Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Complimenting

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Complimenting

30 soal + jawaban materi bahasa inggris tentang complimenting

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1. 30 soal + jawaban materi bahasa inggris tentang complimenting

a woman wearing a beautiful dress. create a dialogue complimenting! answer: A: wow, a nice dress b: thank you
kyak gitu bukan?A woman wearing a beautiful dress. create a dialogue complimenting!
Answer :
A : wow, you have an elegant dress
B: yeah, i was bought it from Paris

2. Saya ingin contoh soal bahasa inggris dengan tema "complimenting and showing care" ?

complementing = what a beautiful dress you wear, what an outstanding painting, you look nice.
showing care = can i help you? can i do you a favour?

3. saya ingin contoh soal bahasa inggris dengan tema "complimenting and showing care" ?

an exmple of complimenting and showing care :
1. could you repeat please? i can't hear your voice!

2. i've been in your shoes man

4. contoh dialog bahasa Inggris tentang complimenting ?

Harsya: What a great Motorcycle you have, Pandu.
Pandu : Thank you, Harsya. I just finished modifying it.
Harsya: You mean this is the old motorcycle that you used to drive to school?
Pandu : Yes, it is.
Harsya: It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?
Pandu : Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new ccessories.
Harsya: Great job!
Pandu : Thanks. Arti dari dialog bahasa inggris diatas adalah sebagi berikut:

Harsya: Bagusnya speda motor yang kamu punya, Pandu
Pandu : Terima kasih, Harsya. Sepeda motor ini baru saja saya modifikasi
Harsya: Maksudmu, ini adalah sepda motor lama yang biasanya kamu pakai pergi ke sekolah itu?
Pandu : Ya
Harsya: Sekarang sepeda motor kamu kelihatanya sangat berbeda. Apa yang kamu  modifikasi?
Pandu : Tidak banyak. Hanya saya cat dengan warna sedikit cerah dan menamba bebrapa asesoris
Harsya: Kerja hebat!
Pandu : Terima kasih.

5. contoh dialog bahasa inggris 2 orang complimenting

dwiki : hi yulia,you look so nice on your new dress!
yulia : oh hi dwiki, thanks. you also look handsome on your black outfit. you look cool and gentle!
dwiki : thanks yulia

6. dialog complimenting dalam bahasa inggris yang panjang.

Situation 1. Fima drives his modified car and meets his friend, Tami
Tami: What a great car you have, Fima. I really like your vehicle.
Fima: Thank you, Tami. I just finished making it look colourful.
Tami: Do You mean this is the old car that you used to drive to school?
Fima: Yes, it is. You are absolutely right
Tami: Now your car looks more beautiful. What did you do to it?
Fima: Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new accessories.
Tami: Great job!
Fima: Thanks.

7. Contoh dialog bahasa inggris tentang complimenting or praising dong please.

A : Amazing, you are very smart. You are the champion of the class.

B : thank you

8. Tulisakan percakapan complimenting dalam bahasa inggris

Andi: That’s a nice and cute T-shirt you’re wearing.
Dina: Tahank for you compliment. It was a birthday present from my mother.
Andi: Where did your mother buy it?
Dina: My mother said that she had bought it for me when she was in Malaysia.
Andi: Your look beautiful with that expensive T-shirt
Dina: Thank you but this is a really cheap T-shirt.

9. Contoh dialog complimenting expressions dan responces dalam bahasa inggris

A:do you want some sugar?
B: yes, thank you ^-^

10. soal pilihan ganda Bahasa Inggris 50 soal tentang chapter 1 talking about self congrulating and complimenting others​


berbicara tentang memuji diri sendiri dan memuji orang lain


semoga membantu


berbicara dan memuji diri sendiri dan orang lain



11. lagu berbahasa inggris yang berisikan tentang complimenting

give thanks to Allah-Michael Jackson

12. bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 9 complimenting/praising Dan responding nya tolong terjemahan nya dong​


bhs inggrisnya kls 9 { grade 9 } kalau halaman bhs inggrisnya (page) .

9 compilmenting/praising and responding .

[9 menyusun / memuji dan menanggapi]


English class 9 page 9 complimenting / praising And responding


maaf kalo salah

13. contoh contoh complimenting dalam bahasa inggris

- hey, what a beutiful skirt you're wearing it matches your blouse
-  what a great draw do you have.

-what a beautiful garden !
-well done
-good job
-how clever you are !

14. contoh soal dan jawabannya complimenting dialogue kelas X

Gissele : What do you think of my dress ?
Camelia :Owh, Gissele you look so beautiful.
Gissele :Thank you.Listen to dialogue

Nicky: Wow, Bryan, your voice is great, like a singer in TV
Bryan: Really, thanks, i've try to get my voice better
Nicky: Who've trained you to get that voice
Bryan: My teacher. He's great about music
Nicky: Amazing. You and he are wonderful
Bryan: Thank you so much

1. Who are involved in dialogue? They're Nicky and Bryan
2. What's their dialogue about? About Bryan's voice
3. What's Nicky's complimenting about Bryan? Nicky's complementing that Bryan's voice is great

15. Contoh percakapan 5 orang bahasa inggris complimenting

Nurul : Hey Suri, what’s up with you? You look so tired?
Suri : I don’t know I am always feeling tired and listless lately.
Cindy : Do you have any problems dear?
Riki & Andi : hey girls, what are you talking about? You are talking about me, aren’t you?
Nurul : huuuu we did not talk about you at all.
Riki : hheee, anyway what is wrong with you, Suri?
Cindy : that is what we are talking about now.
Suri : I do not know Riki. I always feel weak lately.
Cindy : Did you have a serious problem?
Nurul : yes, just tell us. We are your friend.
Suri : I do not have a problem anyway.
Andi : I know why you always feel weak lately. You never work out right?
Suri : yes, how did you know that?
Nurul : does a sport affect a person’s spirit?
Riki : of course. By exercising our bodies will fresh and fit so that we do not feel tired easily.
Cindy : ohh I also ever read in in book. Seems true what was said by Riki.
Andi : Yes, our bodies need a movement that can burn up energy in the form of fat stored in our body. That energy will give us spirit to live this life.
Suri : so that is why, I quickly get tired lately.
Nurul : Then you have to exercise every day Suri?
Riki : exercise every single day is not good for the body. Instead of the healthy we get, we even sick. We just need work out 2 times a week only. The sport is also not to be too heavy. Jogging in the morning can be a good sport. Interesting right?
Suri : Seems like I have to follow your advice Ki.
Andi : So, tomorrow morning I’ll come to take you jogging.
Nurul : I also want to come.
Cindy : I am too.
Suri : Let’s run in a city park tomorrow morning at 7.

16. materi tentang congratulating and complimenting other berbahasa inggris

Bahwa dia yang menang

17. contoh soal bhs ke inggris tentang congratulating and complimenting others

congartulatons you deserved it,man
complimenting you look nice to dayCongratulating and Complimenting

Riko : Hey, Mitch
Mitch : Hey Riko! You look so happy today, why?
Riko : Yes, finally I've just graduated from Senior High School.
Mitch : .......
What is the correct sentence for fill the dialogue?
a. Poor you, Riko
b. Glad to hear that, congratulation then!
c. How dare?
d. Don't worry.. You can try it next year.

Answer : B.

18. Pengertian definition of complimenting dalam bahasa Inggris


artinya definisi memuji


semoga membantu


pengertiannya adalah definisi memuji


I hope my answer can be useful for you


19. carilah dialog complimenting dalam bahasa inggris

you look so good
your hair so shiny

20. tolong buat dialong complimenting dalam bahasa inggris untuk 2 orng yg paling singkat

Tami: What a great car you have, Fima. I really like your vehicle.
Fima: Thank you, Tami. I just finished making it look colourful.
Tami: Do You mean this is the old car that you used to drive to school?
Fima: Yes, it is. You are absolutely right
Tami: Now your car looks more beautiful. What did you do to it?
Fima: Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new accessories.
Tami: Great job!
Fima: Thanks.

Arti dan Terjemahan dari contoh dialog compliment dalam bahasa Inggris diatas kira-kira sebagi berikut:

Situasi 1. Fima memakai mobil yang baru dimodifikasi dan bertemu dengan temannya, Tami
Tami: Betapa bagusnya mobilmu, Fima. Aku sunggu suka dengan kendaraanmu
Fima: Terima kasih, Tami. Aku baru saja memodifikasi supaya warnanya lebih ramai.
Tami: Maksudmu ini adalah mobil lama yang biasa kamu pakai ke sekolah itu?
Fima: Iya, kamu benar sekali
Tami: Sekarang mobilmu kelihatan lebih bagus. Apa yang kamu modifikasi?
Fima: Tidak banyak. Aku minta mobilku itu dicat ulang dengan lebih berwarna dan ditambah beberapa asesoris
Tami: Kerja bagus
Fima: Terima kasih

Rina : hey, what a nice dress! You look gorgeous with that dress.

Rahma : thank you, that's very kind of you to say so

21. 7 baris percakapan bahasa inggris tentang complimenting dan congratulation


Diana : Hello Cath, Congrats for your graduation

Cath : Thank You... All of my hard work has been paid off

Diana : Yes... try working harder so you can get scholars to that university you wanted to go

Cath : Yes.. i wanted to go to the Northampton university for soo long

Diana : I hope you can do it

Cath : Again, thanks for the visit. I will see you again soon

Diana : See you

22. teks dialog complimenting dalam bahasa inggris memuji barang

a : Look i have a new Bag !
b : wow, what a nice Bag ! where you bought it?
a : this bag was bought by my mom :) She bought in the Malla : hei b! guess what's new with me?
b : i don't know
a : are you sure?
b : wait.. wait.. woww your necklace looks so beautiful
a : aah finally.. thanks
b : where's do you found it?
a : on a jewelry store
b : your style is the best
a : haha thanks

23. contoh bentuk sympaty dan complimenting dalam bentuk kartu dengan bahasa inggris

compliment: pujian.
contoh: Hi, Ani. I saw your painting and i think it's really beautiful.

24. Contoh dialog Bahasa Inggris tentang Complimenting

Harsya: What a great Motorcycle you have, Pandu.
Pandu : Thank you, Harsya. I just finished modifying it.
Harsya: You mean this is the old motorcycle that you used to drive to school?
Pandu : Yes, it is.
Harsya: It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?
Pandu : Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new ccessories.
Harsya: Great job!
Pandu : Thanks.
a: you look so different today?
b: really?
a: yes, you look so beautiful today with your new style
b: thanks for your compliment.

25. buatlah 1 dialog tentang memuji (complimenting) menggunakan bahasa Inggris​


Your drawing is very good!


Gambar Anda sangat bagus!


Vivin : Hey Fifi, are you alone?

Fifi : No, I am going with my friend there, what about you?

Vivin : I also with my friend. What a beautiful dress you wear tonight, you look gorgeous.

Fifi : Thank you so much Vivin, you look handsome too

26. Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris tentang introduce dan complimenting.

Laily          :”Hello, Iam Laily. May I know your name please?      Elly           :”Sure, Iam Elly, Iam from Yogyakarta. What about you?      Laily          :”Iam from Klaten. Iam study in University Negri Yogyakarta.    Elly           :”Ow,.. what department you take?”                            Laily          :”Iam take department psychologists . And you?         Elly           :”Iam study in University Gajah Mada, and I take department medical.  Laily          :”That’s great.                                                        Elly           :”Thank you. Nice to meet you, I will go to toilet       .  Laily          :”Yes, nice to meet you too

27. buatlah dialog bahasa Inggris untuk 6 orang tentang complimenting​

Kevin : What a cool bag!

(Tas yang keren!)

Dave : Thank you.

(Terima kasih)

Edward : Is it new? Where did you buy it?

(Apakah itu baru? Di mana kamu membelinya?)

Dave : Yes, it is. It’s a gift from my brother.

(Ya. Ini adalah hadiah dari kakakku)

Mike : Your brother must have a good taste.

(Kakakmu pasti punya selera yang bagus)

Dave : You bet he is.

(Kamu benar)

Carol : I want to know where your brother got the bag since I want to buy one for myself.

(Aku ingin tahu di mana kakakmu membeli tasnya karena aku juga ingin membelinya untukku)

Dave : You can just ask him. He’s picking me up later.

(Kamu tanyakan saja padanya. Dia akan menjemputku nanti)

Tom : Perfect! Let us know when he’s here, okay.

(Sempurna! Beritahu saja kami ketika dia sudah ada di sini, oke)

Dave: Okay.


28. contoh dialog complimenting bahasa inggris 2 orang

A: Hello, you look good today!
B: Oh thanks! You look good as well!
A: Thank you!

29. Contoh dialog bahasa inggris complimenting or praising yang 6 percakapan dong please

Desi : Hi, Andi. How are you doing?

Andi : I am fine, thanks.

Desi : It’s very nice to meet you here, Andi. You look great today! I love your new hair style.

Andi : Thank you very much, Desi. You look great, too.

Desi : Thanks, Andi. By the way, how was your test? Have you got the result?

Andi : Yes, I’ve got it. You know what? I have passed for the final test. I’m so happy right now.

Desi : That’s great. Congratulations! How’s the score?

Andi : Thanks God. I got the highest score for the test.

30. apa arti complimenting dalam bahasa inggris

berterima kasih
kalau compliment : pujian

31. Buatlah surat Complimenting untuk teman dalam bahasa inggris beserta artinya .

Dear Laura,

Congratulation on being nominated as The Best Student Of The Year. as your friend, im very happy to hear that. Im proud of you so much and keep learning and doing what you love, and the most importantly never give up on anything, congratulation


32. pengertian complimenting dalam bahasa inggris

complimenting is an expression of praise, congratulation or encouragement.

33. contoh dialog bahasa inggris 4 orang tentang congratulations,complimenting dan requesting


Q : Hey Dilan, congratulations on your progress in scout organization!
D : Thank you Q

34. Kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013 chapter 2 congrulating and complimenting other​


1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

sgitu aja yaa

35. Buatlah dialog singkat tentang memberi selamat (congratulating) dan memuji (complimenting) dalam bahasa inggris.​


dialog congratulating :

Ani: Congratulation for the great achievement, Nisa. It is really awesome.

Nisa: Waaa, thank you for coming. You even bring me such beautiful gift. Really glad to have you here.

Ani: Sure.


Ani: Selamat untuk pencapaiannya yang luar biasa, Nisa. Ini benar-benar mengagumkan.

Nisa: Waa, terima kasih sudah mau datang. Kamu bahkan membawa hadiah yang cantik. Aku benar-benar senang ada kamu di sini.

Ani: Sure.

dialog complimenting :

Hardi: What a great Motorcycle you have, Budi.

Budi : Thank you, Hardi. I just finished modifying it.

Hardi: You mean this is the old motorcycle that you used to drive to school?

Budi : Yes, it is.

Hardi: It looks a lot different. What did you do to it?

Budi : Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new ccessories.

Hardi: Great job!

Budi : Thanks.

Arti dari dialog bahasa inggris diatas adalah sebagi berikut:

Hardi: Bagusnya speda motor yang kamu punya, Budi

Budi : Terima kasih, Hardi. Sepeda motor ini baru saja saya modifikasi

Hardi: Maksudmu, ini adalah sepda motor lama yang biasanya kamu pakai pergi ke sekolah itu?

Budi : Ya

Hardi: Sekarang sepeda motor kamu kelihatanya sangat berbeda. Apa yang kamu modifikasi?

Budi : Tidak banyak. Hanya saya cat dengan warna sedikit cerah dan menamba bebrapa asesoris

Hardi: Kerja hebat!

Budi : Terima kasih.

semoga benar kakak jawaban nya

36. Buat lah contoh kalimat bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan congratulating dan complimenting minimal 6 kalimat​

semoga membantu kalau salah maaf ya

37. lagu bahasa inggris yang bisa di complimenting

little star , happy bhritday ,

38. Apa pengertian complimenting dalam bentuk bahasa inggris

Complimenting is a word used to compliment others achievement or its new thing.

39. contoh dialog bahasa Inggris tentang complimenting ?

A : Hello, what are you doing?
B : Hello too, I'm just drawing.
A : Wow, may I see it?
B : Yeah, sure. Sorry if it's not nice.
A : This drawing is really nice! You are really talented!
B : Thank you, but I'm not that talented as what you think.
A : You are welcome, but what I say is true! I suggest that you need to practice more in order to draw better.
B : Okay, thanks for your suggestion. I will practice more if I have the time to do that.
A : You are welcome.
smoga bermanfaat :)))

40. contoh bahasa inggris COMPLIMENTING,,, tlng bntu jwab ya

- Wow you got a nice bracelet!
- He looks nice today!
- You are absolutely fabulous today! -you look gorgeous!
-what a beautiful dress!
-how cute you are!
-she's so pretty!

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