soal latihan bahasa inggris kelas 5 sd
1. soal latihan bahasa inggris kelas 5 sd
Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C or D!
(Pilih jawaban yang tepat dengan menyilang huruf A, B, C atau D!)
Rina is 150 cm
Vini is 165 cm
Anisa is 170 cm
Vini is ... than Rina.
A. tall
B. taller
C. tallest
D. as tall as
Answer : B. taller
2. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd
Rain star clowdy isk
6a moon
7a star
8a rainbow
10a flood
Penjelasan:no 10 gak terlalu yakin
3. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd
1 Aldi
2. no
3. Yes
4. No
5. Winter
2no she is not
3cuz its raining outside
4yes he is
5winter season
Penjelasan:#grinding point
4. 1. bahasa Inggrisnya saya sekolah di SD 13 rembon?2. apa bahasa Inggrisnya kamu kelas brp?3. apa bahasa Inggrisnya saya kelas lima tolong dibantu! jgn jawab asal asalan!
1.I go to school in SD 13 Rembon2. What grade are you in?3. I am in 5th gradePenjelasan:
Semoga membantu :DJawaban:
1.I study in SD 13 Rembon
2.What class are you in?
3.I'am grade 5
5. Kunci jawaban soal bahasa inggris kelas 5 SD nama2 tempat dalam bahasa inggris
3. b. Where
4. a. behind
5. b. beside
6. b. beside
maaf klo salah
6. soal bahasa inggris sd
tempat yang bagus untuk tinggal
ini adalah rumah nenek saya
disana ada banyak pohon didepan rumahnya
halamannya luas
ini teduh
kita bisa main di bawah pohon mangga
itu adalah tempat yang indah untuk tinggal
nenek saya selalu berkata
"jaga kebersihan halaman!"
7. Apa bahasa inggris saya sekolah di SD 17 kesiman
Im School at SD 17 Kesiman
8. cerita pendek bahasa Inggris liburan sekolah untuk SD kelas 3
tidak tahu ka saya karna bukanka orang bule
A Trip to Taman Safari Indonesia
Yesterday was a special day. My family and I were very happy. We did a trip to Taman Safari Indonesia, animal theme park in Bogor. We are excited because we love animals. The place was great. There were a lot of animals in the safari park like a giraffe, a zebra, a hippo, a monkey, and lots more. We looked around by a car. There were also a big lion and it was got long hair on its head. That was really a great holiday at Taman Safari Indonesia. We hope to see them another time.
Perjalanan ke Taman Safari Indonesia
Kemarin adalah hari yang spesial. Keluargaku dan aku sangat bahagia. Kami melakukan perjalanan ke Taman Safari Indonesia, yaitu taman binatang di Bogor. Kami senang karena kami mencintai hewan. Tempat itu keren. Ada banyak hewan di taman safari seperti jerapah, zebra, kuda nil, monyet, dan banyak lagi. Kami melihat sekeliling dengan mobil. Ada juga singa besar dan memiliki rambut panjang di kepalanya. Itu benar-benar liburan yang luar biasa di Taman Safari Indonesia. Kami berharap dapat melihat mereka lain waktu.
maaf ya kalo salah
9. mohon di jawab soal bahasa inggris kelas v sd
1. pediatrician
2. surgeon
3. dentist
5. medicine
9. injection
11. thermometer
12. otolaryngologist
10. soal bahasa inggris tentang body kelas 3 sd
how many nose in your body? one
you watch with? eyes
you walk with? foot
We have 2 eye,we have two hands,we have 1 nose,we have 2 ear,we have 1 mouth
11. contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd
1. Bandung is located is ...
a. West Java
b. East Java
c. Central Java
d. Banten
2.Devi is clever. Ayu is clever. Devi is ... Ayu.
a. as clever as
b. as clever
c. more clever
d. cleverest
3.Dodi is twelve years old. Andi is ten years old. Andi is ... than Dodi.
a. old
b. young
c. older
d. younger
4. ....... the baby is sleeping !
a. Don’t make noise
b. Be happy
c. Be careful
d. Be diligent
5. You have a motorcycle. The motorcycle is ...
a. you
b. your
c. yours
d. you are
6. Where are they studying ? They are in the...
a. classroom
b. canteen
c. library
d. office
7. He is ... in Kelud mountain.
a. fishing
b. climbing
c. cleaning
d. traveling
8. Nonik is ... in the bed room
a. sleeping
b. eating
c. traveling
d. swimming
9. She is ... the floor.
a. driving
b. sweeping
c. swimming
d. speaking
10. Moslems pray in the...
a. mosque
b. church
c. temple
d. airport
12. Bahasa inggris dari kata aku atau saya pergi kesekolah sd
I went to elementary school
13. soal bahasa Inggris ke 2bantu terjemahkan kakak2untuk kelas 3 SD
5. kelas berapa cassia ?
a.dia kelas 2 SMP
b.dia kelas 2 di sekolah dasar
c.dia kelas 5 di sekolah dasar
d.dia kelas 3 di SMP
6.diana: halo, artorious. kemana kamu pergi ?
artorious: ..., Diana ,aku pergi ke sekolah
b.sampai jumpa
c. aku baik
7.frieda:....Lazarus , saya harus pergi ke perpustakaan sekarang.
Lazarus : oke, selamat tinggal. hati-hati
a.sampai ketemu lagi
b.Senang bertemu dengan Anda
c. selamat pagi
8.nama saya rio . saya.... seorang siswa di sekolah dasar
9.saya memiliki saudara perempuan . dia....vira
jangan lupa like
follow aku
dan kasih jawaban terbaik yeye
5. DIa kelas 2 SMP
6. Halo
7. Sampai ketemu lagi
8. Saya
14. Latihan soal bahasa indonesia menemukan informasi dari bacaan kelas 3 sd.
maaf klo salah kak
klo bener kasih jawaban tercerdas ya
15. Soal jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd halaman 18 sampay 19
soalnya mana woy tulong dijelaskan
16. soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd tentang my body
17. bahasa Inggrisnya aku bersekolah di sd muhammadiyah 3
I went to elementary school in Muhammadiyah
Semoga Bermanfaat
18. contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 1 sd tentang numbers
I have_______ eyes
I have_______ nose
I have_______fingers
I have_______teeth
19. Apa bahasa inggrisnya saudari saya sekolah di sd
My sister Studied in Primary school
Maaf jika salah dan semoga membantu..
20. Jawabin semuanya bangg soal kelas 4 sd bahasa inggris
1.happy birthday
2.alan:how are you?
5.raise your hand
9.what do you havein your bag? many pencil do you have?
#maaf kalo salah#
#kalo betul jadikan jawaban tercerdass
21. Tolong buatkan soal bahasa inggris sd tentang kegiatan disekolah
Are you study at the school??
22. jelaskan contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan sekolah dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Honorable ones; the juries, the participant of creative English speech contest and all audiences.
Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also let’s deliver Sholawat and Salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness.
Ladies and gentlemen
To celebrate an annual event of Earth Day on April 22, today I would like to deliver a speech about “Our Environment”.
Realize it or not, we live in this world depends on the environment, we drink water from our environment, we breath air from our environment and we eat foods which are planted from our environment. Our environment has a great influence in our live. Our environment gives us life. Good or bad the condition of our environment will definitely affect our live even our existence. Our environment is our life.
Let’s close our eyes and remember few years back. Few years ago, there were many green trees around us but now those green trees are gone and replaced with grey stiff buildings. Few years ago, we could still breath deeper to fill our lung with fresh air of oxygen but now that refreshing oxygen was gone and replaced with thick Carbon Monoxide. Few years ago, we could still look at our reflections on the river because of the clear water but now those reflection was gone and replaced with pale face of trash.
Grey stiff building that we see, carbon monoxide that we breath, and polluted water that we drink become our daily menu right now. Do we just stay still and enjoy those bitter menu everyday? Or we can do something small hoping to see green trees, breath fresh oxygen, and drink clear water once more.
Ladies and gentlemen
Small action such as planting some trees, put trash in the right place, save electricity, and reduce the usage of motor vehicle will save our environment from destruction. If those small actions are done by people in this world, it will create an opportunity to restore our environment from destruction once more.
The future condition of our environment depends on us. We who live now have a big responsibility to restore our environment so in the future we can still live a better life. Remember my friends, our environment is our life. If it is destroyed, our life will be destroyed too. Treat it well and it will treat us well.
That is all my speech. I hope my brief speech about the environment will be useful for us. And also I would like to say sorry for all of my mistakes. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.
Maaf kalau salah✌
Semoga benar
23. Soal jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd halaman 18
fotonya dimana????
kalo gk ada foto mana bisa di kerjain
24. Buatlah soal bahasa inggris perkelanan kelas 3 sd
Tentu! Berikut beberapa contoh soal bahasa Inggris untuk perkenalan kelas 3 SD:
**A. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat!**
1. My name is ... .
- a) apple
- b) book
- c) Dara
- d) pen
2. I have ... brother.
- a) two
- b) book
- c) car
- d) eat
3. My father's brother is my ... .
- a) uncle
- b) grandfather
- c) brother
- d) father
**B. Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang tepat!**
4. My mother's daughter is my ... .
5. I am ... years old.
6. My favorite ... is blue.
**C. Gambarkan dan tuliskan dalam bahasa Inggris!**
7. [Gambar buku] = ... .
8. [Gambar sepeda] = ... .
9. [Gambar pohon] = ... .
**D. Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris!**
10. Saya punya satu adik perempuan. = I have ... .
11. Itu adalah sepatuku. = That is ... .
12. Ayahku adalah seorang dokter. = My father is ... .
Semoga soal-soal di atas dapat membantu! Anda bisa menyesuaikannya sesuai kebutuhan.
25. cerita pendek bahasa Inggris liburan sekolah untuk SD kelas 3
map s
Memorable Vacation in Surabaya
Vacations are the best time to relax and enjoy. My school was closed since 9th June until 1st July . Next day I received a letter from my cousin and she asked me to come to Surabaya. On the same night I packed my luggage and I caught a train to Surabaya at around 10 pm. I reached Surabaya 7 o’clock in the morning. I and my cousin met at Surabaya Pasar Turi station. I stayed at her apartment. We reached there within 25 minutes.
After breakfast we went to Hero’s Museum. Surabaya well known as the hero’s city. It is one of the reason Hero’s Museum was built. It was a memorable scene. We capture lots of memorable pictures and enjoyed a lot. We spent many days visiting all historical places. It was really awesome vacation of my life.
maaf ya kalau salah
26. contoh soal ulangan bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd
contoh soal
how made egg
dan masih banyak
27. latihan soal UN bahasa indonesia sd kelas 6
WWW. Ruangguru. Com kamu tinggal ketik itu, dan daftar
28. Tolong dibantu ya soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd
2. Is
3. Is
4. Are
5. Is
6. Are
7. Is
8. Is
9. Is
11. Is
12. Are
13. Are
14. Are
15. Am
— Semoga membantu —
nomor 2 sampai 9, sama nomor 11 sampai 14 jawabannya "is" yaa :)
29. Latihan soal bahasa Inggris :3
1. Cindy get an test A= H
2. Rendy has graduated from his school= E
3. Today is Anita 12th birthday= A
4.Cintya wins the singing contest= G
5. Aldo is absent today. He got a fever= C
6. Your neighbors move to their new house= B
7. Saskia and martha ara going to go vacation to bali= F
8. Your friend will parcipate on story telling competition= D
30. tolong tuliskan soal soal latihan bahasa indonesia kelas 6 sd
1. Berakit-rakit kehulu, berenang-renang ketepian Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian Pesan yang terkandung dalam pantun diatas adalah ….a. Kalau kita ingin melakukan sesuatu jangan lupa berdoab. Jika kita sedang sakit, maka kita diharuskan berenangc. Berenang-renang ketepian membuat hati kita senangd. Jika kita berusaha dengan tekun dan giat, pasti kita akan berhasil
2. Ayah datang dari Solo bersama teman lamannya. Ayah …. dari solo bersama teman lamannya. Persamaan kata yang sesuai untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah …. a. pergi c. timbul b. tiba d. sampai
3. Bacalah puisi berikut !
Kau pergi di pagi buta Kau datang di pagi hari membawa hasil tangkapanmu Untuk menghadapi anak istrimu Tak kenal pantang menyerah Mengarungi lautan luas
Amanat yang terkandung dalam puisi diatas adalah …. a. Selalu pergi malam dan pulang pagi c. Senang berlayar di lautan b. Takut terhadap anak dan istri d. Tanggung jawab seorang ayah
4. Kakiku melangkah pasti menyusuri areal bandara. Jantungku mulai berdebar dengan cepat. Sebentar lagi aku akan naik pesawat. Perasaan takut, cemas, dan malu bercampur menjadi satu. Aku belum pernah naik pesawat terbang. Kesimpulan cerita diatas adalah …. a. Takut naik pesawat terbang c. Menuju Bandar udara b. Jalan-jalan ke bandara d. Jantung mulai berdebar
Laporan Hasil Pengamatan …. terjadi pada tanggal 18 januari 2009 tepat pukul 17.00 di jalan mangga, Teluk Kuantan. Api sangat cepat menjalar dan menghanguskan rumah-rumah warga. Menurut hasil penyelidikan pihak kepolisian kejadian diakibatkan hubungan arus pendek dari rumah salah seorang warga. Sehingga terjadi kemacetan arus lalu lintas selama 1 jam. Dalam kejadian ini tidak ada korban jiwa. ratusan juta rupiah diperkirakan harta benda yang terbakar.
5. Peristiwa yang tepat untuk melengkapi laporan diatas adalah ….a. Banjir bandang c. Gempa bumib. Kebakaran d. Pencurian
6. Kalimat ratusan juta rupiah diperkirakan harta benda yang terbakar kurang efektif.Struktur kalimat yang tepat adalah ….a. harta benda diperkirakan ratusan juta rupiah yang terbakarb. diperkirakan ratusan juta rupiah yang terbakar harta bendac. harta benda yang terbakar diperkirakan ratusan juta rupiahd. yang terbakar diperkirakan harta benda ratusan juta rupiah
7. Hani : Yus, sudahkah kamu mendengar kabar gembira? Yusinto : Kabar apa, Han? Hani : Rencana sekolah kita. Yustito : Rencana yang mana, Han? Hani : Besok, tanggal 2 Mei, Sekolah kita akan mengadakan kunjungan ke panti asuhan sejahtera. Topik dari percakapan keduanya adalah …. a. Hani member kabar Yustito b. Rencana kunjungan sekolah ke panti asuhan c. Yustito menanyakan rencana sekolah kepada Hadi d. Hani akan berkunjung ke panti asuhan Cuplikan cerita !
Pak Arman adalah seorang petani yang ulet. Ia bekerja banting tulang dari pagi sampai sore. Sehingga ia menjadi orang yang sukses. Cara bercocok tanam ia pelajari dari Dinas Pertanian, sehingga ia menjadi seorang petani teladan di desanya.
8. Ringkasan dari cerita diatas adalah …. a. Pak Arman adalah petani yang ulet, ia pekerja keras sehingga menjadi orang yang sukses dan petani yang teladan di desanya. b. Pak Arman suka bercocok tanam dengan Dinas Pertanian dari pagi sampai sore hari. ia seorang yang ulet c. Pak Arman seorang petani teladan. ia suka bercocok tanam dengan Dinas Pertanian dari pagi sampai sore hari d. Pak Arman bekerja banting tulang dari pagi sampai sore. Sehingga ia menjadi orang yang sukses dan teladan
9. Tema dari cerita di atas adalah …. a. Seorang petani yang ulet c. Petani yang kaya raya b. Petani yang pernah putus asa d. Petani membantu dinas pertanian
10. Pesan yang terkandung dalam cuplikan diatas adalah …. a. Janganlah menjadi orang yang sombong dan serakah b. Bekerjalah dengan tekun, pasti kita menjadi orang yang sukses c. Bekerjalah menjadi petani jika ingin seperti Pak Arman d. Dinas Pertanian selalu menghasilkan petani yang teladan
31. jawaban soal pts bahasa Inggris kelas 3 SD joyfull
semoga bermanfaat dek
32. soal bahasa inggris kelas 2 sd
B. Yes they are stars.
C. No, they are not. They are Trees.
D. Yes, they is.
E. No it is not, it is lake.
f. No it is not, it is Mountain.
G. Yes it is.
H. No it is not. it is the rainbow.
C:Yes they were a flower
D:Yes it is the water and fish
E:No,its isn't a sea
F:No,its isn't a school yard
G:Yes it is the sun
H:No its isn't a star
maaf kalau salah
33. Soal dan jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd halaman 98
gambarnya mana........
34. soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd
1. Sunday
2. In the Yard
3. Kite
4. Running Slowly
5. Playing football
1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes
4. No
5. No
1.Today is Sunday.
2.The kids are in the yard.
3.Tony is playing a kite.
4.Diana is running slowly.
5.Fikri is playing football.
1.She is
2.She is not
3.Yes, he
4.She is
5.She is not
Maaf kalau salah or if incorrect sorry please.
Aku juga kelas 3 sd
35. Latihan soal bahasa inggris kelas x
Read carefully and choose the right answer between a, b, c, d, or e!
1. Lina : "What do you like to do in your spare time?"
Ratu : " You know, I'm a mother to be.So I like ............... and gardening"
a. cooked
b. cook
c. cooks
d. cooking
e. cooked
2. My Brother lives ............... Yogyakarta
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. within
e. under
3. Dhani has just got his master degree. His parents want to celebrate it next week.
Dhani : "Rio, ..............."
Rio : "I'm glad to come. Could I bring my girlfriend?"
Dhani : "Why not?"
a. I need your help in my party next week.
b. Can you distributes these invitations for me?
c. My parents need some help from you for next week.
d. I'd like you to come to my party next week.
e. We'd like you to help me distributes the invitation.
4. The party will be held ............... Saturday, June 23, at 7 pm.
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. to
e. by
5. Alika : "I'm Sorry. I and Nuri missed the morning flight. It made ............... late for your wedding party"
Dika : "It's Ok"
a. his
b. me
c. them
d. her
e. us
6. Doni " I have forgotten my pen again.
Agung : Well, you can use one of ...............
a. me
b. myself
c. my
d. I
e. mine
7. Waiter : "What would you like to drink?"
Customer : "I like ............... fresh water better than tea."
a. drink
b. drank
c. be drinking
d. drinking
e. is drinking
8. Rosi : "What will you do after passing the final examination?"
Dini : "If I ............... the examination, I will continue my job."
a. could pass
b. passed
c. passes
d. will pass
e. pass
9. Nunik : "Is Amir able to play badminton?"
Dudi : "Yes he is. He ............... play badminton very well"
a. must
b. should
c. can
d. may
e. will
10. Zeta : "What are you doing mom? Are you cooking?"
Mom : "No, but I ............... dinner before father ............... home"
a. will prepare - will go
b. prepares - will go
c. prepare - goes
d. prepares - will have gone
e. will prepare - goes
11. Keisha : "What lesson do you like?"
Dimas : "I like maths"
Keisha : "Maths is ............... lesson I have ever learnt."
a. the most difficult
b. as difficult
c. more difficult than
d. too difficult
e. very difficult
12. Father : Which one do you want for your birthday present Ria? A pair of shoes or a dress?"
Ria : "I'd rather have a dress than a pair of shoes."
From the dialogue above we know that Ria...............
a. prefers to have a dress than a pair of shoes
b. prefers a dress than a pair of shoes
c. prefers a dress to a pair of shous
d. prefers have a dress than a pair of shoes
e. prefers having a dress than a pair of shoes
13. Stranger : "...............where is the nearest hotel from here?"
A girl : "Please, straight ahead along the street."
a. Excuse me.
b. Nice to meet you.
c. Show me the way
d. Pardon me
e. May help you
Key Answer (Kunci Jawaban)
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. E
6. E
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. A
36. soal bahasa inggris kelas 1 sd tentang family
sister=saudara perempuan
brother =saudara laki laki
dan lain lain.1.What's the name of your father?
2.What's the name of your mother?
3.How's your brother? you have a sister?
37. apa bahasa inggris sekolah dasar atau sd
elementary school,
semoga membantu
Bahasa inggrisnya sekolah dasar adalah PRIMARY SCHOOL
Tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik pliss38. contoh soal ujian sekolah sd bahasa inggris 2023
Jawaban: 1. At one o'clock, people usually have ....
A. lunch
B. dinner
C. breakfast
D. suffer
Penjelasan: itu berupa 1 contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 6 SD
39. buatlah 10 soal soal latihan bahasa inggris tentang kegiatan di sekolah ?? please
1. What's your name
2. How Old are you
3. Is that your mother
4. Are you a woman
5. are you married or not
6. Do you sick
7. do you have a boy
8. are you happy
9. Are you have mom
40. soal bahasa Inggris kelas 3 sd
1. cat
9. (maaf Gatau)
10. it cant
maaf banget kalo salah
semoga dapat nilai terbaik yya