buatlah 5 soal pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya tentang reservation
1. buatlah 5 soal pilihan ganda beserta jawabannya tentang reservation
what do you do if there are people who order dhe food to you?
A. run the task because it is a responsibility we.
B. the not run the task.
C. pretend to forget.
(maaf kalau aneh)
2. 50 soal pilihan ganda bahasa inggris tentang reservation dan advertisement beserta jawaban
Sorry this questions not annswering....This question is so confusing
3. Buatlah 3 soal pilihan ganda tentang reservation dalam bentuk incompleted dialog beserta jawabannya
Soal pilihan ganda tentang reservation dalam bentuk incompleted dialogue.JawabanPendahuluan
Untuk membuat dialog tentang reservation, kita perlu memahami beberapa ekspresi yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat reservasi. Membuat reservasi biasa kita lakukan ketika kita akan bepergian ke suatu tempat baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Dengan membuat reservasi, kita memastikan bahwa hotel atau restoran yang akan kita kunjungi memiliki tempat untuk kita sebagai tamu mereka.
PembahasanBeberapa ekspresi yang dapat kita gunakan untuk reservation adalah:
I’d like to make a reservation.Do you have openings for tomorrow?Do you have available seats for tonight/next week/tomorrow/etc?I’d like to book...Do you have any rooms with ...?Berikut adalah 3 soal pilihan ganda tentang reservation beserta jawabannya.
Please choose the correct sentence to complete the dialogue.
1. Reservation agent: Good morning, Hyatt Hotel, may I help you?
Customer: ... a room for two people for 3 days from December 20 to the 22.
Reservation agent: Would you prefer a king-size bed or two double, sir?
Customer: I’d two double please.
A. Do you have available rooms for tomorrow?
B. Do you have any rooms with a park view?
C. This is Donna Smith speaking. I’d like to book
D. I’d like to make a reservation
E. What’s your full name?
2. Tour agent: Sparkly Airlines. How may I help you?
Customer: I’d like to book a round-trip flight for three people from Jakarta to Tokyo on October 10, returning on the 18th.
Tour agent: Do you have any preference for what time of a day would you prefer?
Customer: ...
A. How many people will travel?
B. Do you want window seat?
C. How old are you?
D. Is there terminal change?
E. We’d like to leave Jakarta at night and leave Tokyo in the morning.
3. Customer: Hello, is this Rendang restaurant?
Staff: You’re right, ma’am. How may I help you?
Customer: ....
Staff: I’m sorry ...
Customer: Do you have any openings for tomorrow?
Staff: Yes, we have tables available for tomorrow afternoon and evening.
A. I’d like to make a reservation this evening; We’re completely booked this evening.
B. I’d like to make a reservation this evening; We have available tables.
C. What time is your restaurant open? ; We’re closed.
D. We’re closed; Can I reserve?
E. Can I reserve?; We’re full.
Detil JawabanKelas: SMPMapel: Bahasa InggrisKategori: Making Reservation4. contoh percakapan cancelling a reservation and confirmation reservation ?
B: Good afternoon. can i help you?
A: good afternoon, i want to cancel my reservation for today at 5 pm, a table for two.
B: alright sir. We're hoping for your next visit.
A: Thankyou.
A: hello, can you reserve a table for 2? me and my fiancee will come at 5 pm.
B: will do sir.
A: Thankyou.
B: you're welcome.
5. contoh dialog reservation bahasa inggris
A: good morning. thanks for calling ... hotel. my name is.... may i help you?
B: yes i'd like to book a room please
A: sure, when would you stay?
B: for october 23rd
A: how long you will be staying?
B: two nights
A: okay
B: how much the charge per night?
A: its Rp.1.500.000
B: thats fine
A: what name would you like the reservation please
B: i'm .....
A: how you pay it?
B: i am use visa
A: please spell your visa number
B: 123-456-789
A: how you are not coming at the time?
B: you cab call me at 0878xxxxxxx
A: okay let me make sure i got that: mr.x book one room for october 23 & 24. its that correct?
B: yes it is
A: thank you for choosing ..... hotel and have a nice day
B: you're welcome
6. contoh percakapan reservation restaurant 6 orang
Dian: Ria it seems that lately you are not cheerful as usual. What is wrong with you?
Ria: I’m fine, no problem.
Putu: Come on, just admit it. I know by seeing your face. We have been together as friends for 7 years.
Tania: Putu is right. As friends, we have to share the happiness and the sadness one another.
Ria: I’ll tell you. But do you know where Dina is?
Putu: She is seeing a teacher in his office. Why? Is this about Dina?
Ria: You are right. I feel guilty with her.
Yuni: have you done something wrong with Dina?
Ria: I have lost the books I borrowed from her. I do not know what I should say to her.
Tania: Have you searched it carefully?
Ria: Yes I have. I’ve searched it everywhere.
Yuni: So that is why you act weirdly when Dina is here.
Ria: Yes. I’m confused what should I say. I had promised to return the book tomorrow.
Putu: You have to say what really happened.
Dian: True. It was no good to keep the problem and you have to say it soon.
Ria: I’m still waiting for the right time to say it.
Putu: Now, it is the right time.
Then Dina came from the teachers’ office.
Dina: hay girls! Thanks for waiting. Let’s go to the cafeteria.
Tania: Hmmm .. Din. Sit down a minute!
Dina: What’s this? Is there any problem?
Ria: I want to say something with you, Dina!
Dina: What’s that? Just tell me!
Ria: I am sorry. I have lost the book that I borrowed 2 days ago. I have been looking for it everywhere but still could not find it. I apologized and promised to buy new book for you.
Dina: Ohh so this is why you act weirdly lately!
Dian: I also feel the same way. We’re already been friends so long. You cannot hide it all.
Ria: I also apologize to all of you.
Dina: Never mind! It is okay. I forgive you. Anyway I could buy a new one.
Ria: Thanks Dina. You do not need buy a new book. I have to be responsible. I’ll buy a new book in 3 days.
Dina: Okay. Next time if you have problem, you have to talk about it as soon as possible because communication can resolve the problem.
Yuni: Well, problem has been resolved. Let’s go to the cafeteria!
Tania: come on girlsssss ..!
7. Contoh reservation confirmation dalam bahasa inggris
dear jena
thank you for choosing bali's hotel as home away from home.it is our pleasure to confirm resevation.
please don't hesitate to contact us with any changes.
confirmation number: 138509
guest name:royhan
arrival date:february 5th,2014
departure date:february 7th,2014
room type:deluxe room.
rate:$123 on february 5th-7th, 2014
cancellation: cancelation without penalty is required by 04:00 P.M wita
check in time:3:00 p.m
check out time:12 noon
your reservation is guaranteed for late arrival.
8. buatin contoh hotel reservation
recepsionis: good morning ... pakar wisata hotel here. may i help u
tiara ; morning.. yes i want to reserve a room to 25 oct 14
recep : ohh sure .. want do you want deluxe room or suite room
tiara ; how much to deluxe and suite room ?
recep : the deluxe room is rp.500.000/day n suite room rp1.000/day..
tiara : i choose deluxe room.
recep : ok i repet. your reservasion to 25 oct 14 deluxe room.
tiara : yes right. thank you
recep. your welcome
Receptionist: "Can i help you sir?"
Tourist: "Yes, i want reserve a room for 3 days."
Receptionist: "Oh sure, you can wait. What room do you want to reserve?"
Tourist: "The Deluxe room."
Receptionist: "Okay, this is your key and your room number is 503."
Tourist: "okay thank you very much."
Receptionist: "Your welcome, sir."
9. contoh percakapan negosiasi reservation price
Negoisasi adalah satu cara untuk menetapkan keputusan yang dapat disepkati oleh 2 pihak atau lebih untuk mnecakapi kepuasan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan.
a. Negoisasi dilakukan unutk mendaptkan persetujuanatau mnecapi kesepakatan yang didasari kesamaan persepsi dan saling pengertian.
b. Bernegoisasi dilakukan uutk mendappatkan penyelesaian atau jalan keluar dari masalah yang sedang dihadapi bersama.
c. Negosiasi dilakukan untuk mencapai kondisi saling menguntungkan agar masing-masingpihak merasa menang.
David : Maaf, saya kira telah terjadi kesalahan pada tagihan kami. Kami tidak makan malam disini tadi malam.
Resepsionis : Mohon maaf, Bapak ! Tagihan ini berasal dari restoran hotel ini. Disini terdapat tanda tangan Bapak.
David : Tetapi, itu bukan tanda tangan saya. Saya akan berbicra dengan manajer.
Resepsionis : Maaf, Bapak ! Manajer sedang sibuk.
David : Ya, tetapi saya harus menjelaskan persoalan ini kepada manajer Saudara.
Resepsionis : Maaf, Bapak. Ini tagihan dari restoran dan tanda tangan ini adalah tanda tangan Bapak. Berarti Bapak dan istri Bapak makan di restoran ini tdi malam.
David : Maaf, izinkan saya bertemu manajer Saudara. Saya harus berbicara dengannya.
Resepsionis : Ya, mohon ditunggu.
Setelah David berada di ruang manajer.
Manajer : Bapak Mengajukan keluhan tentang tagihan itu, Pak?
David : Ya, saya kira telah terjadi kesalahan tagihan untuk saya. Kami berdua tidak makan malam di restoran hotel ini. Kami makan malam di restoran seberang jalan karena restoran ini tadi malam penuh.
Manajer : Tetapi, tanda tangan ini seperti tanda tangan Bapak.
David : Bukan. Ini bukan tanda tangan saya.
Manajer : Coba saya cek sekali lagi. Oh, maaf. Saya mohon maaf. Ada orang lain lagi yang bernama David, sama dngan nama Bapak. Beliau bersama istrinya makan malam di restoran hotel ini tadi malam. Jadi, itu bukan Bapak. Saya betul-betul mohon aaf atas kesalahpahaman ini.
David : Ya, Tidak apa-apa.
Narasi negosiasi
Pada suatu malam, David dan istrinya menginap disebuah hotel. Karenarestoran dihotel itu sudah penuh, mereka tidak makan malam dihotel itu. Merekapun makan direstoran seberang hotel. Tetapi David dan istrinya mendapatkan tagihan dari pihak restoran karena telah makan malam direstoran tempat mereka menginap malam itu. Karena David dan istrinya tidak merasa makan direstoran itu, maka David menelpon resepsionis hodel dan inginbertemu dengan manager hotel untuk membicarakan keluhan itu.
Akan tetapi resepsionis menolak permintaan David dengan alsan, manager hotel sedang sibuk dan tidak bisa diganggu. Namun David tetap bersikeras ingin bertemu manager hotel. Tidak lama setelah itu resepsionis mengabulkan permintaan David.
Saat bertemu dengan manager hotel, David dan istrinya mengungkapkan keluhan mereka, jika David dan istrinya tidak makan direstoran itu tapi mereka mendapat tagihan dari pihak restoran.
Kemudian manager mengecek dan menemukan bukti yang menunjukkan jika malam itu David danistrinya makan malam derestoran itu. Karena David masih tidak terima dengan alsan itu, lalu manager mengecek kembali dengan teliti. Ternyata manager salah orang, karena pada malam itu ada 2 orang yang bernama David.
Negoisasi adalah satu cara untuk menetapkan keputusan yang dapat disepkati oleh 2 pihak atau lebih untuk mnecakapi kepuasan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan.
Narasi negosiasi
Pada suatu malam, David dan istrinya menginap disebuah hotel. Karenarestoran dihotel itu sudah penuh, mereka tidak makan malam dihotel itu. Merekapun makan direstoran seberang hotel. Tetapi David dan istrinya mendapatkan tagihan dari pihak restoran karena telah makan malam direstoran tempat mereka menginap malam itu. Karena David dan istrinya tidak merasa makan direstoran itu, maka David menelpon resepsionis hodel dan inginbertemu dengan manager hotel untuk membicarakan keluhan itu.
Akan tetapi resepsionis menolak permintaan David dengan alsan, manager hotel sedang sibuk dan tidak bisa diganggu. Namun David tetap bersikeras ingin bertemu manager hotel. Tidak lama setelah itu resepsionis mengabulkan permintaan David.
Saat bertemu dengan manager hotel, David dan istrinya mengungkapkan keluhan mereka, jika David dan istrinya tidak makan direstoran itu tapi mereka mendapat tagihan dari pihak restoran.
Kemudian manager mengecek dan menemukan bukti yang menunjukkan jika malam itu David danistrinya makan malam derestoran itu. Karena David masih tidak terima dengan alsan itu, lalu manager mengecek kembali dengan teliti. Ternyata manager salah orang, karena pada malam itu ada 2 orang yang bernama David.
Akhirnya manager hotel itu meminta kepada David. Tentu saja, David dan istrinya memaafkannya.
10. contoh reservation lestoran dengan bahasa indonesia
a: selamat siang,ada yang bisa saya bantu,pak?
b: yah, bolehkah saya memesan meja?
a: tentu. bapak ingin meja untuk berapa orang?
b: hanya untuk dua orang
a: baiklah, mohon tunggu sebentar
b: terimakasih
11. contoh reservation form
Reservation apa ? Reservation restoran ? Reservation pesawat ? Tolong spesifikasi
12. contoh percakapan bahasa inggris antara guest dan reservation,,,,,butuh banget jawaban
reservation itu kan tempat reservasi... di detil kan dong
13. contoh percakapan cancelling a reservation and confirmation reservation ?
A: I need to cancel my reservation. I have personal matters that need fixing.
B: That's not a problem. Just give me your name, phone number, and date of visit.
A: Noir Sinclair, 818-555-1234, September 1 through 17.
B: I see your info here on the screen. I'll hit just one button, sir, and you're cancelled.
A: Thank you. I'm glad that wasn't too much of a bother.
B: It's a pleasure.
Alice (Receptionist): Good Evening, Ngurai Rai Airlines. May I help you, sir?
Antonio (Guest) : Good evening, I have a ticket from Bali to Canada and I would like to confirm it please?
Alice: What number is your flight, sir?
Antonio : My flight number is B412.
Alice: One moment please?
*after awhile*
Alice: Hello, your business ticket is already confirmed and the plane will take off at 06.00 AM from Bali and your arrival in Canada will be at 11.00 PM local time.
Antonio: Okay, thank you very much.
Alice: You’re welcome
14. Contoh percakapan tentang reservation
Dialog 1: Reservasi Tiket Kereta
Officer: Good morning, Sir. Can I help you? (Selamat pagi, Pak. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?)
Customer: Good morning. I want to reserve train ticket for Eid holiday and the destination is Surabaya. I can reserve the tickets from now, right? (Selamat pagi. Saya ingin pesan tiket kereta untuk liburan lebaran dan tujuannya adalah Surabaya. Saya bisa pesan tiket dari sekarang, kan?)
Officer: Can I know when the exact date you want to reserve, Sir? (Bisakah saya tahu kapan tanggal pastinya Anda ingin pesan, Pak?)
Customer: I want to reserve for May 19th for departure from Jakarta and June 1st from Surabaya (Saya ingin pesan untuk tanggal 19 Mei untuk keberangkatan dari Jakarta dan 1 Juni dari Surabaya)
Officer: So it’s a round-trip reservation, right? For how many people? (Jadi ini adalah pemesanan pulang pergi langsung, ya? Untuk berapa orang?)
Customer: For six people, five is adult and one is infant (Untuk enam orang, lima orang dewasa dan satu orang bayi)
Officer: Okay, I accept your data and the date that you requested is still open for reservation. I can proceed this reservation if you give your identition card along with other passenger’s identition (Oke, saya menerima data Anda dan tanggal yang Anda minta masih terbuka untuk reservasi. Saya bisa memproses pemesanan ini jika Anda memberikan kartu identitas Anda dan penumpang lainnya)
Customer: Here are our identition cards (Ini kartu identitas kami)
semoga membantu:))
15. soal pilihan ganda reservation 1. the caller reserve.... a. a suet room b. two rooms c. there room d. four room e. five room
two rooms
maaf kalo salah
16. Contoh kalimat dari reservation
I thought i already made reservation than him
Saya pikir saya telah membuat pemesanan sebelum dia
17. Contoh kalimat dari reservation
Ian : I’d like to make a reservation for the second weekend in July. Do you have any vacancies?"
Hope it helps:)
18. Contoh kalimat dari reservation
I thought I already made reservation though than him
Saya pikir saya telah membuat pemesanan sebelumnya saripada dia
19. contoh dialog reservation di sekolah
Adi: Bud, if you've told the headmaster at once ordered some classes to be used as a socializing room?
Budi: is already on, take it easy.
Adi: alright then, Bud.
20. contoh soal reservation dan jawabanya
mention three kinds about linen bathroom in here ?
bath math,bath towel,hand towel
21. contoh confirm a Reservation
Terima kasih telah memilih untuk tinggal bersama kami di Hotel Sampel. Kami sangat senang untuk mengkonfirmasi reservasi Anda sebagai berikut:
Nomor Konfirmasi:
Nama Guest:
Mr Ned Smith
Tanggal Kedatangan:
Tanggal Keberangkatan:
Jumlah Tamu:
Deluxe Suite King
Tarif per malam:
$ 575,00
Waktu Check-in:
Check-out Time:
Jika Anda memerlukan check-in lebih awal, silakan membuat permintaan Anda sesegera mungkin. Harga dalam dana AS dan tunduk pada negara bagian dan lokal pajak yang berlaku. Jika Anda merasa perlu untuk membatalkan reservasi ini, Sampel Hotel membutuhkan pemberitahuan oleh 04:00 hari sebelum kedatangan Anda untuk menghindari biaya untuk tarif kamar satu malam.
Apapun yang bisa kita lakukan untuk membuat kunjungan Anda istimewa, hubungi kami di 800.888.8888. Atau dengan mengklik kontak Concierge sini, Anda akan dibawa ke formulir checklist pra-kedatangan kami di mana kami akan membantu Anda dengan pemesanan terlebih dahulu untuk transfer bandara, makan, golf tee-kali dan perawatan di spa.
Kami berharap untuk kesenangan memiliki Anda sebagai tamu kami di Sampel Hotel.
Hormat kami,
John Moore
Departemen Reservasi
Ps. Selama Anda tinggal, kami akan menjadi tuan anggur pasangan makan malam indah disiapkan oleh Executive Chef John Hill. Anggur dari pemenang penghargaan PlumpJack kebun anggur akan ditampilkan. Tempat duduk terbatas jadi silakan melakukan pemesanan sekarang dengan baik mengisi formulir permintaan concierge terpasang atau menelepon 0341-blablabla
lumayan panjang
22. soalnya : purpose of reservation through telephone. (mohon dibantu, soalnya nyari diinternet isinya example reservation semua & kalo benar akan dijadikan jawaban terbaik). Terima Kasih
The purpose of reserving through phone is to arrange for something such as a table in a restaurant or a room in a hotel to be kept for you at a later date or time so no one else can take it.
23. contoh dialog cancelling reservation?
A : i need to cancel my reservation. i have personal matters that need fixing
B : That's not a problem. Just give me your name, your phone number, and date of visit
A : Kania Arta, 818-555-1353, April 9 through 15.
B: I see your info here on the screen. i'll hit just one button, ma'am, and you're cancelled
A: Thank you, i'm glad that wasn't too much of a bother
B: It's a pleasure
24. beri contoh soal tentang reservation beserta kunci jawaban dan alesannya
coba lihat aja disini mungkin ada jawabannya!
25. tolong dong buatin soal reservation hotel sama jawabannya
1. Reservation agent: Good morning, Hyatt Hotel, may I help you?
Customer: ... a room for two people for 3 days from December 20 to the 22.
Reservation agent: Would you prefer a king-size bed or two double, sir?
Customer: I’d two double please.
A. Do you have available rooms for tomorrow?
B. Do you have any rooms with a park view?
C. This is Donna Smith speaking. I’d like to book
D. I’d like to make a reservation
E. What’s your full name?
Jawabannya Yang C
jangan lupa buat jawaban ini sebagai jawaban yang terbaik
26. contoh percakapan tentang reservation hotel beserta artinya
can i order a reservation for this hotel please? //////sure. please wait a minute. iwill check the available room.
arti:bisakah aku memesan reservasi hotel ini?/////tentu. tolong tunggu sebentar.saya akan memeriksa kamar yang tersedia.
27. contoh dialog appointment and reservation
*Tono and Tina Has Been Married and want to persen kamar hotel untuk bermalam pertama :v
Tono:"Hi Darling!How Are you today?"
Tina:"Hi! I'm Fine thank you!"
Tono:"Did you want to order a Hotel room Tonight? For Our Honey Moon!"
Tina:"Thats a good Idea!"
Tono:"Okay,I'm gonna doing a reservation For A Five star Hotel Room, then we'll doing a Happy holiday weekend Tour!"
Tina:"Cool! but,Did you promise(Appointment)That We really Order The Hotel room And Touring?"
Tono:"Sure! I Promise!"
Tina:"Thank you! You so sweet!"
Tono:"No problem" :)
Sekian :)
Semoga Membantu!
Maaf kalau ada salah!
Maaf juga kalo agak lebay :v
28. contoh dialog reservation memastikan penerbangan? gimana ??
May i know your flight time sir/madam?
Kata may digunakan agar lebih sopan
29. Contoh dialog reservation and acted
Hal ini karena hotel yang akan dipesan itu berada di jauh dari tempat tinggal Anda atau Anda malas keluar rumah sehingga lebih nyaman melakukan reservasi via telepon.
Berikut contoh percakapan reservasi hotel melalui telepon, lengkap dengan terjemahannya.
Resepsionis:“Good morning, Maju Terus Hotel here. How can I help you today?” [“Selamat pagi, hotel Maju Terus di sini. Apa yang bisa saya bantu untuk Anda hari ini?”]Arwin:“Hello, I would like to book a room for tomorrow.” [Halo, saya ingin memesan sebuah kamar untuk besok.”]Resepsionis:“What kind of room would you like?” [Kamar tipe apa yang Anda inginkan?”]Arwin:“I would like a double room, please.” [Saya ingin double room.”]Resepsionis:“Please hold on I will check. I am afraid we only have single room available…Tomorrow we will have a double room.” [Mohon tunggu sebentar, saya akan memeriksanya. Saya takut kami hanya punya single room…. Besok kami memiliki double room.”]Arwin:“OK. How much for a double room?” [“Baik. Berapa tarif double room?”]Resepsionis:“Forty dollar per night including tax.” [“Empat puluh dolar per malam, termasuk pajak.”]Arwin:“Are meals included in that price?” [“Apakah makanan termasuk dalam harga tersebut?”]Resepsionis:“Yes, your breakfast and dinner are included and are served in our dining room.” [Ya, sarapan dan makan malam Anda sudah termasuk dan disediakan di ruang makan kami.”]Arwin:“That’s great. I will take a double room for tomorrow.” [“Bagus. Saya akan mengambil sebuah double room untuk besok.”]Resepsionis:“Can you give me your name and phone number so we can book your room?” [“Bolehkah Anda menginformasikan nama dan nomor telepon Anda sehingga kami bisa memesankan kamar Anda?”]Arwin:“OK” [“Baik.”]
Melakukan percakapan reservasi hotel melalui telepon dalam bahasa Inggris tidaklah sulit. Anda tinggal bertanya tipe kamar yang Anda inginkan, harga, dan fasilitasnya.
30. contoh percakapan handling reservation
Receptionist : Good afternoon, Sir. Welcome to Highland Hotel. (Selamat siang Pak. Selamat datang di hotel Highland).
Mr. Brown : Hi, good afternoon. (Hi, selamat siang).
Receptionist : How may I help you, Sir? (Adakah yang bisa saya bantu Pak?).
di buku kuliah ku sih ini, semoga bener yaaa. maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu ')
31. contoh soal pilgan dan essy reservation
bisa diperjelas kah contoh soal pilgan dan essay nya berapa banyak dan itu tentang reservation?
32. contoh reservation letter
Reservation for Hotel
Holiday Inn
20th March 2015
Dear : Holiday Inn
Please be informed that I will be travelling to German on 4 April 2015 ang I will be requiring a room at your hotel for the duration of 3 days.
I would like to reserve on ocean view suite that 2 beds included. I checked on your website and the price is supposed to be $231 per night.
Please call me at 343-221-5670 to verify my reservation.
Thank you
Smoga membantu ya..
33. Contoh dialog reservation dalam bahasa inggris
Dialogue - Reservation
Hotel: Grand Park Hotel, good afternoon. Can I help you?
Caller: Good afternoon. Yes, I´d like to inquire whether therer are two double rooms available from 20 June to 25 June.
Hotel: Just a minute - I´ll put you through to th the reservation.
Reservations: Reservations, Mrs Elbe speaking.
Caller: Mercado, Eleanore Mercado skeaking. I´d like to know whether there are 2 double rooms available from 20 June for 5 nights.
Reservations: Let ´s have a look. Well, there is one available with balcony and one without balcony.
Caller: That´s fine. Which other amenities does the room offer?
Reservations: There is a satellite TV, coffee and tea making facilities, a bathrobe and bath slippers, a seperate toilet and shower stall, and 24h room service. You can choose between a queen size bed or twin beds.
Caller: The room with balcony should be equipped with a queen size bed, the other one with twin beds, please.
Reservations: Which name please?
Caller: M-E-R-C-A-D-O.
Reservations: Thank you. Bed with breakfast or half board?
Caller: We only take breakfast.
Reservations: Will you be paying by credit card?
Caller: Yes, Visa, my number is ........
Reservations: Thanks - please let me know your mailadress or fax for you to sign it. Then please fax it back to us.
Caller: Please mail it to emercado@..........
Reservations: Thanks - we are looking forward to seeing you here.
Caller: Good bye.
Reservations: Good bye.
Sumber : http://virtuelleschule.bmukk.gv.at/fileadmin/e-content/lernen/gruppe_fremdsprache/Dialogue.htm
Seemoga membantu ^^
Dialogue - Reservation Hotel: Grand Park Hotel, good afternoon. Can I help you?
Caller: Good afternoon. Yes, I´d like to inquire whether therer are two double rooms available from 20 June to 25 June.
Hotel: Just a minute - I´ll put you through to th the reservation.
Reservations: Reservations, Mrs Elbe speaking.
Caller: Mercado, Eleanore Mercado skeaking. I´d like to know whether there are 2 double rooms available from 20 June for 5 nights.
Reservations: Let ´s have a look. Well, there is one available with balcony and one without balcony.
Caller: That´s fine. Which other amenities does the room offer?
Reservations: There is a satellite TV, coffee and tea making facilities, a bathrobe and bath slippers, a seperate toilet and shower stall, and 24h room service. You can choose between a queen size bed or twin beds.
Caller: The room with balcony should be equipped with a queen size bed, the other one with twin beds, please.
Reservations: Which name please?
Caller: M-E-R-C-A-D-O.
Reservations: Thank you. Bed with breakfast or half board?
Caller: We only take breakfast.
Reservations: Will you be paying by credit card?
Caller: Yes, Visa, my number is ........
Reservations: Thanks - please let me know your mailadress or fax for you to sign it. Then please fax it back to us.
Caller: Please mail it to emercado@..........
Reservations: Thanks - we are looking forward to seeing you here.
Caller: Good bye.
Reservations: Good bye.
34. contoh percakapan cancellation reservation in hotel
Halo. Good afternoon.
My name is .... Yesterday i have reserved a room under my name for tommorow. However, due to some flight issues, I have to cancel my reservation. Thank you for your understanding.
35. contoh room reservation
gitu kalau kurang terlihat maaf ya
36. contoh dari reservation?
room reservastion, seat reservation, table reservatiom etc.room reservastion..................
37. tolong buatkan soal tentang reservation dalam bentuk objektive
Questions 36-40 are based on Texts 3 and 4. Text 3 From : Irene Sukandar [Irene@messages.com] To : Kirtya Hotel [reservetion@Kitya.com] Subject : Room Reservation I need a single room with a queen-sized bed for four nights, from April 14 until April 17. Do you have a room available then? I will be attending a conference at the Convention Center and I understand that your hotel is just two blocks from there. Please confirm this for me as I don’t want to have to walk far or deal with cabs. Also, do you have a pool and a weight room? Is there a restaurant located in or near the hotel? Thank you for your help.
Text 4 From : Kirtya Hotel [ reservation@Kitya.com] To : Irene Sukandar [Irene@messages.com] Subject: Re: Reservation for a Bussines Trip
We do have the type of room that you want. It costs Rp 1,100,000 per night. However, for the first night of your stay only, I will have to give you a king-sized bed as there are no queens available that night. It costs an extra Rp 250,000. I hope this will suit you. Starting on April 15, you can have the type you requested. I can confirm that we are located very close to the Convention Center, just one block further than you thought. It is a very pleasant walk through a park to the center, and I’m sure you will enjoy it. We do have a pool, but unfortunately it is currently closed for repairs. There is a full-service restaurant, poppies, located in the hotel. Hotel guests are entitled to a free breakfast there. Lunch and dinner are also served and can be charged to your room for your convenience. If you would like to go ahead with your reservation, please send me your credit card information as soon as possible.
36. When does Irene Sukandar want to begin her stay at Kitya Hotel? a. April 14 b. April 15 c. April 16 d. April 17
37. What kind of room does she request? a. A room for one person. b. A room with two queen-sized bed. c. A room near the pool. d. A room with a view of the park.
38. If Irene Sukandar makes the reservation suggested in the hotel e-mail, how much will she pay? a. Rp 1,100,000 b. Rp 1,350,000 c. Rp 4,650,000 d. Rp 5,000,000
39. How far is the hotel from the Conversation Center? a. One block b. Two blocks c. Three blocks d. Four blocks
40. What is included in the price of the hotel room? a. Breakfast b. Room Service c. Use of the pool d. Use of the weight room
41. I prefer working at the office working at the factory. a. than b. to than c. better than d. rather than
42. A : Will you go to the office with me? B : … a. I would rather stay here than go b. I would rather stay here than going c. I would rather stay here from go d. I would rather stay here to go
43. Which of the sentence indicates preference? a. Deni doesn't like to apply for the job as a salesman. b. Rendi prefers become a programmer rather than an operator. c. I like to stay all night to work. d. My manager asks me to write a reference letter.
44. All his friends believe that he can do his job very well. It means he do his job well. a. may b. could c. will d. is able to
45. "I could have asked somebody else to finish this report," means … a. I finished the report b. Somebody else finished the report c. I asked somebody to finish the report d. I don't want to finish the report
46. The human resource manager made the applicant two hours. a. wait b. waits c. waited d. waiting
47. Mr. Gusman can’t have the package until Saturday. a. deliver b. will deliver c. delivering d. delivered
48. I’ll have my assistant for an appointment. a. call b. calling c. called d. will call
49. If Mrs. Sudarmo this report before 2.00, her secretary will type it. a. will finish b. finished c. has finished d. finishes
cari di google juga ada
38. contoh canceling reservation
Sorry... i want to change the dessert ( Restaurant )
# Maaf klo salah
39. pengertian hand ling reservation dan contoh dialog
Receptionist : Good afternoon, Sir. Welcome to Highland Hotel. (Selamat siang Pak. Selamat datang di hotel Highland).
Mr. Brown : Hi, good afternoon. (Hi, selamat siang).
Receptionist : How may I help you, Sir? (Adakah yang bisa saya bantu Pak?).
Mr. Brown : I’d like to make a reservation for the second weekend in March. Do you have any vacancies? (Saya ingin membuat reservasi untuk akhir pekan di minggu kedua pada bulan Maret. Apakah anda memiliki kamar yang kosong?).
Receptionist : Ok Sir, let me check it for you. Please wait a moment. Yes sir, we have several rooms available for that particular weekend. What is the exact date of your arrival? (Baik Pak, persilahkan saya mengeceknya untuk anda. Mohon tunggu sebentar. Baik Pak, kami memiliki beberapa kamar yang tersedia pada saat itu. Tanggal berapa tepatnya kedatangan anda Pak?).
Mr. Brown : March 16th. (16 Maret).
Receptionist : How long will you be staying, Sir? (Berapa lama anda akan menginap Pak?).
Mr. Brown : I’ll be staying for 2 days. (Saya akan menginap selama 2 hari).
Receptionist : Okay Sir. How many people is the reservation for? (Baik Pak. Untuk berapa orang reservasi yang anda pesan Pak?).
Mr. Brown : There will be two of us. So, I want to reserve only 1 room.(Akan ada dua orang. Jadi, saya hanya ingin memesan 1 kamar).
Receptionist : Would you like a room with twin beds or a double bed, Sir?(Apakah anda ingin kamar dengan tempat tidur twin atau double, Pak?).
Mr. Brown : A double bed, please.(Sebuah tempat tidur double).
Receptionist : Okay Sir. Would you like to have a room with a view of the mountain? (Baik Pak. Apakah anda ingin memiliki kamar dengan pemandangan gunung?).
Mr. Brown : If that type of room is available, I would love to have that. What’s the rate for the room? (Jika kamar dengan jenis itu tersedia, saya akan senang dengan itu. Berapa harga ruangannya?).
Receptionist : The rate is five hundred dollars per night. What name will the reservation be listed, Sir? (Harganya 500 dolar per malam. Atas nama siapakah reservasinya akan di daftarkan Pak?).
Mr. Brown : Daniel Brown. (Daniel Brown).
Receptionist : Could you spell your last name, please? (Bisakah anda mengeja nama belakang anda Pak?).
Mr. Brown : Sure. B-R-O-W-N.(Tentu. B-R-O-W-N).
Receptionist : Okay, thank you Mr. Brown. May I have your phone number, please? (Baik, terima kasih Bapak Brown. Bisakah saya memiliki nomor telepon anda?).
Mr. Brown : Yes, my phone number is 1234-5678. (Ya, nomor telepon saya adalah 1234-5678).
Receptionist : Well Mr. Brown, now I’ll need your credit card information to reserve the room for you. What type of card is it? (Baik Bapak Brown, sekarang saya akan memerlukan informasi kartu kredit anda untuk mereservasi ruangan untuk anda. Apakah jenis kartunya?).
Mr. Brown : It’s Visa. The number is 43211234. (Kartunya Visa. Nomornya adalah 43211234).
Receptionist : What is the name of the cardholder, Sir? (Siapakah nama pemegang kartunya Pak?).
Mr. Brown : My name itself, Daniel Brown. (Nama saya sendiri, Daniel Brown).
Receptionist : Alright, Mr. Brown, your reservation has been made for the 16th of March for one room with a double bed and view of the mountain. Check-in is at 1 P.M. Should you have another questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
(Baik, Bapak Brown, reservasi anda telah dibuat untuk tanggal 16 Maret untuk 1 ruangan dengan tempat tidur double dan pemandangan gunung. Jam masuk adalah jam 1 siang. Apabila anda memiliki pertanyaan lain, silahkan jangan ragu-ragu untuk menghubungi kami).
Mr. Brown : Okay, thank you so much. (Baik, terima kasih banyak).
Receptionist : My pleasure, Sir. See you in March, Mr. Brown. Have a nice day. (Dengan senang hati, Pak. Sampai jumpa di bulan Maret Bapak Brown. Semoga hari anda menyenangkan).
Mr. Brown : Sure, see you and have a nice day too. (Tentu, sampai jumpa dan semoga hari anda juga menyenangkan).
Jadi seperti itu kurang lebihnya proses reservasi yang terjadi.
40. contoh percakapan cancelling a reservation and confirmation reservation ?
Dennis = Good afternon
Resvt. = Good afternon sir, could i help you?
Dennis = Sure, i canceling of Christmas party reservation, because i will be held a party at my mother's house
Resvt. = Ok sir, i will erased you from the guest book list, thanks for information, good luck for your party
Dennis = Thanks for your greet
Confirmation reservation
Resvt. = Hello, good afternon, could i speak with Mr. Paul
Paul = Yes, i am here
Resvt. = Sure, Mr. Paul as No. 1989 Bachelor Graduated invitation?
Paul = Yes, that's right, i will be attend to the ceremony
Resvt. = Thanks sir, i will write your name at present book
Paul = Thanks you too