Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Passive Voice Dan Jawabannya

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Passive Voice Dan Jawabannya

contoh soal bahasa inggris bab passive voice + jawabannya

Daftar Isi

1. contoh soal bahasa inggris bab passive voice + jawabannya

We use passive voice when the subject receives the action of the verb. When we know who the subject is, we put it at the end with by. We call this an agent.


Contoh soal bahasa Inggris bab passive voice dan jawabannya yaitu

1. This science project can ... done by us.

The correct word to complete the sentence is ...

A. Been

B. Being

C. Be

D. Bees

Answer: Be (C).

Pada passive voice, kita harus memperhatikan ciri-ciri kalimat yang menunjukkan jenis tense yang digunakan.

Kata kunci pada kalimat di atas adalah kata "can", yang menunjukkan bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah modals.

Rumus passive modals adalah object + can + be + verb 3.

2. My mother cooked chicken soup yesterday.

The correct question setences using the passive voice is ...

A. What was cooked by my mother yesterday?

B. What did cooked by my mother yesterday?

C. What is cooked by my mother yesterday?

D. What were cooked by my mother yesterday?

Answer: What was cooked by my mother yesterday? (A)

Kalimat di atas menggunakan simple past tense. Untuk kalimat tanya, rumus passive simple past tense adalah

Wh questions + was/were + verb 3 + by agent?

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Active: Ice covers about 98% of Antarctica pada

Contoh passive voice pada

Change the sentences into active voice pada


Detail Jawaban

Kelas: IX

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: They are Made in Indonesia (Chapter VIII)

Kode: 9.5.8


2. Buatlah 10 Soal Bahasa inggris Beserta Jawabannya Mengenai passive Voice​


Change into passive voice

1. I was eating some pizza when he came

answer : The pizza was being eaten (by me) when he came.

2. My brother repaired the broken robot yesterday

answer : The broken robot was repaired by my brother yesterday

3. My mother loves flowers

answer : The flowers are loved by my mother

4.My father likes travelling on bike

answer : traveling on bike is liked by my father

5. My sisters are cooking a brownies

answer : A brownies is being cooked by my sisters

6. I clean my room twice a day

answer : My room is cleaned (by me) twice a day

7. My sister wrote a beautiful poem last week

answer : A beautiful poem was written by my sister last week

8. He does the home work at night

answer : The home work is done (by him) at night

9. They played football last month

answer : The football was played (by them) last month

10. We are eating breakfast meal

answer : A breakfast meal is being eaten by us

3. Bahasa inggris passive voice​


The ball is kicked by the boy

The plants are watered by the girl

4. Deskripsi donat bahasa Inggris dalam pelajaran passive voice

Donat is a food that is tasty.

5. tplong kakak tugas bahasa Inggris tentang active dan passive Voice​



a) I am helped

b) Jane is helped

c) We are helped


a) I was helped

b) They were helped


a) Joe has been helped

b) We have been helped


a) I will be helped

b) Tim is going to be helped



1. Simple Present

1.a) The nurse helps me.

I am helped by the nurse.

1.b) The nurse helps Jane.

Jane is helped by the nurse.

1.c) The nurse helps us.

We are helped by the nurse.

2. Simple Past

2.a) The nurse helped me.

I was helped by the nurse.

2.b) The nurse helped them.

They were helped by the nurse.

3. Present Perfect

3.a) The nurse has helped Joe.

Joe has been helped by the nurse.

3.b) The nurse has helped us.

We have been helped by the nurse.

4. Future

4.a) The nurse will help us.

We will be helped by the nurse.

4.b) The nurse is going to help Tim.

Tim is going to be helped by the nurse.


Passive voice :

present simple formula

is/am/are + verb 3

past simple formula

was/were + verb 3

present continuous formula

is/am/are + verb 3

past continuous formula

was/were + being + verb 3

future simple formula

will + be + verb 3

future be going to formula

is/am/are + being + verb 3

present perfect formula

have/has + been + verb 3

past perfect formula

had + been + verb 3

modal formula

modal + be + verb 3

modal perfect formula

modal + have + been + verb 3

6. bahasa Inggris tentang passive voice​


1. A birthday party is organize by them

2. Football can be played by all age people

3. The thief is followed by the police

4. All types of book are printed by them

5. Computers are repaired by salim

6. A beauty parior shop is ran by her in our area


Kalimat sebelumnya merupakan kalimat aktif, dan kita disuruh merubahnya menjadi kalimat passive.

Kebetulan saya sedang belajar tentang passive voice!

Jadi, perbedaan kalimat passive dan active adalah:

Passive voice= diawali dengan objek, dilanjutkan dengan To Be +V3.

Contoh: The book was read by me yesterday.

The book=objek

was read= To be+ V3

me= subject

Active voice= diawali dengan subjek, dilanjutkan dengan kata kerja.

Contoh: I read the book yesterday


read=kata kerja

the book=objek

Maaf kalau salah

Semoga jawaban saya membantu ^^

Sudah ngerti belum? aa mau ke wc bentar

7. *Ubah ke dalam kalimat bahasa inggris. "Active"*Ubah ke dalam kalimat bahasa inggris. "Passive"materi PASSIVE VOICE.​


Lia brought five strawberry cakep

Andi borrows an English book

Rita wrote a short story

she read fairy tales in the library

we bought a new car this morning

8. Materi passive voice menggunakan bahasa inggris

Pengertian Passive Voice

Passive voice adalah suatu grammatical construction (bentuk gramatikal) dimana subject kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau ditindaklanjuti (receiver of action) oleh agent lain (doer of action) baik disebutkan ataupun tidak.

Sebaliknya, pada konstruksi active, subject berhubungan langsung dengan verb dengan bertindak sebagai pelaku aksi. Kalimat aktif dapat ditransformasi menjadi pasif, namun hanya transitive verb (diikuti direct object) yang dapat diberlakukan demikian.

9. percakapan bahasa inggris yang menggunakan passive voice

A: Did you went to the concert last night?
B: Yeah i did. The performance is very amazing!
A: O yeah? What he played?
B: He played song "Gut's Over Fear"
A: Wow that's my favorite song ever!
B: yeah, but sadly you didn't watch it!
A: But i can watch him on YouTube!
B: That's great idea!

Add me for help : KevinSeptianS

10. teks yang menggunakan passive voice tentang makanan dalam bahasa inggris

contoh 1: The tuna fish in the river is caught by me

contoh 2: A bar of white chocolate is eaten by you

11. Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris menggunakan passive voice

A: Hey! What Mrs.X said to you earlier?
B: Hmm,she said that I must not to be in her class for these weeks

12. buatkan kalimat passive voice menggunakan bahasa inggris

passive : you can be seen by the doctor tomorrow
The best quality seafood is imported from Indonesia
(Present Tense passive type)

A lot of money were given by mother last hours
(Past Tense passive type)

A Reward has received by me perfectly
(Present perfect tense passive type)

Journal was written by dosen yesterday
(Past perfect tense passive type)

13. buat kalimat passive voice dalam bahasa inggris

Active voicenya: Tono mailed the letter.
Passive voicenya: The letter was mailed by Tono

14. kak mohon bantuannya mengerjakan soal bahasa Inggris ( passive voice ).​


1.a. is spoken.

b. is delivered.

c. the building is used.

d. the olympic games are held.

e. is your name spelled.

f. is paid.

g. are not made.

h. is not known.

i. are not paid.

15. kalimat passive voice tema kemerdekaan bahasa inggris


Indonesian flag was sewn by Fatmawati

16. membuat cerita yang mengandung passive voice dan iktive voice dalam bahasa inggris

Lisa returns home. She cannot believe her eyes!

Her kids, Amy and Ben, are in the living room. They run around the big and expensive table and shout. This game is enjoyed by them very much.

Lisa stands and looks at them. This is what she sees and hears:

Ben is asked to wait for Amy, but he does not wait. He continues to run. So Amy's request is changed. Now Ben is asked to help Amy. Ben stops and Amy is helped. (Lisa is impressed!)

Now Lisa is invited to join them. "Yes, mummy! Come and join us!" Amy and Ben shout.

So Amy and Ben are joined by Lisa. They run and play. This game is enjoyed very much by all of them. Amy kisses Ben. Ben kisses Amy. Then Lisa is kissed, too.

Now Lisa wants to rest, so she goes into her bedroom. But there are many things on her bed. They are moved by the kids. A blanket is needed and Lisa receives it. She now sleeps in her bed. Amy and Ben are at home, so they are protected by their loving mother.

But, wait! What is that terrible mess? Oh no, the big and expensive table is smashed! Well, the table was not so protected . . . 

17. tolong buatin kalimat passive voice dalam bahasa inggris

maaf Kalau salah.

18. buat percakapan menggunakan bahasa inggris menggunakan passive voice

A: Have you seen Rani today?
B: No, I haven't seen her today. She did say something about having a fish cooked. (Passive)
A: She did? She must be in Ron's house then. Thanks for the info
B: You're welcome

19. pengertian rumus dan contoh passive voice dalam bahasa inggris

Sebenarnya membuat passive voice bnyk rumusnya tp sya hnya pnya 5 cara utk menyelesaikannya......hehehee sama aj kok biar gampang jg dipelajarinya.
passive voice menggunaan v3 pd katanya
1. jika di active nya trdpt Verb-ing maka di passivenya ditambahkan being
2. jika trdpt has/have and had + v3 maka di passivenya ditambahkan been
3. jika trdpt modals (will,can,shall,may,must,etc) maka di passivenya ditambahkan be
4. jika diketahui active mrupakan present tense (V1,do/does,every,often,always,etc) maka passivenya ditambahkan is/am/are
5. jika diketahui active mrupakan past tense (V2,did,last...,ago...,etc) maka passivenya ditmbhkan was/were
note: tapi dilihat dulu kalimatnya, jika dari kiri udh muncul 1 jenis dari 5 yg diatas maka ubahlah sesuai aturan diatas...
semoga membantu;)

20. Bahasa InggrisPassive Voicekerjakan sebisanya :)​Trimakasih


2. no change karna gada objek (tar jadi aneh)

3. This antiquie table was made in 1734.

4. no change

5. My purse is stolen by someone.

6. The the coffee  was made when I walked into the kitchen.

7. That book  has been translated into my languages by the translators

8. That picture was drawn by Jim’s daughter. This picture was drawn by my son.

9. The applicants will be judges  on the basis of their originality.

10. no change

11. Was that course teaching by  Professor Rivers this semester?

12. When was the radio invented?

13. no change

14. When was the results of the contest going to announce?

15. After the concert was over, the rock music star was  mobbed by hundreds of fans outside the theater.

16. no change

21. Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA.Materi Active Voice n Passive Voice.​


Change the following statement into passive!

1.Someone is feeding the tiger

2.Very few people watch that tv show

3.How do you make candles?

4.They are going to build a new hospital just outside of the town

5.Did Thomas Edison invent the telephone?

6.They speak Sundanese in West Java

7.They are fixsing my car today

8.People grow rice in Indonesia

9.My mother made this clothes

10.Someone invented the wheel thousands years ago


Ubah pernyataan berikut menjadi pasif!

1. Seseorang sedang memberi makan harimau

2. Sangat sedikit orang yang menonton acara TV itu

3. Bagaimana Anda membuat lilin?

4. Mereka akan membangun rumah sakit baru di luar kota

5. Apakah Thomas Edison menemukan telepon?

6. Mereka berbicara bahasa Sunda di Jawa Barat

7. Mereka sedang memperbaiki mobil saya hari ini

8. Orang menanam padi di Indonesia

9. Ibuku membuat pakaian ini

10. Seseorang menemukan roda ribuan tahun yang lalu


1. A tiger is being fed by someone

2. TV shows that very few people watch

3. How are your candles made?

4. The new hospital will be set up by them outside the city

5. Was the telephone invented by Thomas Edison?

6. in West Java They speak Sundanese

7. My car is being repaired by them today

8. Rice is planted by people in Indonesia

9. This outfit was made by my mother

10.The wheel was discovered by someone thousands of years ago


1.Harimau sedang di beri makan oleh seseorang

2.Acara tv itu sangat sedikit orang yang menonton

3.Bagaimana lilin anda buat?

4.Rumah Sakit baru akan di buat oleh mereka di luar kota

5.Apakah telephone di temukan oleh Thomas Edison?

6.di Jawa Barat Mereka berbicara Bahasa Sunda

7.Mobil saya sedang di perbaiki mereka hari ini

8.Padi di tanam orang di Indonesia

9.Pakaian ini di buat oleh Ibuku

10.Roda di temukan seseorang ribuan tahun yang lalu


بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Hai semua pengguna dan teman–temanku di Brainly...

Apa kabar semuanya...?

Kali ini,kita akan membahas materi tentang Passive Voice (Kalimat Passive)

Yuk di bahas materinya...


Passive voice adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat menerima aksi, bukan melakukan aksi. Tidak seperti active voice yang fokus terhadap pihak yang melakukan aksi (doer of action), bentuk ini lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau objek yang menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action).

Voice yang fokus terhadap pihak yang melakukan aksi (doer of action), bentuk ini lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau objek yang menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action).

1.Active = My parents plant some flowers

(Pelaku aksi)

2.Passive = Some flowers are planted by my parents

(Penerima aksi)

Umumnya, kalimat aktif yang bisa ditransformasi menjadi kalimat pasif berbentuk kalimat aktif yang mengandung transitive verbs (kata kerja yang memerlukan objek langsung) seperti make, bring, buy, write dan sebagainya. Sebaliknya, kalimat pasif yang mengandung intransitive verbs (kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan objek langsung) seperti cry, swim, go, arrive, dan die tidak bisa diubah menjadi kalimat pasif.

Namun, apabila intransitive verbs tersebut diikuti oleh preposition, ada kemungkinan kalimat tersebut bisa diubah menjadi kalimat pasif tetapi kalimat pasif yang terbentuk akan sangat kaku.

Rumus Passive Voice

Untuk membentuk kalimat pasif, rumus sederhana berikut biasanya digunakan tetapi tetap harus disesuaikan dengan tense kalimat.

Dan Rumusnya terlampir pada gambar di atas

Penggunaan kalimat pasif dengan perfect continuous tenses biasanya jarang dilakukan karena menghasilkan struktur kalimat yang terlalu rumit dan sulit dipahami. Oleh karena itu, hal ini sebaiknya dihindari meskipun secara tata bahasa benar (grammatically correct).


Jadi,Jawabannya adalah:

1. A tiger is being fed by someone

2. TV shows that very few people watch

3. How are your candles made?

4. The new hospital will be set up by them outside the city

5. Was the telephone invented by Thomas Edison?

6. in West Java They speak Sundanese

7. My car is being repaired by them today

8. Rice is planted by people in Indonesia

9. This outfit was made by my mother

10.The wheel was discovered by someone thousands of years ago


Nah,itulah materi kita hari ini, Semoga jadi ilmu yang bermanfaat ya...

Detail Jawaban:

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 9,10,11,12

Bab : Passive Voice (Kalimat Passive)

Kata Kunci: Active Voice,Passive Voice

Answer by:


22. Kami di sini ingin mempresentasikan tentang kalimat active Voice dan passive Voice di ubah menjadi bahasa inggris


We're here to present for active voice and breadth voice


terjemahan bahasa indonesia ke bahasa inggris yaitu "Kami di sini ingin mempresentasikan tentang kalimat active Voice dan passive Voice" menjadi We're here to present for active voice and breadth voice

We're here to present for active voice and breadth voice

semoga membantu

maaf jika salah

23. ubah ke kalimat passive voice dalam bahasa inggris​


The bell is hit by Raju

The ball is kicked by Mr. Takur

The trees are cut down by a sinso

The grass is cut off by Mr. Toni

The car is pushed by so many people


semoga membantu :)

24. apa pengertian dari passive voice dalam bahasa inggris ? berikan rumusnya juga !

Passive voice is a type of sentence or clause in which the subject receives the action of the verb.

S + be + past participle + (by agent)

S : Subject
be : auxiliary verb (am, is, are, was, were, has been, have been, will be, dll)
past participle: atau bisa disebut verb 3 (kata kerja bentuk ke 3)
(by agent) : pelaku dari tindakan

25. seorang anak kecil sedang makan kue passive voice bahasa inggris​


The cake was eaten by a little boy

26. Cara mengerjakan tugas bahasa inggris Passive voice

Passive Voice
S + be + past participle

a. the tea was brewed by the waiter.
b. two new kitchens were built by the owner.
c. In the recent years, some small dishes are prepared by the chef.
d. traditional music is performed by some singers.

27. Kami mencintai guru bahasa Inggris kami Buatlah menjadi passive voice

Kami mencintai guru bahasa inggris kami
Active Voice: We Love our english teacher

Sekedar mengingatkan, Passive voice itu kan kalimat yang di fokuskan pada objek.
dari kalimat itu kita bisa tahu itu kalimat simple present,
jadi untuk mengubah simple preset ke passive voice
rumus: Sub+am/is/are+V3+O

Passive Voice: Our english teacher is loved by us

Sekian, Semoga membantu :)Active: We love our English teacher
(Kami mencintai guru B.inggris kami)

Passive: our English teacher is loved by us
(Guru b.inggris kami dicintai oleh kami)

Present => passive form;
Subject + is,am,are + verb3 + by (agent)

Semoga Membantu

28. contoh percakapan bahasa inggris materi passive voice

example :
active ..   They buy a new house
passive.  a new house is bought by them
active.     they are making a rainbow cake now
passive.  a rainbow cake is being made by them now ..

29. contoh passive voice simple present dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

aktif: I eat an appel (saya makan sebuah apel)
passive: an apple eaten by me (sebuah apel dimakan oleh saya)
i am a student.
saya seorang pelajar.
i = subject
am = tobe
a student : pronoun.

30. Contoh Teks prosedur bahasa inggris passive voice

Chocolate, which is loved by almost everyone, is derived from the fruit of the cacao tree, which is grown in tropical regions around the world. First, the ripe cacao fruit is harvested and then cut open to remove the seeds. Chocolate is made from these seeds which are also called the cocoa beans. Next, the beans are fermented in a large vat for about a week. Then they are placed on trays to dry in the sun. Once the cocoa beans are ready, they are transported to the chocolate factory. There, the cocoa beans are processed and turned into various chocolate products like chocolate powder, chocolate bars, and many others.

31. Laguu bahasa Inggris yang mengandung passive Voice, dan di bagian manakah passive Voice nyaa? Tolong bantu jawab kakak :)

Selena Gomez - love you like a love song

32. Pengertian dan contoh passive voice dalam bahasa inggris

adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat menerima aksi, bukan melakukan aksi

Passive:Some flowers are planted by my parents
(Penerima aksi)Passive voice adalah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat menerima aksi, bukan melakukan aksi. Tidak seperti active voice yang fokus terhadap pihak yang melakukan aksi (doer of action), bentuk ini lebih berfokus kepada pihak atau objek yang menerima hasil dari suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action).
Rumus passive voice ( subject + am/is/are + Verb.3 + by + object )
contoh :
Aktif : I open the door
Pasif : The door is opened by me

33. Tujuan passive voice penulisan bahasa inggris

untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan pada seseorang atau objek yang dikenai tindakan dan bukan seseorang atau objek yang melakukan tindakan. Jadi, hal atau orang yang terpenting akan menjadi subjek kalimat.

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, passive voice adalah kalimat pasif.

     Tujuan penggunaan kalimat pasif adalah untuk mengungkapkan suatu kejadian yang object-nya dianggap lebih menarik untuk dibahas daripada subject-nya, sehingga dalam kalimat pasif yang menjadi subject adalah object dari kalimat aktif. Misalnya:

→  I was born on the fourteenth of January. [Saya dilahirkan pada hari keempatbelas bulan Januari.] (tidak begitu penting siapa yang melahirkan saya, yang terpenting adalah saya dilahirkan)

→  I was loved by you. [Aku dicintai olehmu.] (tidak begitu penting siapa yang mencintai saya, yang terpenting adalah saya dicintai)

→  This room is being cleaned [Ruangan ini sedang dibersihkan.] (tidak begitu penting siapa yang membersihkan ruangan tersebut, yang terpenting adalah ruangan tersebut sedang dibersihkan)

     Dalam ketiga contoh kalimat di atas, oleh siapa yang menyebabkan kejadian tersebut adalah tidak penting/tidak menarik. Kita hanya tertarik oleh subject dalam kalimat pasif yang mengalami kejadian tersebut.

34. translate ke bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan active dan passive voiceactive voice: kami membaca beberapa buku novelpassive voice : beberapa buku novel di baca oleh kami​

We read a few novels.
A few novels are read by us.

Menerjemahkan dari apa yang kamu tulis.

35. contoh dialog dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan Passive Voice

A: where is the door?
B : the door has been moved 3 hours ago
A : and why you dont go to work today?
B : i has been fired yesterday
A : so what are you doing to getting money?
B: i will be sent some money from my uncle at misissipi
A : oooh how poor you are

36. kosa kata bahasa inggris mengenai passive dan active voice

active :
I eat the food
passive :
the food is eaten by me

active :
I kicked the ball
passive :
the ball was kicked by me

37. kak mohon bantuannya mengerjakan soal bahasa Inggris (passive voice)​


a. was repaired

b. was not written

c. the phone was answered

d. was made

e. was tennis invented

f. was not demaged

g. was pulled

h. was this pot made

i. was this bridge built

38. Bantuin Bahasa Inggris dong Ubah ke passive voice


1. The dishes are being washed by Fitei

2. Big snake was seen by me yesterday

3. The tress should be cut by you in front of the fence

4. Our parents must be obey by us

6. Some roses have been planted by Rosi in the garden

6. Some books are borrowed by Gulung

7. The floor has been swept by the students

8. The wall was being painted by my brother yesterday

9. Bali has been visited by Binti

10. Cake had been made by my mother

1. Some books in the library are being borrowed by Zainab

2. Cake is made by my sister

3. The trees were cut by us yesterday

4. Some flowers in the garden have been planted by Aida

5. Thid dirty floor should be swept by you

6. Our parents must be obey by us

7. Clothes were being washed by Binti

8. The wall has been painted by my father

9. Sumatra Island had ever been visited by you

10. A big snake in the zoo was seen by the children

39. *Ubah ke dalam kalimat bahasa inggris. "Active"*Ubah ke dalam kalimat bahasa inggris. "Passive"materi PASSIVE VOICE.​


active( jawabannya ; aktif)

passive( jawabannya; tak giat)


maaf kalo salah

jadikan yang terbaik pliss

40. Coba buat video dan Menjelaskan tentang passive voice menggunakan bahasa inggris​


Steps to change the active sentence to the passive sontence.


Bikin video sendiri ya.

1. Tentukan pola:

Passive pattern: S+to be+ V3

2. Tentukan tensis

After that, next I describe the steps to change the active sentence into passive sentence:

1. Place the object of the active sentence into a subject in a passive sentence

2. Specify 'to be' in accordance with tenses that will be used

3. Change the verb to become the third verb (V3)

4. if 'who is the culprit' is needed, the subject is moved to the object


• 'I write a letter' converted into passive sentences:

a letter is written by me

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