buatlah sebuah Hortatory dalam bahasa inggris!
1. buatlah sebuah Hortatory dalam bahasa inggris!
Title: Corruption
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia.
Argument 1:The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the capital. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more often. They even bribe the officials.
Argument 2:
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.
I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.
2. Contoh paragraf hortatory exposition dalam bahasa inggris
THESIS : Indonesia is a culturally-diverse country. Many different religions and cultures from many provinces are now seen living side by side in many places. One of the biggest questions facing Indonesian today is how to deal with a culturally diverse citizenry and then promote unity.
ARGUMENT 1 : Therefore, Indonesians should appreciate differences among culture for the following reasons. Firstly, Indonesia is vulnerable to separation for its archipelago and culture diversity. Raising tolerance among people is the best way to maintain the unity among differences. Many ways or cultures of living are equally legal, even if they are not regarded as normal by some people. If a society claims to be tolerant of personal choice, then it must respect the personal choice to retain their heritage. Then, unity of the nation can be preserved.
ARGUMENT 2 : Secondly, Indonesians must recognize that every culture has different customs and beliefs. Thus, people are forbidden to make judgments of comparative value, for it is measuring something unmeasured. A plurality of nations, especially in the modern era, can allow for cultural development and cultural exchange that benefits both parties. The cross-cultural understanding among cultures makes the world a better place and preserves the unity of the nation.
ARGUMENT 3 : Lastly, raising nationalism is one way to preserve unity of the nation. It is a sense of fellow feeling between group members. This promotes cooperation and social cohesion within the group. The sense of social cooperation makes welfare, social security and medical programs much more likely and stronger.
RECOMMENDATION : Cultural differences are sometime a sensitive matter for people. Indonesian people must teach younger generation about the importance of the cultural identity and nationalism to promote unity of the nation.
3. Tuliskan tujuan dari eksposisi hortatory dalam bahasa inggris
to persuade the readers/listeners that something should or should not be the case (memaparkan dan mempengaruhi pembaca/pendengar bahwa sesuatu seharusnya demikian atau tidak demiikian, sesuatu layak dilakukan atau tidak layak dilakukan).
4. Buat lah 10 pg masing masing menggunakan teks Hortatory menggunakan bahasa inggris
###Semoga bermanfaat
###Semoga bermanfaat
5. contoh soal hortatory beserta jawaban
Solve the Problem of Economic Issues
Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issues. People were affected severely with the high fuel price hike last year. Obviously they cut their spending. As an example, they had to buy lower quality of rice or palm oil. There were also fewer buyers of secondary commodities like flour, or canned meat or fish.Furthermore, the condition of low income family will become even worse because their expenses will increase while their salaries will not. Many companies will have to trim the number of employees because they are incapable of managing buying or selling price, standard wages and personal affairs.Finally, government should not raise fuel price to overcome economic problem but the solution should be sought by tapping into the nation’s own potential and utilizing it to enhance productivity to its maximum.
Answer the following questions based on the text!
1. The text above is in the form of?
Answer : Hortatory exposition text
2. The generic structure of the first paragraph is?
Answer : Thesis
3. What is the generic structure of the text ?
Answer : Thesis, arguments and recommendation
4. What is the tittle of the text ?
Answer ; Solve the Problem of Economic Issues
5. What problem has been discussed in the text ?
Answer : Solve an economic issues
6. buatlah hortatory exposition text tentang guru dan marketplace, menggunakan bahasa Inggris. mohon bantuannya ya secepatnya terimakasih
Judul: Pentingnya Guru di Pasar
Di dunia yang berkembang pesat saat ini, pasar menjadi semakin kompetitif dan dinamis. Saat kita menavigasi lanskap yang kompleks ini, sangat penting untuk mengenali peran penting yang dimainkan guru dalam membentuk angkatan kerja masa depan. Guru tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tetapi juga menanamkan nilai-nilai dan menginspirasi siswa untuk mencapai potensi penuh mereka. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting untuk menghargai dan mendukung guru kita di pasar.
1. Membangun Fondasi yang Kuat:
Guru adalah arsitek pengetahuan, meletakkan dasar untuk kesuksesan masa depan di pasar. Mereka membekali siswa dengan keterampilan penting, seperti pemikiran kritis, pemecahan masalah, dan komunikasi yang efektif. Dengan memelihara kemampuan ini, guru memberdayakan siswa untuk beradaptasi dengan tuntutan pasar yang selalu berubah.
2. Menumbuhkan Inovasi dan Kreativitas:
Di pasar yang berkembang pesat, inovasi dan kreativitas adalah kualitas yang sangat dicari. Guru memainkan peran penting dalam mengembangkan atribut ini dengan mendorong siswa untuk berpikir di luar kebiasaan, mengeksplorasi ide-ide baru, dan mengambil risiko. Dengan memelihara budaya inovasi, guru mempersiapkan siswa untuk menjadi pengusaha, penemu, dan pemimpin masa depan.
3. Mengembangkan Keterampilan Lunak:
Sementara keterampilan teknis itu penting, pasar juga menghargai keterampilan lunak seperti kerja tim, kepemimpinan, dan kemampuan beradaptasi. Guru tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan tetapi juga memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk mengembangkan keterampilan penting ini. Melalui proyek kelompok, presentasi, dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, guru membantu siswa menumbuhkan keterampilan antarpribadi yang diperlukan untuk sukses di pasar.
4. Menanamkan Nilai dan Etika:
Dalam pasar yang semakin saling terhubung, perilaku etis dan integritas adalah yang terpenting. Guru berperan penting dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai dan etika pada siswa. Dengan mempromosikan kejujuran, empati, dan tanggung jawab sosial, guru membentuk individu yang akan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pasar dan masyarakat secara keseluruhan.
Kesimpulannya, guru adalah kekuatan pendorong di belakang pengembangan tenaga kerja yang terampil dan beretika di pasar. Dedikasi, keahlian, dan semangat mereka membentuk generasi profesional masa depan. Sangat penting bagi masyarakat untuk mengakui dan menghargai kontribusi guru yang tak ternilai. Dengan memberi mereka dukungan, sumber daya, dan pengakuan yang diperlukan, kami dapat memastikan bahwa guru kami terus menginspirasi dan membimbing siswa menuju kesuksesan di pasar dan seterusnya. Mari kita hargai dan berdayakan guru kita, karena mereka adalah katalisator kemajuan di pasar.
7. bahasa ingris exkmple of hortatory ekspotion
Example of Hortatory Exposition Text – Corruption
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia.
Argument 1
The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the capital. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more often. They even bribe the officials.
Argument 2
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.
I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.
8. tolong buatkan hortatory exposition tentang pentingnya berbicara bahasa Inggris . sertakan juga dengan struktur nya (thesis, argument, recommendation)
Television Should be for Social Construction
Television is today a part of daily life. It is not only a source of entertainment but also news and information. television is also a valuable tool for science, education and industry
What makes television even more interesting is that action is accompanied by sound, so that we can see as well as hear what on the television. Today we can stay at home and enjoy entertainment that once could be seen only in cinema, theaters and sport arenas. Television enables to meet important people. It can bring important guests and important scene to receivers who are located anywhere.
Television has a great influence on our idea about what is right and what is wrong. It influences the way which we should behave. Television has close related to our life in general. Some times the value and life style we get from television are in conflict with those that we get at home and school.
Critics point out that crime and TV show often appeal to taste for violence, while many games and quizzes appeal to greedy. it is important to suggest that television should be used for socially constructive purpose for the shake of better life.
1. Thesis: Paragraf yang berisi thesis penulis tentang hal penting sebagai ide utama essay pendek hortatory exposition. Pada contoh diatas, thesis yang dibicarakan adalah berkenaan dengan:
As part of house, television should make better life
2. Arguments: Beberapa paragraf berisi bukti, alasan, fakta yang bisa mendukung ide utama seperti dalam thesis yang telah disampaikan pada parafraf pertama contoh hortatory text. Pada cotoh diatas, arguments yang disajikan oleh penulis hrtatory adalah:
Television enables to meet people located anywhere.
Television has a great influence on our idea about what is right and what is wrong.
3. Recommendation: Paragraf atau kalimat penutup berisi hal yang harus dilakukan segera sebagai tindak lanjut atau rekomendasi penulis kepada pembacanya. Dalam contoh ini, recomdasinya adalah:
Television should be used for socially constructive purpose.
9. soal dan pembahasan hortatory exposition?
smoga membantu ya;)
1. Why does the natural environment become one of the serious problem associated with the faster planes ail cheaper flight? Because ....
A. it easily started an epidemic before their illness was diagnosed
B. it can be destroyed by too many visitors
C. the health problem will increase
D. they carry visible items of wealth
E. it can increase crime rate
10. contoh latiha soal perbandingan senilai ,tdk senilai,skala
Contoh soal perbandingan senilaiSepeda motor menempuh jarak 45 km per jam. Sedangkan becak menempuh jarak 9000 meter per jam. Perbandingan kecepatan sepeda motor dan becak adalah…
A. 3 : 1
B. 4 : 3
C. 5 : 1
D. 6 : 1
Pembahasan / penyelesaian soal
Pada soal ini diketahui:
vmotor = 45 km/jam
vbecak = 9000 m/jam = 9 km/jam
Jadi perbandingan kecepatan sepeda motor dan becak sebagai berikut:
45 km/jam
9 km/jam
atau 5 : 1
Jadi soal ini jawabannya C
Contoh soal berbalik nilai
Seorang pemborong mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaannya selama 49 hari dengan 64 pekerja. Karena sesuatu hal pekerjaan itu harus selesai dalam waktu 28 hari. Banyak pekerja yang harus ditambah adalah…pekerja
A. 38
B. 48
C. 102
D. 112
Pembahasan / penyelesaian soal
Dengan menggunakan rumus perbandingan berbalik nilai didapat hasil sebagai berikut.
49 hari
28 hari
64 pekerja
Contoh soal skala
Jarak dari Solo menuju Semarang pada peta 10 cm. Dengan skala 1: 2.500.000, maka jarak yang sebenarnya adalah ….
A. 150 km
B. 200 km
C. 250 km
D. 300 km
Maka :
Jarak pada peta = 10 cm
Skala = 1: 2.500.000
Diminta jarak yang sebenarnya?
Jb = Jp: S
Jb = 10: 1 / 2.500.000
Jb = 10 × 2.500.000
Jarak aktual = 25.000.000 cm = 250 km
11. contoh soal hortatory beserta jawaban
Contoh soal hortatory beserta jawabannya:
The following text is for questions 1 to 5.
Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous pastime.
Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.
Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness, improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be a solo sport, when groups practice together and compete to perform stunts or runs they form firm friendships.
Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.
Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race, chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.
What is the main idea of paragraph 3?Answer: The goodness of skateboarding.
The writer’s purpose in writing the text is?Answer: To convince the readers that they need a safeplace for skaters to skate.
What must we do to let the skaters play?Answer: Build a skate park in the suburbs.
They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie’s free from restrictions. (Paragraph 5)The synonym of the underlined word is ?
Answer: Limitation
PembahasanHortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way. Tujuan teks hortatory yaitu untuk meyakinkan dan mempengaruhi.
Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang simple past tense https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14440709Materi tentang past tense https://brainly.co.id/tugas/703346Materi tentang pengertian simple past tense https://brainly.co.id/tugas/6995318Detail jawabanKelas: 9 SMP
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: 7_Teks Hortatory
Kode: 9.2.7
12. karangan hortatory exposition tentang hp dapat membatasi hubungan antara orang tua dengan anak. (dalam bahasa Inggris)
Technology has come to long ways and mobile phones have become far more advanced than few decades back. They have become more of a necessity than a fancy item. Even students can be seen carrying this device, either for chatting or browsing on the internet. It is undeniable that they have become a part of their everyday life and banning mobile phone for students in school is not sensible. There are several reasons why mobiles phone should be allowed in school.
13. Agar melatih kerja sma team sepak bola cara latihanya adalah
kita harus menghargai pendapat orang lain dan menciptakan rasa kerja sama dalam team
14. perbedaan analytical dan hortatory bhs inggris
Bedanya di general structure nya..
Analytical exposition
Hortatory Exposition
RecommendationAnalytical exposition
Hortatory Exposition
15. conto soal hortatory dan jawabannya
There are many reasons for keeping dogs as pets in the city area, but many people feel that keeping pet dogs should not be allowed in the city. Dogs are often not taken care properly. They are kept in small backyards and rarely taken for walks. They are left in the yard all day by themselves while the family is at work. Very little attention is given to the dog and it is not a very good life for it. It is no wonder why these dogs bark and disturb the neighbours and become a nuisance to the community.
On the other hand, not all people treat their dogs this way and why should the people receive a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from dog's suffer? Dogs can make a lonely person's life happy or make wonderful playmate. It can also teach a child responsibility as they not only get to lay with the dog, but also need to exercise, feed, and care for the dog.
I feel that we should be allowed to keep dogs in the city, because if it is taken care of properly, dogs can be a great source of pleasure. As a child I used to enjoy playing and taking care of my pet. There is not greater loyalty a person can get than from a well-cared dog.
1. Some people do not like the presence of pet dogs in their surroundings because ....
A. the dogs are left in the yards
B. the dogs are often neglected
C. the dogs often bark and disturb the neighbours <=
D. the dogs play with the owner's child
E. the dogs guard the security of the environment
2. The main idea of the last paragraph is ....
A. pet dogs are loyal animals
B. pet dogs are more loyal than humans
C. dogs can be a great source of pleasure <=
D. the writer has no objection to keeping dogs in the city
E. the writer used to play and took care of his pet when he was a child
3. We can infer from the text that keeping pet dogs in the city will not cause any problem as long as ....
A. the dogs are amusing
B. the neighbours like having pet dogs
C. the dogs do not bark at the neighbours
D. the writer has succeeded in persuading the neighbours
E. its presence does not disturb the neighbourhood <= Should Americans be forced to Public Transportation?
First, let me define what the question is and isn’t asking. It isn’t asking if we should we all abandon cars right now, nor is it asking if we should abandon them complety, nor is it asking if every American should do so. It is asking wheater some Americans should have to take public transit some of the time, and I would say yes.
Oil use and pollution aside, in some cities like Los Angeles and New York there just isn’t room for any more roads, so in order for large cities to grow, they need more people to take public transit or risk permanent traffic jam. One bus can safely hold 40 people so even at half capacity that’s nearly 20 cars’ worth of space in traffic cleared up, and nearly 20 parking spaces that don’t need to built.
There are a lot of people that can take with transit little inconvenience but simply don’t because they never have in the past. If residents in areas with plenty of transit had to buy transit passes as part of their property taxes then they would have little excuse not to bus occasionally. QA number of universities already bundle a ‘U-Pass’ with their tuition feeds, forcing their students to take the bus. When given the change the majority of those students have voted to keep these programs.
A similar system in apartments where a portion of the tenants are not issued parking spaces in exchange for a discount on their rent would also be community car to several apartment tenants that arrange a schedule for the car, and this program gets many positive reviews.
So yes, I would say that Americans should be forced to use public transit, as Americans whom are already forced to do so find that it works well for them.
1.What does writer suggest?
a.Americans should learn to use public transportations
b.Americans should give up their car
c.Americans should be forced to use public transportations
d.the government should limit the number cars
e.the government should charge extra taxes for those who uses cars
2.The following is one of the writer’s suggestions in forcing people to use publicTransportations ………….
a.Make people buy transit passes as part of their property taxes
b.Banning the use of cars
c.stop automobile productions
d.Fine people who do not use public transportations
e.limit the number of gasoline
3.What is the purpose of the article?
a.Defining the functions of public transportations
b.arguing that Americans should not use public transportations
c.Suggesting American the ways to use public transportations
d.Asking for more public transportations
e.Suggesting that Americans should be forced to use public transportations
moga membantu ya :)
16. contoh hortatory exposition tentang dilarang merokok didalam sekolah menggunakan bahasa inggris
The student which dicipline not smoking this are
student no smoking in this are
17. Buatlah teks hortatory tentang sekolah dirumah (Daring) dalam bahasa Inggris....Mohon di Jawab ya esok mau di kumpulkan
judul : Implementing Health Protocols in the midst of Pandemic
People are starting to abandon the habit of wearing masks and keeping their distance amid the pandemic that has been going on for nearly nine months. Is it okay to ignore the health protocols? The answer is absolutely no. We should keep obeying the health protocols because the pandemic is not over yet.
In the early pandemic, most of the people are discipline in obeying the health protocols such as wearing mask, washing hands, and keeping a distance. These days, there is a pandemic fatigue where people are tired of being restricted for months in this pandemic.
However, this phenomenon cannot be a reason for us to ignore the health protocols. It is because there is no cure yet which to combat the ferocity of the coronavirus. The most important thing that we can do is stick to health protocols so that we can break the chain of virus spread.
In addition, CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends us to wear mask since it can prevent us from getting or spreading the virus.
Therefore, we need to continue to protect ourselves from exposure to the virus for the good of ourselves and others. To overcome fatigue in the midst of a pandemic, we can try to keep in touch with the people closest to us so that we do not feel bored. We should remember that everyone can be exposed to viruses and vaccines still cannot be used, so it is important to always implement health protocols, especially when there is an urgent matter that requires us to leave the house.
judul : Menerapkan Protokol Kesehatan di tengah Pandemi
Orang-orang mulai mengabaikan kebiasaan memakai masker dan menjaga jarak di tengah pandemic yang telah berlangsung selama hampir sembilan bulan. Apakah tidak masalah untuk mengabaikan protokol kesehatan? Jawabannya jelas tidak. Kita harus tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan karena pandemi belum berakhir.
Di awal pandemi, sebagian besar orang disiplin dalam mematuhi protokol kesehatan seperti memakai masker, mencuci tangan, dan menjaga jarak. Sekarang ini, ada yang namanya pandemic fatigue di mana orang-orang lelah dibatasi selama berbulan-bulan dalam pandemi ini.
Namun, fenomena ini tidak bisa menjadi alasan bagi kita untuk mengabaikan protokol kesehatan. Hal ini karena belum ada obat yang bisa memerangi ganasnya virus corona. Hal yang paling penting yang bisa kita lakukan adalah berpegang pada protokol kesehatan sehingga kita bisa memutus rantai penyebaran virus.
Selain itu, CDC atau Centers for Disease Control and Prevention merekomendasikan kita untuk memakai masker karena bisa mencegah kita dari terkena atau menyebarkan virus.
Maka dari itu, kita perlu melindungi diri kita dari paparan virus demi kebaikan diri kita sendiri dan orang lain. Untuk mengatasi kelelahan di tengah pandemi, kita bisa mencoba untuk tetap berhubungan dengan orang-orang terdekat kita sehingga kita tidak merasa jenuh. Kita harus mengingat bahwa semua bisa terpapar oleh virus dan vaksin belum bisa digunakan, jadi penting untuk selalu menerapkan protokol kesehatan, terutama saat ada hal mendesak yang mengharuskan kita keluar rumah.
( I hope my answer helps you ) artinya semoga jawaban saya membantu kamu yah :)
18. Contoh paragraf hortatory exposition dalam bahasa inggris
Television is today a part of daily life. It is not only a source of entertainment but also news and information. television is also a valuable tool for science, education and industry
What makes television even more interesting is that action is accompanied by sound, so that we can see as well as hear what on the television. Today we can stay at home and enjoy entertainment that once could be seen only in cinema, theaters and sport arenas. Television enables to meet important people. It can bring important guests and important scene to receivers who are located anywhere.
Television has a great influence on our idea about what is right and what is wrong. It influences the way which we should behave. Television has close related to our life in general. Some times the value and life style we get from television are in conflict with those that we get at home and school.
Critics point out that crime and TV show often appeal to taste for violence, while many games and quizzes appeal to greedy. it is important to suggest that television should be used for socially constructive purpose for the shake of better life.
19. Mohon di bantu latihaan soal saya
Bentuk pasif dari kalimat di atas adalah
The car is washed by father.I am invited by her.Some dogs are eaten by the lion.A kite is made by Rudi.Some fruits are sold by motherPEMBAHASANPASSIVE VOICE↪️ Passive voice adalah kalimat yang dibuat dengan cara mengubah object pada kalimat aktif menjadi subject di kalimat pasif. Dan untuk subject pada kalimat aktif nya berubah menjadi by (agent) di kalimat pasif.
Dalam mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif, maka hal yang perlu kita perhatikan adalah :
Jenis tenses yang digunakanMencari object dari kalimat aktif, yang kemudian akan diubah menjadi subjectMengubah pronoun subject menjadi pronoun object, begitu juga sebaliknya. Jika memang di dalam kalimatnya terdapat pronoun.Berikut ini yang termasuk pronoun subject dan object :
Pronoun subject => Pronoun Object
I => me
You => you
They => them
We => us
She => her
He => him
It => It
Contoh :Active : I help my mother every morning. (saya membantu ibu saya setiap pagi)
I => subjecthelp => verb-1my mother => objectevery morning => adverb of timePassive : my mother is helped by me every morning. (Ibu saya dibantu oleh saya setiap pagi)
My mother => subjectIs => to behelped => verb-3by me => by agentevery morning => adverb of timeKESIMPULANPada ke-5 kalimat di atas, semua kalimat aktifnya menggunakan satu jenis tenses yang sama yaitu simple present. Maka untuk kalimat pasifnya juga harus menggunakan rumus dari jenis tensez yang sama. Dimana rumus yang digunakan yaitu :
Simple present active :
➡️ subject + verb-1 (s/es/ies) + object
Father washes the car.She invites me.The lion eats some dogs.Rudi makes a kite.Mother sells some fruits.Simple present passive :
➡️ subject + to be (am/are/is) + verb-3 + by (agent)
The car is washed by father.I am invited by her.Some dogs are eaten by the lion.A kite is made by Rudi.Some fruits are sold by mother.Learn more about :Materi Active & Passive Voice
https://brainly.co.id/tugas/28500874https://brainly.co.id/tugas/27704474https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23057152 https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22927787 DETAIL JAWABANMapel : Bahasa Inggris
Materi : Passive Voice
Level : SHS
Kode Soal : 11.5
Kode Kategorisasi : 11.5.8
Kata Kunci : Passive voice
20. Buatlah teks Hortatory bahasa inggris secara singkat
As we know that so much water in the world. There are many kinds of water that we can consume every day all time.
Consuming water can be made as therapy of disease, because water that we consume with enough amounts and the right method can purify of poisons in our body. The therapy of water can save water availability in the body.
Therapy of water can keep the beauty too. Skins is the out part of the body that has contact with dirty air, sun light and pollutions. To keep the skin elasticity, water is needed in the enough amounts. Water can dampen of skin until not easy to dry and make crimp.
To keep the balancing of size body, water is needed. In fact, water can increase the metabolism and pressing of eat desire. Consume a lot of water can filtrate much calories.
So, let’s consume water everyday at least eight glasses to keep our healthy and beauty. But, the water must be clean and hygiene. Find, buy and consume the best mineral water!
21. contoh dalam bahasa inggris : teks hortatory dan terjemahannya serta soal dan jawabannya yang berhubungan dengan contoh diatas sebanyak 10 soal jawaban
Haii.. Maaf yaa, tapi teks hortatorynya aku copy dari tugas aku dulu:3
Aku langsung ketik dalam bahasa inggris yaa:)
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world, even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it's quite shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in Indonesia.
The survey has made me really sad, because I stay and live here in the country. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a thing more often. They even bribe the some of the most important person.
I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is still not enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by these problem.
I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any distinction.
Exercise :
1. What does a corruption mean? *cari sendiri ya, maaf*
2. Based on the text above, which city in Indonesia is known as the most corrupt place? Jakarta.
3. What would the corruptors do to get people do what they want? By bribing some important persons.
4. What should we do to stop this problem? We have to prevent the younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption by getting ourself involved in the effort to eradicate corruption.
Maaf sekali lagii soalnya tidak mencukupi.
Semoga membantu:3
22. contoh soal 20 hortatory exposition text
I like go to picnic because I can feel refresh after study in a week
23. Tolong saya membuat judul hortatory exposotion teks dalam bahasa Inggris
hartatory king of jungle
24. Buatkan contoh hortatory exposition dengan tema "penggunaan formalin tidak baik untuk makanan" kalau bisa dalam bahasa inggris??? Secepatnya...........
Beware of Formalin Food - There are many frequently asked questions about the formaldehyde. Especially food what is often preserved with formalin, and then what is the danger of formalin.
Formalin is actually a name of a chemical substance consisting of a mixture of formaldehyde, methanol and water. Because it is widely used as a preservative of dead bodies. But lately often misused as a food preservative. For example, if we combine this formalin into a material such as fish meat, the formalin will be absorbed by the meat of fish with ease, then formalin will remove cells from the fish meat and replace it with a more rigid formaldehyde.
The result will be preserved meat or fish did survive for a long time, besides that the fish meat will not rot, because formaldehyde was capable of killing microbes or germs which are usually small role in the process of decay. Let us imagine if the meat was preserved with formalin before we eat, sad, of course very dangerous.
Meanwhile, when used to preserve corpses, obviously very helpful, because it was fast decaying corpse, using formalin, then the body can survive long enough. preserved corpse so what? In some cases the bodies are required to be tested like anatomy lab that uses the body as lab materials.
Because the durable power was incredible then misused as a food preservative, but the government has issued laws that prohibit the use of formalin in food. But in fact there are still many foods market using formalin circulating freely.
The effects of formalin
If you frequently eat foods that are preserved with formalin, it will over time can cause irritation to the stomach so the blood can cause vomiting, or diarrhea mixed with blood, urine or blood and could also potentially cause death. But this rarely happens, because it required a large dose of formalin.
The most common is chronic poisoning due to eating foods that are often preserved with formalin, is usually damaged kidneys or can cause cancer in the future. So be careful buying food and eating food. Should be wary of foods that use formaldehyde as a preservative. semoga sukses kak
25. dalam bahasa inggris .Harap Membuat Teks Eksposisi Hortatory berhak "Beberapa Cara untuk mencegah Penyebaran Corona" terimakasih:)
please make the hortatory exposition entitlied to several ways to prevent the spread of corona26. Buatlah 10 soal pg dan masing masing hortatory
###Ini di tiru aja
###Semoga bermanfaat
27. contoh soal pilihan ganda tentang hortatory
1. Tujuan dari teks hortatory adalah...
a. Memberikan informasi faktual
b. Menceritakan pengalaman pribadi
c. Membujuk atau meyakinkan pembaca tentang suatu pendapat atau tindakan
d. Memberikan instruksi atau petunjuk
2. Ciri utama dari teks hortatory adalah...
a. Menggunakan narasi untuk menyampaikan pesan
b. Memberikan deskripsi tentang suatu hal
c. Menyajikan fakta atau data statistik
d. Menyuarakan pendapat atau ajakan kepada pembaca
3.Struktur teks hortatory terdiri dari...
a. Pendahuluan, isi, dan penutup
b. Latar belakang, masalah, dan penyelesaian
c. Abstrak, metode, dan hasil penelitian
d. Awalan, pengembangan, dan penutup
4.Tujuan dari teks hortatory adalah untuk...
a. Menghibur pembaca dengan cerita yang menarik
b. Mengajak pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu atau mengubah pendapat mereka
c. Memberikan informasi tentang suatu topik secara obyektif
d. Memberikan petunjuk atau instruksi kepada pembaca
5.Bahasa yang umum digunakan dalam teks hortatory adalah...
a. Bahasa persuasif dan penuh emosi
b. Bahasa formal dan teknis
c. Bahasa santai dan informal
d. Bahasa deskriptif dan ilmiah
14. g tau...
15.jawabannya: B
29. dalam bentuk Bahasa Inggris..Harap Membuat Teks Eksposisi Hortatory berhak "Beberapa Cara untuk mencegah Penyebaran corona" jangan terlalu singkat
prevent corona virus by diligently washing hands,exercising diligently and more again
30. contoh soal essay tentang hortatory exposition
seperti contoh surat, contoh malakah, contoh proposal!!
31. buatkan teks hortatory bhs inggris
Teks Hortatory Exposition merupakan teks yang memaparkan sejumlah alasan atau aspek yang menunjukkan bahwa sebuah fenomena/ gejala merupakan permasalahan sosial yang perlu ditemukan solusinya.
Educatioon is a very important part of a child’s life, and yet an increasing number of children are showing reluctance to attend school. It is not that they find the work too difficult or are afraid of the teachers. Instead, it is because they are being bullied.
School bullies can make other children’s lives a misery. The butt of this abuse may often simply be slightly different in some way fromthe rest of the class. A child may have red hair, wearspectacles, or be of a different race, for example. This can make them a target for the school bully.
Bullying takes different forms. Bullies use verbal abuse as well as physical abuse on their victims. They mock or insult their victims with the most insulting name calling. Often they will use their physical size to intimidate those who are smaller and weaker than themselves. The bullies will threaten their victims with a beating to extort money, to take their possession or to tell them to do stupid things.
Some psychologists say that the desire of the class bully to dominate the others is a result of an inferiority complex or some personal unhappiness, but this does not help those who are on the receiving end.
So great is the bullying problem that many schools have been forced to draw up an official strategy for dealing with it. To prevent bullying, schools need to help the students to develop their potential and encourage them to love, respect and help each other. We must protect the students from bullying. They have a right to enjoy their schooldays.
32. Contoh exposition hortatory tentang pacaran di bulan puasa dalam bahasa inggris
If you an Islam you will know in Al Quran we warned to have a GF or BF because the God is always know what do you do
33. buatlah hortatory exposition text tentang guru dan marketplace, menggunakan bahasa Inggris. mohon bantuannya ya secepatnya terimakasih
jawab ajaa sendiriii
34. contoh soal hortatory exposition dan jawabannya
There are many reasons for keeping dogs as pets in the city area, but many people feel that keeping pet dogs should not be allowed in the city. Dogs are often not taken care properly. They are kept in small backyards and rarely taken for walks. They are left in the yard all day by themselves while the family is at work. Very little attention is given to the dog and it is not a very good life for it. It is no wonder why these dogs bark and disturb the neighbours and become a nuisance to the community.
On the other hand, not all people treat their dogs this way and why should the people receive a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from dog's suffer? Dogs can make a lonely person's life happy or make wonderful playmate. It can also teach a child responsibility as they not only get to lay with the dog, but also need to exercise, feed, and care for the dog.
I feel that we should be allowed to keep dogs in the city, because if it is taken care of properly, dogs can be a great source of pleasure. As a child I used to enjoy playing and taking care of my pet. There is not greater loyalty a person can get than from a well-cared dog.
1. Some people do not like the presence of pet dogs in their surroundings because ....
A. the dogs are left in the yards
B. the dogs are often neglected
C. the dogs often bark and disturb the neighbours <=
D. the dogs play with the owner's child
E. the dogs guard the security of the environment
2. The main idea of the last paragraph is ....
A. pet dogs are loyal animals
B. pet dogs are more loyal than humans
C. dogs can be a great source of pleasure <=
D. the writer has no objection to keeping dogs in the city
E. the writer used to play and took care of his pet when he was a child
3. We can infer from the text that keeping pet dogs in the city will not cause any problem as long as ....
A. the dogs are amusing
B. the neighbours like having pet dogs
C. the dogs do not bark at the neighbours
D. the writer has succeeded in persuading the neighbours
E. its presence does not disturb the neighbourhood <=
Nowadays, the system of payment gradually changes. Most people use debit cards instead of cash to make payment. They think it is more effective, efficient, easier, and simpler. However, there are still arguments about the use of debit card as a method of payment.
Well, if you use the card, you will say that the card is so practical. You don't need to count meticulously how much you should pay. When paying using cash, people are afraid of making mistakes in counting the banknote for both the payment and the change. With debit cards, the mistakes is made smaller.
Moreover, you should know that the debit cards are safer than money. Suppose you bring a lot of money when travelling. If it was lost or stolen. You would be left with nothing in your hands. However, if you brought just phone the bank which issues the card to block it.
On the other hand, people who disagree on the use of debit card, will say that its use is so limited. When you buy something in a traditional market, or a vendor for example, can you pay using a credit card? Of course not.
Another thing is that, if you want to use the card, you should make a purchase at minimum amount. If you make less than the minimum transaction, you cannot make use of the card.
For those reasons we think that credit cards are not fully effective as means of payment. We should trace the incoming and ongoing money in our accounts. Besides, we have to control our habit of buying first, paying later habit. Otherwise, without being realized we are charged a lot. You don't have to use credit cards if it is not necessary.
1. Mention the things that make people like to use debit cards as payment.
Answer : They think it is more effective, efficient, easier, and simpler.
2. What are the advantages of using cash as payment?
Answer : We can buy something in a traditional market or a vendor.
3. In what situation can we not use debit card?
Answer : If we buy something in a traditonal market, or a vendor.
maaf kalau kurang berkenan.. hehe
35. Contoh Soal Hortatory Exposition
Government should not raise fuel price to solve the problem of economic issues. People were affected severely with the high fuel price hike last year. Obviously they cut their spending. As an example, they had to buy lower quality of rice or palm oil. There were also fewer buyers of secondary commodities like flour, or canned meat or fish.
Furthermore, the condition of low income family will become even worse because their expenses will increase while their salaries will not. Many companies will have to trim the number of employees because they are incapable of managing buying or selling price, standard wages and personal affairs.
Finally, government should not raise fuel price to overcome economic problem but the solution should be sought by tapping into the nation’s own potential and utilizing it to enhance productivity to its maximum.
Answer the following questions based on the text!
1. The text above is in the form of?
a) Hortatory exposition text
b) Narative text
c) Analytical exposition
2. The generic structure of the first paragraph is?
a) arguments
b) Thesis
c) Recommendation
3. What is the generic structure of the text ?
a) arguments ,recommendation and thesis
b) recommendation, arguments and thesis
c) thesis, arguments and recommendation
4. What is the tittle of the text ?
a) Why Should Wearing a Helmet when Motorcycling
b) Mobile Phones in the School
c) Solve the Problem of Economic Issues
5.What problem has been discussed in the text ?
a) Solve an economic issues
b) effects of smoking
36. membuat karangan hortatory exposition tentang murid dibawah 17 tahun seharusnya tidak diperbolehkan untuk pergi ke sekolah dengan motor. (dalam bahasa Inggris)
Penjelasan:Students under 17 years old should not be allowed to ride a motorcycle to school.
Riding a motorcycle to school can be a convenient mode of transportation for some students. However, this practice can also be dangerous, especially for students who are still under 17 years old. Therefore, it is essential that we prohibit students in this age group from using a motorcycle to go to school.
Firstly, young students do not have enough experience in driving a motorbike. They are more prone to accidents and cannot handle sudden situations on the road as well as more mature riders. Their lack of experience in handling motorcycles increases the risk of accidents that could lead to severe injuries or even fatalities.
Secondly, young students are also more likely to be distracted while riding a motorbike. They may be easily influenced by their peers, showing off or speeding to impress them. They may also be distracted by electronic devices, which can be fatal while driving.
In addition, motorcycle riding for students under 17 years old is prohibited by law in some countries. This law is designed to protect young students from the risks and dangers of motorcycle accidents. In Indonesia, the law stipulates that riders must have a driving license to ride a motorcycle, and this can only be obtained at 17 years of age or older.
In conclusion, it is crucial to prohibit students under 17 years old from riding motorcycles to school. We must prioritize the safety of young students to ensure that they arrive at school and return home safely. Therefore, parents, teachers, and school authorities must work together to enforce this rule and ensure the safety of all students.
37. contoh teks hortatory bahasa inggris tentang narkoba
Drugs (Hortatory Exposition)Drug has a great effect for human's life. it can be positive but sometimes it gives negative effect to us if we use it out of control. (Thesis)There are thousands of drugs that help people. It is called medicinal drugs. For example, antibiotics and vaccines have revolutionized the treatment of infection. They can cure, slow, or prevent disease, helping us to lead healthier and happier lives. But in many cases, there are harmful drugs that people take to help them feel good or have a good time whichis illegal in many countries because these drugs will destroy human's body and brain. Usually, it is called by recreational drugs.Nowadays, recreational drugs are used more than medicinal drugs in our society. It is included drugs' usage for teens. They believe that recreational drugswill help them think better, become more popular, stay more active, or become athletes. Most of them think that drugs will help them escape their problems.But as we have known well before that drugs can not solve problems. They simply hide feelings and problems. When a drugs wear off, the feelings and problems remain, or become worse. (Arguments)With all the consequences of using drugs above, we should give serious consideration before using it. So, we must use it as good as possible as like what the doctors suggest in order we get a positive result thanit's negative (we must get medicinal drugs advantages and throw out every recreational drugs from our body). We must match it with our government, religion, and culture rules. Can it be done or not? (Recommendation)
38. buatlah hortatory exposition text tentang guru dan marketplace, menggunakan bahasa Inggris. mohon bantuannya ya secepatnya terimakasih
Here's a hortatory exposition text about teachers and marketplace
Teachers are the bedrock of any society. They are the ones charged with shaping the minds and hearts of our future generations, and the weight of this responsibility is not to be taken lightly. Teachers are the torchbearers of knowledge, the guardians of wisdom, and the shepherds of creativity and kindness. They are the ones who will guide our future leaders, engineers, doctors, and artists, and it is their commitment and hard work that will shape the future of our nation.
But teachers alone cannot carry the burdens of our education system. They need the support and resources that a marketplace can provide. They need quality teaching materials, modern classrooms, and up-to-date technology to help them provide the best education possible. They need access to continued professional development and mentorship to stay current with the latest best practices. And they need a culture of respect and appreciation for the work they do, so that they can feel valued and motivated to give their all to the students they educate.
The marketplace can play a critical role in supporting our teachers and their work. By providing access to high-quality teaching materials, modern classrooms, and cutting-edge technology, the marketplace can help level the playing field for teachers and ensure that every student has the same opportunities to succeed. By supporting professional development and mentorship programs, the marketplace can help ensure that teachers have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their roles. And by creating a culture of respect and appreciation, the marketplace can help create an environment where teachers feel valued and motivated to do their best.
So let us stand up for our teachers and demand that they have the resources and support they need to do their jobs effectively. Let us advocate for better teacher salaries, improved working conditions, and increased professional development opportunities. Let us celebrate and honor the work our teachers do, and make sure that they know how much we appreciate them.
Together, we can create a world where teachers are respected, valued, and supported, and where every student has the opportunity to succeed. With the right tools, resources, and support, our teachers can shape the future of our nation, and ensure a brighter tomorrow for all of us.
39. buatlah teks hortatory tentang study tour di bali menggunakan bahasa inggris plsss
l have study tour in Bali.there are is beautiful place, the history is unique,and unique place.there are very much museum,wihara,beach,etc.the statue is very interesting, rather spooky, and has a spiritual value.there are interesting and fun with my friends.thanks a lot to read my story about study tour to Bali.
maaf kalau salah
40. Buatlah pidato (analytical / hortatory exposition) dengan tema "Pentingnya mengikuti ekstrakurikuler di sekolah"[Minimal 2 paragraf, Menggunakan bahasa Inggris]
Most of us know about extracurricular provided by schools as the place for students to raise their own skills in academic and non-academic subject. But, the fact comes opposite after we surveyed that students don't have good trace and willingness to join the activities. They choose to go home after school time is over.
I am really sad to hear about the survey result and I hope that we can do something about it, at least changing students intention. Extracurricular activities make us to learn more and to raise our talents. Of course, they are different from what we do in a class, because they are facultative. So, teachers and headmaster should keep and motivate their students to join them by telling the advantages. I think that is a brilliant idea to make passive students change their mind about wasting time in school, yet better than do nothing in home