Kumpulan Soal bahasa inggris semester ganjil sma kelas 11
1. Kumpulan Soal bahasa inggris semester ganjil sma kelas 11
maksud nya ?
mana soal nya ????????????????????????
2. tolong dijawab semua yaa. ini soal bahasa inggris kelas X SMA
1. I bought an ice cream last night
5. I didn't answer my homework yesterday afternoon
7.rino woke up at 11 am last friday
12. Vina went to supermarket with her mom last week
16. I ate my lunch a couple of hours ago
3. soal bahasa inggris recount text bahasa inggris sma kelas 10
the purposes of the text above is
4. soal UTS 1 kelas 11 sma mapel bahasa inggris
Jika ada kabar saya akan memberitahukan nya untuk sementara waktu di mohon untuk tetap bersabar.
5. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 (2 SMA)
Here are the answers:
The positive current must flow in the red wire.It's hard for an electric charge to flow through wood because wood is a poor conductor.Copper conduct electricity better than other materials do.Porcelain can insulate the electric current well.Don't leave the lights on, it wastes electricity.It's easy to use the electric rice cooker.The machine does not work well. It must have an electrical fault.The electric current flows through conductive materials, like copper and aluminium.6. ada yang bisa bantu, soal bahasa inggris kelas 3 SMA
1. A national robotic competition was won by Anneke. (bentuk simple past)
2. The images can be captured very well by my new camera.
3. A blog competition annual is held by the school.
4. A new product will be launched tomorrow by the company.
5. The articles in the museum may not be touched by visitors.
6. My computer was being repaired by my father when the blackout occurred.
7. A job fair is being attended by job seekers at the Town expo center.
8. A cartoon movie has been released by the multimedia students of my school.
9. A recruitment for bachelor degree will be opened by an international company.
10. The refugees of Mount Sinabung eruption were prohibited by the rescue team to visit their houses.
7. Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X
a. I'm going to be = 2. A brilliant politician.
b. I'm going to join = 6. A new job.
c. I'm going to = 4. A gym in my town.
d. I think I'll go = 7. On a diet.
e. Maybe I'll get = 3. Stop eating chocolate.
f. I'm going to eat = 1. Healthy food.
g. I'm not going to = 5. Eat hamburgers.
Mencocokan kalimat pertama di bagian kiri dengan kalimat kedua yang berada di bagian kanan untuk menyusun sebuah resolusi untuk tahun baru.
jadikan jawaban terbaik jika membantu ya!
8. soal bahasa bhs inggris sma
Indun fhyfhchtfhyggchfhfufif
9. kartu soal bahasa inggris kelas X
Tentu, berikut adalah beberapa contoh pertanyaan untuk ujian atau latihan bahasa Inggris kelas X:
**Bagian 1: Pilihan Ganda**
Pilihlah jawaban yang benar (A, B, C, atau D) untuk setiap pertanyaan.
1. I usually _____ to the gym in the morning.
A. goes
B. go
C. is going
D. went
2. We _____ a new car last week.
A. buy
B. bought
C. buying
D. buys
3. She _____ reading a book when I called her.
A. was
B. were
C. is
D. are
4. What _____ you do last weekend?
A. did
B. does
C. do
D. are
5. I can't believe it's _____ raining.
A. still
B. anymore
C. now
D. already
**Bagian 2: Isian Singkat**
Isilah ruang kosong dengan kata yang tepat.
6. I _____ (study) English every day.
7. My brother _____ (play) soccer at the park yesterday.
8. She _____ (not like) spicy food.
9. The teacher asked us to _____ (read) the article.
10. They _____ (go) to the movies last night.
**Bagian 3: Pilihan Ganda - Menentukan Makna Kata**
Pilihlah kata sinonim atau antonim yang sesuai untuk kata yang diberikan.
11. Generous
A. Selfish (antonim)
B. Stingy (antonim)
C. Kind (sinonim)
D. Grumpy (antonim)
12. Eager
A. Reluctant (antonim)
B. Excited (sinonim)
C. Lazy (antonim)
D. Anxious (sinonim)
**Bagian 4: Menulis**
Tulislah sebuah paragraf singkat (sekitar 5-7 kalimat) tentang liburan impianmu. Jelaskan tujuan liburanmu, alasan mengapa kamu ingin pergi ke sana, dan aktivitas yang ingin kamu lakukan selama liburan tersebut.
Semoga contoh-contoh soal di atas bermanfaat untuk latihan bahasa Inggris kelas X. Jangan lupa untuk memeriksa dan mengoreksi jawabanmu setelah menyelesaikan soal-soal tersebut.
10. Bantu jawab soal punya adikku kelas 1 SMA yang Bahasa Inggris !
1. watched
2. carried
3. helped
4. swaped
5. danced
6. ran
7. kept
8. blew
9. stole
10. met
11. was
12. lit, came
11. Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 (2 SMA)
1 He was arrested on a charge of murder.
2. The Earth has a positive charge.
3. A conductor is a material which contains a movable electric charge
4. Beethoven was one of the best musicians who had ever lived
5. The manager conducts the meeting well.
6. Copper wire insulates electric currents well
7. Switch off the electric current or your computer will break down.
8. The main issues of all newspapers are about corruption.
Kata Charge pada nomor satu berarti tuduhan dan merupakan kosa kata di bidang hukum, sementara kata Charge pada nomor dua berarti semacam aliran listrik dalam kosa kata ilmu kelistrikan (elektro).
Kata Musicians tidak terdapat dalam kotak pilihan jawaban, namun kata tersebut paling sesuai untuk mengisi titik titik di atas.
Kata Main juga tidak terdapat dalam kotak pilihan jawaban, namun kata tersebut paling sesuai untuk mengisi titik titik di atas.
Semoga membantu ya.
12. kak di bantu ya kak soal bahasa inggris yang sma merah putih, besok di kumpul.
-no,you don't have to
-no, there is no charge for it
-you have to go to the calculation desk
-yes, you have to bring your student identity card
-yes, you have to.
> Yes
> There is no charge.
> To apply for a librarycard, complete an application form and take it to the circulation desk.
> Your student identity card.
> Yes, a card must be used each time you borrow a book.
13. Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA,tolong di jawab kan, Terima kasih!!
7. a) A letter is typed by her for her father
8. a) I'm drinking a bottle of water
9. a) I lose the championship
b) She is gone
14. Bantu jawab soal punya adikku kelas 1 SMA yang Bahasa Inggris !
1. Proclaimed
2. Studied
3. Played
4. Saw
5. Had
6. Used to
7. Bought
8. A big plane smashed / a lot of people were / when the plane crashed the building
9. Landed
10. Came
11. They showed / but we didn't know / then, they taught us.
12. Mr.Steele and his daughter were / they visited Monas
13. Blew / Broke
14. Took / Passed
15. Began / was
Jawaban dalam bentuk kata kerja ke-2 (Verb-2) yang merupakan ciri khas dari bentuk kalimat Simple Past Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan di masa lampau.
Simple Past Tense:
Verbal: (+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object
(-) Subject + did + not + Verb-1 + Object
Nominal: (+) Subjrct + Tobe (was/were) + Adjective / Noun / Adverb
Semoga membantu ya.
15. contoh soal tentang bahasa inggris SMA kelas 10
pete:how about having dinner with me tonight?
kate:thanks you,i d love to
from dialogue above we conclude that....
16. Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMAJawab ya no.4 jangan asal!Baca soalnya yang teliti ya!Jago bahasa inggris SMA jawab ini ya!
jawabannya adalah e. mom, could you buy some coconut cookies for grandma please?
semoga membantu
17. bantu jawab please, soal bahasa inggris kelas 10 sma
Jawaban :
41) a. My
b. Them
42) Al : Hi !, what do you think about my new pair of shoes
Aldin : Wow !, i really like your shoes
Al : Thanks !, I really appreciate that
43) Next month, i am going to visit bali for my holiday, i want to go to its beach, and enjoy the food there, and i would like to buy some souvenirs for my friends
18. Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA.Jawab ya no.11 jangan asal!Baca soalnya yang teliti ya!Jago bahasa inggris SMA jawab ini ya!
Jawabannya E.Local brand manager.11) Posisi apa yang diiklankan?
a. manejer personalia
b. penjualan
c. pengecer
d. manejer staf
e. manejer merek lokal
Jadi, Jawabannya: E. local brand manager
19. kak bantuin soal bahasa inggris soal x jm 3 dikumpul
1. a
2. d
3. e
4. a
semoga membantu
20. Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA.Jawab ya soal gambar diatas!Jago pelajaran bahasa inggris SMA jawab ini ya!
kelas: SMA
mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris
materi: Argumentative Essay writing
The text above is included in Argumentative Essay. Argumentative Essay is purposed to persuade the reader for agreeing or not agreeing in something. The generic structure of the text as it was applied in the text above is:
(it tells about the topic or the opinion that the writer wants the reader to be agree or not agree):
Indonesia is a culturally-diverse country. Many different religions and cultures from many provinces are now seen living side by side in many places. One of the biggest questions facing Indonesian today is how to deal with a culturally diverse citizenry and then promote unity.
Argument 1:
(tells the supporting argument that strengthen the opinion stated in introduction)
Therefore, Indonesians should appreciate differences among culture for the following reasons. Firstly, Indonesia is vulnerable to separation for its archipelago and culture diversity.............
Argument 2:
(tells the supporting argument that strengthen the opinion stated in introduction)
Secondly, Indonesians must recognize that every culture has different customs and beliefs. Thus, people are forbidden to make judgments of comparative value, for it is measuring something unmeasured.....
Argument 3:
(tells the supporting argument that strengthen the opinion stated in introduction)
Lastly, raising nationalism is one way to preserve unity of the nation. It is a sense of fellow feeling between group members............
(tells about some advice and recommendation that the reader should take in facing stated topic)
Cultural differences are sometime a sensitive matter for people. Indonesian people must teach younger generation about the importance of the cultural identity and nationalism to promote unity of the nation......
The question also ask about our own recommendation, here is the possible recommendation for the text above.
"As multicultural nation, we must understand that this nation is build with the unity as the foundation. Unity will be happened if only people appreciates each other beliefs and cultures. It is also stated in our "Garuda" national symbol "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which means "Different but united still".
Semoga membantu
21. tlg jwb soal bahasa inggris, pliss di kumpulkan segera. terima kasih
1. B. False
2. B. False
3. B. False
4. A. True
22. Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA.Jawab ya no.3 essay!Baca soalnya yang teliti dan jago berbahasa inggris SMA jawab ini ya!
Welcome back to CNN Indonesia.Today at 11,50 pm from Banten, Indonesia
there was a flood happen it the south of Banten cause 31 houses collapsed, 5 building collabsed . the flood contiunes to one of the mosque in the city,
because of that the residents need to evacuate to the evacutaion site.
Reporting from Banten, Indonesia.
(sebenranya saya masih kls 5 sd yg jago b.inggris) :)
23. Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA.jawab ya soal gambar diatas!Anak SMA dan Jenius Bahasa Inggris SMA jawab ini ya!
11th grade high school
24. soal : bahasa indonesiakelas : sma x
No 1 E
No 2 B
maaf klo salahNo 1 E.
no 2 B.
maaf kalo salah
semoga membantu
25. soal kelas 11 sma bahasa inggris mohon bantuan nya kak
kami anak sd sudah belajar pelajaran anak kelas 11 sma
26. soal soal un sma tentang bahasa inggris
soal un bahasa inggris bisa kakak peroleh dr senior2 atau, mintalah pd guru bhs inggris..pd dasarnya, soal2 yg diberikan pd kakak adl soal2 un bhs inggris yg mendekati dg kisi2..Coba minta sama guru / kakak yg sudah tamat sma... atau minta kisi kisi dari guru.. soalnya tiap tahun itu beda beda soalnya :v
27. contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas x
you infer You answer is marder kalo salah maaf
28. tolong dijawab semua yaa ini soal bahasa inggris kelaa X SMA
1. I bought a new novel last night
2. I called you yesterday afternoon
3. I came to your birthday last friday
4. I did my homework last week
5. I drunk a glass of tea yesterday morning
6. I drove my father's car a couple of hours ago
7. I ate in the restaurant last night
8. I got up at 5 o'clock last friday
9. I went to your house yesterday afternoon
10. I sent you a letter last week
12 I slept in my grandfather's house last week
13. I visited to your house yesterday morning
14. I woke up earlier last friday
15. I washed my clothes yesterday morning.
29. soal bahasa inggris sma kelas xii tentang gerund
1. ____ all the way home made us tired.
A. Walk
B. Walking
C. We have walked
D. We walk
E. We are walking
The Answer : B. Walking
30. Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA .Jawab ya no.9 jangan asal!Baca soalnya yang teliti ya!JAGO BERBAHASA INGGRIS SMA JAWAB INI YA!
Jawabannya A.
I'm just window shopping itu artinya Aku masih melihat lihat dulu.
Semoga membantu.
Jwabannya A artinya cma liat2 doang.
31. Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA.Jawab ya no.16 jangan asal!Baca soalnya yang teliti ya!JAGO BERBAHASA INGGRIS SMA JAWAB INI YA!
A. Applying a job
Udah dijelasin di awal surat...
32. soal bahasa inggris kelas XI Sma
Possible Events
1. Mrs Lani might was close to the crashed brick and the pieces harmed her.
2. The light went off when we were having dinner.
3. I may pass my history examination and can stay in the university.
4. Maybe if I came with my new clothes, people will pay attention to me.
33. Latihan soal bahasa inggris kelas x
Read carefully and choose the right answer between a, b, c, d, or e!
1. Lina : "What do you like to do in your spare time?"
Ratu : " You know, I'm a mother to be.So I like ............... and gardening"
a. cooked
b. cook
c. cooks
d. cooking
e. cooked
2. My Brother lives ............... Yogyakarta
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. within
e. under
3. Dhani has just got his master degree. His parents want to celebrate it next week.
Dhani : "Rio, ..............."
Rio : "I'm glad to come. Could I bring my girlfriend?"
Dhani : "Why not?"
a. I need your help in my party next week.
b. Can you distributes these invitations for me?
c. My parents need some help from you for next week.
d. I'd like you to come to my party next week.
e. We'd like you to help me distributes the invitation.
4. The party will be held ............... Saturday, June 23, at 7 pm.
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. to
e. by
5. Alika : "I'm Sorry. I and Nuri missed the morning flight. It made ............... late for your wedding party"
Dika : "It's Ok"
a. his
b. me
c. them
d. her
e. us
6. Doni " I have forgotten my pen again.
Agung : Well, you can use one of ...............
a. me
b. myself
c. my
d. I
e. mine
7. Waiter : "What would you like to drink?"
Customer : "I like ............... fresh water better than tea."
a. drink
b. drank
c. be drinking
d. drinking
e. is drinking
8. Rosi : "What will you do after passing the final examination?"
Dini : "If I ............... the examination, I will continue my job."
a. could pass
b. passed
c. passes
d. will pass
e. pass
9. Nunik : "Is Amir able to play badminton?"
Dudi : "Yes he is. He ............... play badminton very well"
a. must
b. should
c. can
d. may
e. will
10. Zeta : "What are you doing mom? Are you cooking?"
Mom : "No, but I ............... dinner before father ............... home"
a. will prepare - will go
b. prepares - will go
c. prepare - goes
d. prepares - will have gone
e. will prepare - goes
11. Keisha : "What lesson do you like?"
Dimas : "I like maths"
Keisha : "Maths is ............... lesson I have ever learnt."
a. the most difficult
b. as difficult
c. more difficult than
d. too difficult
e. very difficult
12. Father : Which one do you want for your birthday present Ria? A pair of shoes or a dress?"
Ria : "I'd rather have a dress than a pair of shoes."
From the dialogue above we know that Ria...............
a. prefers to have a dress than a pair of shoes
b. prefers a dress than a pair of shoes
c. prefers a dress to a pair of shous
d. prefers have a dress than a pair of shoes
e. prefers having a dress than a pair of shoes
13. Stranger : "...............where is the nearest hotel from here?"
A girl : "Please, straight ahead along the street."
a. Excuse me.
b. Nice to meet you.
c. Show me the way
d. Pardon me
e. May help you
Key Answer (Kunci Jawaban)
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. E
6. E
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. A
34. Terjemahan buku bahasa Inggris kelas x SMA
Taj Mahal, sebuah lambang cinta, sebenarnya adalah sebuah makam yang besar dan indah. Berdiri megah di tepi Sungai Yamuna, Taj Mahal adalah sama artinya dengan cinta dan romansa. Taj Mahal dibangun oleh Kaisar Mughal Shah Jahan untuk mengenang istri dan ratu tercinta. Namanya "Taj Mahal" yang berasal dari nama istri Shah Jahan, Mumtaz Mahal, yang artinya mahkota istana.
Taj Mahal mewakili pencapaian arsitektur dan artistik terbaik. Makam yang besar dan indah dibangun dengan marmer putih murni. Marmer putihnya bertahtakan batu semi mulia (termasuk giok, kristal, lapis lazuli, batu kecubung, dan pirus) yang dibuat dari desain yang rumit. Kubah tengahnya mencapai sebuah......
35. Bahasa Inggris kelas X SMA Hal 112 task 1
English Subject Class Ten Senior High School Page One Hundred And Twelve Task One
#Semoga Bermanfaat :)
#Maaf Kalo Salah :(
36. soal bahasa Inggris kelas X MIPA
1. a the harbour
2. b haris know sonia well
3. d brother
4 a chef
5. e broaden knowledge
6. c optimistic
37. soal : bahasa indonesia kelas :sma x
#semoga bermanfaat8 d
9 a
10 d
11 c
#semoga membantu
38. Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA.Jawab ya no.5 jangan asal!Baca soalnya yang teliti ya!JAGO BAHASA INGGRIS SMA JAWAB INI YA!
b. you can borrow me yours
semoga membantuC. Would you like to use mine?
Maaf kalau salah
39. soal Kelas 1 sma bahasa inggris
mmmmm soal yg mana yg harus di jawab
40. bahasa inggris sma x
1.Advertisement is a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.
2. Strategic questions in advertising:
Is the advertisement focused on communicating your community’s promise? Does the advertisement make you want to learn more? Do you feel rewarded for having invested the time to read the advertisement? Is the advertisement distinctive so you’ll stop to read it? Does the idea focus on the benefit of your community’s promise? Is the advertising idea meaningful to your target audience? Does the advertisement make you think AND make you feel something? Is there drama in the advertisement that brings the benefit to life? Does the advertisement visualize the benefit? Does the advertisement include an authentic reason to believe the benefit will be experienced?3. The language of advertising is normally very positive and emphasizes why one product stands out in comparison with another. Advertising language may not always be "correct" language in the normal sense. For example, comparatives are often used when no real comparison is made. An advertisement for a detergent may say "It gets clothes whiter"
4. "Therma is LG's newest Air to Water Heat Pump system,especially designed for new housing and renovation by LG's advanced heating technology with energy saving.Therma V can be used as various heating solution from floor heating to hot water supply with multiple heat sources.Therma offers the best solution for some heating and hot water supply with LG's inverter technology"
5."Government agencies and health institutions such as hospitals frequently use PSAs for health issues, such as for anti-smoking campaigns, encouraging healthy eating patterns or testing for contagious diseases. Small businesses can partner with these institutions if they offer complementary services, such as medical testing devices, organic produce or grocery stores."
Maaf jika ada kesalahan :)