Jawaban buku bahasa inggris kelas 12 halaman 8-10 k-13 Tanyakan Melisacristiany2677 mengenai soal ini... Jawaban 4 orang merasa terbantu sistersista111 Ambisius 2 jawaban 672 orang terbantu Untuk lanjut membaca, unduh aplikasi Brainly secara gratis Gabung dengan jutaan siswa yang lagi asik belajar bersama 4.6 2,9 (9 pilih) Sedang mencari solusi jawaban B. inggris beserta langkah-langkahnya? Pilih kelas untuk menemukan buku sekolah Kelas 5 Kelas 6 Kelas 7 Kelas 8 Kelas 9 Kelas 10 Kelas 11 Kelas 12 Ada pertanyaan lain? Bantu jawab pertanyaan B. inggris 42 detik yang lalu Goes to - at -07.00-bus-by-mrs.maria-the-office +10 24 menit yang lalu 5. what word best describes the singer's condition at the beginning of the song? 6. what is the parable used in the song? 7. what word best describes the writer's efforts to reach his dreams? 8. what is the main idea of the song? 9. what is your opinion about the song? please give your comment! 10. what is the message of the song? +5 60 menit yang lalu Pertanyaan pemula tolong dibantu kak dijadikan kalimat negatip dan kalimat tanya +5 2 jam yang lalu Pertanyaan pemula 1 what can you see in the picture? 2what di you think they are doing? 3have you ever seen such a cemony before? Mohon di bantu jawabannya +8 2 jam yang lalu tolong dijawab yg titik titik nya, makasi 10 contoh kalimat positive degree 1. The manggoes are as ..... as oranges. 2. Moli is as ..... as her mother. 3. Supriya is as ...... as his sister. 4. Sinta speaks English as ...... as her brother. 5. My school is as ..... as your school 6. This book is as ...... as that book. 7. She is as ..... as his mother. 8. He is as ...... as his father 9. They are as ..... as my student 10. The ruler is as ........ as that ruler. +5 Sebelumnya Berikutnya Tanyakan pertanyaanmu PERUSAHAAN Pertanyaan Dan Jawaban Kunci Jawaban Buku Sekolah Karir Beriklan di Brainly Ketentuan Penggunaan Kebijakan Hak Cipta Kebijakan Privasi BANTUAN Daftar Pusat Bantuan Pusat Keamanan Perlindungan Konsumen KOMUNITAS Komunitas Brainly Brainly untu
1. Jawaban buku bahasa inggris kelas 12 halaman 8-10 k-13 Tanyakan Melisacristiany2677 mengenai soal ini... Jawaban 4 orang merasa terbantu sistersista111 Ambisius 2 jawaban 672 orang terbantu Untuk lanjut membaca, unduh aplikasi Brainly secara gratis Gabung dengan jutaan siswa yang lagi asik belajar bersama 4.6 2,9 (9 pilih) Sedang mencari solusi jawaban B. inggris beserta langkah-langkahnya? Pilih kelas untuk menemukan buku sekolah Kelas 5 Kelas 6 Kelas 7 Kelas 8 Kelas 9 Kelas 10 Kelas 11 Kelas 12 Ada pertanyaan lain? Bantu jawab pertanyaan B. inggris 42 detik yang lalu Goes to - at -07.00-bus-by-mrs.maria-the-office +10 24 menit yang lalu 5. what word best describes the singer's condition at the beginning of the song? 6. what is the parable used in the song? 7. what word best describes the writer's efforts to reach his dreams? 8. what is the main idea of the song? 9. what is your opinion about the song? please give your comment! 10. what is the message of the song? +5 60 menit yang lalu Pertanyaan pemula tolong dibantu kak dijadikan kalimat negatip dan kalimat tanya +5 2 jam yang lalu Pertanyaan pemula 1 what can you see in the picture? 2what di you think they are doing? 3have you ever seen such a cemony before? Mohon di bantu jawabannya +8 2 jam yang lalu tolong dijawab yg titik titik nya, makasi 10 contoh kalimat positive degree 1. The manggoes are as ..... as oranges. 2. Moli is as ..... as her mother. 3. Supriya is as ...... as his sister. 4. Sinta speaks English as ...... as her brother. 5. My school is as ..... as your school 6. This book is as ...... as that book. 7. She is as ..... as his mother. 8. He is as ...... as his father 9. They are as ..... as my student 10. The ruler is as ........ as that ruler. +5 Sebelumnya Berikutnya Tanyakan pertanyaanmu PERUSAHAAN Pertanyaan Dan Jawaban Kunci Jawaban Buku Sekolah Karir Beriklan di Brainly Ketentuan Penggunaan Kebijakan Hak Cipta Kebijakan Privasi BANTUAN Daftar Pusat Bantuan Pusat Keamanan Perlindungan Konsumen KOMUNITAS Komunitas Brainly Brainly untu
G tauu
2. . ____ come to Yogyakarta every month. (Me/I) 2. ____ spends the weekend playing guitar. (His/He) 3. ____ told me that they sent e-mail to each other every day. (They/Them) 4.____ plan to visit Thailand next year. (we/ours) 5. ____ can climb Bromo Mountain together on July. (We/It) Objective Pronouns: 1. I am going to introduce ____ (she/her) to one of my pen pals in Malaysia. 2. Lolita told ____ (we/me) that she wanted to send a birthday gift to her pen pal in Papua. 3. My friends and I have regular meetings with pen-pal seeker group. You can join ____ (it/its) anytime. 4. He told me that he had many e-pals but he is no longer keep in touch with ____ (theirs/them) 5. It is obvious that Marina desperately wants to visit Malang very soon. She talked about ____ (them/it) frequently these days. Possessive Adjectives: 1. I am going to wash _______ hand. (my/me) 2. Do you like _____ pen pals? (you/your). 3. ______ hobby is reading the biography of famous people. (He /His). 4. She is sixteen and ______ school is in Minneapolis (her/she) 5. They run their family business themselves because _____ father died last year. (they/their) 1 LIHAT JAWABAN Tanyakan aidaaa444 mengenai soal ini... Iklan Jawaban terverifikasi ahli 4,0/5 374 gumantinr Jenius 28.5 rb jawaban 822.8 jt orang terbantu Kelas : VII Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kategori : pronouns Kata kunci : subjective pronoun, objective pronoun Pembahasan: Pronoun disebut juga dengan kata ganti. Pronouns digunakan sebagai nama atau benda yang berfungsi sebagai subjek dan objek. Possessive pronoun digunakan sebagai kata ganti milik seseo Akses melihat jawaban sudah habis UNDUH APLIKASI Lihat jawaban tanpa limit secara gratis hendikeps2 dan 558 orang menganggap jawaban ini membantu TERIMA KASIH 374 4,0 (184 pilih) Sedang mencari solusi jawaban B. inggris beserta langkah-langkahnya? Pilih kelas untuk menemukan buku sekolah 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Iklan Ada pertanyaan lain? CARI JAWABAN LAINNYA TANYAKAN PERTANYAANMU Pertanyaan baru di B. inggris grace: ... i have to help my mother. Quis B.Inggris Gabungkan kalimat ini menjadi benar i-go-to-school-on-foot-i-want-to-save-my-money #Selamat Mengerjakan 1. Mr. Surya ........ that God wife Will help him a. hopes b. hopes c. wishes d. doesn't wish 2. my best friend ....... Me good luck on buying a new c… tolong dijawab Bahasa Inggris 1., be absent tomorrow. I am not feeling good right now. will c. will not can d. cannot tolong dijawab Bahasa Inggris tolong tolong tolong tolong bantu saya #no ngasal The text is for number 6 to 10 Hi my name is Josephine Antoinette I am fourteen years old. I have one sister and two brothers. Their names are Charlot… tolong jawab soal binggis ku kak bantuin aku buat bahasa Inggris MUAT LEBIH BANYAK Sebelumnya Berikutnya Tanyakan pertanyaanmu MENGETAHUI SEMUA JAWABAN Situs ini menggunakan cookie berdasarkan kebijakan cookie . Kamu bisa menentukan kondisi menyimpan dan mengakses cookie di browser PERUSAHAAN Tentang kami Karir Beriklan dengan kami Ketentuan Penggunaan Kebijakan Hak Cipta Kebijakan Privasi Kebijakan Cookie KOMUNITAS Komunitas Brainly Brainly untuk Sekolah & Guru Komunitas Orang Tua Sumpah Kehormatan Pedoman Komunitas Brainly Insights Menjadi Sukarelawan BANTUAN Daftar Pusat Bantuan Pusat Keamanan Perjanjian Pengungkapan yang Bertanggung Jawab Dapatkan App Brainly Unduh A Android . ____ come to Yogyakarta every month. (Me/I) 2. ____ spends the weekend playing guitar. (His/He) 3. ____ told me that they sent e-mail to each other every day 4.____ plan to visit Thailand next year. (we/ours) 5. ____ can climb Bromo Mountain together on July. (We/It) Objective Pronouns: 1. I am going to introduce ____ (she/her) to one of my pen pals in Malaysia. 2. Lolita told ____ (we/me) that she wanted to send a birthday gift to her pen pal in Papua. 3. My friends and I have regular meetings with pen-pal seeker group. You can join ____ (it/its) anytime. 4. He told me that he had many e-pals but he is no longer keep in touch with ____ (theirs/them) 5. It is obvious that Marina desperately wants to visit Malang very soon. She talked about ____ (them/it) frequently these days. Possessive Adjectives: 1. I am going to wash _______ hand. (my/me) 2. Do you like _____ pen pals? (you/your). 3. ______ hobby is reading the biography of famous people. (He /His). 4. She is sixteen and ______ school is in Minneapolis (her/she) 5. They run their family business themselves because _____ father died last year. (they/their)
I come to Yogyakarta every month. He spends the weekend playing guitar. They told me that they sent e-mail to each other every day. we plan to visit Thailand next year. We can climb Bromo Mountain together on July