Latihan Online Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2

Latihan Online Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2


Daftar Isi


Maaf kak, hehehehe....

2. contoh soal bahasa inggris dan jawabannya kelas 10 semester 2 soal HOTS​

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh soal Bahasa Inggris tingkat kelas 10 semester 2 dengan tingkat kesulitan tinggi (HOTS) beserta jawabannya:

Soal 1:

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.


Climate change is a pressing global issue that requires immediate action. It is causing a rise in global temperatures, resulting in melting ice caps, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events. The consequences of climate change are far-reaching and impact both human and natural systems. To mitigate the effects of climate change, it is crucial to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote renewable energy sources, and implement sustainable practices.


1. What are the consequences of climate change?

2. What measures can be taken to mitigate the effects of climate change?


1. The consequences of climate change include melting ice caps, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events.

2. Measures that can be taken to mitigate the effects of climate change include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting renewable energy sources, and implementing sustainable practices.

Soal 2:

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. The teacher asked the students to ________ their assignments by tomorrow.

a) submit

b) submitted

c) submitting

d) submits

Jawaban: a) submit

Soal 3:

Rearrange the following words to form a meaningful sentence.

easy / It / is / to / English / learn.

Jawaban: It is easy to learn English.

Soal 4:

Read the dialogue and answer the question that follows.

Tom: Have you ever been to Paris?

Sara: No, I haven't. But I would love to visit someday.


What is Sara's response to Tom's question?

Jawaban: Sara's response to Tom's question is, "No, I haven't. But I would love to visit someday."

Semoga contoh soal di atas dapat membantu kamu dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 yang menguji kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS).

3. soal bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester ganjil​



soal bahasa Inggris kelas 10

4. contoh soal bahasa inggris semester 2 kelas ​

Gampang b onggrisnya

5. bank soal bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1

hmm kayaknya gk ada :vv

6. bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1​

1. Was

2. Was

3. Was

4. Was

5. Lived

6. Ran

7. Raised

8. Was

9. Brought up

10. Was

Simple as to be simple past?


7. soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1 k13

Text 1 Early one morning, Umar was walking to the bus stop to catch a bus to school. A loud, screeching noise suddenly pierced the air. Umar realized that there had been an accident. A small boy was lying unconscious on the road, and the car that had hit him had already run away. Umar was confused and frightened. “is the boy dead?” Umar asked himself. However, the boy was still breathing. Umar could see that the boy had bruises all over his face and arms. Umar did not know what to do. Few cars passed along this road at this time of the day. The nearest house which he could go to for help was his own, but it would take ten minutes to walk there. Umar finally decided to stay with the boy until somebody came by. Time passed very slowly – so it seemed to Umar. The boy was still unconscious, and Umar prayed for the boy to regain consciousness. Umar sprang to his feet at the sound of an approaching car. He waved frantically at the driver to stop. Umar asked the driver,”You will help this boy, won,t you, Sir?” The driver was kind. He carried the injuried boy to the car. Umar went with them to the hospital. Later, the driver took Umar to the police station to report the accident. Umar had a lot to tell to his friends that day at school. All his friends though Umar was a very brave boy.”it was an unforgettable incident, wasn,t it?” They asked him. “Yes, it was, “Umar replied.”it was a terrifying experience, thought!”
1. What is the genre of the text? a. Descriptive c. Narrative   e. News item b. Recount d. Procedure2. The purpose of the text is to ….a. tell a past event d. report a phenomenab. entertain readers e. describe Umar,s activityc. discuss something3. Umar and the helpful driver went to the police station after they ….stopped the approaching carb. reported the accident they sawc. brought the boy to the nearest housed. had seen the injured boy on the roade. had carried the injured boy to the hospital
4. “Time passed very slowly” ….( paragraph 4 )       This part of the text is called …. a. Description c. Event          e. Reorientation b. Resolution d. Orientation
5. What do Umar,s friends think about him …. a. he is an honest boy d. he is a kind boy b. he is a coward boy e. he is an easy going boy c. he is a very brave boy
6. The old woman was feel …. after she had heard that her beloved son was seriousely injured in a terrible accident. a. delighted c. sorrow e. sadness b. regreet d. unconscious
7. The room is to narrow, we need a ….  of air in here. a. parfum c. light e. pipe b. breath d. realease
Text 2 “Once upon a time a hawk feel in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked the hen, “Won,t you marry me?” The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wishes to marry him.But she said,”I cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly together.” The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show that you have promised to marry me,”said the hawk. So it happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away at once! Didn,t you tell the hawk that you,d already promised to marry me?” shouted the rooster .The hen was so frightened at the rooster anger that she threw away  the ring immediately. When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen. “Why didn,t you tell me earlier? Now, You,ll always be scratching the earth, and I,ll always be flying above you to catch your children,”said the hawk. The curse seems to have come true.
8. What is the genre of the text? a. Descriptive c. Narrative e. News item b. Recount d. Procedure
9. Why couldn,t the hen say “yes” right away? a. because she did not love the hawk b. because she had no ring to exchange c. because it would make the roaster angry d. because the hawk was too brave  and strong e. because she had to learn how to fly as high as the hawk
10. What is the story about? a. A hen and a rooster b. A hawk and his wife c. A hen and her children d. A rooster ang his fiancé e. A hawk, a hen and a rooster

8. Latihan Soal SAT Bahasa inggris kelas 7 kurikulum merdeka semester genap


Dodi: I’m very surprised about the test Chika was cheating when doing the test but she

gets better result than me. This is injustice.

Kuma : You don’t have to be worried. You are the winner when choosing the honest way.

From the dialogue, we know that Dodi feels very ....

a. sad

b. angry

c. happy

d. Hopeless

2. Adit : What does your father do?

Rica: : My mother heals sick people. He is a …

The suitable profession to complete the dialogue is …

a. Farmer

b. Driver

c, Doctor

d. Pilot

Amanda: Look! I have bought my new bag at the traditional market.

Dinda : Your bag is very I will buy it on Sunday with my mother.

Amanda : Don’t go there on Sunday because the traditional market is very ……

Dinda : Thank you for telling me that. I think we will buy it on weekdays then.

Amanda tells Dinda not to go to the market on Sunday because ....

a. the market is very nice

b. the market is full with trash

c. the market is not good

d. the market is crowded

4. Read this text to answer question number 4 to 6

My name is Sinta. I’m a student. I study in the class. My mom is Mrs. Maria, she is a surgeon. She performs operations on her patients. If I become an adult, I will be like a mom’s profession. Because she is always helping others who have a severe disease.

What is Sinta’s profession?

a. Surgeon

b. Student

c. Adult

d. Operation

5. What is a surgeon?

a, Tukang kayu

b. Ahli bedah

c. Penjahit

d. Pelaut

Answer : B

6. If Sinta being an adult, she will be a …

a. Severe disease

b. Helper

c. Surgeon

d. Mom

9. soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 halaman 112​

Jawaban: 17. A

18. idk

19. A

20. C


10. Soal lks bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 task 14 ada yang sudah

1. a.
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. a
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. gak tau
1. a.
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. a
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. d

11. bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1​




Maaf kalo ada yang keliru :)

12. soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2tolong ya brainly

5.(-) He did not cook friedrice every morning
(?)Did he cook friedrice every morning?
6.(-)she did not washes her clothes every sunday
(?)did he washes her clothes every sunday?
7.(-) He did not play badminton
(?)did he paly badminton?
8.(-)she did not works ten hours a day
(?)did she works ten hours a day?
9.(-)the phone does not rings several times
(?)does phone rings several times
10(-)he did not like coffee for breakfast
(?)did he like coffee for breakfast

Hi veseldya, thank you for sending your questions. We will try to answer your questions as much as we can.

We have already read your questions structure, it refers to the use of the simple present tense . We could find many adverb of time as the habitual activity and also the fact forms for every sentence .

Pattern of simple present tense should be like this :

Subject + verb 1 + object (positive)

Subject+do/does+not+ verb 1 + object ( negative )

Do/does + subject + verb 1 ( interrogative)

4. We make a big project (+)

We don't make a big project (-)

Do we make a big project (?)

5.doni cooks friedrice every morning (+)

Dino doesn't cooks friedrice every morning (-)

Does Doni cook friedrice every morning(?)

6.she washes her clothes every Sunday (+)

She doesn't wash her clothes every Sunday (-)

Does she wash her clothes every Sunday(?) brother plays badminton (+)

My brother doesn't play badminton (-)

Does my brother play badminton (?)

8.Dina works ten hours a day (+)

Dina doesn't work ten hours a day (-)

Does Dina work ten hours a day (?)

9. The phone rings several times (+)

The phone doesn't ring several times (-)

Does the phone ring several times (?)

10. My husband likes coffee for breakfast (+)

My husband doesn't like coffee for breakfast (-)

Does my husband like coffee for breakfast (?)

Wish it could help you in understanding English.

13. bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1​


6. A

7. B

8. D

9. D

10. C

semoga membantu.

14. tolong dibantu ya soal bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 2 ​







15. Bahasa inggris semester 2 kelas 10 Tolong segera yaa

a.and kayaknya

16. Soal bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1 halaman 10​


Maaf Mau nanya

Soalnya Mana Ya?

17. 10 contoh soal ulangan bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya:)​


1. The cows eat …

A. Bone C. Fish

B. Grass D. Birds

Jaawab : b

2. This animal lives in the sea and has tentacles. What animal is it?

A. Octopus C. Zebra

B. Elephant D. Tiger

Jaawab : a

3. A rabbit has two long ears, a small tail and ….

A. Shell C. Fur

B. Horns D. Claws

Jaawab : c

My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is rabbit. Rabbit has two long ears. Its eyes are big and black,

but when it is dark its eyes are red. It has two long teeth. Its nose is small and soft pink.

Its tail is soft, round and small like a cotton ball. Its legs are small. It doesn’t walk,

it jumps. It is vegetarian and its favorite food are carrots.

Rabbits are very funny.

4. How many ears does the rabbit have?

A. Two ears C. Four ears

B. Three ears D. Five ears

Jaawab : a

5. Does it has short teeth?

A. Yes, it does C. Yes, it doesn’t

B. No, it does D. No, it doesn’t

Jaawab : d

6. What is the title of the text?

A. Rabbits are very funny C. My Favorite Animal

B. My Animal D. Rabbit

Jaawab : c




Soal Kelas 7

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Ulangan/Ujian Semester 2 2023 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda-Essay

Rabu, 15 Maret 2023 13:52

Editor: Syahroni


Kumpulan soal ulangan Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs 2023.

Kumpulan soal ulangan Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP/MTs 2023.

My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is rabbit. Rabbit has two long ears. Its eyes are big and black,

but when it is dark its eyes are red. It has two long teeth. Its nose is small and soft pink.

Its tail is soft, round and small like a cotton ball. Its legs are small. It doesn’t walk,

it jumps. It is vegetarian and its favorite food are carrots.

Rabbits are very funny.

4. How many ears does the rabbit have?

A. Two ears C. Four ears

B. Three ears D. Five ears

Jaawab : a

Baca juga: Soal IPA Kelas 7 Ulangan/Ujian Semester 2 2023 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda-Essay

5. Does it has short teeth?

A. Yes, it does C. Yes, it doesn’t

B. No, it does D. No, it doesn’t

Jaawab : d

6. What is the title of the text?

A. Rabbits are very funny C. My Favorite Animal

B. My Animal D. Rabbit

Jaawab : c

This picture below is for the questions 7 and 8

He is Giring Nidji. He is a singer. His songs are very famous. He is 170 cm and her

skin is brown. He has …. (9) hair and black. He has …. (10) eyes and brown. He is very


7. A. Straight B. Blonde C. Curly D. Bald

Jaawab : c

8. A. Round B. Slanting C. Big D. long

Jawab : b

Observe the dialogue below and answer the question 9 and 10

Father : Sin, can you help me, please?

Sinta : Yes, dad.

Father : Can you get me the newspaper?

Sinta : Where is it?

Father : Emm… May be it’s on the table.

Sinta : Yes, I got it.

Father : Thanks for helping me.

Sinta : It’s ok dad. Don’t worry, anytime.

9. In the text above Sinta is a …. girl. She is ready to help her father anytime.

A. Lazy C. Beautiful

B. Kind D. Smart

Jawab : b

10. How many characters are there in the dialogue above?

A. Two C. Three

B. One D. Four

Jawab : c

semoga membantu terimakasih

18. soal bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1​


12. a

13. d

14. a

15. c

1. Congratulation letter

2. Fanani think Rafi's succes is very creditable but not unexpected

3. senior secondary examination with distinction in psychic

I hope my answer can help you~

maaf klo slh

19. soal kelas 7 semester 2 bahasa Inggris halaman 136 di artikan​




translate gampang

20. soal ulangan bahasa inggris semester 2​


seperti apa saya Gatsu soal yang dikasih masa cuma soal ulangan bahasa Inggris semester 2

21. Soal bahasa inggris semester genap kelas 11

Text 1 (for question number 1-7)

    Once there was a husband and his wife who had a baby. They had a dog named Bony. It was a very smart dog and faithful to them. The dog used to take care of the baby while were working in the rice field.
    One afternoon, while working in the field, they heard Bony barking. It was running toward them. It’s mouth smeared with blood. The husband shocked and thought that it had killed their baby. Suddenly he took his sickle and threw it to the dog. It hit the dog’s had and the dog head and the dog fell down and died.
    Hurriedly they got home and saw the baby sleeping. When the husband looked around in the baby’s room, he found a big snake lying on the floor. It was dead and blood spilled everywhere. It seemed the dog had killed the snake and the killed his faithful dog.
1.    Who was Bony? Bonny was……….
        a.    the husband’s name
        b.    the wife’s name
        c.    the bay’s name
        d.    the dog’s name
        e.    the snake’s name
2.    Why was the dog running toward the couple?
         a.    because it afraid of snake
        b.    because it was hurt
        c.    because the dog wanted some foods.
        d.    because the dog wanted to tell that something dangerous almost happened in                 their home.
e.    because a snake wanted to catch it.

 3.    ……finally killed by the husband.

        a.    the baby    d.    the dog
        b.    the snake    e.    the couple
        c.    the wife

4.    The snake was killed by…………………
        a.    the dog    d.    the child
        b.    the husband    e.    the baby
        c.    the wife
5.    Was the baby hurt by the dog?
        a.    yes, it is    d.    no was not
        b.    yes, it was    e.    no, it doesn’t
        c.    no, it did

22. soal bahasa inggris kelas 9 semester 1 halaman 10​


1. So that

2. To.

3. So that

4. In order not to

5. In order to

6. So as not to

7. To

8. In order to

9. To

10. To


klo ad yg slh maap yee

23. Tolong di jawab, Soal bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2. k13​

14- ga ada pilihannya

semoga membantu ;)

24. jawaban soal bahasa Inggris semester 2 halaman 136soal bahasa Inggris halaman 136 semester 2 ​


semerter 2 page 136 problem

25. buatlah soal latihan bahasa inggris10 soal​


buatlah soal latihan bahasa inggris 10 soal

Aku tidak Tahu Apa Membuat Soal dari Materi apa Jadi aku Membuat Dari Materi Simple Present Tense.

Materi → Simple Present Tense.

• Aku Membuat Nya Dalam Pilihan Ganda


1. She _____ her dog everyday

a. To feed

b. Feed

c. Feeds

d. Feeding

2. I ____ always ____ to the dentist

a. Do not, go

b. Does not, go

c. Do not, went

d. Does not, went

3. When __ you ____ a shower?

a. Do, took

b. Do, take

c. Do, taken

d. Do, taking

4. Q: Do you like to sing?

A: …

a. Yes, I likes to sing

b. Yes, I like to sing

c. Yes, I am liking to sing

d. Yes, I liked to sing

5. Tom and I ____ ____ together.

a. Do surfing

b. Don’t surfing

c. Do surfs

d. Don’t surf

6. I ___ breakfast every day at 7 AM

a. Eat

b. To eat

c. Ate

d. Eaten

7. Q: How do you go to school?

A: We ___ the bus to school

a. Rode

b. Ridden

c. Ride

d. Riding

8. Q: When do you do your homework?

A: …

a. I have did my homework at 6 PM

b. I did my homework at 6 PM

c. I do my homework at 6 PM

d. I am doing my homework at 6 PM

9. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park?

A: …

a. No, I doesn’t enjoy playing in the park

b. No, I no enjoy playing in the park

c. No, I don’t enjoy playing in the park

d. No, I don’t enjoys playing in the park

10. Q: Does he love his mother?

A: …

a. He love his mother

b. He loves his mother

c. He to love his mother

d. He is loving his mother



1.c, 2.a, 3.b, 4.b, 5.d, 6.a, 7.c, 8.c, 9.c, 10.b

Buat yang Tidak Tau Simple present Tense

Simple present tense adalah tenses yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kejadian atau aktivitas yang menjadi kebiasaan atau berlangsung berulang kali. Selain itu, simple present tense ini juga menjadi tenses yang sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Untuk menulis kalimat dengan simple present tense, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk dasar atau Verb 1. Saat Anda menuliskan kata ganti orang ketiga, jangan lupa untuk menambahkan s/es sesudah Verb 1 (Verb 1 + s/es).

Semoga Membantu

26. soal -soal bahasa inggris di kelas 7 Semester 2 dong​


i, you, we, they

hapal itu aja kak pasti keluar di soal bahasa Inggris nya

terimakasih semoga bermanfaat


27. contoh soal bahasa inggris semester 2 kelas 8​


1. it is a clever mammal that can solve problems and hold things in their hands. It lives in groups called troops. It eats plants, birds’ eggs, small animals, and insects. Most of them live in the forest.

The animal in the description is …

A. elephant

B. monkey

C. bear

D. tiger

jawabannya : C

2. It is a tame animal. It has two long ears. It eats carrot. It hops. It lives in burrows.

The animal in the description is ......

A. cat

B. dog

C. rabbit

D. cow

jawaban : B

3. My uncle works in the zoo. He repairs the animal cages …..

A. every day

B. regularly

C. frequently

D. every hour

jawaban : B

4. Elephant is an animal that should need to be cleaned or washed ….

A. every sunday

B. every month

C. every day

D. every week

jawaban : C

5. My sister and I get up early ....

A. every day

B. every sunday

C. every time

D. every Saturday

jawaban : A


Jadikan jawaban terbaik


28. kak tolong kerjakan soal bahasa Inggris ini, kelas 7 semester 2​


Little : kecil

Cute : imut/lucu

grey : abu2

big : besar

pink : merah muda


Jadi instruksinya adalah letakkan kata2 yg bertulisan tebal yg ad di dalam dialog kedalam tabel, kemudian tuliskan artinya.

Note: Kata2 itu namanya adalah kata sifat atau dlm b.inggris adalah adjectives

29. Tolong kerjakan soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 semester 2 hal 161pliss!!!

mana soalnya..........?

30. soal-soal bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2

Biasanya gk akan jauh dari materi yang dibahas

Contohnya( soal teks teks gitu).

Oh iya kelupaan, kalo guru lagi jelasin materi dengerin aja, pasti dimasukin beberapa ke soal ujian semesteranbelajar dari bahan yang telah di beri oleh guru

31. Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 Buku Intan Online Pr Tassk 16 Halaman 10

maaf ga ada gambarnya

32. bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1​


1. a

2. c

3. c

4. a

5. a

that's it the answer for ur question. sorry if i got wrong

33. Latihan soal pts bahasa indonesia kelas 10 semester 1


maksudnya apa ya kak mau jawab tpi pertanyaannya ap

34. contoh soal ulangan tengah semester bahasa inggris kelas 10

31. All children must….. elementary schools.

A. visit     
B. learn                  
C. do
D. come by            
E. attend

35. Jawaban soal bahasa inggris semester 1 kelas 10 halaman 9?


apakah ini yang kamu maksud?

mana soalnya???

36. Soal uts bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester ganjil kurikulum 2013

Example (Contoh)


This announcement is aimed to all students of LKP Oxford. The examination for Basic Course will be held on:

Day : Sunday
Date: 8 April 2012
Time: 08.00 - 11.00 a.m.
Place: Oxford Hall

Please, come on time!

The Director,

Novi Haryati

37. latihan soal bahasa inggris kelas 2 tentang anggota tubuh​


Lampirkan foto / tulis di komentar pertanyaannya ya


Eyes =mata


Head =kepala




Ear =Telinga



Brain =otak


Finger =jari

Semoga membantu

Maaf jika salah

38. contoh soal uas bahasa inggris semester 2 kelas 8​


1. Lukita : "did you know ? Yunita got 10 for his english"

Dzikrina : "wow!.... "

A. how intelligent

B. i'm sorry to hear that

C. how are you

D. yes, he is

jawaban : A

2. Iwan is .... soundly in his bedroom

A. sitting

B. reading

C. sleeping

D. working

jawabannya : C

3. father is hospitalized because he ...... an accident on his way to office yesterday

A. met

B. send

C. put

D. got

jawabannya : D

4. Mr. wahmin : students, pay attention please!

students : yes, sir

the underlined sentence is the expression of asking for...

A. help

B. attention

C. permission

D. opinion

jawabannya : B

5. the following expression can be used to ask for attention, except ......

A. May i have your attention, please?

B. are you listening to me?

C. would you give me a hand please?

D. would you look at the board, please?

jawabannya : C


Jadikan jawaban terbaik cmiiw

39. bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 1​


7.e/d (d sama dengan pertanyaannya)

8. lah kok gini ( ngak ada jawabanya dong) (Jika anda mengatakan GOOD BYE tanpa kata lain ketika anda ingin meninggalkannya artinya anda tidak akan bertemu dengan dia lagi agtau anda dalam keadaan marah atau anda akan bercerai dan tidak ingin bertemu lagi.) mungkin ini.

9. d

10.harusnya a atau d tapi ya waktu lunch kapan? morning di sekitar 6-1159 am, noon di sekitar 12pm

semoga membantu

40. Buatlah Soal bahasa inggris kelas 4 semester 2 tentang buah !


apple, orange, watermelon, melon , lemon, grape, rambutan


maaf kalau salah

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