Soal Ukk Bahasa Jawa Kelas 3 K13

Soal Ukk Bahasa Jawa Kelas 3 K13

ada soal ukk kelas 11 bahasa inggris dan jawa nggak ya??

Daftar Isi

1. ada soal ukk kelas 11 bahasa inggris dan jawa nggak ya??

bhs inggris ada tapi klo bhs jawa gak tau maf ya

2. tolong contohkan soal ukk mtk wajib kelas 10 k13 , terimakasih

Berikut adalah materi matematika untuk kelas X SMA kurikulum 2013, berikut adalah bab umum dari materi yang diajarkan

Bab 1 Eksponensial dan logaritma

Bab 2 Persamaan dan pertidaksamaan liner

Bab 3 sistem persamaan dan pertidaksamaan linear

Bab 4 matrik

Bab 5 relasi dan fungsi

Bab 6 barisan dan deret

Bab 7 persamaan dan fungsi kuadrat

Bab 8 trigonometri

Bab 9 geometri

Bab 10 limit fungsi

Bab 11 statistika

Bab 12 peluang



Untuk contoh soal saya berikan satu bab yaitu matrix

Dalam sebuah kantong berisi sepuluh bola yg diberi nomor 1 sampai 10. peluang terambil dua bola yang berjumlah 8 adalah...

Diketahui dalam soal tersebut bahwa terdapat sepuluh bola diambil dua sekaligus maka ruang sample yang mungkin terjadi adalah 10² = 100




Dan jika diinginkan diambil dua bola secara bersamaaan maka jumlah kemungkinan yang mungkin terjadi untuk dua buah bola berjumlah 8 adalah


1 + 7


2 + 6


3 + 5


4 + 4


5 + 3


6 + 2


7 + 1



Maka jumlah kemungkinannnya adalah 7


Maka peluang yang mungkin terjadi adalah 7/10




Berikut soal soal lain yang dapat untuk referensi. Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai peluang:




Detil tambahan


Kelas: X SMA


Mapel: Matematika


Kategori: Peluang


Kata kunci: Peluang



3. soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 ukk

prosedure texs
story text
simpel presen tence
simpel past tance
simpel feature tance

4. soal ukk bahasa sunda meliputi apa saja? kelas 8 smp

-Kecap rajekan dwimurni

aku punya kisi kisi bahasa sunda. kamu mau ? aku akan poto kisi kisinya!!!

5. Tolong dong kasih soal ulangan kenaikan kelas (UKK) bahasa Inggris kelas 4 sd

Jawablah soal UTS 2 Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada abjad a,b dan c pada jawaban yang benar!

1. Ria : “What fruit is that ?“
Ani : “That is an ...“
The best answer is...........
A. mango
B. banana
C. apple
D. grape

2. Fill with the best article!
My mother buys ... chair.
A. a
B. an
C. in
D. on

3. The colour of scout uniform is.......
A. blue
B. brown
C. pink
D. yellow

4. ... is happy today.
The best subject to fill the blank is.........
A. I
B. He
C. She
D. They

5. Rearrange the letter of the fruit!
The best word is.......

A. pineapple
B. pineapuzzle
C. pinefruit
D. jackfruit

6. Dian : “What is that?”
Rini : “.....a car”. (itu adalah)
The best answer to fill the blank is.............
A. This is
B. This are
C. That is
D. Is not

7. Joko “How many cats are there?”
Teddy “There are ... cats.”
A. seven
B. eight
C. nine
D. ten

8. I eat a plate of fried rice with ... egg.
The best article to fill the blank is......
A. a
B. an
C. many
D. much

9. We ... a chili, because the taste is spicy and make me got stomachache.
The best answer is........
A. like
B. love
C. dislike
D. want

10. Mr. Andre has two......
A. uncles
B. mother
C. child
D. children

11. I ... a bowl of noodles because it is delicious food.
A. don’t like
B. like
C. dislike
D. hate

12. My father is a ... . He works in the hospital.
A. Teacher
B. Police
C. Army
D. Doctor

13. He ... a farmers. He works in the rice field.
A. am
B. are
C. is
D. do

14. look! They ... my friends.
A. is
B. are
D. was

15. Wow! The colour of the balloons is ... (ungu).
A. purple
B. green
C. grey
D. red

16. I ... the vegetables because they make my body healthy.
A. hate
B. like
C. dislike
D. not like

17. lam a fruit.
My body is long.
My colour is green or yellow.
The monkey eats me. I am a......
A. orange
B. strawberry
C. banana
D. durian

18. ... am a student. I’m in the fourth grade.....
A. I
B. She
C. They
D. He

19. They have ... books on their shelves.
A. two four
B. twelve three
C. two hundred and three
D. twenty three

20. Mrs. Salsa ... on the whiteboard.
The best verb to fIll the blank is ........
A. writes
B. writer
C. cooks
D. cook

#II. Isilah Soal UTS B Inggris Kelas 4 SD ini dengan jawaban yang benar !

21. Rearrange the letter!s-g-p-e-r-a
This is.......................

22. Complete the blank with the best letter according the picture!
He eats p.....p a.....a

23. The colours of Indonesian flag are...and...

24. FIll with to be (is, am, or are)!
She ... a kind teacher.

25. My uncle is a.......

26. Fill with subject ( We, They, She or He)! cooking in the kitchen.

27. Fill with article (a or an )!
a. Santi looks ... elephant in the zoo.
b. My grandfather makes...........table by the wood.

28. We always clean our................

29. 75 The number is.............

30. These are two............

III. Jawablah soal UTS Inggris Semester 2 Kelas 4 kategori pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang paling tepat

31. Mention three kinds of animals!
a. ................
b. ................
c. ................

32. Mention three kinds of colours!

33. reads - my - sister - a - book - livingroom - in – the
Rearrange the word become the best sentence!

34. Make a sentence about like / dislikeaccording the picture!

35. Write job according the picture!
1. ..................
2. ..................
3. ..................(+)
(?) Did she go to the supermarket yesterday ?

6. bantu aku Mengerjakan Soal latihan Ukk Bahasa Arab kelas 8​


6. هذا = untuk kata petunjuk yang tidak ber ta' marburto dan disitu ada 3 yang tidak ber ta' marbutho jadi ndaktau:)

7. C (فصل=kelas)

8. A (disini : kalau هناك=disana)

9. antara C dan D (karna sm² berta'marbutho)

10. insyaallah A (karna ndaktau)


7. Apa soal ukk kelas 5

pelajaran :PLBJ

1salah satu ciri kedutaan besar adalah
2gedung sekretariat ASEAN terletak di jalan

maaf aku cuma tau itu

8. ka tolong banget soal ukk bahasa inggris kelas V​



1. clothes

2. yes

3. markets or supermarkets

4. not all are expensive we can buy the cheap ones also

5. we can buy expensive clothes


1. A

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. A


maaf kalau salah hope it helped

1. We need clothes to cover our body.
2. Yes, it can.
3. People can buy clothes at the market or supermarket.
4. No, there are also a lot of cheap clothes.
5. We can buy expensive clothes.


9. soal soal ips untuk ukk kelas 5

yang pertama kali di indonesia adalah

10. soal bahasa Inggris LKS kelas 8 semester 2 k13 hal 43 task 12

[ Task 12 ]

1. Regret
2. Keen on
3. Marks
4. Praises
5. Exhausted
6. Decided
7. Peeped
8. Standing
9. Disqualified
10. Ruined1. Regret
2. Keen on
3. Marks
4. Praises
5. Exhausted
6. Decided
7. Peeped
8. Standing
9. Disqualified
10. Ruined

11. Soal ukk kls 8 smp/mts kurikulum k13

Banyak soalnya ada 45.materinya di kisi ² ada
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

12. soal uts bahasa inggris kelas x semester ganjil k13

Problem uts english class x odd semester k13

13. Semuanya tolong buatin dialog yg di tambahkan dengan 'because, so, but dan although' Tolong buatin soalnya ini ada di UKK di K13~

A: Can you accompany me to the local pharmachy?
B: Sorry i cannot assist you, because i have to work soon.
A: Although you are bust with your bussiness, please help me, it's not far away.
B: Alright, i will take you there so i can continue to work.

14. tentang soal ukk SD kelas 2

saya kls 4

45 51
24 34

15. soal matematika ukk kelas 7

tentang bangun datar, garis dan sudut dan gambar garis dan segitiga. hafalin ciri2 bangun datar!!!!!!!!

16. tolong carikan dongggg... contoh soal UKK bahasa daerah kelas 7 semester 2????????????

Aku kasih link nya ya, soalnya kita ga bisa menjawab soalnya langsung karena ini lebih dari 5000 karakter, dan brainly tidak bisa memuat nya, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat ya :)

17. contoh soal ukk smp kelas 1 pelajaran bahasa indonesia

naskah drama ...

18. jawaban buku paket bahasa jawa kelas 9 k13 halaman 4

Nomor 3:

1. F

2. L

3. P

4. Duwe anak

5. i

6. N

7. H

8. C

9. E

10. B

11. Q

12. G

13. D

14. K

15. J

No 4:

1. J

2. L

3. H

4. P

5. B

6. N

7. D

8. Q

9. A

10. O

11. P

12. C

13. E

14. F

15. M

Semoga membantu:)

19. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 k13 halaman 130 - 131!?!?soal ada di gambar sampai 15 ya!!?!?!?makasih​


jangan lupa kasih bintang ya

20. soal soal ukk kelas 5


semoga membantu

21. soal ujian ukk kelas 5

###makan dulu sebelm ukk
###jgn lupo solat

22. contoh soal untuk ukk kelas 7

1). Dari kumpulan-kumpulan berikut ini yang merupakan himpunan adalah .... A. kumpulan bilangan kecil B. kumpulan bunga-bunga indah C. kumpulan siswa tinggi D. kumpulan bilangan asli antara 4 dan 12 2). Himpunan semesta yang mungkin dari himpunan P = {0, 1, 3, 5} adalah .... A. himpunan bilangan cacah B. himpunan bilangan asli C. himpunan bilangan genap D. himpunan bilangan ganjil 3). Perhatikan himpunan berikut! P = {bilangan prima antara 1 dan 10} Q = {bilangan asli antara 5 dan 9} R = {bilangan asli antara –3 dan 0} S = {bilangan riil kurang dari 0} Dari keempat himpunan di atas, yang merupakan himpunan kosong adalah .... A. S B. Q C. R D. P 4). Diketahui M = {68, 76, 84} dan 3 himpunan lainnya, yaitu: P = {bilangan prima 3}, Q = {bilangan asli}, dan R = {bilangan genap}. Dari ketiga himpunan terakhir, yang bisa merupakan himpunan semesta dari himpunan A adalah .... A. P dan R B. Q dan R C. P dan Q D. P, Q, dan R 5). A adalah himpunan bilangan prima selain 2, maka himpunan semesta yang tepat untuk A adalah .... A. himpuann bilangan kuadrat B. himpunan bilangan genap C. himpunan bilangan kelipatan 3 D. himpunan bilangan ganjil 6. Diketahui P = {1 ,2, 3}. Banyaknya himpunan bagian dari A adalah .... A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 12 7). Dalam suatu kelas yang berjumlah 36 siswa, 20 siswa gemar matematika, 23 siswa gemar IPA dan 5 siswa tidak gemar kedua-duanya. Banyak siswa yang gemar matematika dan IPA adalah .... A. 12 siswa B. 15 siswa C. 17 siswa D. 20 siswa 8). Pelurus sudut yang besarnya 95° adalah .... A. 75° B. 85° C. 95° D. 105° 9). Dari suatu perkampungan diketahui ada 182 orang berusia kurang dari 40 tahun, 128 orang berusia dari 20 tahun, dan 85 orang berusia antara 20 dan 40 tahun. Banyak penduduk kampung tersebut adalah .... A. 395 orang B. 225 orang C. 215 orang D. 185 orang 10). Pada suatu agen koran dan majalah terdapat 18 orang berlangganan koran dan majalah, 24 orang berlangganan majalah, dan 36 orang berlangganan koran. Banyaknya seluruh pelanggan agen tersebut adalah .... A. 40 orang B. 42 orang C. 60 orang D. 78 orang 11). Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini! Pasangan sudut luar berseberangan pada gambar tersebut adalah .... A. R4 dan S4 B. R1 dan S3 C. R1 dan S4 D. R2 dan S1 12). 80° 25' 45'' – 45° 55' 45'' = .... A. 34,5° B. 35,5° C. 45,5° D. 47,5° 13). Banyaknya sudut siku-siku yang dibentuk jarum panjang sebuah jam yang bergerak dari 07.30 sampai dengan 08.45 adalah .... A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 14). Jika sudut yang besarnya p° dalam sepihak dengan sudut yang besarnya q° dan diketahui sudut q = 112° maka nilai p° = .... A. 56° B. 68° C. 78° D. 112° 15). Sudut-sudut suatu segitiga 4x°, (3x + 1)° dan (2x – 1)°, nilai x adalah .... A. 40° B. 30° C. 25° D. 20° 16). Keliling persegi panjang 48 cm, panjangnya lebih 4 cm dari lebarnya. Luas persegi panjang tersebut adalah .... A. 138 cm B. 140 cm C. 148 cm D. 150 cm 17). Luas suatu persegi adalah 324 cm , keliling persegi adalah .... A. 48 cm B. 56 cm C. 62 cm D. 72 cm 18). Keliling suatu belah ketupat adalah 20 cm dan panjang salah satu diagonalnya 8 cm. Luas belah ketupat adalah .... A. 8 cm B. 10 cm C. 24 cm D. 32 cm 19). Diketahui layang-layang luas 312 cm , dengan panjang diagonalnya (x+16) cm dan 24 cm, maka nilai x tersebut adalah .... A. 22 cm B. 18 cm C. 14 cm D. 10 cm untuk gmbrnya jika tdk ada bisa cari google. *contoh soal ukk mtk kls 7*

23. Tolong di jawab, Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2. k13​

14- ga ada pilihannya

semoga membantu ;)

24. bahasa inggris kelas 8 k13








more interesting

the most interesting





more poisonous

the most poisonous





more wonder

the most wonder

(ragu ragu)










25. soal ukk kelas 7 semester 2

yang mata pelajaran apa?.....
kalo matematika bab SMT 2
kalo ips,IPA,SBK bab smt 2
pokonya tentang semester 2

tolong jadiin jawaban terbaik ya...soalnya di mana kak ???

26. Soal UKK matematika kelas 10


(sin 150° + cos 300°) / (tan 225° - sin 300°

= (sin 30° + cos 60°) / (tan 45° - (-sin 60°))

= (1/2 + 1/2) / (1 + 1/2 √3)

= 1 / ((2 + √3)/2)

= 2/(2 + √3)

= 2(2 - √3) / (2 + √3)(2 - √3)

= (4 - 2√3) / (4 - 3)

= 4 - 2√3 → jawaban

Cara dan hasil terlampir

27. soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1 k13

Text 1 Early one morning, Umar was walking to the bus stop to catch a bus to school. A loud, screeching noise suddenly pierced the air. Umar realized that there had been an accident. A small boy was lying unconscious on the road, and the car that had hit him had already run away. Umar was confused and frightened. “is the boy dead?” Umar asked himself. However, the boy was still breathing. Umar could see that the boy had bruises all over his face and arms. Umar did not know what to do. Few cars passed along this road at this time of the day. The nearest house which he could go to for help was his own, but it would take ten minutes to walk there. Umar finally decided to stay with the boy until somebody came by. Time passed very slowly – so it seemed to Umar. The boy was still unconscious, and Umar prayed for the boy to regain consciousness. Umar sprang to his feet at the sound of an approaching car. He waved frantically at the driver to stop. Umar asked the driver,”You will help this boy, won,t you, Sir?” The driver was kind. He carried the injuried boy to the car. Umar went with them to the hospital. Later, the driver took Umar to the police station to report the accident. Umar had a lot to tell to his friends that day at school. All his friends though Umar was a very brave boy.”it was an unforgettable incident, wasn,t it?” They asked him. “Yes, it was, “Umar replied.”it was a terrifying experience, thought!”
1. What is the genre of the text? a. Descriptive c. Narrative   e. News item b. Recount d. Procedure2. The purpose of the text is to ….a. tell a past event d. report a phenomenab. entertain readers e. describe Umar,s activityc. discuss something3. Umar and the helpful driver went to the police station after they ….stopped the approaching carb. reported the accident they sawc. brought the boy to the nearest housed. had seen the injured boy on the roade. had carried the injured boy to the hospital
4. “Time passed very slowly” ….( paragraph 4 )       This part of the text is called …. a. Description c. Event          e. Reorientation b. Resolution d. Orientation
5. What do Umar,s friends think about him …. a. he is an honest boy d. he is a kind boy b. he is a coward boy e. he is an easy going boy c. he is a very brave boy
6. The old woman was feel …. after she had heard that her beloved son was seriousely injured in a terrible accident. a. delighted c. sorrow e. sadness b. regreet d. unconscious
7. The room is to narrow, we need a ….  of air in here. a. parfum c. light e. pipe b. breath d. realease
Text 2 “Once upon a time a hawk feel in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, “Won,t you marry me?” The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him.But she said,”I cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly together.” The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show that you have promised to marry me,”said the hawk. So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away at once! Didn,t you tell the hawk that you,d already promised to marry me?” shouted the rooster .The hen was so frightened at the rooster anger that she threw away  the ring immediately. When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. “Why didn,t you tell me earlier? Now, You,ll always be scratching the earth, and I,ll always be flying above you to catch your children,”said the hawk. The curse seems to have come true.
8. What is the genre of the text? a. Descriptive c. Narrative e. News item b. Recount d. Procedure
9. Why couldn,t the hen say “yes” right away? a. because she did not love the hawk b. because she had no ring to exchange c. because it would make the roaster angry d. because the hawk was too brave  and strong e. because she had to learn how to fly as high as the hawk
10. What is the story about? a. A hen and a rooster b. A hawk and his wife c. A hen and her children d. A rooster ang his fiancé e. A hawk, a hen and a rooster

28. kisi ukk bahasa indonesia kelas 8

dapat mengetahui tentang gagasan utama pada cerita

29. Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 K13​


8. D. (itu butik)

9. A. (dia ngajaknya jogging ditaman bukan ngegym jdi yg A)

semoga membantu

30. soal ukk kelas 8 semester 2

Sebagian ada juga materi semester 1, seperti ipa dan percakapan dlm tlpn,undangan birthday party..,nyusun kata kata

31. Apa Soal UKK kelas 7?

Sikap dan perilaku menaati aturan hukum yg berlaku tanpa paksaan dari pihak manapun merupakan pengertian...

32. soal ukk bahasa indonesia kelas VIII semester 2

maksud nya gimana,, gak ngerti??

33. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 7 k13 halaman 131 soal nomor 6 sampai 12 saja!!!terimakasih ​


6. Farah

Me: Farah, what does your father do?

Farah: My father is an automotive marketer. He sells motorcycles.

Me: What about your mother, what does she do?

Farah: My mother is also an automotive marketer. They work in the same office

7. Tommy

Me: Tommy, what does your father do?

Tommy: My father is a lawyer. He often goes to the court.

Me: What about your mother, what does she do?

Tommy: My mother is a teacher. She teaches in an elementary school.

8. Anisa

Me: Anisa, what does your father do?

Anisa: My father is a teacher in a public high school. He teaches English.

Me: What about your mother, what does she do?

Anisa: My mother is also a teacher. She teaches History in a senior high school.

9. Gina

Me: Gina, what does your father do?

Gina: My father is a writer. He writes news in a newspaper.

Me: What about your mother, what does she do?

Gina: My mother is a business woman. She has a big shop in town.

10. Tya

Me: Tya, what does your father do?

Tya: My father is a traveler. He travels a lot to make money.

Me: What about your mother, what does she do?

Tya: My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital and takes care of sick people.

11. Zea

Me: Zea, what does your father do?

Zea:My father is a labor. He works in the factory.

Me: What about your mother, what does she do?

Zea: My mother is a housewife. She takes a good care of us

12. Boni

Me: Boni, what does your father do?

Boni: My father is a taxi driver. He drivers taxi in the city.

Me: What about your mother, what does she do?

Boni: My mother is a tailor. She sews some clothes.


maaf yaa kalau salah :3

34. Contoh Soal UKK TIK Kelas 8

nih aku juga baru bikin soal nih , baru mlm tdi hehe

semoga membantu :)

35. soal ukk kelas 4 2016

sebutkan organ tubuh manusia

36. contoh soal ukk bahasa indonesia kelas 8 2015

"bagaikan api yang membakar"
ternasuk majas apakah kalimat diatas?
a. Hiperbola
b. Personifikasi
c. Perbandingan
d. metafora

37. Buatlah 5 Soal atau Pertanyaan Tentang materi bahasa indonesia kelas 9 K13

1. Tulislah contoh kalimat majas hiperbola, personafikasi, metafora, dan perumpamaan!
2. Jelaskan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam sebuah cerita!
3. Buatlah 2 contoh iklan baris dan iklan pencarian!
4. Sebutkan jenis-jenis syair!
5. Buatlah kalimat berpartikel 'pun' yang tidak memiliki makna!1) istilah indeks dalam buku disebut
2) nama lain untuk karya sastra
angkatan 20-an....
3) Tokoh yang berperan penting
dalam membangun karya sastra
angkatan Pujangga baru
4) buatlah sebuah puisi bertemakan
5) Sebutkan contoh karya tulis ilmiah

38. semua soal ukk kelas 4 sd

ga ada gambarnya (?).......

39. soal pts bahasa madura kelas 3 k13 semester 1​


mana soalnya ya btw makasih point' gratisnya

soalnya apa?

tolong yang lengkap ya

40. Bantu mengerjakan Soal latihan Ukk Kelas 8 Bahasa Arabbantu sebisanya :)​


9 b

10 c

11 c

12 b

13 c

ma'af klo salah...

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