Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Response Kegiatan Lampau Listening

Soal Bahasa Inggris Question Response Kegiatan Lampau Listening

Apa bahasa Inggrisnya listening and Choose the correct response​

Daftar Isi

1. Apa bahasa Inggrisnya listening and Choose the correct response​


indonesia kali? artinya


dengarkan dan pilih jawaban yg tepat/benar


jika diartikan sbg berikut:

dengarkan dan pilih respon yang tepat

2. transkrip soal listening UN bahasa inggris

tolong fotoin bisa gak soalnya

3. tips menjawab soal Listening Section bahasa inggris

memahami vocabularies nya1. Pahami bentuk-bentuk petunjuk (direction) pada masing-masing bagian (part) dengan baik sebelum hari-H ujian.
2. Bacalah pilihan pada masing-masing soal sebanyak mungkin ketika narator sedang membacakan perintah dan contoh soal (example).
3. Dengarkan dengan penuh konsentrasi dan fokuskan perhatian Anda pada percakapan yang sedang Anda dengarkan.
4. Maksimalkan kemampuan listening Anda pada soal-soal pertama pada masing-masing bagian.
5. Pelajari dan fahami bentuk dan jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang biasa muncul dalam tes

4. dialog bahasa inggris tentang temanmu mendapat nilai bagus dalam bahasa inggris.dalam bentuk stution dan response

Student A : Hey, guess what? i got 100 on english exam
Student B : Congratulations buddy

5. contoh pengalaman di masa lampau dalam bahasa inggris

Contoh recount text pengalaman masa lalu:

A few weeks ago, I went to Gemah beach with my friends. It is located in Tulungagung city, East Java. The trip there took about 1,5 hours. We left from my home at 07.00 using some cars and we arrived about 08.30 o’clock.

As arrived in the Gemah beach, one of my friend rented a hut to take a rest. I and my friends immediately ran towards to the beach. It looked sunny day with the blue sky and the sun clearly but I felt a gentle breeze. The waves there were suitable for swimming, but unfortunately I couldn’t swim. I just played with white sand and built a sand castle with some my friends. I also take a selfie with the background of  beautiful beach.

The day had begun in the evening. We hurried to go home. Before that we went to home, I bought some souvenirs in there. Finally, we arrived at 6:00 PM because the trip was over.


Recount text dalam bahasa inggris artinya salah satu dari jenis teks yang berisi cerita pengalaman kita di masa yang lampau. Tujuan dari Recount Text biasanya untuk menceritakan kembali dan memberikan informasi serta menghibur para pembaca.

Karena cerita-cerita yang dituliskan pada recount text adalah hal yang terjadi di masa lampau, maka tenses (bentuk waktu) yang kita gunakan adalah Simple Past Tense. Selain itu, terdapat juga penggunaan adverbial phrase atau yang bisa kita sebut sebagai keterangan tempat dan waktu.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi penjelasan tentang pengertian recount text yaitu pada link

Materi penjelasan tentang contoh recount text yaitu pada link

Detil Jawaban

Kelas     : VIII

Mapel    : Bahasa Inggris

Bab        : Narrative (telling story in the past)

Kode      : 8.5.10


6. contoh listening dalam bahasa inggris

mendengarkan lagu barat
menonton film barat tanpa tekslistening = mendengar
you listening to your teachers
maaf kalo salah

7. listening bahasa inggris kelas 12 smk

Dialogue , Grammar , Observation , Explanation , Speech

8. buat cerita tentang masa lampau dalam bahasa inggris ​

contoh recount text/cerita masa lampau tentang liburan bersama keluarga

Goa Lawa A. Orientation

Last week we went to our parents’ house at Trenggalek.

We went there by the train started from Yogyakarta and stopped at Tulungagung station. There is no train station at Trenggalek. Therefore after arrived at Tulungagung we continued our vacation by bus to go to Trenggalek.

We was so happy because we did not visit there yet for a long time. We stayed there for three days and we had a plane to go to some tourism place.

B. Event

The most interesting thing from our vacation that time was at the second day we visited Lawa cave.

Lawa is Javanese terms which means cave bat and that is true that the cave is the home for thousand bats.

We went there with the whole family so that the trip was so fun. My grandma was 80 and she was so excited and still powerful to go inside the cave.

We could find a river in that cave and the water was so cold. To go deeper inside the cave we need light so we rented a lamp and hire a guide for our safety.

After 4 hours explored the cave, we felt tired and we went out. At the outside of the cave then we searched for the local restaurant and had a nice launch.

C. Reorientation

That was so very interesting family holiday we had done together.

9. Bahasa inggris listening smp kelas 2 yg bisa bahasa inggris bantu saya

1. Sudah betul

2. Busy

3. Cycling

4. Show

5. What happened

6. Has won

7. Tell me more

8. English debate

9. I agree with you

10. The village

Semoga membantu

10. bahasa Inggris membaca di masa lampau​


semoga membantu kamu yaaa

11. buat 3kalimat dalam bahasa inggris dalam bentuk lampau?

-i went to Bali last year
- Nadia bought some souvernirs at Surabaya yesterday
- she was at school last night-We drew the new painting about rich people.
Kita menggambar lukisan baru tentang orang kaya.
– They drank too much Coca Cola last night.
Mereka meminum terlalu banyak Coca Cola kemarin malam.
– They ate my mother’s fried rice last Sunday.
Mereka makan nasi goreng ibu saya kemarin Minggu.

12. bagaimana cara membuat response paragraph dalam cerita bahasa inggris?


To develop the first part of a report, do the following:

Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date. For magazines, give the date of publication.

Write an informative summary of the material.

Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points.

Use direct quotations from the work to illustrate important ideas.

Summarize the material so that the reader gets a general sense of all key aspects of the original work.

Do not discuss in great detail any single aspect of the work, and do not neglect to mention other equally important points.

Also, keep the summary objective and factual. Do not include in the first part of the paper your personal reaction to the work; your subjective impression will form the basis of the second part of your paper.


To develop the second part of a report, do the following:

Focus on any or all of the following questions. Check with your instructor to see if s/he wants you to emphasize specific points.

How is the assigned work related to ideas and concerns discussed in the course for which you are preparing the paper? For example, what points made in the course textbook, class discussions, or lectures are treated more fully in the work?

How is the work related to problems in our present-day world?

How is the material related to your life, experiences, feelings and ideas? For instance, what emotions did the work arouse in you?

Did the work increase your understanding of a particular issue? Did it change your perspective in any way?

Evaluate the merit of the work: the importance of its points, its accuracy, completeness, organization, and so on.

You should also indicate here whether or not you would recommend the work to others, and why.


Here are some important elements to consider as you prepare a report:

Apply the four basic standards of effective writing (unity, support, coherence, and clear, error-free sentences) when writing the report.

Make sure each major paragraph presents and then develops a single main point. For example, in the sample report that follows, the first paragraph summarizes the book, and the three paragraphs that follow detail three separate reactions of the student writer to the book. The student then closes the report with a short concluding paragraph.

Support any general points you make or attitudes you express with specific reasons and details. Statements such as "I agree with many ideas in this article" or "I found the book very interesting" are meaningless without specific evidence that shows why you feel as you do. Look at the sample report closely to see how the main point or topic sentence of each paragraph is developed by specific supporting evidence.

Organize your material. Follow the basic plan of organization explained above: a summary of one or more paragraphs, a reaction of two or more paragraphs, and a conclusion. Also, use transitions to make the relationships among ideas in the paper clear.

Edit the paper carefully for errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, word use, and spelling.

Cite paraphrased or quoted material from the book or article you are writing about, or from any other works, by using the appropriate documentation style. If you are unsure what documentation style is required or recommended, ask you instructor.

You may use quotations in the summary and reaction parts of the paper, but do not rely on them too much. Use them only to emphasize key ideas.

Publishing information can be incorporated parenthetically or at the bottom of the page in a footnote. Consult with your instructor to determine what publishing information is necessary and where it should be placed.

Part 1: Summary

Topic sentence for summary paragraph

Part 2: Reaction

Topic sentence for first reaction paragraph

Topic sentence for second reaction paragraph

Topic sentence for third reaction paragraph

Concluding paragraph

Semoga bermanfaat. cmiiw

13. listening task2 bahasa Inggris kelas7 ​


Class seven


14. please. BUATKAN 50 soal LISTENING AND READING bahasa inggris kelas X DAN XI semester genap

Kumpulnya kapan? banyak amat

15. apa contoh kata lampau dan tidak lampau dalam bahasa inggris?

kata lampau : sang, drank, swam, played, watched, ate
tak lampau : sing, drink, swim, play, watch,eatlampau: tidak lampau:
sing. sang
drink. drank
ring. rang
show. showed
play. played
run. ran

16. 20 aktivitas lampau bahasa inggris

twenty past activitiestwenty past activiti

17. apa bahasa Inggrisnya telat dalam masa lampau​


Late in the past.

Semoga bermanfaat:)


late in the past


itu bahasa inggris nya

18. contoh 20 thanking dan response dalam bahasa inggris

1.Thank you for giving me a ride

>Your welcome , glad to help

2.Thank you for inviting me to your party

>It's my pleasure

3.Thanks for the time

>No , problem

4.Thank you for coming to my party

>Don't mention it

5.I'd like to thank you for your kindness

>Not at all

6.Thanks for always staying by my side

>Don't mention it

7.Thank you for giving me an advice

>Your welcome

8.Thank you for the present!

>My pleasure

9.Thanks for everything

>Don't mention it

10.Thanks a lot


11.Thank you for helping me

>Your welcome

12.Thanks for the support!

>Glad to help

13.Thank you


14.Thanks for the treat

>Your welcome

15.Thank you for hearing my songs

>Not at all

16.Thanks for the cards

>No problem

17.Thank you for teaching me


18.Thank you for the cookies

>Your welcome

19.Thank you for the food


20.Thank you for playing games with me

>No big deal

Kode Kategorisasi : 7.5.1

Kode Mapel : 5

Semoga membantu :)

19. berikan contoh 10 apologizing dan response dalam bahasa inggris !​


Apologizing :

- I'm sorry ( Aku minta maaf )

- I'm so sorry ( Aku sangat minta maaf )

- I'm terribbly sorry ( Aku sangat-sangat minta maaf )

- I'm really sorry ( Aku benar benar minta maaf )

- Pardon me for.. ( Maafkan aku atas.. )

- Sorry,please don't be mad at me ( Maaf,tolong jangan marah padaku )

- I'm sorry,I shouldn't have do that ( Maafkan aku,seharusnya aku tidak melakukan itu )

- I do apologize for.. ( Aku meminta maaf untuk.. )

- Please,accept my apology ( Tolong terima permintaan maafku )

- Sorry,it was my fault ( Maaf itu semua salahku )

Respons :

- It's fine / It's okay ( Tidak apa-apa )

- That's fine ( Bukan apa-apa )

- Forget it ( Lupakan saja )

- Don't worry about it ( Jangan khawatir tentang itu )

- It doesn't matter ( Itu bukan masalah )

- Don't mention it ( Jangan sebutkan itu )

- Don't apologize ( Jangan meminta maaf )

- Never Mind ( Jangan dipikirkan )




20. .Tuliskan 10 kata yang menunjukkan kegiatan yang terjadi pada masa lampau!dalam bahasa Inggris!!​


1.i sent you a letter a month ago

2. they left me alone in the middle of the jungle yesterday

3.i spoke English yesterday

4.brian was sick yesterday

5.i wast at home last week

6.i was student last year

7.she bought a book two days ago

8. I get a head ache because I worked full time yesterday

9. I and my family moved to Los angels last month

10.i would wait for you if I was not in hurry to catch my flights

Tolong jadikan pertanyaan yg terbaik

21. Kalimat apa saja yang termasuk response understanding dalam bahasa Inggris you understand you know what i'm saying? you now what i mean


22. bahasa inggris listening

Listening= mendengarkan

23. apa bahasa inggris listening to music


listening to music

artinya:mendengarkan music

24. langkah membuat response dari complaint letter dalam bahasa inggris

1. Respond specifically to the issues brought up by the customer.
2. Provide a specific apology that acknowledges any mistakes on your end.
3. State exactly what you intend to do (or have already done) to make it right.
4. Propose how you will improve the customer’s experience in the future.

25. pembahasaan asli soal listening section dan reading section UN Bahasa Inggris SMA 2012 serta jawabannya pembahasan

Soalnya mana? Maksudnya gmna?

26. Tulislah 10 kalimat terkait Kegiatan Yang Kamu Lakukan Di Masa Lampau Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya​


Reading booksCyclingCookingWriteWalk waySingingEatingDrawPlaying musicGardening


Membaca bukuBersepedaMemasakMenulisJalan-jalanBernyanyiMakanMenggambarBermain musicBerkebun

27. bantu bro materi listening bahasa Inggris,tulis yang ada di dalam listening itu,materinya di scan di barcode ​


kayak nya itu museum dari luar negeri dan itu kayak nya itu suruh ngartikan

28. Soal bahasa Inggris masa lampau dan masa sekarang


contoh soal :

1. the school alone yesterday.





2. we…in this restaurant 2 days ago.




3. they…this music two hours ago.



c.listening listen


1. b

2. a

3. a

29. bantu bro materi listening bahasa Inggris,tulis yang ada di dalam listening itu,materinya di scan di barcode ​


Picture no 1 - lanyang museum, Picture no 2 - the basket building, Picture no 3 - The dancing house


30. bagaimana caranya agar kemampuan listening bahasa inggris saya bisa lebih baik?

Kita bisa mendengarkan penjelasan dari guru,selalu memperhatikan ala yg dijelaskan oleh guru.bisa melalui mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris sambil memperhatikan liriknya, dengan cara itu, secara perlahan akan membuat listening kita menjadi lebih baik

moga membantu ya :)

31. apa kata lampau pergi dalam bahasa inggris

went bentuk lampauny

bentuk lampau dari go adalah went

32. berikan 5 contoh request dan response dalam bahasa inggris !

1. Can you Help Me ? Response : ok No Prob.
2. Would you join the party ? Response : Of Course, Why Not.
3. Could you open the Door ? Response : No, i Could'nt
4, Can you take me to hospital ? Respone : No, I Can;t
5. Who are you ? response : Im nobody
6. Can you Join me and together we rule the galaxy ? Response : Yes, Lets Go

33. cara mengerti bahasa inggris lewat listening

cara mengerti bahasa inggris lewat listening
- get used yourself to listen to more audios like movies, radio, television or even to people who communicate it on the spot
- practice with vocabularies by making list of 10 new words on daily basis
- self-esteem is needed
- when it comes to listen to something, focus and pay attention to every words the announcer is saying
- good luckdengarkan baik baik setiap perkataan yang di ucapkan

34. membuat cerita yang sudah lampau dengan bahasa Inggris past ​

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah who lived in a small village on the outskirts of a dense forest. She had a big dream of becoming a professional artist and would spend most of her time drawing and painting in her small attic studio.

One day, while taking a walk in the forest, Sarah stumbled upon an old, abandoned mansion. Curious, she pushed open the creaky door and ventured inside. To her amazement, she discovered that the mansion was filled with beautiful artwork from all over the world.

As she explored the mansion, Sarah came across an old, wise-looking man who introduced himself as the owner of the mansion. The man was so impressed by Sarah's passion for art that he decided to take her under his wing and teach her all he knew about painting.

For months, Sarah would travel to the mansion every day to learn from the old man. She learned how to mix colors, how to create depth and dimension, and how to convey emotion through her paintings. Under the man's tutelage, Sarah's skills improved greatly.

Eventually, Sarah became a successful artist in her own right, and her paintings were displayed in galleries all over the world. She never forgot the lessons she learned from the old man, and often looked back on her time at the mansion as the turning point in her career.

Years later, when Sarah returned to the old mansion, she found that it had been restored to its former glory. As she walked through the halls, she saw her own paintings hanging on the walls, and felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that she had never known before.

And so, Sarah's dream of becoming an artist had come true, thanks to the kindness of a wise old man and a chance encounter in an old, abandoned mansion.

35. Surat bahasa inggris tentang liburan di masa lampau

Traveling to Bajul Mati BeachLast week, I and my family had a vacation to the beach because I and my little brother were having school holiday. This holiday was also a gift because two days before my little brother celebrated his birthday.The clock was still at 4:56 am, but I and my family had been ready to go to Bajul Mati beach since the distance from our house to the beach is about 3 hours. We went there by car. In the car, there were me, my sister, my father and mother. We were not allowed to bring mobile phones by our father and mother in order to enjoy more the trip and the holiday itself. To spend the time on the way I played "guess the name by the letter" with my brother who is only two years younger than me.Two hours had passed quickly and we began to enter the hilly area. We began to pay attention the sights seriously. We were fascinated to see paddy fields which looked so beautiful and green. After a while, we finally arrived at Bajul Mati beach. This beach is located in Malang, East Java. While enjoying the sea breeze, we ate together first. We can not stop being amazed at the beauty of this beach. Bajul Mati beach has not been well-known enough, so there were not many visitors there. But the beach was still so clean and brought us comfort.We could not bear to play at the beach, so after having meal together we directly ran toward the seashore. We ignored mom’s words telling us to put on sunblock first. It felt fresh when the sea water reached our feet. We decided to swim in the estuary because the current was calm unlike those in the ocean. We had been swimming for about 15 minutes, before our father called and sent us to the seashore while our mother just took picture on us with his camera.Suddenly, it was already at 12 o’clock, mom and dad took us to clean ourselves. After that, we prayed Zuhur together. The event was followed by enjoying the warm meatballs in a stall on the beach, which was very delicious. Eating warm meatball while seeing the beauty of the beach was so much fun.On the way home, I and my little brother fell asleep. When we woke up, we were already at home. This holiday was really fun. I can not wait to go to the sea with my father, my mother and my younger brother in the upcoming holiday. I went back to sleep until the morning because we were still exhausted.

36. apa bahasa Inggrisnya telat dalam masa lampau​


late in the past


maaf klo salah


late in the past

semoga membantu

37. berikan contoh 10 thanking dan response dalam bahasa inggris !

Expression of Gratitude:

Thank you=>Terima kasih

Thank you very much=>Terima kasih banyak

Thanks=>Terima kasih

Many thanks=>Terima kasih banyak

Thanks in advance=Terima kasih sebelumnya

I deliver my best gratitude to you=>Aku menyampaikan rasa terima kasihku kepadamu

Thanks a lot=>Terima kasih banyak

I cannot thank you enough=>Kata terima kasihku tidaklah cukup

Thanks a bunch=>Terima kasih banyak

Thanks in a million=>Terima kasih banyak

Response of the Expressions of Gratitude:

You're welcome=>Terima kasih kembali

Don't mention it=>Sama-sama

My pleasure=>Dengan senang hati membantu

No problem=>Bukan apa-apa

It's nothing=>Itu bukan apa-apa

Not at all=>Sama-sama

It's all right=>Sama-sama

Glad to help=>Senang dapat membantu

You will do the same for me, right?=>Kamu akan melakukan hal yang sama, bukan?

I do nothing=>Sama-sama


Expression of Gratitude disampaikan saat mendapatkan sesuatu baik benda, pertolongan, nasehat, ataupun kata-kata yang baik dari orang lain. Tujuannya adalah untuk menyampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada orang tersebut.

Response of Expression of Gratitude diutarakan untuk menjawab kalimat ungkapan rasa terima kasih.

Contoh dialog:

A: Hi! I received your gift yesterday. (Hai! Aku sudah menerima kadomu kemarin.)

B: Do you like it? (Apakah kamu menyukainya?)

A: I craved for it. Thank you is never enough. (Aku sangat menginginkannya. Kata terima kasih tidaklah cukup.)

B: It's nothing. (Itu bukan apa-apa.)

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

1. Materi Expression of Gratitude

2. Contoh dialog Expression of Gratitude

3. Macam Expression of Gratitude

Detail Jawaban:

Kelas: VII SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Greetings, Leave-takings, expression of gratitude and apology

Kode: 7.5.1


38. langkah membuat response dari complaint letter dalam bahasa inggris

Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: letter of complaint

In writing a response for the letter of complaint, there are several things one needs to include such as
- saying 'thank you for receiving the complaint earlier' at the beginning of the letter.
- saying 'apology' for causing such discomfort and explanation for the condition from the company/ restaurant's side which led to complaint
- responding the demand from the sender
- always use polite tone for this letter.

39. contoh dialog bahasa inggris tentang expressing dan response sympaty

you: i am sorry to hear about your father
friend: yes thank you
you: i know it's a great loss for you and your family
friend: indeed
you: is there anything i can help?
friend: no, thank you
you: how is your feeling now. perhaps you want to share your unforgetable moments with your father?
friend: my father was a great man
you: he was
friend: he's gone but not forgotten. i am going to him
you: i am too
friend: i need a best friend hug
you: i am here for you mate. my heart is with you
friend: thank you. you have been a wonderful best friend ever

40. apa bahasa inggrisnya mempunyai pada masa lampau?

mempunyai  = have

bentuk keduanya (bentuk masa lampaunya) = had

semoga membantu :)

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