Soal Ulangan Kelas 8 Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris

Soal Ulangan Kelas 8 Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris

carilah soal soal ulangan semester 1 bahasa inggris kelas 8

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1. carilah soal soal ulangan semester 1 bahasa inggris kelas 8

Text 1. For numbers 1-8.

I love dogs very much. I keep some dogs in my house. They are Casper, Midas, Brwonie and Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short with long body and four strong legs. Brwonie is a collie. She has long and thick fur. What color is her fur? Brown, of course that’s why I call her Brownie. Dottie is a Dalmatian. She has a slim body and four long legs. She has thin fur and dots all over her body. The last is Midas. He is a bulldog. He has a large head, a short neck and thick short legs. He’s very strong. 
I always take care of my dogs everyday.

1. What kind of text is the text above?
a. Recount          c. Narrative
b. Descriptive      d. Report


2. The generic structure of the text is … .

a. description – identification
b. Identification – description
c. Orientation – events – Reorientation 
d. Reorientation – events – Orientation


3. ‘They are Casper, Midas, Brownie and Dottie’ . 
The sentence is the …. of the text.
a. Description            c. Identification
b. Orientation             d. Events


4. ‘ He’s short with long body and four strong legs’ 
The sentence is one of the ……… of the text.
a. Events                   c. Descriptions
b. Orientations           d. Identifications


5. How many dogs does the writer have?
a. 1                            c. 3
b. 2                            d. 4

6. What does Casper look like?
a. short with long body and strong legs
b. Brown, with long and thick fur
c. slim body, long legs
d. thin fur and dots


7. Why does the writer call the collie, Brownie? The writer calls the collie, Brownie 
because ….
a. she likes brownies              c. she has brown fur
b. she has brown ear              d. she like it


8. What kind of dog is Dottie? Dottie is a …
a. Dalmatian
b. Daschun
c. Bulldog
d. Collie

Text 2. For numbers 9-15

Last week, I and my dad went to a store. We went there to buy some candies. In the store, the candies looked so good. I would have bought a lot of them but my dad said I could only have three. I gave the store owner the money for the candies. As we left the store, I ate one of the candies. It was yummy. I hope we come back soon.

9. What kind of text is the text above?
a. Report                c. Narrative
b. Recount              d. Descriptive


10. The generic structure of the text is … .
a. description – identification
b. Identification – description
c. Orientation – events – Reorientation 
d. Reorientation – events – Orientation


11. ‘Last week, I and my dad went to a store’. 
The sentence is the …. of the text.
a. Description
b. Orientation
c. Identification
d. Events


12. “I would have bought a lot of them but my dad said I could only have three. I gave the store owner the money for the candies. As we left the store, I ate one of the candies.”
The sentences is the … of the text
a. Description          c. Identification
b. Orientation           d. Events


13. Who went to the store?
a. I and             c. the writer
b. my dad         d. the writer and his dad.


14. Why did they want to go to the store?
a. The writer wanted some candies
b. The writer liked the candies
c. They knew the owner well
d. The candies looked good


15. What did the writer feel about the candies? The candies were … .
a. bad                  c. delicious
b. good                d. the best candy

2. tuliskan soal soal ulangan bahasa inggris sebanyak 25 kelas 8 ulangan semester 1

buat sendiri, pemalas

3. soal ulangan semester 1 bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikurum 2013

nanti akan tau sendiri....


4. KELASSEMESTERТ.РSOAL ULANGAN MID SEMESTER BAHASA INGGRIS: IX: GENAP: 2021 20211. ANSWER THESE QUESTION1. Who was Dayang Sumbi?2. Who was Tumang?3. Where is the legend Sangkuriang from? It is from......4. Why did Dayang Sumbi refuse Sangkuriang proposal?.....5. Who is Sangkuriang?.....6. Sangkuriang was big and.....7. Where is the legend Golden star .....fruit tree from?8. How many son did the old man had?.......9. What kind of tree did the younger son had?.....10. What was characteristic of the oldest son?....II. COMPLETE THESE SENTENCES WITH THE RIGTH WORDS!11. Lemper is ......... of a handful lump of steamed glutinuos rice12. Pempek is very popular......from south of Sumatera13. This muysical instrument is..... angklung it is made in Indonesia14. This cloth is called and Ulos it north Sumatera15. Kepurupuk are very ......crakers​


1. Dayang Sumbi was a beautiful and kind-hearted woman who loves weaving clothes and lived in somewhere village in West Java.

2. Tumang was a cursed man. Dayang Sumbi married Tumang because she surprised and thanked for helping brought her tools.




5. tuliskan soal soal ulangan bahasa inggris semester 1 kelas 8 pilihan ganda

1. My house is (big) .... than yours.
A. Biger
B. Bigger
C. Bigest
D. Biggest

2. This flower is (beautiful) ..... than that one.
A. More beautiful
B. Beautifuller
C. Beautifuler
D. Most beautiful

3. Building-very-is-a-high-that
A. 4-2-5-1-6-3
B. 4-2-5-1-3-6
C. 3-6-4-2-5-1
D. 6-3-4-2-5-1

Kira” spt itu

6. Tolong di jawab Kak ini bahasa inggris soalnya lagi ulangan :( PENILAIAN TENGAH SEMESTER GENAP Tahun Ajaran 2020-2021 Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : V Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan benar dan lengkap 1. How much are two kilos of sugar ? (25.000) ........... 2. How many books are there ? (17) ........ 3. He sells meat. He is a ..... 4. do - oranges - How - need - ? - many - you The right sentence is ..... 5. Carrot, spinach, and cucumber are kinds of .... 6. We can buy medicine in the ..... 7. The tourist stay in the.... 8. Mother will make cake. She needs ..... 9. How much is a glass of tea ? (4000) ......... 10.One kilo of tomato is seven thousand. Four kilos tomatoes are .... 11.We save our money in the ..... 12.Mr.Andry - in - a big - hotel - works The right sentence is ..... 13.We can watch a movie in the ..... 14.The man service the guest in the hotel is ..... 15.The guest of hotel eat in the ..... 16.He brings many luggage of guest. He is a .... 17.hotel - is - in - Anyer - Marbella - expensive The right sentence is .... 18.We can check in and check out in the ..... 19.How much is price for per night ? (200000) ............. 20.They - Sanur hotel - for - stay - days - in - two - the The right sentence is ....


1. Twenty five thousand.

2. Seventeen.

3. Butcher.

4. How many oranges do you need?

5. Vegetables.

6. Pharmacy.

7. Hotel.

8. Flour/Butter/Sugar/Baking Powder

9. Four thousand.

10. Twenty eight thousand.

11. Wallet/Bank

12. Mr. Andry works in a big hotel.

13. Cinema.

14. Receptionist.

15. Lounge

16. Porter.

17. Marbella hotel in Anyer is expensive.

18. Reservation.

19. Two hundree thousand.

20. They stay for two days in the Sanur Hotel.

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya!

7. 5 Berikut ini adalah sebaran skor siswa: 15 No Nama Skor 1 Aqeela 45 2 Ardiansyah 17 3 Azwar 25 4 Adifa 37 5 Dita 28 6 Dewi 42 7 Fikri 46 8 Ilham 32 9 Intan 21 10 Keisya 49 11 Lintang 30 12 Mona 12 13 Susan 22 14 Yusuf 38 15 Zainal 40 Pada ulangan akhir semester mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VI SD diujikan 50 butir soal. Selesaikan lah beberapa pertanyaan berikut.(1) Urutkanlah siswa dengan nilai tertinggi, (2) Buatlah presentase tingkat penguasaan setiap siswa, (3) Jika guru memberikan nilai 10 kepada Keisya, maka bagaimana penilaian terhadap teman-teman yang lain.Skor Total 100*) coret yang tidak perluPondok Cabe, 20 April 2020Menyetujui,Ka. ProdiPenelaahPenulis,................................... ......................... Astri Dwi Jayanti S., M.Ed., Ph.D.................................... .........................


1. Keisya, Fikri, aqelaa, dewi, zanail, yusuf, adifa,ilham,lintang, dita, azwar, susan, intan, adriansyah, mona.


3.akan berubah yang tadi 2 poin 1soal menjadi 2,04 1soal

maka akan ada penambahan nilai


5. 1. keysa, fikri, aqeela, dewi, zainal, yusuf,

adifa, ilham, lintang, dita, azwar, susan,

intan, ardiansah, dan mona

2. tingkat penguasaan ( % ) :

kesya : 49/50 × 100 = 98%

fikri : 46/50 ×100 = 92%

aqeela: 45/50 × 100 = 90%

dst sampai yg plng kecil

3. kesya = 10/50 × 49 = 9,8

fikri = 10/50 × 46 = 9,2

aqeela= 10/50 × 45 = 9,0

8. × type to search Home › bahasa inggris › Belajar › kelas 9 › pendidikan › sekolah › semester genap › smp › soal › Soal Latihan › soal UAS Lengkap - 20+ Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Semester Genap Terbaru 20+ Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Semester Genap Terbaru - Adik adik, pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini kakak ingin berbagi beberapa soal mengenaik soal UAS Bahasa Inggris yang dibahasa pada semaster 2 atau semester genap. Soal yang akan kakak bagikan ini dikhususkan untuk kelas 9 SMP/MTS. Kakak sudah menyusun sebnyak 20 soal latihan yang bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan rujukan adik adik sebelum menghadapi Ulangan Akhir Semester. Semangat yaa adik adik. 20+ Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Semester Genap Terbaru 20+ Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Semester Genap Terbaru Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs 20+ Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Semester Genap Terbaru - Bagi Adik adik dimana saja berada yang ingin sekali mempelajari Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs ini, adik adik bisa menguduh materi ini di bospedia dalam bentuk file doc. Berikut ini adalah rincian Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs Semester 2.. SELAMAT MENGUNDUH YAA... Berikut bospedia memberikan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Tulis namamu di sudut kanan atas Kenapa bingung hilangkan bau mulut? Cukup satu sendok ini di pagi hari dan Ini dia penyebab nafas bau dan perut sakit! Ternyata, ini penyebab pasangan Anda susah untuk ..... Сara mudah mengajak pasangan lebih dekat setelah lama tidak ... 2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti. 3. Kerjakan dulu soal yang kamu anggap mudah. 4. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan pada pengawas. A. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a,b atau c didepan jawaban yang benar ! Text for number 1 to number 4 SEA GAMES SEA games are the sport competition between countries in south East Asia. The event is held every other year. SEA games are carried cut in line with founding of ASEAN. ASEAN has aims to promote solidarity among the nation in south East Asia. There for, all ASEAN members automatically participate in the event. They are represented by their best athletes. They complete to get the most medals. The medals for the firs winner is gold, silver for the second and the third winner gets the bronze medal. At first the game were participated by Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. Those country three countries were called Malayan Peninsula. Then, since 1997, the event was participated by all AESAN members. 1. How often the SEA games take place? a.Every years b. every 2 years c. twice in a years d. every 4 years 2. The aim of SEA games is…. a. To compete in sport event b. to become the winner c. To get gold medals d. the promote solidarity among the participant 3. The main idea of the third paragraph is … a. Malayan peninsula countries b. history of SEA games c. Athletes d. the 1977 SEA games 4. They are represented by ……(par 2) The word “they” in the sentence refers to …. a. ASEAN countries b. SEA games c. Athletes d. the events Text for number 5 to number 10 BRI BRI is one of the biggest commercials Bank in Indonesia. Its units spread out almost in every sub district, event though in remote area. For villagers, BRI is the main choose to save their money, to transfer their money and to have loans. BRI has 5 days opening from 8 am to 3 pm of public service. The staff businesses can been seen since it opens. Therefore, BRI always tries to improve its better service in order fulfill the customer’s needs. The customers vary from farmers, teachers, students, traders and businessmen. BRI provides the customer with some kind of accounts, such as simpedes, simaskot, BRI-Tama, ATM, BRI-Syariah and others. To handle those services, the bank staffs are always ready for their customer. 5. The type the above text is… a. Descriptive b. report c. recount d. explanation 6. For villager BRI is the main choose to have loans. The underlined word means …. a. Amount of money kept in a bank b. amount of money borrowed from a bank c. Amount of money sent though a bank d. amount of money paid to bank as interest 7. How long does the bank serve the customers everyday? a. 8 hours b. 3 hours c. 5 hours d. 7 hours 8. From the text we can conclude that the bank customers are … a. Vary professions b. the businessmen c. The villager d. the trader 9. What kind of account is mostly the villager used? a. ATM b. BRI-Tama c. Simaskot d. Simpedes 10. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ….. a. The Bank staff are always ready to serve the customers b. Simpedes is one of the Bank service c. Various kind of accounts the Bank provides d. Various kind of the Bank customers














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