Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Letter

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Letter

contoh soal bahasa inggris personal letter

Daftar Isi

1. contoh soal bahasa inggris personal letter

Jogja, 29th October 2018

For my best friend, Heni
In Jakarta

Hi, Heni,
How are you doing? It's been a long time we have not met. Since graduating from high school, we have not had the chance to meet because of each other's busy life.

How are our friends Leni and Teti
I heard thatf they have been successful in Jakarta.
I thought we wiil meet each other sometimes
if you like to and have time. We have to arrange the time.

By the way I have some works, my letter is enough right now,
Next time, If I have tine will send a letter to you, again

See you.


2. Tuliskan contoh soal personal letter dalam Bahasa Inggris dan jawabannya!


Contoh Personal Letter 1

Apt BLK 30, Eunos St. #05 – 116

Singapore 1441

2nd April 2009

Dear Liza,

I have received you letter asking me to meet you at your house this Sunday to discuss the urgent matter you have. I regret however to say that it will not be possible for me to see you on Sunday as I already have a previous appointment . I shall see you on Monday next week at 5 p.m . Hoping the change of date will be convenient to you .

Your sincerely



Liza sayang,

Saya telah menerima surat Anda yang meminta saya untuk menemui Anda di rumah Anda hari Minggu ini untuk membahas masalah mendesak yang Anda miliki. Namun saya menyesal mengatakan bahwa tidak mungkin bagi saya untuk melihat Anda pada hari Minggu karena saya sudah memiliki janji sebelumnya. Aku akan menemuimu pada hari Senin minggu depan jam 5 malam. Berharap perubahan tanggal akan nyaman bagi Anda.

Yang Tulus,


1. What does the letter tell about ….

A. Liza’s problem

B. Liza’s appointment

C. Daisy’s previous letter to Liza

D. Daisy’s regret for not being able to come (Jawaban Benar)

E. A meeting held at Liza’s house

3. buatlah 3 contoh soal dari formal dan informal invitation letter. bahasa inggris

1. The purpose of the text is to invite you ....
A. To attend Mr and Mrs Sembiring's marriage
B. To unite Alice an Jeffry in a wedding party
C. To attend Alice and Jeffry's wedding party
D. To marry with Mr and Mrs Sembiring

2. Which statement is TRUE based on text?
A. The party will be held on june 13th, 2008
B. Jeffry Sitorus is Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring's son
C. The party will be sponsored by Gajah Wong Restaurant
D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring will celebrate their anniversary

3. Where is the party?
A. At a garden
B. School
C. Kahfi Residence
D. Suhito Home


Writing a beautiful letter to your lover is a great way to impress them and revive their sentiments. Here are a couple of things to help you reinforce your relationship through letters. You can compose love letters frequently. The force of correspondence lies in its ability to join two souls in two different bodies. See this Thank You Letter Templates.

5. Buatlah contoh application letter bahasa inggris !


contoh application letter di PT/perusahaan :

Medan, May 10th, 2021

Ms. Afni Mediarti

Human Resources Manager

PT Mimpi Indah

Jl. Menuju Masa Depan No. 10


Dear Ms. Afni,

Based on the advertisement posted on that PT Mimpi Indah is looking for Staff Administration. I am interested in applying for this position.

I have graduated from Muhammadiyah North Sumatra University, majoring in Management. I have worked as freelance Staff Administration at PT Unicever for two years after graduating and as a Staff Marketing for PT Indomood since 2016-2018. I believe I could be a strong candidate through the skills and experiences I have.

I am a fast learner and have good motivation. I am proficient in many computer software programs, including Miscrosoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. I work effectively under pressure and developed excellent communication skills through my job experience.

Please take the time to review my resume. With my qualifications, I confident that I will be able to contribute to your company. Please contact me on +628121111222. I hope I can get the opportunity to discuss with you about an interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Winda Eka Maya

6. pengertian fomal letter dalam bahasa inggris

Formal letter is a letter that is used for legitimate interests, both individuals, institutions, and organizations. In writing a formal letter, the language is standard one,polite,and formal.


Surat resmi adalah surat yang digunakan untuk kepentingan resmi, baik perseorangan, instansi, maupun organisasi. Dalam penulisan surat resmi, bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa yang baku,sopan,dan resmi

7. pengertian formal letter dan informal letter dalam bahasa inggris, mau dikompol besok tolong :'(

Formal and Informal Letter


A formal letter is a letter written to a business, a college or any professional that are not considered friends or family.  (Surat formal atau resmi adalah surat yang ditulis untuk bisnis, perguruan tinggi atau profesional apa pun yang tidak dianggap teman atau keluarga)Informal letter also known as personal letter that are written to people we know such as friends, parents, siblings, cousin. Letters are not only written to inform but to strengthen the bond between two people writing to each other. (Surat informal juga dikenal sebagai surat pribadi yang ditulis untuk orang yang kita kenal seperti teman, orang tua, saudara kandung, sepupu. Surat tidak hanya ditulis untuk menginformasikan tetapi untuk memperkuat ikatan antara dua orang yang saling menulis.


Formal Letter

Ada beberapa bagian surat resmi yang mempunyai tugas dan fungsi yang berbeda. Adapun bagian-bagian surat resmi (formal letter) yang dimaksud, yaitu:

1. Letter Head (Kepala Surat)

Didalam Letter head atau kepala surat berisi tentang nama perusahaan, merek dagang sebuah perusahaan, jenis perusahaan , alamat lengkap dan juga symbol dari perusahaannya.  

2. The Dateline (Penanggalan)

Tanggal dapat dapat ditulis secara british maupun American.

3. The Inside Address (Alamat yang dituju)

Alamat yang di dalam the inside address yaitu alamat si penerima.

4. The Salutation (Salam)

Dengan adanya Salutation, kita akan lebih mudah untuk menyapa atau menyebut orang yang dituju  

5. The Attention Line (Baris Perhatian)

Sedangkan pengertian secara simplenya, bahwa di attention line ini berisi tentang orang atau pemimpin sebuah perusahaan.

6. The Subject Line (Garis Persoalan)

Pada point ini, Subject Line kita harus menyebutkan garis besar dari maksud isi surat yang dibuat agar si pembaca akan lebih mudah untuk memahami dan juga untuk membut tertarik si pembaca.

7. The Body of The Letter (Badan Surat)

Dari namanya juga kita bisa menebak kalau, “body=badan/tubuh” jadi di body of the letter kita memberikan isi dari surat secara detail, berbeda lo sama subject line. Kalau di body of the letter kita mengutarakan maksud dari surat sehingga alamat dan orang yang dituju mengetahui keseluruhan.

8. The Complimentary (Salam Penutup)

The complimentary dimaksudkan untuk salam penutup.

9. Signature (Tanda Tangan)

Untuk signature, setiap orang mempunyai tanda tangan yang pastinya berbeda.

10. Reference /initial (Penulis Surat)

Berisi tentang nama panjang atau inisial si penulis/pemimpin perusahaan.

11. Enclosure Notation (Lampiran)

The enclosure notation adalah lampiran yang disertakan namun dilain halaman.

12. Carbon Copy Notation (Tembusan)

Berisi tentang kopian(lembar yang digandakan)

Informal Letter

Bahasa yang digunakan di dalam Prsonal Letter:

Grammar (tata bahasa) harus tepat Kalimat harus jelas Dapat menggunakan bahasa yang tidak baku (slang) Dapat menggunakan kependekkan (contractions) seperti "I'll", "I'm", "I've" Menggunakan kata ganti (pronoun) Menggunakan kalimat aktif (active voice)

Struktur Personal Letter

Date (Tanggal) = Biasanya tanggal ini ditulis pada kiri paling atas. Tanggal ini menunjukkan kapan waktu surat ditulis. Address (Alamat) = Bagian ini adalah tempat dimana kamu menulis surat atau alamat asal si pengirim tinggal. Alamat ditulis pada bagian kanan atas. Salutation & Name (Salam & Nama) = Bagian ini menuliskan salam pembuka dan nama penerima surat biasanya ini tergantung seberapa dekat kamu dengan orang yang kamu kirimi surat. Contohnya "Dear...", "Dearest...", "Sweetheart", "Darling", "My love" dan lain-lain.  Introduction (Pembukaan) = Pembukaan dari surat biasanya dimulai dengan sebuah pembukaan seperti tanggapan dari surat sebelumnya atau bisa juga awal perkenalan diri jika kalian baru memulai surat-menyurat. Body (Isi Surat) = Bagian ini merupakan isi atau inti dari surat. Closure (Penutup) Bagian ini menunjukkan bahwa surat akan segera berakhir. Complimentary close (Salam Penutup) = Bagian ini merupakan ungkapan penutup pendek seperti, "With love". "Sincerely yours", "With love", and so on. Signature (Tanda tangan) = Bagian ini berada di bawah complementary close, kalian bisa membubuhkan tanda tangan atau bisa juga hanya inisial nama kalian saja.

Ungkapan yang biasa digunakan dalam Personal Letter:

I'm just writing to tell you about... In your last letter you basked me about... I'm very grateful for... I'm sure you will be happy to hear that ... I'm sure you'ill be interested to know that ... By the way, did you know that ... I'm sorry but I have to tell you that ... I wonder if you could help me




Kelas : 11

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris  

Bab : 5

Kode : 11.5.5

8. contoh letter dalam bahasa inggris

Dear, Rico
at Singapore

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Hello Rico :) how are you? I hope youre fine there :)

i miss you so much because we have no met in a long time. do you miss me too?

if you are on vacation, i hope you can visit Bandung. im sure you will love it because bandung is beutiful city. i will take you to tangkuban parahu mount and ciwidey.

hopefully we can meet soon, my dear friend

your friend,
(nama kamu)

maaf pendek :)

AndinaJl. Sukamenanti, 16Semarang 2030Hello my friend, how are you there? I hope you are good. I miss you because we have not met in a long time. Do you miss me too? If you are on vacation, I hope you can visit Lampung. I’m sure you will love it because it is a beautiful city. I will take you to many places like Kiluan bay and to the most beautiful places in Indonesia. I know that you love surfing and I have so many secret places for you to surf, so I recommend you to visit here a couple of weeks
.Hopefully we can meet soon, my best friend..
Your friend,
Artinya…AndinaJl. Sukamenanti, 16Semarang 2030Hello temanku, bagaimana kabarmu disana? Saya harap kamu baik-baik saja. Saya merindukanmu karena kita sudah lama tidak bertemu. Apakah kamu merindukanku juga? Jika kamu sedang berlibur, datanglah ke Lampung, saya yakin kamu akan menyukainya karena ini adalah kota yang indah. Saya akan membawamu ke banyak tempat sepert teluk kiluan hingga tempat berselancar yang paling indah di Indonesia. Saya tahu bahwa kamu sangat suka berselancar, sehingga saya merekomendasikanmu untuk berkunjung kesini beberapa minggu.Semoga kita dapat berjumpa secepatnya, teman baikku.Temanmu,Tika

9. bantu jawab dong. bahasa inggris tentang personal letter​

Jawaban: gambarnya pecah say



the purpose of the letter is sharing information about each other.the receiver is satria.they haven't seen each other for two years.he congratulation because he heard that the receiver an atlete now.the writer's want to know the receiver activities there, he want the receiver call the writer soon.

smg membantu. jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

10. Tolong jelaskan (Dalam bahasa Inggris)apa itu letter!​

Letter dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah Surat

A letter when viewed from its general meaning is a means of written communication used to convey information from one party to another. The use of letters or letters covers a lot of interests, for example, letters about meeting invitations, complaint letters, contract letters, and many others.


Answer By:


11. Contoh Letter Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan Sekolah

I went on a holiday with my family to Jakarta in December 2017. We stayed in Double Tree by Hilton and enjoyed ourselves at the swimming pool and kids room everyday. We also visited several nearby malls such as Taman Angrek. The highlight for the kids was the day out at Kidzania, Pacific Place. They experienced many different occupations such as nursing and working at a chocolate factory. We did not buy any souvenirs but bought some Silver Queen chocolate for our domestic helper who loves that brand of chocolate very much. We hope to visit Jakarta again in the future.

12. pengertian letter writing dalam bahasa inggris

Letter writing adalah letter itu surat dan writing itu adalah nulis karna writing nya itu memakai verb ingin jadi dia tambahkan jadinya menulis
Jadi artinya menulis surat
Maaf klo bingung ya!!
Tpi semoga membantu!!

13. buatlah application letter serta cv dalam bahasa inggris​


Berikut contoh application letter dan CV dalam bahasa Inggris:

Application Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Job Title]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to apply for the [Job Position] at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Board/Company Website]. With my [Number of Years] years of experience in [Your Field], I believe I would be an excellent fit for this role.

In my previous position as a [Your Previous Job Title] at [Your Previous Company], I [Describe Your Key Responsibilities, Achievements, and Skills Relevant to the Job]. My experience in [Specific Task or Responsibility] has allowed me to develop strong problem-solving and analytical skills, making me highly effective in [Job-Related Task or Responsibility].

I have a [Your Degree] in [Your Major] from [Your University], which has provided me with a solid foundation in [Subject Matter Relevant to the Job]. Additionally, I am proficient in [Software or Tools Related to the Job] and have experience working in [Specific Work Environment or Industry].

I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and collaborate with the talented team members. I am confident that my skills and passion make me a strong candidate for this position.

Thank you for considering my application. I would be thrilled to discuss my qualifications further and learn more about the [Job Position] role at [Company Name]. Please feel free to contact me at [Phone Number] or [Email Address] to schedule a conversation.


[Your Name]

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


A dedicated and experienced [Your Field] professional seeking a [Job Position] role at [Company Name] to utilize my skills in [Specific Skills or Tasks] and contribute to the success of the organization.


[Your Degree], [Your Major]

[Your University], [City, State]

[Year of Graduation]

Work Experience

[Your Job Title]

[Company Name], [City, State]

[Start Date] - [End Date]

- [Job Responsibility or Achievement 1]

- [Job Responsibility or Achievement 2]

- [Job Responsibility or Achievement 3]

[Your Job Title]

[Company Name], [City, State]

[Start Date] - [End Date]

- [Job Responsibility or Achievement 1]

- [Job Responsibility or Achievement 2]

- [Job Responsibility or Achievement 3]


- [Skill 1]

- [Skill 2]

- [Skill 3]

- [Skill 4]


- [Language 1]: [Proficiency Level]

- [Language 2]: [Proficiency Level]


- [Certification 1], [Certifying Organization], [Year]

- [Certification 2], [Certifying Organization], [Year]


- [Award Name], [Organization], [Year]

- [Award Name], [Organization], [Year]

Hobbies and Interests

- [Interest 1]

- [Interest 2]

- [Interest 3]

References available upon request.

14. cara menjawab soal b inggris letter

1. Memperhatikan dengan baik apa yang ditanyakan dalam soal
2. Usahakan mengerti semua konteks kalimat dalam soal dan surat itu.
3. Pilihlah yg menurut kamu benar.
Semoga bermanfaat (*^_^*)
Maaf kalau salah
jika merasa terbantu
Silahkan jadikan jawaban terbaik

15. contoh business letter dalam bahasa inggris singkat

block format, modified block format, semi-block format

16. pengertian letter dalam bahasa inggris

letter artinya ialah surat .surat. letter yg diartkan surat ya

17. contoh silent letter dalam bahasa inggris?

Letter S
Island dibacanya ailen
S disembunyikan
Knife (k)
Climbing (b)
Knight (k)
Know (k)
Knot (k)
Fasten (t)
Knee (k)
Wednesday (d)
Sign (g)
Guitar (u)
Plumber (b)

18. contoh letter bahasa inggris masalah rencana

33 The Limes,
East Fields,
BM2 4TM.

August 25th, 2014

My dear brother,
I am glad to receive your letter that was soaked in brotherly affection. You asked me about my future plan after completing my Sr. Secondary.

See Brother, my examinations are approaching and the results will be declared latest by June end. I hope to pass with good percentage. Thereafter, I would like to join the army because I like Military service. There, I can serve our motherland. So after, Sr. Secondary, I shall attempt for the NDA examination, for which I have already started serious preparations.Brother, a few words of guidance from you have always helped me in choosing the right course of action. Please do guide me.

Please convey my regards to Mom and Daddy and love to Sonu.

Yours affectionately,


19. contoh letter dalam bahasa inggris

Contoh Personal Letter 1

Bandung, 5 November 2017

To my beloved friend, Aurora.

In Paris

          Hello Aurora, How are you today? Hopefully you are fine. It's been a while since you left me here alone, huhuhu so sad. My family and I here are missing you a lot

so,maaf kalo salah^÷^ Medan,January 15th 2019

Dear Agita,
What's up pall Mutia told me you just got an accident.He said you would miss our game against Bukit Cahaya Secondary School.What a pity!Don't worry about it friend!Get Well Soon!

Your friend,


20. contohformal letter dalam bahasa inggris

to : Ms. niana
goldtree company
on sutomo street no 21

august 28th 2020

good morning
i has hear about the job from you company in internet
and i think i can application all my skill to this job

i can type with good, speak english and can work with group.
thanks for you attantion.

yuki annania

21. Buatlah pertanyaan dalam bahasa inggris mengenai business letter!

how to make closing sentence?

#goodluckhow to make closing sentence?


maaf kalo salah

22. Buatlah contoh application letter dalam bahasa inggris!



Jl. Sukajadi No. 890 B, Padang 220225

Phone : +628-0000-0000, E-mail :

Padang, April 8th, 2019

Mr. Yahut

Human Resources Manager

Enak Restaurant

Jl. Minang No. 112 F


Dear Mr. Yahut,

I am writing this letter to apply for the position of a Restaurant Server. I have seen your advertisement that was posted on your official website. I have some skill through my experience. I believe I am the right candidate for this job.

I am 22 years old, I have worked for 2 years at Petani Restaurant with the same position. I have good communication skills and I like to serve customers with my sincere. I can easily follow all the instruction that are given to me and I love working in team. I can speak English well, this ability can help to serve the foreign customers.

I enclosed some copies of my data for your consideration as follows :

Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate

Academic Transcript

Curriculum Vitae

Copy of KTP

Copy of Indonesian Police Sertificates (SKCK)

Recent photograph, size 4×6

I can work for the weekend shifts. Please contact me anytime for an interview schedule. Thank you for your time in advance for reviewing my resume.


Seto Dirgahayu

23. Buatlah sebuah contoh application letter dalam bahasa inggris !


Contoh 1

Surabaya, March4th, 2016


Attention To:

Director of English Speak Well

in Surabaya


Dear Sir/Madam,

On this good opportunity, I would like to apply my application in your company. My name is Azzikra Queeensha Abd, 21 years old, female, single, energetic and healthy. I graduated from UNJ on August 2016. I would like to have career to expand my experience.

My personality as a hard worker and want to learn more type of person. I will be very appreciated if you could give in opportunity to work in your company.

Herewith I enclose my curriculum vitae, which will give details of my qualification.

I hope my qualifications and working experiences could be your consideration and look forward to your reply.



Sincerely yours,

Azzikra Queensha Abd

Phone : 087 0123 4567

Mentari street No.200


Contoh 2

Azzikra Queensha Abd

Mentari street No. 200

Surabaya, CA 08067



04th March, 2016

Jason Mell

Red Company

87 New street

Dear Mr. Mell,


I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in your company.

As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume, and three references.

The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include, I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications and then I strive for continued excellence and the last I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers

I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.

I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell phone, 087 5768 0000.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.




Signature (for hard copy letter)

Azzikra Queensha Abd


semoga membantu

24. buatlah goodwill letter tentang cetering dalam bahasa inggris​

Jawaban:Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my gratitude for the catering service that your company provided during our recent event. Your team did an excellent job in preparing and serving the food, and we received many compliments from our guests.

The quality of the food and presentation was outstanding, and your staff was attentive and professional. We appreciate the effort that your team put into making our event a success.

Thank you again for your exceptional service, and we look forward to working with your company in the future.


[Your Name]



25. Buatlah order letter dalam bahasa Inggris ​


[Your Name]

[Your Company/Organization]

[Your Address]

[City, Postal Code]


[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Position/Title]

[Company/Organization Name]


[City, Postal Code]

Subject: Order Request

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to place an order for the following items on behalf of [Your Company/Organization]:

1. Product Name/Description: [Specify the name/description of the product]

  Quantity: [Specify the desired quantity]

  Unit Price: [Specify the price per unit]

2. Product Name/Description: [Specify the name/description of the product]

  Quantity: [Specify the desired quantity]

  Unit Price: [Specify the price per unit]

[Include additional product lines if necessary]

Please find attached a detailed list of the items along with their corresponding specifications and prices. We have thoroughly reviewed your product offerings and believe that they align perfectly with our requirements.

In terms of payment, we would prefer to settle the total amount via [Specify preferred payment method]. Please provide us with the necessary payment instructions and any relevant terms or conditions.

Additionally, we would appreciate it if you could provide an estimated delivery date for the ordered items. Timely delivery is crucial for our operations, and we want to ensure that we can plan accordingly.

Should there be any questions or concerns regarding this order, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your contact number] or [Your email address]. We look forward to a prompt and seamless transaction.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We value our partnership with your company and trust that this order will contribute positively to our business needs.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Position/Title]

[Your Company/Organization]

[Contact Information]

26. example of letter dalam bahasa inggris


Jl. Kamboja, 16

Semarang 2030

Hi my companion, how are you there? I trust you are great. I miss you on the grounds that we have not met in quite a while. Do you miss me as well? On the off chance that you are out of town, I trust you can visit Lampung. I'm certain you will love it in light of the fact that it is an excellent city. I will take you to numerous spots like Kiluan inlet and to the most delightful places in Indonesia. I realize that you cherish surfing and I have such a variety of mystery spots for you to surf, so I prescribe you to visit here a few weeks.

Ideally we can meet soon, my closest companion.. 


Your companion, 


27. Personal letter dalam bahasa Inggris Dan terjemahannya


Dear Sisca

Thank you for being my pen pal! I guess I'll start off by introducing myself better. My name is Angel, I'm born and raised in Calgary. It's a city located in Alberta, Canada. I'm 18 years old. I'm a capricorn. I'm studying travel and tourism at a college. I like Anime, some that I'm curently watching are Nisekoi, Magi: The Kingdom of Magic, and Super Sonico The Animation. I enjoy manga as well. I like listening to K-Pop. Current fav: Hot Summer - f(x) and Electric Shock. Tell me about yourself.

I heard you like cute things, okay not heard, you told me yourself... Anyways, I love them too! All that "kawaii" Japanese stuff. You also love pink huh. That's cute, I like pink too. But my favorite color is green. Well, I will stop here for now. I'm interested in hearing about Indonesia, tell me about it! I look forward to hear back from you Sisca!!

Sincerely, Angel.


Teruntuk Sisca,

Terima kasih telah menjadi sahabat pena saya! Kurasa aku akan memulai dengan mengenalkan diriku lebih baik. Nama saya Angel, saya lahir dan besar di Calgary. Ini adalah kota yang terletak di Alberta, Kanada. Saya berusia 18 tahun. Bintangku adalah capricorn Saya mengambil jurusan pariwisata di sebuah perguruan tinggi. Saya suka Anime, beberapa yang saya sedang tonton adalah Nisekoi, Magi: The Kingdom of Magic, dan Super Sonico The Animation. Saya juga suka manga. Saya suka mendengarkan musik K-Pop. Kesukaan saat ini: Hot summer - f (x) dan Electric Shock. Ceritakan tentang dirimu.

Saya mendengar kamu menyukai hal-hal lucu, oke tidak pernah mendengarnya, kamu mengatakannya sendiri ... Bagaimanapun, saya juga suka itu! Semua barang Jepang "kawaii" itu. Kamu juga suka pink ya. Itu lucu, saya suka pink juga. Tapi warna kesukaanku berwarna hijau. Nah, saya akan berhenti disini untuk saat ini. Saya tertarik untuk mendengar tentang Indonesia, ceritakan tentang hal itu! Saya berharap untuk mendengar kembali dari kamu Sisca !!

Salam, Angel

Contoh Personal Letter 2

Dear Sisca Thania.

Hello, This letter is the first time to talk to! It so awkward..! In fact, I do not speak English well.. kkk. Probably gonna be something messed up with the grammar. My school English scores only 80... And now I'm writing with a translator kkk. How is the weather there now? A few days ago is the end of the rainy season in Korea. Now it is hot! There is a fan next to me. Anyway, now I'm sad because tomorrow is Monday! I hate school! Why from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm we use to be at school?!

South Korea is a very deep for education. History, English, Science, Gigs, Art, Physical, Math, and so on... Oh there's not the point of this article. I'm sorry~ but these days, I feel so good! Because Seung Ri appear frequently on TV. Let's Talk About Love album and it's very good. I like his melodious voice. Now, this is the end of the letter. I hope the letter will arrive early there!

From : Seung Eun

2013.8.25. Sunday


Dear Sisca Thania.

Halo, surat ini adalah yang pertama kalinya! Ini sangat canggung ..! Sebenarnya, aku tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris dengan baik .. kkk. Mungkin tata bahasanya akan menjadi kacau. Nilai bahasa Inggrisku di sekolah saya hanya 80 ... Dan sekarang saya sedang menulis dengan penerjemah kkk. Bagaimana cuaca di sana sekarang? Beberapa hari yang lalu adalah akhir musim hujan di Korea. Sekarang panas! Ada kipas di sampingku. Pokoknya, sekarang aku sedih karena besok hari Senin! Aku benci sekolah! Mengapa dari jam 8.00 pagi sampai jam 5.00 sore kita gunakan untuk berada di sekolah ?!

Korea Selatan sangat ketat untuk pendidikan. Sejarah, Inggris, Sains, Gigs, Seni, Fisika, Matematika, dan seterusnya ... Oh tidak ada gunanya membahas ini. Maafkan aku ~ tapi akhir-akhir ini, aku merasa sangat baik! Karena Seung Ri sering tampil di TV. Album Let's Talk About Love ini sangat bagus. Aku suka suaranya yang merdu. Nah, ini akhir suratnya. Saya harap surat itu akan tiba lebih awal di sana!

Dari: Seung Eun

2013.8.25. Minggu

28. apa itu letter dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 9?

arti kata letter dalam kamus besar bahasa indonesia adalah surat,  huruf, isi, sport.kertas,semoga bisa membantu

29. Perbedaan letter dan e-mail dalam bahasa inggris

Letter tuh biasanya surat manual gitu yang ditulis tangan atau ketik diamplopin kalau email tuh kirimnya ya lewat email(?)the primary difference between a paper letter and an email is the medium; a paper letter is printed or handwritten on actual paper and sent through the mail while an email is typed on a computer, tablet or smartphone and sent electronically.While emails have become a more popular means of communication for individuals and businesses alike, traditional letters still have a place in today's modern, tech-oriented society.


30. definisi letter dalam bahasa inggris. jawabnya yang lengkap dan pakai bahasa inggris ya.

letter has the same meaning with message. they mean is a short message to tell someone about our information. for example : letter from friend pal. We will ussualy ask someone "how are you?"

31. contoh condolence letter formal dalam bahasa inggris

December, 2017

Mr. Ananta Mulya.


Woodsworth Textiles,

New Jersey.

Dear Ananta

I would like to express my sincere condolences for the unexpected death of your father. On behalf of the entire office, please accept our sympathy. I can only imagine what a difficult loss this will be for you and your family.

Though I did not know your father except for few occasions when I got a chance to know his kindness and great thoughts. Just in those few moments I was highly impressed by his views and ideas.

You must proud that god had blessed you with such a great personality. I understand that words are not enough to heel this great loss but you need to keep patience.

All the members of the team have sent their sincere sympathy to you and your family. Please pass on our commiserations to your family and friends.

May you all get some comfort in this difficult situation?

Sincere condolence

Radika Maurisha

semoga Membantu^^dear Pretty. . Please factory deepest comodoensis.Your father will be greatly minded, but will forever stay close to your heart and mind. He was such a great man. . I am always here 4 u. . .

32. bahasa inggris membuat letter offering help dong ka


           Jl. Krakatau Blok A7 No.43
Bekasi Timur

                                                                                                            4th  March, 2016


Your Ref : DS/AC

Our Ref : YP/AA



Jl. Ujung Harapan Raya No. 57

Dear Mr Deni Soeltoni,
We thank you for your inquiry of 2nd March, 2016. As requested, we enclose our illustrated catalogue which gives complete details of our shoes, together with the prices and the models.
We expect that our catalogue, prices, and the terms give all information requested.
We are looking forward to receiving your order soon.

33. pengertian fomal letter dalm bahasa inggris

Check out this example formal letter

Now that you know how to write one, we thought you could benefit from an example. Please use this as a template to help you write the perfect business or formal letter. And remember to send your correspondence for proofreading to ensure your document is clear and concise.

123 Elm Ave.

Treesville, ON M1N 2P3

November 7, 2016

Mr. M. Leaf

Chief of Syrup Production

Old Sticky Pancake Company

456 Maple Lane

Forest, ON 7W8 9Y0

Dear Mr. Leaf:

Let me begin by thanking you for your past contributions to our Little League baseball team. Your sponsorship aided in the purchase of ten full uniforms and several pieces of baseball equipment for last year's season.

Next month, our company is planning an employee appreciation pancake breakfast honoring retired employees for their past years of service and present employees for their loyalty and dedication in spite of the current difficult economic conditions.

We would like to place an order with your company for 25 pounds of pancake mix and five gallons of maple syrup. We hope you will be able to provide these products in the bulk quantities we require.

As you are a committed corporate sponsor and long-time associate, we hope that you will be able to join us for breakfast on December 12, 2016.

Respectfully yours,

Derek Jeter

34. membuat letter singkat pakai bahasa inggris dan bahasa indonesia

To : Tito
I heard that your mother was killed. I feel so sorry on your mother accident. I just hope you to be strong and patient, every trials are always have a philosophy
Love and Peace, Mary

Kepada : Tito
Saya dengar bahwa ibumu terbunuh. Aku berduka cita atas kecelakaan ibumu. Saya hanya berharap kamu menjadi kuat dan sabar, semua cobaan pasti memiliki hikmah
Cinta dan Damai, Mary

35. pergertian business letter bahasa B inggris​


business letter means an official letter, usually written by a company and using formal languange. artinya surat bisnis yang bersifat resmi, biasanya dikeluarkan oleh suatu perusahaan/lembaga dan menggunakan bahasa baku.

semoga bermanfaat

maaf kalo salah

36. you letterjawap pake bahasa inggris​



37. penggunaan bussines letter dalam bahasa inggris dan pengertiannya

Business Letter adalah jenis surat resmi (formal letter) yang berfungsi sebagai cara berkomunikasi antara dua atau lebih perusahaan. Terdapat banyak perbedaan penggunaan dalam Business Letter.

38. contoh letter untuk sahabat dalam bahasa inggris?

Jl. Condet No. 43 Kramatjati
Jakarta Timur 13530
November 7, 2012

Dear Imam

It's been so long I haven't seen your face again. How are you? I hope see your face again, since I saw you last year. I am in holiday right now. It's great.

I spent my school holiday to go camping in Ciremai Mountain. You know, this was our hobby that we admired most. I was getting a nice moment here, you know after studying hard in the school, this was the time to refresh my mind. My camping was accompanied by our friend Sanusi. Did you still remember Sanusi? The little fat man who always carried a big bag. You would never forget that person.

I came here, in the camping land with Cirebon Nature Lovers. It was so fun, we did a lot of great job here. We explored the mountain and cleaned the mountain from the trash. We collected and gathered the trash and brought them to the camping land. In the camping land, we burnt the trash to creat fire. When the fire was lit up, we people were like in a party. We danced, laughed, sang, and laughed. That was a great moment.

I hope your holiday's been going well for you too. My holiday that day would complete if you were there with me and Sanusi. Would you like to meet up some time in the next holiday?

Your besr freind,

P.S. Sanusi says hi.

39. contoh holiday letter dalam bahasa inggris

Dear Michael,
Thank you for your recent letter. It is so wonderful to hear from you! I am very glad that you had a good vacation.
As for me, I also spent a wonderful vacation. First, I lived with my parents in the garden. The weather was hot and I swam a lot with my friends. We played soccer and rode bicycles.
And in August we went to Cyprus with my parents. It is a large island in the Mediterranean with a wonderful climate. We swam in the sea and were lying in the shade of huge eucalyptus trees. We traveled along the mountain paths and played tennis. Anyway, it was a memorable summer.
How did your academic year begin? Are there newcomers in your class? Any new subjects?
I’m sorry, I have to go to the sports section.
All the best!

40. Contoh surat complaint letter yang ditujukan dalam bahasa inggris

Dear Sir / Ma'am,

I would like to complain about your laundry service in this hotel. One of my clothes is clearly still has some dirty spots on it. Can I get your explanation, please?


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