contoh ujian bahasa inggris semester 1 kelas 3 sd
1. contoh ujian bahasa inggris semester 1 kelas 3 sd
tentang sapaan , hari , nama barang² , nama ruangan
itu aja yg saya tahu
gatau, cari google munkin ada
3. soal ujian semester genap bahasa inggris kelas Xl
4. Bagi siswa smp yang masih menyimpan soal ujian ulangan harian, ujian tengah semester dan ujian akhir semester bahasa Inggris silahkan share ke saya yah
For junior high school students who still keep their daily exam questions, midterms and English semester final exams, please share to me
5. bank soal bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1
hmm kayaknya gk ada :vv
6. soal bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurtilas
kemana soal nya
maaf gak tau soal nya
7. contoh soal dan jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 11 tentang song
what are you listening now
8. contoh soal ujian semester 1 kelas 10 geografi
1. Di Semarang pada tahun 1988 dilaksanakan seminar dan lokakarya oleh IGI (Ikatan Geograf Indonesia), yang menghasilkan sebuah rumusan definisi geografi yaitu Geografi merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari ….
a. Persamaan dan perbedaan fenomena geosfer dalam konteks keruangan
b. Persamaan dan perbedaan fenomena geosfer
c. Perbedaan dan persamaan fenomena geosfer berdasarkan sudut pandang kelingkungan dan kewilayahan dalam konteks keruangan
d. Lingkungan dan wilayah dalam konteks keruangan
e. Geosfer dengan sudut pandang kewilayahan, kelingkungan, dalam konteks keruangan
Iklan (Tutup K!k 2x)
2. Yang pertama kali mengemukakan istilah geografi yaitu….
a. Bintarto
b. Erastothenes
c. Thales
d. Strabo
e. Karl Ritter
3. Seorang geograf Yunani kuno pertama yang melakukan penelitian dan penggalian informasi geografi dengan mendokumentasikan perjalanan ke tempat lain yaitu ….
a. Thales
b. Herodotus
c. Erastothenes
d. Phytheas
e. Hippocrates
4. Istilah geografi adalah gabungan dari dua kata bahasa Yunani, yaitu….
a. ge dan graphia
b. ge dan graphica
c. ge dan graphy
d. geo dan graphica
e. geo dan graphia
5. Pengetahuan tentang geografi diyakini dikenal manusia sudah sejak lama. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan oleh….
a. manusia prasejarah harus berpindah-pindah mencari makan dan tempat tinggal
b. peta lokasi telah dibuat manusia prasejarah
c. manusia harus berinteraksi dengan lingkungan untuk bertahan hidup
d. manusia prasejarah telah dapat membuktikan bahwa bumi itu bulat
e. munculnya geograf pada abad sebelum Masehi di Yunani
6. Kegiatan manusia di bawah ini yang sesuai dengan teori kemungkinan (posibilisme) menurut Paul Vidal de la Blache adalah….
a. Lahan pertanian tradisional banyak dijumpai di sekitar tepian sungai
b. Sistem pertanian ladang diawali dengan cara pembakaran hutan
c. Masyarakat yang tinggal di wilayah pantai bisa mengusahakan lahannya sebagai tambak garam atau tambak ikan
d. Nelayan berlayar menangkap ikan pada saat angin darat bertiup
e. Sistem pertanian yang ada di daerah gunung dilakukan dengan sistem terasering
7. Seorang ahli geografi (geograf) yang berpendapat bahwa geografi adalah bagian dari matematika yang mengkaji tentang keadaan bumi dan bagian-bagiannya, termasuk juga benda-benda langit lain yaitu….
a. Alexander von Humboldt
b. Karl Ritter
c. Immanuel Kant
d. Bernard Varen (Varenius)
e. Erastothenes
8. Di DKI Jakarta kita mengenal adanya Kampung Melayu dan Kampung Ambon. Penamaan daerah seperti itu juga terjadi di daerah lain. Apabila ditelusuri asal mulanya, maka proses terbentuknya sesuai dengan konsep dasar geografi, yaitu….
a. Diferensiasi area
b. Keterjangkauan
c. Pola
d. Nilai kegunaan
e. Aglomerasi
9. Peristiwa banjir menyebabkab penduduk kesulitan memperoleh air bersih. Hal itu erat hubungannya dengan konsep esensial geografi, yaitu konsep….
a. morfologi
b. interdependensi
c. keterjangkauan
d. lokasi
e. pola
10. Geograf yang dikenal sebagai peletak dasar geografi modern dan menyatakan bahwa objek studi geografi yaitu semua fenomena di bumi, baik organik dan anorganik adalah….
a. Halford Mackinder
b. Immanuel Kant
c. Karl Ritter
d. Bernard Varen
e. Friederich Ratzel
11. Claudius Ptolomaeus merupakan seorang geograf Yunani Kuno menyatakan bahwa geografi berbeda dengan korografi. Pembahasan geografi lebih menekankan pada hal yang bersifat….
a. Kuantitatif
b. Deskriptif
c. Intuitif
d. Imajinatif
e. Kualitatif
12. Seseorang melakukan pendeskripsian mengenai relief permukaan bumi. Menurut pendapat Varenius, penelitian tersebut masuk dalam aspek….
a. Komparatif
b. Atmosferis
c. Astronomis
d. Litosferis
e. Terestrial
13. Tempat Mawar jaraknya jauh dari kota Anggrek, akan tetapi mudah dicapai. Sedangkan jarak Kota Anggrek dengan kota Melati jaraknya lebih dekat, tetapi sulit dicapai. Tingkat kemudahan mencapai lokasi suatu tempat termasuk dalam konsep….
a. Keterjangkauan
b. Pola
c. Diferensiasi area
d. Interaksi
e. Morfologi
14. Permukiman kumuh sering terdaat di tepi rel kereta api dan sekitar bantaran sungai di kota. Pengelompokan fenomena tersebut dalam geografi dikenal sebagai konsep….
a. Arbitrase
b. Aglomerasi
c. Aksesibilitas
d. Morfologi
e. Kontradiksi
15. Usaha perkebunan sayuran dan teh sering dilakukan oleh masyarakat di daerah pegunungan. Fenomena tersebut dalam geografi berhubungan dengan konsep….
a. Morfologi
b. Aglomerasi
c. Nilai kegunaan
d. Interaksi
e. Keterkaitan keruangan
16. Kota Mawar terletak pada koordinat 1330 40’ 300 BT dan090 23’ 450 LS. Letak kota Mwaar ditunjukkan dengan konsep….
a. Keterjangkauan
b. Jarak
c. Pola
d. Lokasi absolut
e. Lokasi relatif
17. Lokasi yang sifatnya berubah-ubah dan sangat berhubungan dengan keadaan di sekitarnya dinamakan lokasi….
a. Astronomis
b. Absolut
c. Intermitten
d. Jarak
e. Relatif
9. soal bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1
12. a
13. d
14. a
15. c
1. Congratulation letter
2. Fanani think Rafi's succes is very creditable but not unexpected
3. senior secondary examination with distinction in psychic
I hope my answer can help you~
maaf klo slh
10. Bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester 1 Task 11 dan 12 ini gimana?
Fill in the blanks with the words from the box
isi yang kosong dengan kata kata di box
11. contoh soal bahasa inggris semester 2 kelas 8
1. it is a clever mammal that can solve problems and hold things in their hands. It lives in groups called troops. It eats plants, birds’ eggs, small animals, and insects. Most of them live in the forest.
The animal in the description is …
A. elephant
B. monkey
C. bear
D. tiger
jawabannya : C
2. It is a tame animal. It has two long ears. It eats carrot. It hops. It lives in burrows.
The animal in the description is ......
A. cat
B. dog
C. rabbit
D. cow
jawaban : B
3. My uncle works in the zoo. He repairs the animal cages …..
A. every day
B. regularly
C. frequently
D. every hour
jawaban : B
4. Elephant is an animal that should need to be cleaned or washed ….
A. every sunday
B. every month
C. every day
D. every week
jawaban : C
5. My sister and I get up early ....
A. every day
B. every sunday
C. every time
D. every Saturday
jawaban : A
Jadikan jawaban terbaik
12. buatlah 1 contoh karangan tentang hari guru yang engakau sukai ke dalam bahasa inggris [Soal Ujian Akhir Semester UAS 2015]
In apreciated for you miss/mr ...
hello miss/mr
how are you?
you know? i like you, you are the one of my favorite teacher
thank you for make me good at english, thank you for teaching me, thank you for everything.
you know? you are my inspiration.
i love your smile, its sweetes smile everrr
i hope you happy everyday.
god bless you
13. soal UTS bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 1
maksudnya apa ya, pertanyaannya kurang jelas
maksud nya apa ya soal nya ini belom ada pertanyaannya
14. Soal bahasa inggris semester genap kelas 11
Text 1 (for question number 1-7)
Once there was a husband and his wife who had a baby. They had a dog named Bony. It was a very smart dog and faithful to them. The dog used to take care of the baby while were working in the rice field.
One afternoon, while working in the field, they heard Bony barking. It was running toward them. It’s mouth smeared with blood. The husband shocked and thought that it had killed their baby. Suddenly he took his sickle and threw it to the dog. It hit the dog’s had and the dog head and the dog fell down and died.
Hurriedly they got home and saw the baby sleeping. When the husband looked around in the baby’s room, he found a big snake lying on the floor. It was dead and blood spilled everywhere. It seemed the dog had killed the snake and the killed his faithful dog.
1. Who was Bony? Bonny was……….
a. the husband’s name
b. the wife’s name
c. the bay’s name
d. the dog’s name
e. the snake’s name
2. Why was the dog running toward the couple?
a. because it afraid of snake
b. because it was hurt
c. because the dog wanted some foods.
d. because the dog wanted to tell that something dangerous almost happened in their home.
e. because a snake wanted to catch it.
3. ……finally killed by the husband.
a. the baby d. the dog
b. the snake e. the couple
c. the wife
4. The snake was killed by…………………
a. the dog d. the child
b. the husband e. the baby
c. the wife
5. Was the baby hurt by the dog?
a. yes, it is d. no was not
b. yes, it was e. no, it doesn’t
c. no, it did
15. contoh soal ujian mid bahasa inggris kelas 7
Kaya gitu setengahnya
maaf kalau Salah.
16. tuliskan contoh soal ujian bahasa indonesia kelas 7 semester 2
A.teks berita
B.buku fiksi dan non-fiksi
C.surat pribadi dan surat resmi
17. contoh soal b,inggris kls 11 semester 1 K13
Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 Kurikulum 2013
The text is for questions 1 to 2.
One day afternoon, Dio and Ara were on the way home. It suddenly rained heavily. They stopped their walked near a big tree.
"What do you think of having a shelter under the big tree?", asked Dio.
"No!! It will be dangerous. The tree may fall because of the strong wind," replied Ara.
"How about having a shelter in front of the bookstore over there?", asked Dio again.
"O.K. Let's go there," agreed Ara.
1. According to Ara, having a shelter under a big tree during the rain was ...
A. Surprising.
B. Touching.
C. Frightening.
D. Harmful.
E. Awful.
2. According to the text, where did they have a shelter?
A. At home.
B. At the terrace.
C. In front of the bookstore.
D. Under a big tree.
E. On a bridge.
The text is for questions 3 to 5.
Lala and Nia are discussing the object they are going to observe to finish Biology assignment.
"What do you think if we observe our city forest?", asks Lala.
"Good idea, but what will we write about?", replies Nia.
"Well, the forest is important to reduce the air pollution. The existence of a forest in the middle of city is very essential", explains Lala.
"It means we will analize the correlation between the existence of the city forest and the level of air pollution, doesn't it? asks Nia.
"Exactly!" answers Lala.
3. Lala asks, "What do you think if we observe our city forest?"
What does it mean?
A. She asks for information.
B. She asks for permission.
C. She asks for an opinion.
D. She provides for an opinion.
E. She asks for agreement.
4. "It means we will analize the correlation between the existence of the city forest and the level of air pollution..."
What is the similar meaning of 'level'?
A. Score.
B. Mark.
C. Top.
d. Size.
e. Degree.
5. What will Lala and Nia write about?
A. The description of a city.
B. The level of water pollution in their city.
C. The level of air pollution in their hometown.
D. The benefits of a city forest to reduce air pollution.
E. The benefits of a forest in the middle of a city.
The text is for questions 6 to 8.
To: Ari Dwi Purna, Class XI
You are invited to the OSIS regular meeting that will be held:
Day: MondayDate: September 5th, 2020Time: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.Place: The OSIS meeting roomAgenda: Preparation for Interschool Football MatchPlease come on time!
Rangga Adrian
OSIS Chairperson
6. What does the OSIS chairperson want Ari to do?
A. Arrive the meeting on time.
B. Invite the OSIS committee members.
C. Become a football player.
D. Be absent in the meeting.
E. Prepare the football competition.
7. "Please come on time!'
What is the similar meaning of 'on time'?
A. On mark.
B. Overdue.
C. Definite.
D. Late.
E. Punctual.
8. Why are Ari invited to the meeting?
A. Because he is a smart student.
B. Because he is a chairperson.
C. Because he is an OSIS committee member.
D. Because he is a football player.
E. Because he is a teacher.
Text if for questions 9 to 10.
Choose the suitable words to complete the following text!
Today, organic food is very popular as people now think it's (9) ____. However, it costs more expensive than non-organic food. It is probably only some people can (10) ____ to purchase organic food in Indonesia. Some others think it is just a waste of money.
9. A. Cheaper.
B. Healthier.
C. More delicious.
D. More important.
E. More expensive.
10. A. Afford.
B. Eat.
C. Plant.
D. Stop.
E. Sell.
PembahasanMateri bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 membahas beberapa topik utama, yaitu:
Offerings and suggestions (Penawaran dan saran).Providing and asking for opinion (Memberi dan meminta pendapat).Invitation and responses (Undangan dan balasan).Expository text (Paragraf eksposisi).Contoh-contoh soal di atas berkaitan dengan topik-topik dari materi bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 tersebut. Berikut jawaban dan artinya dari soal-soal tersebut.
D. Berbahaya.C. Di depan toko buku.C. Dia meminta pendapat.E. Derajat/tingkat.D. Manfaat hutan kota untuk mengurangi polusi udara.A. Datang rapat tepat waktu.E. Tepat waktu.C. Karena dia adalah anggota komite OSIS.B. Lebih sehat.A. Mampu.Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang mengidentifikasi kesalahan grammar dalam membuat suggestion and offer tentang saying and responding opinions disertai contoh tentang analytical exposition disertai contoh paragraf jawabanKelas: 11
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Penilaian Akhir Semester
Kode: 11.5.9
#AyoBelajar #SPJ2
18. contoh soal UTS semester 1 bahasa inggris
why don't you.... the result of your discussion in front of the class?
a. presentation
b. present
c. presents
d. presenting1. Two card colour
19. bahasa Inggris, semester 2 uji kompetensi 1
20. Tugas bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester 1 hal 2
gaada gambar woyyy mana gambarnya
21. jawaban soal mid semester genap kelas Viii bahasa Inggrissoal ujian
Pelajari Bab Bab Yang kamu sudah pelajari di sekolah sama guru kamu setelah itu pelajari pemahaman di buku bahasa Inggris kamu
bahasa Inggris nya soal ujian: exam questions
bahasa Inggris soal mid semester genap: about the mid-semester even class VII
maaf kalo salah
22. soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 6 semester 1
belajar yang rajin,usaha yang maksimal, percaya diri , dan jujur, jngn lupa berdoa
insyaallah nilaimu bakalan bagus.
23. soal uas semester 1 kelas 9 bahasa Inggris
mana soalnyaa yaaaaa......
24. soal ujian semester ganjil kelas 11 ma bahasa Indonesia
aku tau mbak ff betelgosgoknf
25. Apa saja contoh kalimat pujian atau memuji dalam bahasa inggris?
Kalimat yg digunakan untuk memberikan komplimen atau pujian. Biasanya menggunakan verb "Are" dan "is"
Your poem is wonderful!
Wow! That's great!
Wondeful dan great merupakan slh satu contoh kalimat compliment. Kata" lain yg dpt digunakan sbg kata" komplimen:
That's great!
I love it!
I like it!
May thiz' helpz!
wow you look so beautiful today Ms.Nita
You are wonderful today
Wow , you have a great score , congratulation !
26. contoh soal uas bahasa inggris semester 2 kelas 8
1. Lukita : "did you know ? Yunita got 10 for his english"
Dzikrina : "wow!.... "
A. how intelligent
B. i'm sorry to hear that
C. how are you
D. yes, he is
jawaban : A
2. Iwan is .... soundly in his bedroom
A. sitting
B. reading
C. sleeping
D. working
jawabannya : C
3. father is hospitalized because he ...... an accident on his way to office yesterday
A. met
B. send
C. put
D. got
jawabannya : D
4. Mr. wahmin : students, pay attention please!
students : yes, sir
the underlined sentence is the expression of asking for...
A. help
B. attention
C. permission
D. opinion
jawabannya : B
5. the following expression can be used to ask for attention, except ......
A. May i have your attention, please?
B. are you listening to me?
C. would you give me a hand please?
D. would you look at the board, please?
jawabannya : C
Jadikan jawaban terbaik cmiiw27. carilah soal soal ulangan semester 1 bahasa inggris kelas 8
Text 1. For numbers 1-8.
I love dogs very much. I keep some dogs in my house. They are Casper, Midas, Brwonie and Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short with long body and four strong legs. Brwonie is a collie. She has long and thick fur. What color is her fur? Brown, of course that’s why I call her Brownie. Dottie is a Dalmatian. She has a slim body and four long legs. She has thin fur and dots all over her body. The last is Midas. He is a bulldog. He has a large head, a short neck and thick short legs. He’s very strong.
I always take care of my dogs everyday.
1. What kind of text is the text above?
a. Recount c. Narrative
b. Descriptive d. Report
2. The generic structure of the text is … .
a. description – identification
b. Identification – description
c. Orientation – events – Reorientation
d. Reorientation – events – Orientation
3. ‘They are Casper, Midas, Brownie and Dottie’ .
The sentence is the …. of the text.
a. Description c. Identification
b. Orientation d. Events
4. ‘ He’s short with long body and four strong legs’
The sentence is one of the ……… of the text.
a. Events c. Descriptions
b. Orientations d. Identifications
5. How many dogs does the writer have?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
6. What does Casper look like?
a. short with long body and strong legs
b. Brown, with long and thick fur
c. slim body, long legs
d. thin fur and dots
7. Why does the writer call the collie, Brownie? The writer calls the collie, Brownie
because ….
a. she likes brownies c. she has brown fur
b. she has brown ear d. she like it
8. What kind of dog is Dottie? Dottie is a …
a. Dalmatian
b. Daschun
c. Bulldog
d. Collie
Text 2. For numbers 9-15
Last week, I and my dad went to a store. We went there to buy some candies. In the store, the candies looked so good. I would have bought a lot of them but my dad said I could only have three. I gave the store owner the money for the candies. As we left the store, I ate one of the candies. It was yummy. I hope we come back soon.
9. What kind of text is the text above?
a. Report c. Narrative
b. Recount d. Descriptive
10. The generic structure of the text is … .
a. description – identification
b. Identification – description
c. Orientation – events – Reorientation
d. Reorientation – events – Orientation
11. ‘Last week, I and my dad went to a store’.
The sentence is the …. of the text.
a. Description
b. Orientation
c. Identification
d. Events
12. “I would have bought a lot of them but my dad said I could only have three. I gave the store owner the money for the candies. As we left the store, I ate one of the candies.”
The sentences is the … of the text
a. Description c. Identification
b. Orientation d. Events
13. Who went to the store?
a. I and c. the writer
b. my dad d. the writer and his dad.
14. Why did they want to go to the store?
a. The writer wanted some candies
b. The writer liked the candies
c. They knew the owner well
d. The candies looked good
15. What did the writer feel about the candies? The candies were … .
a. bad c. delicious
b. good d. the best candy
28. Minta Contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 12 semester 1 50 soal
maaf enggaaaaa punyaaa
29. Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 1 tentang attention
1. what is meant by attention and explain it
2. make a sentence that uses the word attention
maaf kalo salah :)
30. contoh soal ujian semester 1 kelas 6 sd
1.sikap siap sebelum melaksanakan senam irama disebut...mudah untuk menjawab
tidak susah pun soal nya
31. materi bahasa inggris kelas 11 semester 1
1.asking and giving for opinion
2.expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction text advice warnings
6.narrative text
7.fulfilling someone's request
8.expressing relief
9.expressing pain
32. contoh soal ulangan tengah semester bahasa inggris kelas 10
31. All children must….. elementary schools.
A. visit
B. learn
C. do
D. come by
E. attend
33. Kumpulan Soal bahasa inggris semester ganjil sma kelas 11
maksud nya ?
mana soal nya ????????????????????????
34. Soal ujian semester ganjil bahasa inggris kekas 12
woy kalo buat soal yg bener dong
maksudnya gimana
35. contoh soal bahasa inggris dan jawabannya kelas 10 semester 2 soal HOTS
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal Bahasa Inggris tingkat kelas 10 semester 2 dengan tingkat kesulitan tinggi (HOTS) beserta jawabannya:
Soal 1:
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate action. It is causing a rise in global temperatures, resulting in melting ice caps, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events. The consequences of climate change are far-reaching and impact both human and natural systems. To mitigate the effects of climate change, it is crucial to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy sources, and implement sustainable practices.
1. What are the consequences of climate change?
2. What measures can be taken to mitigate the effects of climate change?
1. The consequences of climate change include melting ice caps, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events.
2. Measures that can be taken to mitigate the effects of climate change include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy sources, and implementing sustainable practices.
Soal 2:
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
1. The teacher asked the students to ________ their assignments by tomorrow.
a) submit
b) submitted
c) submitting
d) submits
Jawaban: a) submit
Soal 3:
Rearrange the following words to form a meaningful sentence.
easy / It / is / to / English / learn.
Jawaban: It is easy to learn English.
Soal 4:
Read the dialogue and answer the question that follows.
Tom: Have you ever been to Paris?
Sara: No, I haven't. But I would love to visit someday.
What is Sara's response to Tom's question?
Jawaban: Sara's response to Tom's question is, "No, I haven't. But I would love to visit someday."
Semoga contoh soal di atas dapat membantu kamu dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 yang menguji kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS).
36. contoh soal ujian semester 1 kelas 4 sd
1. 215 – 200 : 5 + 50 = .... Pembahasan : 215 – (200 : 5) + 50 215 - 40 + 50 = 185
2. Angka 8 pada bilangan 789.654 mempunyai nilai .... Pembahasan : 8 menempati puluh ribuan = 80.000
3. KPK dari 4, 6, dan 8 adalah .... Pembahasan : Kelipatan 4 = 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 Kelipatan 6 = 6, 12, 18, 24 Kelipatan 8 = 8, 16, 24 KPK dari 4, 6, 8 = 24
4. 745 : 8 = ... sisa .... Pembahasan : Bilangan kelipatan delapan yang ada dibawah 74 adalah 72 72 adalah hasil dari 8 x 9 maka 9 sisa 2
5. FPB dari 36 dan 60 adalah .... Pembahasan : Faktor 36 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36 Faktor 60 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60 FPB = 12
Coba selesaikanlah soal-soal di bawah ini!Harga 5 kg jeruk adalah Rp40.000,00. Berapakah harga 1 kg jeruk?
Winda les bahasa Inggris setiap 3 hari sekali dan Lusi setiap 5 hari sekali. Pada tanggal 8 November mereka berangkat les bersama sama. Pada tanggal berapa mereka akan berangkat les bersama lagi?
Sebuah jajargenjang panjang alasnya 80 cm dan tingginya 72 cm. Hitunglah luasnya!
Pak Yusuf bekerja dari pukul 07.30 sampai dengan pukul 11.45. Berapa lama Pak Yusuf bekerja?
Harga 1 buku Rp3.000,00 dan harga 1 pensil Rp 1.500,00. Jika Niken membeli 5 buku dan 2 pensil, berapa harga semuanya?
semoga membantu jika berkenan tolong berikan jawaban terbaik yaa
37. contoh soal bahasa inggris semester 2 kelas
Gampang b onggrisnya
38. Soal ujian semester ganjil bahasa inggris kelastisitas 12
maaf kak soal ujian sememster tergantung dari pihak sekolah masing masing atau tidak sama jadi nanti kasih aja soalnya di komentar makasih.....
39. contoh soal ulangan umum kelas 7 bahasa inggris semester genap
itu contoh soalnya, maaf kalau kurang jelas1.How.........people are there in this class?
A.much. c.many
B.any. d.A lot of
40. Bahasa Inggris 'soal ujian semester' apa ya?
bisa di sebut : " Semester test "
kalau misal kayak UTS ( ulangan tengah semester )
bisa bilang Middle semester test
Bahasa Inggris Soal Ujian Semester adalah
Semester Exam QuestionsPenjelasan:
Semoga Membantu