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Kelas: SMP
Pelajaran: English
Kategori: Useful resource

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Contoh Soal :
Text 1
Sanitation at Home
A home is a place where people cook, eat sleep and look after their children. It protects people from harsh weather – cold, rain, wind, the burning rays of the sun-as well as from insects, animals and other dangers, so a home is a very important place for people to live.
Sanitation at home is important. People can do a lot about improving some of their living conditions in which they live. They should refrigerate food properly or store it carefully to keep it away from bacteria, and they should not leave food lying around because it may attract insects and rats. To Avoid these pests, proper care of garbage is also very important.Careful housekeeping is extremely important to sanitation and food health. People should keep all parts of the house neat and clean by sweeping and mopping them, such as bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. They should tidy up the bedroom, scrub bathroom and kitchen often, and use disinfectants freely. Sanitary condition of a house protects people from germs but health problems not caused by germs are a growing challenge in the field of sanitation today.1. The author is primarily concerned with describing …
a. the importance of having a good home
b. how people should keep their house tidy
c. the ways people should obey to have good sanitation
d. the danger of leaving their meal open
e. the diseases derive from garbage2. According to the author …
a. house is the most important thing to have
b. people should store their meal in refrigerator
c. people should be aware of getting bad environment
d. flies, rats, ants and many other insects need our protection
e. keeping the environment healthy is the most important thing to do3. Which one of the words below has similar meaning to sanitary ?
a. dirty
b. waste
c. clean
d. soiled
e. health
4. The word it paragraph 1, sentence 2 refers to …
a. a home
b. child
c. a place
d. weather
e. wind

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Education in Indonesian

The honorable ones the principle of EDUCATION Kristen Immanuel 2, all teachers and administration staffs of EDUCATION Kristen Immanuel 2 and all my friends from Kindergarden, and one until six grade.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you all to thank Allah the Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place. And also let’s deliver sholawat and salam to our Jesus Christ, Who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right path.
Ladies and gentlemen
It be a great honor for me, to stand right here in front of you all to give a speech about education under the title "Education in Indonesia" in this National Education Day or HARDIKNAS.
Indonesian is a great country. It has so many natural resources that can be used. It has so many beautiful palaces that can mesmerize people. It is so beautiful to live here peacefully with different cultures, languages, and religions. However, why are there still many people who live under poverty in this country? The only answer to this question is because our human resources are still low in the term of education.
If you have ever heard about the news about our international education rank, you would be surprised. As quoted form Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011 which is published by UNESCO and launched in New York on Sunday, 1/3/2011, our international education rank is at 69th place from 129 surveyed countries all over the world. This rank is lower than in 2010.
It opens a question that runs in my head, what happen with our education? Indonesia is a great country with many talented young generations. It was undoubted again that there are so many Indonesian students who win the international education Olympiads such as mathematics, chemical, physics and other. But why our international education rank is still low. So what happen with with our education?
Ladies and gentlemen
There must be a reason why our human resources and our global rank in education are still low. One of the reasons is that our education is expensive. For middle up to high class people the cost of our education is nothing. But for those who live in lower economic class, the cost of our education is beyond their reach. Many of them even abandon their duty to go to school just because they have to work to fulfill their needs.
Our government has made a policy recently to overcome the problem in our education. The policy is increasing national educational budget up to 20% from APBN. This budget later on is used to make education is reachable for low economic level society; to improve teachers’ quality with a program which well known as “sertifikasi”; and to provide school facilities such as library, classroom, laboratory, and sport hall.
Ladies and gentlemen
We hope the policy that the government made will make our educational quality better. Of course as a student, we don’t just sit down and relax without doing something. Good or bad the quality of education of our country also depend us. If we want to change our bad educational paradigm, let’s begin with improving our achievement with studying hard for the sake of our education.
I hope this speech that I deliver today will be useful for you all. Thank you so much for your attention. The last I say:good morning.

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