Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Subjunctive

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Subjunctive

buatin cerita dalam bahasa inggris tapi harus ada subjunctive

Daftar Isi

1. buatin cerita dalam bahasa inggris tapi harus ada subjunctive

When i arrive in campus,the first person i was looking for is he.His name is binsar.He has wistful eye and cool style.And actually i like to he.And i wish he knew about my feeling.But it turns out he ready have a girl friend.Then now i think,if only i knew him before his girl friend.And until now,i still hopes ad i wish that someday he would  love to me like i love to he.

even though he already has a girl friend,i still expect he and wishing his lover there do not mind if i love her lover.And soon i wish i would meet with his lucky girl.Some time i can also feel jealous if  i see his girl friend picture at binsars phone,but you know like usually i cant say something because i am no body its him.And maybe ia must  be quite satisfied with just be his friend and living with a friend zone with he.

2. tolong bantu aku untuk membuat dialog bahasa inggris tentang subjunctive,

Pertama,cari dulu dalam bahasa indonesia apa itu subjunctive.Ketika sudah paham apa arti kata subjunctive dalam bahasa indonesia,buatlah dialog yang sesuai dengan temanya.

Semoga bermanfaat.

3. Contoh subjunctive :)

she suggested that he choose this dress
it is imperative that you be honest to your parents

4. Mohon Bantuannya :)Tuliskan ( 5 Contoh ) Dari Subjunctive Ke -1 ,2,3

type 1
 I wish I knew what to do.
If only i could say anything to you
You act as if you were idol
If only I didn’t have homework, I can sleep.
Stay calm and act as if there was nothing happen

Type 2
 I wish I could come to your party tomorrow.
If only I could say I love you
If only I could follow the tour to Bali next month.
You bring an umbrella as if  today would rain. Don’t you see sun shines so bright?
I wish it woul be bright today

type 3
 I wish I had studied harder when I was at school.
I wish i could have back in time
If only I had known that Sean is your girl, I would not touch her.
She just passed in front of me as though she had never know me.

5. tuliskan kalimat subjunctive type 1,2,3

1.Future Subjunctive
Future Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu pada masa yang akan datang, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Future Tense.

Subject (1) + wish + Subject (2) + Could / Would + Verb 1
I wish you would come to the party tonight.
(Artinya: Saya berharap kamu akan datang ke pesta nanti malam.)
(Faktanya: He will not come to the party tonight)

2. . Present Subjunctive
Present Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu pada masa sekarang, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense.

Subject (1) + wish + Subject (2) + Verb 2 / were
As if /As though
Subject (1) + Verb 1 + as if + Subject (2) + Verb2 / were
Would rather
Subject (1) + would rather + Subject (2) + Verb 2 / were
If only
If only + Subject + Verb 2

Pada bentuk Present Subjunctive, kata kerja yang digunakan adalah bentuk ke-2 (VERB 2), dan jika harus menggunakan to be, harus menggunakan “were” untuk semua jenis Subject.

I wish you visited me.
(Artinya: Saya berharap kamu mengunjungi saya.)
(Faktanya: You don’t visit me.)

The girl dresses as if it were summer now.
(Artinya: Perempuan itu berpakaian seolah-olah sekarang musim panas.)
(Faktanya: it is not summer now.)

3. Past Subjunctive
Past Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat pengandaian yang mengacu pada masa lampau, jadi faktanya juga dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense.

Subject (1) + wished + Subject (2) + Had + Verb 3 / been
As if /As though
Subject (1) + Verb 2 + as if + Had + Verb 3 / been
Would rather
Subject (1) + would rather + Subject 2 + Had + Verb 3 / been
If only
If only + Subject + Had + Verb 3 / been

She wished (that) she had had more time last night.
(Artinya: Dia berharap bahwa dia punya waktu lebih kemarin malam.)
(Faktanya: She didn’t have more time last night.)

6. Hope dan wish? Penjelasan ttg subjunctive? Apa bisa hope diubah menjadi subjunctive

hope adalah berharap
wish adalah ingin
subjunctive adalah kata pengandaian
hope bisa dirubah menjadi subjunctive karena hope artinya berharap dan subjunctive adalah kata pengandaian 

7. contoh present subjunctive dgn fakta nya

Present subjunctive : Ron wish buy a new computer

Fact : He won't buy a new computer

8. apa yang di maksud subjunctive ?

Subjunctive adalah kata kerja yang di gunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang tidak ada atau tidak terjadi, dapat berupa conditional (pengandaian), wish (harapan), as if / as though (yang berbeda dengan kenyataan), requirements (kebutuhan), dan suggestion (saran).The Answer :

Subjunctive is a verb form to express a supposition different from reality .
(Subjunctive adalah sebuah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sebuah Impian / Andaian yang dimana Pengandaian tersebut berbeda dari Kenyataan yang Terjadi )

9. Buatlah Sebuah Karangan Tentang Seorang Figure Yang Di Dambakan Menggunakan: -TYPE 2 -TYPE 3 -Subjunctive ``WISH`` -Subjunctive ``IF ONLY``




Wish If Only

10. berikan contoh kalimat subjunctive the past, the present, dan the future tapi dengan contoh kalimat yang sama !

its odd that she wont meet me
its odd that she doesn't want to meet me
its odd that she will not meet me

semoga membantu

11. make the example of subjunctive

1. Robi acts as though he were a king.
(Robi berlaku seakan-akan dia raja.)
2. Siti eats much as if she had not eaten for a month.
(Siti makan banyak seakan-akan dia sudah tidak makan sebulan.)

12. Contoh 5 kalimat subjunctive menggunakan if only

if only today were sunny
( seandainya hari ini berawan )

if only budi cut his hair
( seandainya budi memotong rambutnya )

if only she were not here
(seandainya dia tidak ada di sini )

if only they could speak english
(seandainya mereka bisa berbahasa inggris)

if only I did not wake up at afternoon
( seandainya aku tidak bangun di siang hari)

semoga membantu:)

13. Pengertian Subjunctive

Subjunctive adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk mengungkapkan kebutuhan, saran, harapan, atau pengandaian yang berbeda dengan kenyataan. Kata kerja ini terbagi menjadi present dan past subjunctive dimana memiliki aturan penggunaan berbeda.
subjective adl kata2 kerja yg biasa digunakan utk menyatakan sesuatu yg berlawanan atau tdk sesuai dg kenyataan. Kata2 yg digunakan dm subjunctive adl “wish” (menginginkan/ mengharapkan), “as if/ as though” (seolah-olah), “would rather” (lebih suka), “if only” (seandainya/ jika saja).

14. my mom gets angry with me.i wish change into subjunctive tolong dijaeab dengan bahasa. inggris

I wish my mom didn't get angry with me

15. make the example of subjunctive

1. I wouldn’t be panic if I were you.
= (Saya tidak akan panik jika jadi kamu.)
2. I wish he were here to repair my computer.
= (Saya harap dia disini memperbaiki komputer.)
3. Everybody wishes that Sarah were able to control her emotion.
= (Setiap orang berharap Sarah dapat mengontrol emosinya.)

16. buatlah 10 kalimat menggunakan subjunctive wish, as if, if only, would rather, yg memiliki factual dan subjunctivesepertiF(factual) : it doesn't rainS(subjunctive) : i wish it rained

1. S : i wish you were here
F : you are not here
2. S : i wish you had been here
F : you were not here
3. S : she wishes he came to her house now
F : he doesn't come to her house now

17. jadikan kalimat subjunctive.

1. I wish you were here now.
2. He know everything as if he didn't know everything.
3. I would rather stay at home today.
4. Oji did not heard something about story as though he sleep.
5. He wished Cynthia had joined the a-capella group.

* I hope this answer right and can help you 

18. Contoh masing subjunctive yang the past , the present dan the future.

she talked to me as if she were a princess
lainnya bikin sendiri ya

19. apa contoh present subjunctive

Rumus dari “Present Subjunctive Wish” sangat mudah untuk diingat dan dipahami, yaitu:



We wish we could have much time to spending our holiday in this weekend
(Kami berharap kami dapat mempunyai banyak waktu untuk mengabiskan liburan kami di akhir pekan ini)

I wish my parent did not work for 2 days
(Aku berharap orang tuaku tidak bekerja selama dua hari)

Ginanjar wish the guest star gave him her signature
(Ginanjar berharap bintang tamu memberikannya tanda tangannya)

My mother wish many friends came at my sixteen party
(Ibuku berharap banyak sahabatku yang dating di pesta ulang tahunku yang ke enam belas)

Ratna wish Her friends liked her cook
(Ratna berharap sahabat-sahabatnya menyukai masakannya)



We wish we could have much time to spending our holiday in this weekend

(Kami berharap kami dapat mempunyai banyak waktu untuk mengabiskan liburan kami di akhir pekan ini)

I wish my parent did not work for 2 days

(Aku berharap orang tuaku tidak bekerja selama dua hari)

Ginanjar wish the guest star gave him her signature

(Ginanjar berharap bintang tamu memberikannya tanda tangannya)

My mother wish many friends came at my sixteen party

(Ibuku berharap banyak sahabatku yang dating di pesta ulang tahunku yang ke enam belas)

Ratna wish Her friends liked her cook

(Ratna berharap sahabat-sahabatnya menyukai masakannya)

20. Subjunctive: wish + past simple

wish +past tense : untuk menyatakan keinginan yg tdk mungkin terjadi saat ini.
kamu kakak perempuan yg menyebalkan.
you have a nasty sister

I wish I didn't have a nasty sister

kamu tidak punya saudara laki laki
you don't have any brother

I wish I had a brother

21. ciri ciri past subjunctive, perfect subjunctive, dan future subjunctive ?​


biasa nya di soal ada 5 kata yang menandakan itu subjenctive, yaitu : wish, as though, as if, if only, would rather.


Past Subjunctive digunakan untuk pengandaian yang mengacu pada masa lalu. Past Subjunctive mempuyai time signal yang menandakan itu kalimat Past Tense yaitu : Yesterday, last night

Contoh :

Subjunctive : I would rather the man hadn't visited me yesterday

Faktanya : The man visited me yesterday

Future Subjunctive digunakan sebagai kalimat yang mengacu pada masa yang akan datang. Future Subjunctive mempuyai time signal yang menandakan itu kalimat Future Tense yaitu : Tonight, Tomorrow, Next week, Soon

Contoh :

Subjunctive : If only you could come with us tonight

Faktanya : you can't come with us

Perfect Subjunctives adalah sebuah ungkapan harapan yang tidak terwujud di masa lampau. Ciri-ciri dari Past Perfect Subjunctives adalah kata kerjanya dalam bentuk Past Perfect.

I wished they had invited me. ( the fact: They didn't invite me )

You talk as if you had been there. ( fact : You were not there )

They would rather I had called them. ( fact : I didn't call them )

If only I had rejected him. ( fact : I didn't reject him )

The president requested that they stop the occupation. ( President didn't request them )


Maaf kalo salah

Semoga membantu ^-^

22. apa sih subjunctive itu?? contoh: 1. the doctor get hadi ....... (eat) more fruit and vegetable

1. The doctor get Hadi ate (eat) more fruit and vegetables

23. explain about subjunctive!

Subjunctive digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang kita inginkan/bayangkan. Contohnya, subjunctive digunakan untuk:
- membicarakan sesuatu yang kita inginkan supaya terjadi.
- sesuatu yang kita antisipasi
- membayangkan sesuatu.

Subjunctive ini jarang digunakan dalam percakapan dan lebih banyak ditemukan pada teks. Ciri-ciri yang menonjol pada subjunctive adalah penggunaan infinitive yang tidak pernah berubah apapun subjeknya. 

1. Fixed subjunctives
contoh: Long live the King! 
God save the Queen. 

2. That + subjunctive 
Digunakan untuk mengindikasikan bahwa hal tsb harus dilakukan (directive)
Contoh: The boss demands that you be present at the meeting.
It is important that every student study. (walaupun every student merupakan subjek singular, yang digunakan adalah study bukan studies.)

subjunctive is another way of talking about possible, desirable, or hypothetical situations is by using what many grammars call a present subjunctive verb as in this example: It is necessary that Peter see his teacher. What makes the bolded verb special is that it does not have the third person singular –s ending that we find in declarative clauses that contain a present tense verb (e.g. Every day Peter sees his teacher).

24. buatlah 20 contoh kalimat subjunctive, 20 kalimat introgative dan 10 kalimat adjective close....!tolong bantu

introgative:1.)Is icha a teacher?
2.)Am I here?
3.)Are the student diligent?
4.)are you at home?
5.)is the earth round?
6.)Do the study english every day
7.)was I late yesterday?
8.)were Anton and Andi here?
9.)was erna sick last night?
10.)Did you drink milk yesterday?

25. perbedaan subjunctive WISH dan HOPE. Terdiri dariDefinisiRumusContoh kalimat masing" 10.tolong yah buat sekarang.


Wish and Hope has its difference, from the pattern and function. Here are the explanation and its example below:
1. There are two kind of wish, which states the contrary of the reality 
    wish for regretting present situation ----} S + wish + S + past simple 
    wish for regretting past mistakes ----} S + wish + S + past perfect
2. Hope is mainly to state the expectation in the future. Here's the pattern
    S + hope + to + V1   OR
    S + hope + that + sub clause
Here's the example: 
1. I wish I had a daughter like her
2. I wish I could swim faster
3. I wish I weren't shorter than her
4. I wish she forgave me.
5. I wish he worked longer for us. 
6. I wish things had been better
7. I wish I hadn't made the same mistakes.
8. I wish I hadn't been married.
9. I wish I had been able to get away from her. 
10. I wish she had been my enemy.

1. I hope to see her
2. I hope to get a scholarship soon.
3. I hope to speak Spanish better
4. I hope to talk things over
5. I hope to be able to fly there soon.
6. I hope that you can understand it.
7. I hope that your wish can come true
8. I hope that they reconsider me.
9. I hope that his contribution is good enough.
10. I hope that it goes well.

Kelas: SMA
Mapel: English
Kategori: wish and hope 

26. make the example of subjunctive

the Subjunctive is used to emphasize urgency or importance. It is used after certain expressions (see below).


I suggest that he study.
Is it essential that we be there?
Sammy recommended that you join the committee.

27. make the example of subjunctive

- I recommend that you take a cooking class.
(Saya merekomedasikan kamu mengambil kelas memasak.)
- The doctor suggested that white rice bereplaced with brown rice.
(Dokter menyarankan beras putih diganti dengan beras merah.)
- It is desirable that they be on time.
(Diharapkan mereka datang tepat waktu.)
- It is necessary that she prepare for the next exam.
(Perlu untuk dia mempersiapkan ujian selanjutnya.)
- If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity.
(Jika saya miliuner, saya akan mendonasikan uang untuk amal.)

28. Bantu nyelesein pliss Ini harus sesuai subjunctive


money kept in a bank, I wisk had


sorry kalau salah

29. Contoh kalimat subjunctive (type 1, type 2)

i am happy now.... type 1
i was angry yesterday.... type 2

semoga membantu

30. Tolong bantu kak 1. She didn't come to my party last night Subjunctive : ... 2. We don't visit you this morning Subjunctive : .... 3. You will not teach me about this subject Subjunctive : ... 4. ...... Subjunctive : I wish I would meet you 5. .... Subjunctive : I wish I had gone to Bali yesterday


Dia tidak datang ke pesta saya tadi malam

Subjunctive: ...

2. Kami tidak mengunjungi Anda pagi ini

Subjunctive: ....

3. Anda tidak akan mengajari saya tentang subjek ini

Subjunctive: ...

4. ......

Subjunctive: Saya berharap bisa bertemu dengan Anda

5. ....

Subjunctive: Saya berharap saya pergi ke Bali kamu

31. buatlah 10 kalimat menggunakan subjunctive wish, as if, if only, would rather, yg memiliki factual dan subjunctivesepertiF(factual) : it doesn't rainS(subjunctive) : i wish it rained

1. S: If only i were beautiful , i would be an actress
F : im not beautiful , so i can't be an actress

2. S : if only i had know your phone number i would have called you
F : i didn't know your phone number so i would not call you

32. 2 contoh kalimat menggunakan future subjunctive

If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.
If I had a ball, I’d throw it to your dog.
If I ate like that, I’d die.
If I were to eat like that, I’d die

33. jelaskan tentang subjunctive mood in english dong​


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Pengertian Subjunctive

Subjunctive adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk mengungkapkan kebutuhan, saran, harapan, atau pengandaian yang berbeda dengan kenyataan. Kata kerja ini terbagi menjadi present dan past subjunctive dimana memiliki aturan penggunaan berbeda.

34. subjunctive. buat 5kalimat simple present dan 5 kalimat simple past dan buat subjunctivenya

1.kalimat presentense
she go to school every day
i am a teacher
the salt  is too salty
chili is hot
you are a student
2. past tense
she went to the market last week

kalimat simple present
- Budi usually comes on time
-  The sun rises from the east.
- The supermarket opens at 08:00 and closes at 10:00.
- The lecturer is a person who explains a knowledge and science to the   
- They learn mathematics once a week.

kalimat simple past
- My uncle didn't sleep in his bed room. 
- My mother brought a bag yesterday morning.
- I knew that problem a month ago.
-<span class="_wysihtml5-temp-placeholder"></span> He stole my book yesterday night.
- I didn't sell my house.

35. Contoh kalimat subjunctive phrase

if i were a bird i would bring you to the sky

36. What is the different between subjunctive with verb and subjunctive with adjective in specific please? U.u

I was doesn't know what the spesific i was want to tell you a little bit about that. I think that subunjective with verb is often use than subunjective with adjective. Sorry, iwas onli wrote that come into my mind. :)

37. contoh subjunctive with wish

1) I wish i would pass the exam.
2) Della wishes he will come.
3) I wish i had done it earlier.
4) I wish it would rainy tomorrow.

38. Mohon bantuannya besok di kumpul ini tentang Subjunctive


adulty only is 5my brother

39. make the example of subjunctive

I recommend that you take a cooking class.
(Saya merekomedasikan kamu mengambil kelas memasak.)
"i wish i can play with him again"
*aku berharap dapat bermain dengan dia lagi*

"if i can make a time machine, i will turn back time"
*seandainya aku bisa membuat mesin waktu, aku akan memutar balikan waktu*

40. contoh kaliamt subjunctive wishes about the past

1. I wish our team had been the second participant in that competition
2. My mother wished We had spent our holiday in Lombok island
3. I wish yesterday I had finished my report

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