Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Perfect Tense Untuk Kelas 10

Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Perfect Tense Untuk Kelas 10

Present perfect tense Tolong gaes Soal Bahasa inggris Kelas IX

Daftar Isi

1. Present perfect tense Tolong gaes Soal Bahasa inggris Kelas IX

1. haven't subscribed
2.has given
3.where have you been?
4.have read
5.all my money have been stolen

Maaf jika salah..

2. Present perfect tense Tolong gaes Soal Bahasa inggris Kelas IX

1. We haven't subscribed Tempo for years
2. Mrs Laluna has given us her special edition Dolly magazine's
3. Where have you been?
4. I have read this newspaper for an hour
5. All my money has stolen

3. Present perfect tense Tolong gaes Soal Bahasa inggris Kelas IX

1.We haven't subscibed Tempo for years
2.Mrs Laluna has given us her special edition Dolly magazine's
3.Where have you been?
4.I have read this newspaper for an hour
5."All my money have been stolen"He said

Maaf jika salah ..
Semoga jawaban ini membantu

4. Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Continuous Tense Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan terjemahan (+,-,?)

Present Perfect Continuous Tense (menyatakan aktivitas yang telah dilakukan di masa lampau dan masih dilakukan sampai sekarang)
(+) Lorna has been living here for ten years
(-) Lorna has not been living here for ten years
(?) Has Lorna been living here for ten years?
(+) Lorna sudah tinggal di sini selama 10 tahun
(-) Lorna tidak tinggal di sini selama 10 tahun
(?) Apakan Lorna tinggal di sini selama 10 tahun?

Thankyou! maaf jika ada kekurangan

5. bantuin dong bahasa inggris simple present perfect tense 1-10 fast respon

1. have completed
2. has bought
3. has checked
4. has posted
5. have talked
6. has got (gotten)
7. has creditted
8. has sold
9. have tried
10. has opened

1. have completed 6. has got

2. has bought 7. have credited

3 has checked 8. has sold

4. has posted 9. have tried

5. have talked 10. has opened

6. terjemahkan dalam bahasa inggris menggunakan present perfect tense dan past perfect tense.

1. My teacher have written the task in blackboard
2. Joni have known problem which I face
3. when Bona called, I had slept
4. I had done my homework before teacher asked it.
5. My sister have bought me a new shoes
6. My auntie have visited to grandmother's home
7. Anida have been read the novel too many times
8. Safira have been worked for 3 years

7. apa rumus bahasa inggris yang present perfect tense ?

I/We/You/They + have + been + past participle                                                          He/She/It + has + been + past participle
Subjek + Have / Has + BEEN + Objek
Subjek + Have / Has + Verb. lll + Objek

Contoh :( + )  We has been in Yogyakarta before
             ( - )  He has not been in Yogyakarta before
             ( ? )  Has he been in Yogyakarta before

Semoga membantu :) D

8. Buat dialog bahasa inggris tentang menunggu seseorang menggunakan present perfect tense???

A: where are you, B? B: i get a traffic jam A: i have been wait since two hours ago. Pick me up. Be hurry! B: ok. Be patient. I'll be there

9. Passive Voice buatlah contoh kalimat pasif dan aktif simpel present tense, present continuous tense, present Perfect tense, dan present Perfect continuous tense dalam bahasa inggris

- Passive Simple Present tense :

Our grandmother is visited by us every 2 months

This plant is watered by me every day.

Anne is seen by John every morning.

My money is always taken by John at school.

- Active Simple Present Tense :

We visit our grandmother every 2 months.

I always water this plant every day.

John always sees Anne every morning.

John always takes my money at school

- Present Continuous tense :

I am sorry, I can’t help you now, I am still studying for examination tomorrow.

The teacher is teaching his students right now

Don’t speak too loud, the baby is still sleeping

Just wait for me there, I am driving my car to your place

My car is being washed now, so I can’t go anywhere

- Present perfect tense : 

I have read the novel.
He has called you two times.
The students have finished their examination.
Being rich, she has changed a lot now.
I have visited my parents to see their condition

-Perfect Continuous tense :

I just follow the cooking guide and I have been baking the cake for 30 minutes
You have been begging to me for a day but sorry to say that I can’t go
Before we join the competition we have been practicing for a week
They have been admiring him since 2012 and they became the biggest fans club
He has been driving for five hours, if he gets tired I can replace him

10. Carilah lirik lagu bahasa inggris dan tentukan past tense,simple present tense,present perfect,past tense

if knew that im your only one
they call us problem child we spend our lives
on trial we walk an endless mile we are the youth gone wild
when I see you smile,I can face the world
no more I care to live when Im just born to die

*semoga membantu * maaf kalau salah

11. cerita bahasa inggris minimal 3 paragraf yang mencakup present continus tense past tense the present tense the present perfect tense


Today is 16th August and tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. Her name is Kristal. I want to give her a surprise. I have talked to some of her friends. They have helped me to prepare a surprising party. We have discussed it since July.

We are going to celebrate my sister’s birthday in a small restaurant near my house. Our parents have also agreed it. The restaurant has been booked by our parents.

What about the birthday present? No worries, I have prepared it too. She loves art very much. I have made a painting for her. I hope she will like it. But I haven’t wrapped the painting because it hasn’t dried yet.

Have you ever celebrated someone’s birthday?



Today is 16th August and tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. Her name is Kristal. I want to give her a surprise. I have talked to some of her friends. They have helped me to prepare a surprising party. We have discussed it since July.

Today is 16th August and tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. Her name is Kristal. I want to give her a surprise. I have talked to some of her friends. They have helped me to prepare a surprising party. We have discussed it since July.We are going to celebrate my sister’s birthday in a small restaurant near my house. Our parents have also agreed it. The restaurant has been booked by our parents.

Today is 16th August and tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. Her name is Kristal. I want to give her a surprise. I have talked to some of her friends. They have helped me to prepare a surprising party. We have discussed it since July.We are going to celebrate my sister’s birthday in a small restaurant near my house. Our parents have also agreed it. The restaurant has been booked by our parents.What about the birthday present? No worries, I have prepared it too. She loves art very much. I have made a painting for her. I hope she will like it. But I haven’t wrapped the painting because it hasn’t dried yet.

Today is 16th August and tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. Her name is Kristal. I want to give her a surprise. I have talked to some of her friends. They have helped me to prepare a surprising party. We have discussed it since July.We are going to celebrate my sister’s birthday in a small restaurant near my house. Our parents have also agreed it. The restaurant has been booked by our parents.What about the birthday present? No worries, I have prepared it too. She loves art very much. I have made a painting for her. I hope she will like it. But I haven’t wrapped the painting because it hasn’t dried yet.Have you ever celebrated someone’s birthday?


Hari ini tanggal 16 Agustus dan besok adalah ulang tahun saudara perempuan saya. Namanya Kristal. Saya ingin memberinya kejutan. Saya telah berbicara dengan beberapa temannya. Mereka telah membantu saya mempersiapkan pesta yang mengejutkan. Kami sudah membahasnya sejak Juli.

Hari ini tanggal 16 Agustus dan besok adalah ulang tahun saudara perempuan saya. Namanya Kristal. Saya ingin memberinya kejutan. Saya telah berbicara dengan beberapa temannya. Mereka telah membantu saya mempersiapkan pesta yang mengejutkan. Kami sudah membahasnya sejak Juli.Kami akan merayakan ulang tahun saudara perempuan saya di sebuah restoran kecil dekat rumah saya. Orang tua kami juga setuju. Restoran tersebut telah dipesan oleh orang tua kami.

Hari ini tanggal 16 Agustus dan besok adalah ulang tahun saudara perempuan saya. Namanya Kristal. Saya ingin memberinya kejutan. Saya telah berbicara dengan beberapa temannya. Mereka telah membantu saya mempersiapkan pesta yang mengejutkan. Kami sudah membahasnya sejak Juli.Kami akan merayakan ulang tahun saudara perempuan saya di sebuah restoran kecil dekat rumah saya. Orang tua kami juga setuju. Restoran tersebut telah dipesan oleh orang tua kami.Bagaimana dengan hadiah ulang tahun? Jangan khawatir, saya sudah menyiapkannya juga. Dia sangat menyukai seni. Saya telah membuat lukisan untuknya. Saya harap dia akan menyukainya. Tapi saya belum membungkus lukisan itu karena belum kering.

Hari ini tanggal 16 Agustus dan besok adalah ulang tahun saudara perempuan saya. Namanya Kristal. Saya ingin memberinya kejutan. Saya telah berbicara dengan beberapa temannya. Mereka telah membantu saya mempersiapkan pesta yang mengejutkan. Kami sudah membahasnya sejak Juli.Kami akan merayakan ulang tahun saudara perempuan saya di sebuah restoran kecil dekat rumah saya. Orang tua kami juga setuju. Restoran tersebut telah dipesan oleh orang tua kami.Bagaimana dengan hadiah ulang tahun? Jangan khawatir, saya sudah menyiapkannya juga. Dia sangat menyukai seni. Saya telah membuat lukisan untuknya. Saya harap dia akan menyukainya. Tapi saya belum membungkus lukisan itu karena belum kering.Pernahkah Anda merayakan ulang tahun seseorang?



⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ & ❤



A little boy sat at his mother's knees, by the long western window, looking out into the garden. It was autumn, and the wind was sad; and the golden elm leaves lay scattered about among the grass, and on the gravel path (Past Tense). The mother was knitting a little stocking; her fingers moved the bright needles; but her eyes were fixed on the clear evening.

As the darkness gathered, the wee boy laid his head on her lap and kept so still that, at last, she leaned forward to look into his dear round face. He was not asleep, but was watching very earnestly a blackberry bush, that waved its one tall, dark-red spray in the wind outside the fence.

"What are you thinking about, my darling ?" she said, smoothing his soft, honey-colored hair.

"I've been looking over there! (Presen Perfect Tense) The blackberry bush, mamma; what does it say? It keeps nodding, nodding to me behind the fence; what does it say, mamma (Present Tense)?"

"It says," she answered, `I see a happy little boy in the warm, fire-lighted room. The wind blows cold, and here it is dark and lonely; but that little boy is warm and happy and safe at his mother's knees. I nod to him, and he looks at me. I wonder if he knows how happy he is!

"`See, all my leaves are dark crimson. Every day they dry and wither more and more; by and by they will be so weak they can scarcely cling to my branches, and the north wind will tear them all away, and nobody will remember them any more. Then the snow will sink down and wrap me close. Then the snow will melt again and icy rain will clothe me, and the bitter wind will rattle my bare twigs up and down.

"`I nod my head to all who pass, and dreary nights and dreary days go by; but in the happy house, so warm and bright, the little boy plays all day with books and toys. His mother and his father cherish him; he nestles on their knees in the red firelight at night, while they read to him lovely stories, or sing sweet old songs to him - the happy little boy! And outside I peep over the snow and see a stream of ruddy light from a crack in the window shutter, and I nod out here alone in the dark, thinking how beautiful it is.

"`And here I wait patiently. I take the snow and the rain and the cold, and I am not sorry, but glad; for in my roots I feel warmth and life, and I know that a store of greenness and beauty is shut up safe in my small brown buds. Day and night go again and again; little by little the snow melts all away; the ground grows soft; the sky is blue; the little birds fly over crying, "It is spring! it is spring!" Ah! then through all my twigs I feel the slow sap stirring.

"`Warmer grow the sunbeams, and softer the air. The small blades of grass creep thick about my feet; the sweet rain helps swell my shining buds. More and more I push forth my leaves, till out I burst in a gay green dress, and nod in joy and pride. The little boy comes running to look at me, and cries, "Oh, mamma! the little blackberry bush is alive and beautiful and green. Oh, come and see!" And I hear; and I bow my head in the summer wind; and every day they watch me grow more beautiful, till at last I shake out blossoms, fair and fragrant.

"`A few days more, and I drop the white petals down among the grass, and, lo! the green tiny berries! Carefully I hold them up to the sun; carefully I gather the dew in the summer nights; slowly they ripen; they grow larger and redder and darker, and at last they are black, shining, delicious. I hold them as high as I can for the little boy, who comes dancing out. He shouts with joy, and gathers them in his dear hand; and he runs to share them with his mother, saying, "Here is what the patient blackberry bush bore for us: see how nice, mamma!"

"`Ah! then indeed I am glad, and would say, if I could, "Yes, take them, dear little boy; I kept them for you, held them long up to sun and rain to make them sweet and ripe for you;" and I nod and nod in full content, for my work is done. From the window he watches me and thinks, "There is the little blackberry bush that was so kind to me. I see it and I love it. I know it is safe out there nodding all alone, and next summer it will hold ripe berries up for me to gather again." '"

The wee boy feeling so relieve now (Present Continuous Tense). Then the wee boy smiled, and liked the little story. His mother took him up in her arms, and they went out to supper and left the blackberry bush nodding up and down in the wind; and there it is nodding yet.


12. Contoh dialog past tense dan present perfect tense dalam bahasa Inggris

Anggi : How do u do here?
Meina : I'm looked for harry potter's books and then took some magazine here.
Anggi : fyi, i have been read harry potter's booka since i was in grade 7
Meina : Wow, youre cool
Anggi : Thanks

13. Fungsi dan contoh present perfect tense menggunakan bahasa inggris

fungsi present perfect tense yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya dengan saat sekarang.

translate :

function is present perfect tense to express an action or event that happened in the past and still have something to do with the present.

example : The students have finished their examination, now they are waiting for the result
(para murid sudah menyelesaikan ujiannya, sekarang mereka tinggal menunggu hasilnya)

The present perfect tense is used to describe action that began in the past and continues into the present or has just been completed.

I have done my homework.
she has been to America
i have watched the movie

Semoga membantu :)

14. Passive Voice buatlah contoh kalimat pasif dan aktif simpel present tense, present continuous tense, present Perfect tense, dan present Perfect continuous tense dalam bahasa inggris

Active : She gives the present to me
Passive: the present is given by her to me.

Active : He is writing a letter to his mother

Passive : a letter is being written by him to his mother.

Active : I have driven my new car

Passive : My new car have been driven by me.

Active: she has been waiting for her boy friend since two hours ago.

Passive: her boy friend has been being waited by her since two hours ago.


Present tense
Active:he is going to the zoo
Passive: he gave his son a toy

15. Carilah lagu bahasa inggris dan tentukan past tense,simple present tense,present perfect,past tense

1. Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk *past
2. Have You Ever Love A Women - Bryan Addams *present perfect
3. Don't Give Up - Bruno Mars *present

jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya

16. present perfect tense(+-?) bahasa inggris dia tidak telah bahagia sejak setahun yang lalu

he has been glad since a year ago
he has not been glad since a year ago
has he been glad since a year ago?+) He has been happy since a year ago
-) He hasn't been happy since a year ago
?) Has he been happy since a year ago?

Semoga Membantu

17. Membuat dialog bahasa Inggris untuk 5 orang menggunakan simple past tense dan present perfect tense


Hi, good afternoon

i try to anwers this question.


Dialog menggunakan simple past tense

Me : Finally, i met my old friends at a community.

You : wow. i tought that's amazing

Me : yeah i wanna you meet them too

You : i want it but i have to finishing my homework

Me : OK i will waiting you in my house

Dialog menggunakan Present Perfect Tense

You : Hello Lala can i talk with your father ?

Me  : i'm Sorry my father has just gone to bed. Please call again later!

You  : ok i'll call you again tomorrow

Me  : Good bye later, Good nite

You : Nite too

maaf ya kalau salah semoga membantu

18. buat kalimat dalam bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan present perfect tense

presents tasi pefrekc tense

19. Pola kalimat present perfect tense menggunakan bahasa inggris

Verbal :
(+) S + Have/Has + V3 + O/C
(-) S + Have/Has + not + V3 + O/C
(?) Have/Has + S + V3 + O/C?

Nominal :
(+) S + Have/Has + been + C
(-) S + Have/Has + not + been + C
(?) Have/Has + S + been + C?

Have untuk subject I, you, we, dan they.
Has untuk subject he, she, dan it

Kalo ada pertanyaan seperti ini PM ajaform: (+)subject + have/has + verb3 + compliment
(-) subject + have/has + not + verb3 +
(?) have/has + S + V3 + COMP
example: + i have gone to library for borrowing a book
- i have not gone to library for borrowing a book
? have you gone to library for borrowing a book
semoga membantu

20. struktur bahasa dalam perkenalan bahasa inggris itu apa,,??present perfect tense atau apa gituuuuu

simple present tense

21. Tolong buatkan cerita bahasa inggris dengan unsur present perfect tense, past perfect tense, future perfect tense


cerita tentang kegiatan saat liburan yang lalu


During my last holiday, I made a lot of handcrafts. At that time, I was crazy about art and creativity. Many ideas had come to my mind three months before. All of the ideas were written on my note book so I could read them again. Also, I searched other ideas from internet. Yap, I googled it. I watched tutorial videos and read many art blogs.

My parents helped me to prepare the materials. They also gave me money to buy things I needed. On the first day, I painted on some rocks. People call it rock art. It was so fun. My siblings joined me on the third day. Then, my siblings and I made paper crafts from used newspapers and magazines. Papers were rolled, shaped and glued together to create decorative designs. Many beautiful crafts were created.

The last activity was sewing. My mother is a tailor so I learn how to sew from her. My mother helped me too. Sewing used clothes and towels was very fun. We produced many useful things. Finally, I really enjoyed my last holiday.

22. cerita bahasa Inggris minimal 5 paragraf mencaupi present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, simple past tense, past continuous tense dan,past perfect​


My Aunt's Office

My name is Alicia. I am spending my holiday in Jakarta. I stay with my aunt. Her name is Farah Adusi. She is 22 years old. She works as an administrative staff of a Production House in Jakarta. I visited her office last week. Her office is unique. I will tell you about it.

Aunt Farah shares an office space with one of her colleagues, Miss Destri. She also works as an administrative staff of the company. They are very close friend. They went to the same high school. My aunt's office is a room with size about 4 m long and 3 m wide, with light grey paint covers all the walls. When you enter the room, you will find a big window right across the room. In the morning, it is showered by the morning sun light because it faces the east direction. The room is bright so that the ceiling lights are not needed much during the day.

There is a long wooden desk in the middle of the room with four chairs well arranged surround it. My aunt bought it when she traveled to Jepara two years ago. Two personal computers are put on the table. There is no cubicle in the office. Aunt Farah and Miss Destri sit in rows of seats face north in front of their own personal computers. There are a printer and a cordless telephone in the free space between them. There is also a small metal tray on the table in which they put the stationery neatly. In one side of the wall, there is a huge whiteboards. It is full of notes of the deadlines about some projects which they are working on.

Miss Destri brought a flashy blue clock that is hanged on the wall next to the whiteboard. In the corner of the room there is a cabinet used to store many files. Right next to the cabinet, there is a small wooden table which is covered with white and blue stripes tablecloth. There is a beautiful flower vase with a huge red roses bouquet on it. Near the window, there is a pile of books and work portfolios which are kept neatly on the shelf.

My aunt's office is not too large but it is clean and well organized. The air is always fresh and cool because there is an air conditioner installed on the wall. I like how my aunt arrange her office. I will go there again tomorrow. Aunt Farah and Miss Destri will treat me a mini tour to the whole building and buy me a lunch in the office cafe. It will be so much fun.

Contoh kalimat dengan pola Simple Present Tense:

My name is Alicia.

I stay with my aunt.

Her name is Farah Adusi.

She is 22 years old.

She works as an administrative staff of a Production House in Jakarta.

Contoh kalimat dengan pola Present Continuous Tense:

I am spending my holiday in Jakarta.

They are working on.

Contoh kalimat dengan pola Simple Past Tense:

I visited her office last week.

They went to the same high school.

My aunt bought it when she traveled to Jepara two years ago.

Miss Destri brought a flashy blue clock.

Contoh kalimat dengan pola Future Tense:

I will tell you about it.

You will find a big window right across the room.

I will go there again tomorrow.

Aunt Farah and Miss Destri will treat me a mini tour to the whole building and buy me a lunch in the office cafe.

It will be so much fun.


smg membantu

maaf kalau salah:))

23. tuliskan cerita bahasa Inggris yang mengandung present perfect tense,past perfect tense dan future perfect tense​


lariiiii :;:::::::"""""":::

24. Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris menggunakan present perfect tense dan past perfect tense.

1. My teacher has written the assignments on the whiteboard.
2. Joni has known the difficulty i face.
3. I has slept when Bonna called me.
4. I have done mu chore before mom asked.
5. My old sibling has bought me a pair of new shoes.
6. My aunt has visited grandma's house.
7. Anida has repeatedly read the novel.
8. Shafira has worked for 3 years.

Kalau ingin ubah ke PAST PERFECT, have/has-nya ganti dgn had saja.

25. Membuat kalimat Present Perfect Tense 10 simple past Tense 10 bahasa InggrisBantu jawab :)

Present Perfect Tense : masa lalu (pernah/sudah)


(+) S + has/have + past participle

(-) S + have not (haven't) / has not (hasn't) + past participle

(?) Have / has + S + past participle?

I have studied They have finished homeworksShe hasn't completed the missionwe have tried escargothave you went to Paris?i have known Jack for 2 yearshe has read half of the bookwe have missed the busthe dog has bathed yesterday have you learned how to cook lasagna?

Simple Past Tense : masa lalu


(+) S + was / were (to be) atau S + V2

(-) S + was not (wasn't) / were not (weren't) atau S + did not (didn't) + V1

(?)Was / were + S atau Did + S + V1?

i was very happyhe slept at 9 PM last nightit wasn't my bookthey didn't go the partydid she cook pizza?we played at the park with my dogshe stayed at my housei learned French my cat didn't sleep welldid you read the book?

semoga membantu yaa

26. present perfect tense dalam bahasa inggris dinyatakan dengan rumus

Present Perfect Tense:
S + have/has + V3> S + has/have + v3 + o/c untuk kalimat positif
> S + has/have + NOT + v3 untuk kalimat negatif
> has/have + s + v3 + o/c  untuk kalimat tanya

maaf kalau salah.

27. Kapan present perfect tense digunakan? Jwb dalam bahasa inggris dan indonesia

used when expressing an activity or situation that has started in the past and is still in touch with the present

digunakan pada saat mengungkapkan suatu aktivitas atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berhubungan dengan masa sekarang

smga mmbantu, koreksi kalau salah

28. contoh cerita bahasa inggris menggunakan past tense dan present perfect tense

kalau past tense itu biasanya buat kalimat lampau, yang gak jauh jauh dari kata kerja bentuk ke-dua (Verb 2)

contoh Past Tense: Rina slept at last night.

maaf kalau salah, setau saya begitu

29. Buat lah 10 soal tentang present perfect tense??

1. They ….. Surabaya
A. Has visit
B. Has visited
C. Have visited
jawabannya : c

2. They . . . . . resigned their current jobs this year.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Are
jawabannya : a

3. I……studied for two hours
jawabannya : c

4. We…….here since yesterday
a.has been
b.have been
c.had been
jawabannya : b

5. I ..... in the Restaurant
A. Have been
B. Have
C. Has
jawabannya : c

6. We buy books
A. We has bought books
B. We have buyed books
C. We have bought books
jawabannya : c

7. A beautiful girl has ….. Me a cake
A. Make
B. Made
C. Meant
jawabannya : b

8. They are studying grammar right now
A. They has studied grammar
B. They have studied grammar
C. They have studied grammar right now
jawabannya : b

9. She will have finished my report
A. She will has finished my report
B. She have finished my report
C. She has finished my report
jawabannya : c

10. Economics is the most interesting subject
A. Economics has been the most interesting subject
B. Economics have been the most interesting subject
C. Economics is have the most interesting subject
jawabannya : a1.have your ever......... the beautiful desert scenery
2.we have ..... in bandung for several years
3.marina ......... in dublin since 1980
chas lived
d.all wrong
saya menjawabnya 3 saja ya
maaf kalau salah

30. percakapan bahasa inggris yang mengandung past tense dan present perfect tense

past tense : Yesterday I talked to someone. I talked to her in the class. We spoke about new student in my school. She was very smart, but arrogant and all of students in my class didn't like her. But, day by day she changed kind and she was the best in the class. She was beautiful girl. After that I gave her a gift. She was very happy.

31. cerita Bahasa Inggris minimal 2 faragraf dengan menggunakan Present continuous tense, future tense present perfect tense ​


Today, Chiya is visiting her grandparents. She loves cooking with her grandmother. Her grandma usually teaches her how to cook delicious dishes. At this moment, Chiya is learning how to make tasty chicken soup.

Chiya is helping to cut some onions, chilies, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables. She is also writing her grandmother’s recipe. She plans to make chicken soup at home next Monday. She is making the chicken soup for her mother. Next Monday is her mother’s birthday.

32. cerita bahasa inggris mencakup simple present tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense

I am Sarah. My full name is Sarah Lau Smith. I am a second grade student of Junior High School. I am 14 years old. My birth day is on July 5.

In my family, I am the second child. I have an older brother named Nathan and one younger sister named Grace. My mother is from China and my father is from Australia. We live in Indonesia.

My family and I love pets. We have some pets at home, namely five fish, one dog and two cats. Nathan love cats and I love dogs. Our cats and dog are like friends. They never fight.

In the future, I want to be a veterinarian. I want to help animals to survive and live longer. I like watching their unique behaviors.  They are all beautiful creatures. I love animals.

33. buatkan contoh cerita bahasa inggris dengan rumus past tense, Present Continuous Tense, dan Present Perfect Tense

•PAST TENSE: Jasmine was went to Japan last month with her family.
•PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Nazira is reading a novel in the library
•PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: I have not learned
#maaf kalau ada kesalahan. semoga membantu

34. lirik lagu bahasa inggris dengan simple past tense dan present perfect tense

if i were a boy - beyonce
18 - one direction
sweet creature - harry styles
too good at goodbyes:Sam Smith
what lovers do:maroon5
havana:camila cabello

35. cerita bahasa inggris mencakup simple present tense, present perfect tense, present Perfect progresivitas,yang sudah terinci dengan rumusnya


Simple Present Tense:S+V1+s/es

Present Perfect Tense:S+has/have+V3

Present Proggesive:S+is,am,

Don't angry to me if my answer is wrong guys.....

36. dialog bahasa Inggris, present perfect tense. terimakasih​


amel : have you locked the door?

eca : i have locked the door , and now we can't open it

amel : nice


present perfect tense itu gunanya untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang telah di lakukan pada masa lampai, tapi efeknya masih bisa di rasakan hingga sekarang.

example convertation :

amel : have you locked the door?

eca : i have locked the door , and now we can't open it

amel : nice

rumus nya

subject + have/has + verb3 + adverb/object/etc

have untuk penggunaan i, you, we, they

has untuk penggunaan he, she, it

maaf jika ada kesalahan

semoga membantu^^

37. rumus bahasa inggris : past tense, past continous, past perfect tense, present tense

S+obj+as+adjetive+asPast tense of to be
subject + to be (was/were) + predicate
past tense of reguler/irreguler verb
subject + Verb 2 + object

past continous tense
subject + to be (was/were) + predicate + now

past perfect tense
subject + to be (had been) + predicate

present tense of to be
subject + to be (am/is/are) + predicate
present tense of verb
subject + Verb 1 + object

Semoga benar dan membantu.

38. cerita bahasa inggris minimal 3 paragraf yang mencakup present continus tense past tense the present tense the present perfect tense


A little boy sat at his mother's knees, by the long western window, looking out into the garden. It was autumn, and the wind was sad; and the golden elm leaves lay scattered about among the grass, and on the gravel path (Past Tense). The mother was knitting a little stocking; her fingers moved the bright needles; but her eyes were fixed on the clear evening.

As the darkness gathered, the wee boy laid his head on her lap and kept so still that, at last, she leaned forward to look into his dear round face. He was not asleep, but was watching very earnestly a blackberry bush, that waved its one tall, dark-red spray in the wind outside the fence.

"What are you thinking about, my darling ?" she said, smoothing his soft, honey-colored hair.

"I've been looking over there! (Presen Perfect Tense) The blackberry bush, mamma; what does it say? It keeps nodding, nodding to me behind the fence; what does it say, mamma (Present Tense)?"

"It says," she answered, `I see a happy little boy in the warm, fire-lighted room. The wind blows cold, and here it is dark and lonely; but that little boy is warm and happy and safe at his mother's knees. I nod to him, and he looks at me. I wonder if he knows how happy he is!

"`See, all my leaves are dark crimson. Every day they dry and wither more and more; by and by they will be so weak they can scarcely cling to my branches, and the north wind will tear them all away, and nobody will remember them any more. Then the snow will sink down and wrap me close. Then the snow will melt again and icy rain will clothe me, and the bitter wind will rattle my bare twigs up and down.

"`I nod my head to all who pass, and dreary nights and dreary days go by; but in the happy house, so warm and bright, the little boy plays all day with books and toys. His mother and his father cherish him; he nestles on their knees in the red firelight at night, while they read to him lovely stories, or sing sweet old songs to him - the happy little boy! And outside I peep over the snow and see a stream of ruddy light from a crack in the window shutter, and I nod out here alone in the dark, thinking how beautiful it is.

"`And here I wait patiently. I take the snow and the rain and the cold, and I am not sorry, but glad; for in my roots I feel warmth and life, and I know that a store of greenness and beauty is shut up safe in my small brown buds. Day and night go again and again; little by little the snow melts all away; the ground grows soft; the sky is blue; the little birds fly over crying, "It is spring! it is spring!" Ah! then through all my twigs I feel the slow sap stirring.

"`Warmer grow the sunbeams, and softer the air. The small blades of grass creep thick about my feet; the sweet rain helps swell my shining buds. More and more I push forth my leaves, till out I burst in a gay green dress, and nod in joy and pride. The little boy comes running to look at me, and cries, "Oh, mamma! the little blackberry bush is alive and beautiful and green. Oh, come and see!" And I hear; and I bow my head in the summer wind; and every day they watch me grow more beautiful, till at last I shake out blossoms, fair and fragrant.

"`A few days more, and I drop the white petals down among the grass, and, lo! the green tiny berries! Carefully I hold them up to the sun; carefully I gather the dew in the summer nights; slowly they ripen; they grow larger and redder and darker, and at last they are black, shining, delicious. I hold them as high as I can for the little boy, who comes dancing out. He shouts with joy, and gathers them in his dear hand; and he runs to share them with his mother, saying, "Here is what the patient blackberry bush bore for us: see how nice, mamma!"

"`Ah! then indeed I am glad, and would say, if I could, "Yes, take them, dear little boy; I kept them for you, held them long up to sun and rain to make them sweet and ripe for you;" and I nod and nod in full content, for my work is done. From the window he watches me and thinks, "There is the little blackberry bush that was so kind to me. I see it and I love it. I know it is safe out there nodding all alone, and next summer it will hold ripe berries up for me to gather again." '"

The wee boy feeling so relieve now (Present Continuous Tense). Then the wee boy smiled, and liked the little story. His mother took him up in her arms, and they went out to supper and left the blackberry bush nodding up and down in the wind; and there it is nodding yet.




⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ & ❤


39. Carilah lirik lagu bahasa inggris dan tentukan past tense,simple present tense,present perfect,past tense

I met you in the dark
You lit me up
You made me feel as though
I was enough
We danced the night away
We drank too much
I held your hair back when
You were throwing up

Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest
And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told you
I think that you should get some rest

I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I knew I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you
Until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

I wake you up with some breakfast in bed
I'll bring you coffee
With a kiss on your head
And I'll take the kids to school
Wave them goodbye
And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night

When you looked over your shoulder
For a minute, I forget that I'm older
I wanna dance with you right now, oh
And you look as beautiful as ever
And I swear that every day you'll get better
You make me feel this way somehow

I'm so in love with you
And I hope you know
Darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold
We've come so far my dear
Look how we've grown
And I wanna stay with you
Until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

I wanna live with you
Even when we're ghosts
'Cause you were always there for me
When I needed you most

I'm gonna love you 'til
My lungs give out
I promise till death we part
Like in our vows
So I wrote this song for you
Now everybody knows
That it's just you and me
Until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go

Just say you won't let go
Oh, just say you won't let go

Past tense : I met you, you made me, i was enough, we danced, we drank, etc. *paragraf 1-3"
Present :  paragraf 4, 6 ,7 ,8

40. Membuat kalimat present perfect tense 10 simple past tense 10 bahasa inggris


present perfect tense

1 Joan has studied Russian languages.

2 I have been to France.

3 I think I have seen that movie before.

4 How many times have you traveled abroad?

5 My English has really improved since I moved to Australia.

6 Man has walked on the Moon.

7 My younger sister has learned how to read.

8 James has not finished his homework yet.

9 Randi hasn’t mastered Japanese, but she can communicate.

10 The rain hasn’t stopped.

past tense

1 People collected the goods yesterday.

2 I went to Yogyakarta with my friends last week.

3 My mother cooked fried rice for my birthday party last month.

4 Our futsal team did not join the futsal tournament because we didn’t have enough money.

5 He did not come to school yesterday because he was sick.

6 I was not at home when he came last night.

7 Did they do the Math exam two days ago?

8 Was she fat?

9 He sent a letter to his friends last Sunday.

10 You did not pay the bill last year.


semoga membantu ya dan jangan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik

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