untuk SD/MI Kelas 4 Semester Genap (Kurikulum yang Berlaku) tolong jawab soalnya di kumpulin Sekarang​

1. chess

5 swimming


selebihnya saya kurang paham maksudnya "Tes, ........"

2. HANDAYANIKELASTUT WURIWATDINAS PENDIDIKAN KABUPATEN LABUHANBATU SELATANUJIAN SEMESTER GENAPTINGKAT SEKOLAH DASAR (SD)TAHUN PELAJARAN 2020/2021MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS5LEMBARAN SOALPETUNJUK UMUM1. Selesaikan soal pada lembar jawaban dan jangan lupa menulis namamu2. Bacalah baik-baik soal ini, kerjakan yang lebih mudah dahulu kemudian kerjakan seluruhnya3. Sebelum menyerahkan hasil pekerjaanmu pada pengawas, periksalah pekerjaanmu baik-baik1. PILIHAN GANDABerilah tanda silang (x) pada salah satu hurufa, b, c, dan d, yang merupakan jawabanyang benar!8. A: I will night.a. Breakfastb. Lunchc. Dinnerd. Food9. The sick people are bought to the....a. Hospitalc. Marketb. Restaurantd. Zoo10. We can buy medicines in the...(apotik)a. Canteenc. Bookstoreb. Drugstored. Department storeThe taxt for namber 1-4Sony's BirthdaySunday 14th is Sony's birthday party. Thereare various kinds foods and drinks. There arecake, bread, candy, syrup, etc. There are oneof my favourite foods. It ia chocolate. Sonyoffers me a slice of cake and his mother givesme a glass of coke. Now I am going home andhis father gives me a bar of chocolate and abox of candy.1. What day is it today?a. Sundayc. Tuesdayb. Mondayd. Wednesday11. Laila : What happen with you Andy?Ais : I got eye sore"eye sore "in indonesia is....a. Sakit gigic. Sakit matab. Sakit perutd. Sakit telinga2. Whose birthday party is it?a. SandyC. Siskab. Sonyd. Shinta12. The the doctor in the hospital.a. Patientc. Nurseb. Dentistd. Sailor3. what does Sony offer to his friend?a. A can of coke c. A slice of cakeb. A cup of coffee d. A bar of chocolate13. The doctor used examine the patient.a. Medicinesc. Ambulanceb. Syringed. Stethoscope4. Does his father give sony's friend a glasscoke?a. Yesb. Yes, he does d. No, he does not14. Mira : what's matterwith you, Irna?Irna : I have got....a. Toothachec. Coughb. Headached. Influenzac. No5. It is a glass of....a. Milkb. JuiceC. Coffeed. Coke15.1 have toothache.I have go to....a. Schoolb. Zooc. Dentistd. Supermarket6. Anissa is thekitchen now.a. Fried noodleb. Fried chikenc. Fried riced. Meatball16. My young brotherhas got....a. Injuryb. Sore throatc. Faverd. Stomachache7. A: do you like to drink orange juice?B: yes....a. I amc. I haveb. I dod. I had17. banana.a. Likesb. Likec. Disliked. HaveHal.1 - Bhs Inggris (5)​


8.c diner


1.a .sunday

11.c.sakit mata

2.b sony

12.c. nurse

3.c .a slice of cake

13.b stetoscope he does not


15.c .dentist

6.c.fried rice

7b. i do

17.b. like

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