contoh soal uas bahasa indonesia kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
1. contoh soal uas bahasa indonesia kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
-unsur unsur berita
-kalimat utama
-simpulan berita
-gagasan utama teks berita
-persamaan kedua teks berita
2. Iklan Slogan Poster
-jenis2 iklan
-iklan baris,
- slogan yang tepat
- pernyataan yang sesuai dengan suatu iklan
3. Teks eksposisi
-wacana eksposisi
-kalimat bermajas
-tesis,argumen,dan simpulan
4. Puisi
-diksi,rima,tipografi, majas, dll
2. Soal uas ips kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
menurutku, soalnya tergantung daerah masing masing.
ini nih dari daerah ku ya
-menjelaskan 3 pengaruh iklim muson tropis bagi kehidupan masyarakat indonesia
- menjelaskan 3 keuntungan dari letak geostrategis Indonesia
- Menyebutkan 3 kendala transportasi darat di Indonesia
-Menyebutkan 3 hak hak Istimewa VOC yang menyebabkan penderitaan rakyat Indonesia
- Menghitung angka ketergantungan (DR).lumayan susah
banyak yang nanyain nilai ekonomi, ada juga yang jawabannya sultan iskandar muda, pokoknya gitulah semoga berhasil ya:)
3. contoh soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
2. Jaka : Pass the salt for me, please !
Budi : …………(acceptance)
a. thank you
b. here you are
c. take by your self
d. sorry, I can’t
4. soal soal uts mtk smp / mts kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
fungsi, aljabar, dan sistem koordinat.tentang aljabar , tentang titik koordinat pada diagram
5. jawaban buku bahasa inggris kelas 8 halaman 39 kurikulum 2013
yg ini kah kalau yg ini jawabannya
In this chapter i learn about
- to state and ask if one can do something
- to state and ask is one will do something
The parts is that i enjoyes the most were
(bagian yang aku suka ada di : )
(misalnya :
- make a dialog can do or can do not
- make activities can do or can do not
the diffculties that i had were
(bagian yanh saya susah di : )
misalnya :
- read and translet every word on this chapter
What i have to do better
- practice more
- need help on teacher
6. soal soal uts mtk smp/mts kelas 8 kurikulum 2013...
fungsi, aljabar, dan koordinattentang fungsi dan koordinat setau saya sih
7. rekomendasikan dong buku kumpulan soal untuk menghadapi unbk smp kurikulum 2013
Buku fokus nihhhhhhh
8. Contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikulum 2013 beserta kunci jawabannya
Please Don't Leave me
9. soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikulum 2013 halamn 202tlong di jawab hri in mau di kumpul pliss
2. Dad, I'm going to Dayu's house. We are going to do our homework. I'll get home before six.
3. Dad, I'm sorry I broke my door. I fell on the door when I tripped over the stool. Would you fix it for me, please?
4. Rina, our group has to describe the backyard of the school. We have to handwrite it on a piece of paper. Then we have to put it on the wall magazine.
5. Dad, happy birthday! I'm sorry I was still fast asleep when you left for work this morning. Thanks for being the best father. I love you, Dad!
10. bahasa indonesia kelas 8 smp kurikulum 2013 halaman 170 kegiatan 6.6
Buku Paket Halaman 170 Kelas 8Pembahasan
Langsung ke intinya aja ya :)
A. Pasangkanlah!
Sebab termasuk konjungsi kausalitas karena memiliki persamaan arti dengan karena. Contoh kalimat; Kini ia dibenci orang sebab perbuatannya yang sering mengadu dombakan orang.Hendaknya termasuk rekomendasi (saran) karena memiliki persamaan arti dengan sebaiknya. Contoh kalimat; Bapak baru saja tiba, hendaknya bapak minum teh dan berbincang-bincang santai bersama kami.Semenjak termasuk kata depan penanda waktu karena memiliki persamaan arti dengan dari, sejak. Contoh kalimat; Semenjak menjadi ketua kelompok, Tian yang dulunya ramah kini bossy.Kemudian termasuk konjungsi temporal (bersifat waktu), lebih rincinya temporal sederajat. Contoh kalimat; Kulihat sebuah mobil melaju kencang di jalanan raya, kemudian berbelok ke arah gang kecil.Yaitu termasuk konjungsi penerang. Contoh kalimat; Laptop Yani dipinjam oleh temannya yaitu Popo sejak kemarin siang.B. Contohkanlah!
Akhirnya termasuk konjungsi (kata hubung) penegas. Contoh kata; Sekian lama aku berkorban untuknya, akhirnya ia mulai membuka hatinya untukku.Bahwa termasuk konjungsi penjelas. Contoh kata; Ibu tergesa-gesa pulang dengan sepedanya, lalu ia menghampiriku dan berkata bahwa ayah akan segera pulang dari peperangan.Hendaknya termasuk kata saran/rekomendasi. Hendaknya sama dengan sebaiknya. Contoh kata; Bapak baru saja tiba, hendaknya bapak minum teh dan berbincang-bincang santai bersama kami.Lalu termasuk konjungsi temporal. Contoh kata; Anda pura-pura menjadi orang gila, alihkan perhatian mereka, lalu kami akan menyelinap masuk selama itu.Karena termasuk konjungsi kausalitas (sebab-akibat). Contoh kata; Anak anda melakukan penyimpangan sosial, karena itu kami terpaksa mengeluarkannya dari sekolah.C. Contohkanlah!
Sebab adalah hal yang membuat terjadinya sesuatu. Contoh kalimatnya ada di atas ya :)Penyebab, kata dasarnya sebab. Berarti yang menyebabkan. Contoh kalimat; Rindu adalah penyebab seorang manusia galau.Penyebabnya berarti yang menyebabkan. Sama seperti yang atas. Contoh kalimat; Diduga seorang anak meninggal, penyebabnya adalah stres berkepanjangan.Penyebaban bukan kalimat baku, jadinya gak ada artinya yaa :)Menyebabkan berarti sesuatu yang menjadi sebab. Contoh kalimat; Berlama-lama di depan layar komputer akan menyebabkan mata rusak.Disebabkan sama artinya yang atas, tapi ini pasif alias lampau. Contoh kalimat; Stres pada anak sekolah disebabkan oleh jadwal sekolah yang terlalu padat.Oleh sebab itu sama artinya dengan oleh karena itu, merupakan konjungsi antar kalimat. Contoh kalimat; Putra kami melakukan banyak sekali pelanggaran, oleh sebab itu, kami memohon sebesar-besarnya dan berusaha agar hal itu tidak terulang lagi.Pelajari lebih lanjut
Arti kata sebab, dkk
°ω° °ω° °ω° °ω° °ω°
Detil jawabanMata pelajaran: Bahasa Indonesia
Kata kunci: konjungsi
Kelas: 8 SMP
Kode soal: 1
Kode kategori: 8.1
11. kurikulum 2013 dalam bahasa inggris
menurut saya, namanya tetap Kurikulum 2013. Namanya juga nama, jadi gak berubah.Curriculum 2013.
Mungkin, maaf kalau salah.
12. Contoh dialog bahasa inggris kelas 7 smp semester 1 kurikulum 2013
Ani : hello, are you Mia?
Mia : yes i Mia
Ani : how are you Mia?
Mia : i am fine. are you?
Ani : yes, i am fine
13. Latihan 1.7 buku matematika kelas 7 SMP kurikulum 2013
halaman berapa emangnya??
14. pidato bahasa inggris tentang kurikulum 2013
text Speech
Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Dear, Mr. H. Rahman as Principal of SMAN 1 palimanan.
Dear Ladies Teachers and Staff TU.
As well as my friends I'm proud.
First of all, let us pray praise and gratitude to the presence of the Almighty, because of the grace and hidayahnya, we can gather here in our inaugural ceremony of the new school year 2013/2014, which is also the inaugural ceremony for juniors X at our high school.
My brothers, this time learning system that will be faced by you is very different from our previous school year, as a force in 2013/2014 you will receive the new curriculum, the curriculum in 2013.
Curriculum 2013 alone more focused students to learn independently. Of the students who had been told, into finding out. Here, the teacher is not the only source, you can have a variety of sources, especially with the rapid advancement of technology in this day and age.
In addition, there is a different in the subjects. Curriculum 2013 categorized them into two, namely the compulsory subjects and subject specialization. Subjects shall consist of Religious Education, Civics, Indonesian, Maths, History, English, Sport, Arts and Culture, as well as craft and Entrepreneurship. While the subjects of specialization consists of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics for Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIA), Geology, Sociology, Economics, and History for the Social Sciences (IIS), as well as the Indonesian Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, and Other Foreign Languages and Literature for Language and Cultural Studies.
Each student has a load of 42 hours of lessons for class X, and 46 hours of subjects for class XI and XII, in which each 1 hour lesson lasts 45 minutes.
So that I can say. We are sorry if there are words or my attitude is not pleasing.
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
15. for example, bahasa inggris hal 63 kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
page sixty three eighth grade curriculum two thousand thirtheen
16. apa jawaban dari soal bahasa inggris kelas 9 kurikulum 2013 halaman 159?
Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: past tense vs present perfect
3. up to now as it uses present perfect
4. up to now because it uses present perfect
5. in the past
6. in the past
7. up to now
17. buku bahasa inggris halaman 37 kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
"Should" is a modal verb most commonly used to make recommendations or give advice. It can also be used to express obligation as well as expectation.
When you go to Berlin, you should visit the palaces in Potsdam. recommendationYou should focus more on your family and less on work. adviceI really should be in the office by 7:00 AM. obligation By now, they should already be in Dubai. expectationAnswering your question:
3. I will go out, but it’s very cloudy now.
You should take an umbrella with you, just in case it will be raining later.
4. I think I’m catching a cold.
You should eat chicken soup and ginger drink. That is usually what I do when I’m catching a cold. That helps a lot.
5. Some students leave litter on their desks.
You should tell the teacher to warn them. I hope they will stop littering on their desks.
6. I sit in the back row. I cannot see you writing on the blackboard.
You should move your seat to the front row, therefor you can see the writing in the blackboard better.
7. I’m longing for my cousins.
You should give her a phone call, or chat. Maybe you could arrange a meeting with her after a while?
8. My legs are asleep because I’m sitting on them.
You should relax your legs and do a little massage to help regulate your blood circulation.
9. Our classroom is dirty and messy.
You should encourage your classmates to clean and organize the class on free day. Because classroom is everybody’s responsibility, not only yours.
10. I have a toothace.
You should visit the dentist soon. Trust me, you don’t want to be late for that. The pain was excruciating for me.
11. I can’t stop yawning.
You should take a break for a while from all the activity that your doing to help yourself relax. Or maybe grab some coffee?
12. I have hiccups.
You should take a long and deep breath, and hold it for a minute. Your hiccups will gone in a second. My mother taught me about this trick, and it’s always working.
Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai suggestion, silahkan klik tautan:
Kelas : SMA kelas X
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Expression
Kata kunci : Recommendation, Suggestion
18. soal ipa kls x kurikulum 2013 UAS
soal nya ko ngak ada si kamu
19. Bahasa inggris kelas 9 kurikulum 2013please bantu saya :) soalnya besok di kumpulkan
16. d
17. a (atau b?)
18. c
20. apa jawaban dari soal tersebut?bahasa inggris kelas 9 kurikulum 2013
8. up to now
9.up to now
10. before she Wash born
11. six years ago
12. two month after her grand mother's passed away
13. up to now
14. up to now
15.up to now
16. early last years
17.up to now
18.up to now
19.up to now
20. up to now
maaf kalo ada yang salah ya...
semoga membantu dan benar ...
21. pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
procedure teks,trks report1. Asking of Offering for help.
2. Grammar : Adjective.
3. Descriptive Text.
4. Describing Places.
5. Recount Text.
6. Expression to Invite Other.
22. latihan soal uas bahasa inggris
Kelas berapa ya kak?
Kasih jawaban secepat mungkin
23. bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester genap kurikulum 20134 soal ajah
janet was missed the bus
she was tidy her room
nancy wasn’t watch television
my little brother was read a book
24. uas seni budaya kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
bab1 amha bab2 tergantung dari guru
25. Tugas bahasa inggris hal 37 Kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
semoga membantuu :))
26. soal ulangan seni budaya dan keterampilan kelas 8 smp kurikulum 2013
menggambarkan bunga di depan mata yg di saji kan oleh guru
27. tugas bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikulum 2013 halaman 20
1. Have you done your homework?
2. Yes, sir. We will pay attention.
3. What do you think about this picture?
4. Yes, it does. It looks cool.
Semoga membantu :)
28. Tolong dong, bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikulum 2013 halaman 83
Gambar 3 : Cat is a tame animal. It has four legs. It eat fish. It can run fast. It very cute.
Gambar 4 : Snake is a wild animal. It has a poison. It move with stomatch. It eat meat.
Gambar 5 : Crocodile is a wild animal. It live in river. It has a tail. It eat a meat.
Gambar 6 : Dear is a tame animal. It can run fast. It has four legs. It live in forest.
29. Jawaban bahasa inggris kurikulum 2013 hal 8 dan 9 ml
maaf kakak saya tidak punya buku yang kakak maksud
30. soal bahasa inggris kelas 9 kurikulum 2013 bab verb
1. I ____ watching television when Jake and Dave arrived.
2. Do you think he ____ my orders?
3. Marry ___ to study abroad next semester.
4. Tim ___ very tired
5. I have never _____ a sushi before
1. Was
2. Heard
3. Hopes
4. Looks
5. Eaten
31. bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 kurikulum 2013
1. Are
2. Is
3. Is
4. Are
5. Is.
I hope this helps ^^
32. Soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester ganjil kurikulum 2013
Example (Contoh)
This announcement is aimed to all students of LKP Oxford. The examination for Basic Course will be held on:
Day : Sunday
Date: 8 April 2012
Time: 08.00 - 11.00 a.m.
Place: Oxford Hall
Please, come on time!
The Director,
Novi Haryati
33. bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2 kurikulum 2013
Question 1 and 2
a.Tom is the oldest
b. Mirna is 8 years old
3.Tom is fatter tahn Petter,but Bobies is the fattest of all
4.Petter is thinner than Tom
5. January has more days than February
34. 5 percakapan dlm bahasa inggris kas 8 kurikulum 2013
mom: ibu
Lo: kamu
nice: bagus
35. Link Latihan soal soal IPA kelas 8 Kurikulum 2013??? itu kayaknya
36. Jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikulum 2013 hal 17
Adalah: Eighth grade curriculum two thousand thirteen pages seventeen....
Smga bermanfaat ya
Jdikan yg terbaik ya kak
Jgn lpa follow
37. pelajaran bahasa inggris kurikulum 2013 smp kelas 9 trnslate buku lks hal 132
LKS book it one hundred thirty two
38. contoh soal UAS sastra Inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013 semester 1
tidak menyediakan soal de tapi membantu menjawab
lebih giat membaca
39. materi bab ke 2 bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikulum 2013
di silabus kurtilas ibuk, bab 2 tentang expression agreement dan disagreement..
40. soal soal ujian tryout Ipa smp kurikulum 2013
Apa itu urin primer dan sekunder,jelaskan perbedaan nya dan tempat mengolah nya