tugas bahasa inggris kelas 11 materi invitation letter "making an invitation,accepting an invitation,refusing an invitation
1. tugas bahasa inggris kelas 11 materi invitation letter "making an invitation,accepting an invitation,refusing an invitation
Contoh Making an invitation:
"Will you come to the party?"
"Let's go to the park!"
Contoh Accepting an invitation:
"I would love to come to the party."
"Sure, I'll go."
Contoh refusing an invitation:
"I cannot come to the party."
"No, thank you."
2. buatlah 3 contoh soal dari formal dan informal invitation letter. bahasa inggris
1. The purpose of the text is to invite you ....
A. To attend Mr and Mrs Sembiring's marriage
B. To unite Alice an Jeffry in a wedding party
C. To attend Alice and Jeffry's wedding party
D. To marry with Mr and Mrs Sembiring
2. Which statement is TRUE based on text?
A. The party will be held on june 13th, 2008
B. Jeffry Sitorus is Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring's son
C. The party will be sponsored by Gajah Wong Restaurant
D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring will celebrate their anniversary
3. Where is the party?
A. At a garden
B. School
C. Kahfi Residence
D. Suhito Home
3. Buatlah sebuah contoh formal invitation letter dalam bahasa inggris !
Mr. and Mrs. Pujiyanto
cordially request the pleasure of your company
on the wedding ceremony of their daughter
Siti with Davy
On Friday, the Twelfth of December
at seven o’clock
in Gedung Kartini Jl. Gatot Subroto
Dinner will be served at 8 p.m.
R.S.V.P to Yani 021-26734578 or rsvpwedding@myemail.com
4. contoh percakapan bahasa inggris tentang suggestion , agreement , invitation , disagreement , opinion , invitation
Ando : Hi, Intan. Have you seen The Conjuring movie?
Intan : Hi, Ando. I have not seen that movie. Why?
Ando : Would you like to see The Conjuring movie with me Tinoght?
Intan : Unfortunately. I can’t because I am scared horror movie.
Ando : Okay if you are scared horror movie. Shall we come to fireworks party in the downtown?
Intan : When it happen?
Ando : Tinoght, dear. How?
Intan : Really?
Ando : Yeah, if you can.
Intan : With pleasure, Ndra. I like fireworks very much.
Ando : Okay, I will pick you up at 8 pm.
Intan : Thank you.
John: Hey what do u think about this movie?
Zedo: I think this movie is really good.
John: I don’t think so. This movie is so boring that I sleep while watch it. The plot is flat and there is not any suspense in the story. I like watching film but this time I disagree with you
Ati: Hey, Look at my new Ring , isn’t it cool??
Bis: Yeah, I absolutely agree with you, your ring is so cool. It perfectly matches with your finger. It must be a very expensive ring.
arya : Hai pande,
Pande : Hai Arya,
Arya : pande, i want to buy motorcycle tomorrow. Should i buy ninja motor or supr motor?
Pande : i think, you should buy a ninja motor.
Arya : Why is that?
Pande : Because i want to borrow it, he he ....
Arya : it's good idea, but my money not enough. Do you have any recommendation
Pande : Why don't you buy a bicycle?
Arya : Wow, it's very good idea
Pande : Yeah,
Arya : Can you accompany me to buy it?
Pande : Yes i can, Lets go
Mr .Rasyid : What ’s your opinion about The New English Book ?
waldan : My opinion is such an expensive book .
Mr . rasyid : Very good . How about you Lisa ?
Gibran : Well , I think it ’s Ok . I Like That . it ’s not too thick and no expensive.
Mr . rasyid : Good. Any body has another opinion ?
Tegar : Yes , I have . My opinion is that book is too thick.
Mr . rasyid : Good. All your answers are correct . Do you understand , students ?
Students : Yes . We got it , sir .
Mr . rasyid : Great . You’ re really smart .
Students : Thank you.
5. bantu kakak kakakawab pertanyaan ini1. Apa pengertian Invitation letter2. Berapa jenis Invitation letter?3. Sebutkan contoh invitation letter sesuai jenisnya!4. Tuliskan struktur Invitation letter yang informal.
1. Invitation letter adalah surat resmi yang digunakan untuk mengundang seseorang atau kelompok orang untuk menghadiri acara atau kegiatan tertentu. Invitation letter biasanya digunakan dalam konteks bisnis, akademis, atau pemerintahan.
2. Ada dua jenis Invitation letter, yaitu formal dan informal.
3. Contoh Invitation letter:
- Formal: Invitation letter untuk konferensi internasional, undangan rapat bisnis, undangan wisuda, undangan pernikahan resmi.
- Informal: Invitation letter untuk pesta ulang tahun, undangan makan malam, undangan hangout bersama teman.
4. Struktur Invitation letter yang informal biasanya terdiri dari:
a. Salam pembuka (Dear + nama penerima undangan)
b. Pengenalan diri dan tujuan undangan
c. Detail acara atau kegiatan yang diundang
d. Informasi tambahan (misalnya dress code, tema acara, atau hal-hal yang perlu dibawa)
e. Penutup dan ucapan terima kasih
f. Salam penutup (Sincerely, Regards, atau salam lainnya)
Doain gw supaya hari ini berjalan baik dan lancar
6. Contoh dari invitation card dan invitation letter
Mr. and Mrs. Downe Morrison
Request the pleasure of your company
at the Angel House
on Saturday, March 22, 2012
at 7 p.m.
on Diner Party
R.S.V.P by March 21, 2012
Nashville 332-8740 or Nashville@yahoo.com
7. tuliskan contoh invitation letter
Contoh Surat Undangan Pernikahan Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Jakarta, April 7, 2018
Anton Jaya
Intan Permatasari
We have come to our new life,
We want to share the joy of our marriage with all the families and friends.
We write this invitation to invite all of you to share the joy with us Our wedding reception.
Please come on :
Date : April 12, 2018
Place : At Multipurpose Building
Time : 14.00 PM - end
It’s a blessing for us if you were there and pray for our new life.
Thank you.
We are the new blissful family,
Anton Jaya and Intan Permatasari
July 13rd
Hey, You are being invited to my 17 Birthday Party! Wear a nice costume and bring me a present so that you can come in! Hope you can join me, thank you !
Lots love, Harry
8. contoh invitation card dalam bahasa inggris
Hello friends , lets go to my party on sunday at 01.00 pm in my house ! Dont forget itini pas waktu itu aku buat
hei friend...
your invited to my 14th birthday party
my party start from 9-10 pm
at my house
street manggara 14 number 6
date 19th july 2009
i hope you can come friend
from= riska
to= nadia
9. Ciri kebahasaan invitation letter:)?
biasanya dibuat dengan kata" ajakan
dan harapan
10. Tuliskan contoh soal personal letter dalam Bahasa Inggris dan jawabannya!
Contoh Personal Letter 1
Apt BLK 30, Eunos St. #05 – 116
Singapore 1441
2nd April 2009
Dear Liza,
I have received you letter asking me to meet you at your house this Sunday to discuss the urgent matter you have. I regret however to say that it will not be possible for me to see you on Sunday as I already have a previous appointment . I shall see you on Monday next week at 5 p.m . Hoping the change of date will be convenient to you .
Your sincerely
Liza sayang,
Saya telah menerima surat Anda yang meminta saya untuk menemui Anda di rumah Anda hari Minggu ini untuk membahas masalah mendesak yang Anda miliki. Namun saya menyesal mengatakan bahwa tidak mungkin bagi saya untuk melihat Anda pada hari Minggu karena saya sudah memiliki janji sebelumnya. Aku akan menemuimu pada hari Senin minggu depan jam 5 malam. Berharap perubahan tanggal akan nyaman bagi Anda.
Yang Tulus,
1. What does the letter tell about ….
A. Liza’s problem
B. Liza’s appointment
C. Daisy’s previous letter to Liza
D. Daisy’s regret for not being able to come (Jawaban Benar)
E. A meeting held at Liza’s house
11. contoh invitation formal dalam bahasa inggris
PT. Barakuda Muda
Jl. Bandara No.66, Palembang
Palembang, March 9th, 2016
To Mr. Jhonson Black
General Manager of PT. Markit Outfit
Jl. Pangeran No.33, Jakarta
Dear Mr. Jhonson,
We write this letter in order to request your honorable presence in our company 23rd Anniversary celebration. The celebration will be held on:
Date: March 16th, 2016
Hours: 07.00 pm to 22.00 pm
Venue: J & J Hotel, 10th floor meeting room
We hope Mr. And Mrs. Jhonson would be available to come and join us. We would like to see you both there in our company’s anniversary celebration.
Your Sincerely,
Andra Ceksa
General Manager PT. Barakuda Muda
SVP: (0812 8374 xxxx)Dress: Business
Undangan di atas ditujukan untuk mengundang seseorang ke acara pesta ulang tahun perusahaan dengan pakaian wajib seperti pakaian bisnis.
12. contoh letter invitation dan balasannya
Letter Invitation : hi (nama kamu) you invited to my pool party at my pool i inviting our friends too dont forget to bring a swimsuit for swimming.
From your friends (namanya)
balasan : that's cool! Of course I will come
13. Contoh invitation card dan invitation letter
Invitation card : To my friend : Tasya Come to my birthday party,Sunday 25 october 2014 At 02:00 p.m in my house,jalan A.Yani km.33
14. contoh informal invitation letter
party Invitation
Please, come to my birthday party tonight.
I ordered so many foods and beverages for you guys. The party will taken place
at ..... (place)
10 pm or whatever (time)
Don't forget to bring change because there is going to be a pool party as well.
I hope you guys can come, it is going to be the best party ever
See you there,
15. contoh letter invitation dan balasannya
I want to Invite You to my birthday Party, do you want to join with me?
~Ouh it's a great Sound, Yes, I do
~Ouh I'm sorry No, I don't
16. contoh letter dalam bahasa inggris
Contoh Personal Letter 1
Bandung, 5 November 2017
To my beloved friend, Aurora.
In Paris
Hello Aurora, How are you today? Hopefully you are fine. It's been a while since you left me here alone, huhuhu so sad. My family and I here are missing you a lot
so,maaf kalo salah^÷^ Medan,January 15th 2019
Dear Agita,
What's up pall Mutia told me you just got an accident.He said you would miss our game against Bukit Cahaya Secondary School.What a pity!Don't worry about it friend!Get Well Soon!
Your friend,
17. Contoh soal dan teks invitation letter Butuh banget
To : Sarah
dear my friend
Hello how are you? I hope you Fine
I want to invite you to join for my Sweet 17th, I hope you coming.
date : 15th October 2016
place : Kartini building
time : 11.00 PM until the end
your friend
(sorry yauu klo salah)
18. contoh informal invitation letter
Dear Gede,
Thanks for your present, i really like your gift. How are you, friend? I hope you’re well. How about your family in Bali? I really miss them, specially your father, Mr. Ketut. I remember when we’re going to Kuta for surfing. He taught me how to surf, it was unforgetable moment. Kuta was a beautiful place.
I live in Bandung now. Last night, my family planned to go to Bali. we will be in Bali for 3 weeks in vacation. We will go on March. I hope we can meet again.
Oke I will send you an email soon.
Best wishes,
Kepada Gede ,
Terima kasih untuk pemberianmu , saya benar-benar suka hadiahmu . Bagaimana kabarmu, sobat? Aku harap kamu baik baik saja. Bagaimana keluargamu di Bali ? Aku benar-benar merindukan mereka , khususnya ayahmu , Mr. Ketut . Saya ingat ketika kita pergi ke Kuta untuk berselancar . Dia mengajar saya bagaimana untuk surfing , itu momen yang tak terlupakan . Kuta adalah tempat yang indah .
Saya tinggal di Bandung sekarang . Tadi malam , keluarga saya berencana untuk pergi ke Bali . Kita akan berada di Bali selama 3 minggu. Kami akan pergi pada bulan Maret . Saya harap kita bisa bertemu lagi sobat.
Oke saya akan mengirimkanmu email segera .
Berharap yang terbaik ,
19. contoh membuat invitation letter
Denver, CO 80409
December 17, 2008
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,
As the parents of the bride, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the wedding of our daughter, Sandra Green to her fiancé, Adam Locke. On this joyous occasion, we wish to share the day with our closest friends and family members.
Children grow faster than any of us can imagine, the time is upon us to watch our child grow and flourish into a new stage of their life. He proposed while the two of them were on vacation, she happily accepted and now they are to be married.
The formal event will be located at the Fire Lake Golf and Country Club on the fifteenth of August at three o'clock, two thousand and nine.
Please RSVP by the fifteenth of June to ensure attendance. We hope to see you there to enjoy this special day with friends and family.
Sincerely Yours,
20. contoh soal bahasa inggris personal letter
Jogja, 29th October 2018
For my best friend, Heni
In Jakarta
Hi, Heni,
How are you doing? It's been a long time we have not met. Since graduating from high school, we have not had the chance to meet because of each other's busy life.
How are our friends Leni and Teti
I heard thatf they have been successful in Jakarta.
I thought we wiil meet each other sometimes
if you like to and have time. We have to arrange the time.
By the way I have some works, my letter is enough right now,
Next time, If I have tine will send a letter to you, again
See you.
21. Contoh percakapan bahasa inggris tentang invitation shopping?
a: hai beni
b: hai anna,
a: beni, do you want to join me ?
b: where are you go?
a: i will shop tomorrow
b: oke anna, i think i have to buy something
22. Berikan contoh invitation letter!
can you come to my invitation?hello,sarah
i'm invitate you to my birthday party tomorrow at my house from 13.00-17.00 i hope you come to my birthday party
your bestfriend sheryl
23. contoh invitation formal dan informal dalam bahasa inggris?
The sample of formal and informal invitations in English are as follows
Formal invitation:Dear Sir or Madam,
I am pleased to inform you that you are cordially invited to FA Gala Dinner. Such event will be held on 12th of November 2021 and organised by FA for its official bid launch for hosting World Cup 2030. There will be a meeting session beforehand regarding the committee introduction since you are also named in this bidding committee.
Please confirm your availability three days in advance by contacting our number at 99834020 or emailing us at admin@englandfa.org
We are looking forward to your presence at the meeting and the gala dinner.
Best Regards,
Greg Dyke
Informal invitation:Hi Lorna,
How are you doing? Hope you're good. Anyway, I've got a birthday party this week in my place. It's my 17th, would you like to come? I'd be so thrilled if you can as I haven't seen you for a long time. This pandemic really stresses me out and I need to see you in person rather than just online via zoom. Let me know soon, OK? As I haven't heard from you since your mobile was broken. See you soon.
The main difference between formal and informal invitation basically relies on a number of stuff below, which is related to the register. They are:
the phrase and expression used (in formal one, the phrase tends to be longer like 'you are cordially invited to the anniversary of ....', while the informal one is 'come to my birthday...'the vocabulary (the vocabulary for formal register is different from the informal one. For example the formal word for 'ask' is 'request')the length (the formal invitation tends to be longer than the informal one)the tone (the tone in formal invitation is more neutral and elegant while the informal one is more intimate and casual)Pelajari lebih lanjut:
Materi tentang formal invitation vs informal one
Materi tentang formal invitation
Detil jawaban:
Mapel: English
Bab:making invitation
Kode: 11.5.3
24. bisa berikan contoh contoh soal bahasa inggris dan jawabannya tentang recout naraative announcement short message invitation dan advitersment
message invitation :
dear indah,
I will invite you to come to my party that will be hold on :
date : saturday, 20 oct 2017
time : 7.00 pm-9.00 pm
venue : my house
don't forget to take you're partner. thanks for your coming
25. contoh invitation formal dalam bahasa inggris singkat
Hi Tia,today is my Birthday.Would you mind to come to my house to celebrate my Bithday?
26. contoh percakapan invitation dengan bahasa inggris sama artinya
A : hi B ! how are you ? (hi B ! apa kabar ?)
B : hi A ! I am fine, thanks (hi A ! aku baik² saja, terima kasih)
A : I heard that you won a chess match versus a famous chess player right ? (aku dengar kau telah memenangkan pertandingan catur melawan pemain caur terkenal, benar ?)
B : yeah, how did you know that ? (ya, bagainana kau tahu ?)
A : nevermind, I just wanted to congratulate you for your achievement (lupakan, aku hanya ingin mengucapkan selamat atas pencapaianmu)
B : oh, thanks (oh, terima kasih)
A : do you mind if I challenge you ? (apakah kamu keberatan jika aku menantangmu ?)
B : no, of course not (tidak, tentu tidak)
A : okay, come to my house at 8 p.m to play a chess game with me. Be there in time (okay, datang ke rumahku jam 8 malam utk bermain catur denganku. Tibalah disana tepat waktu)
B : okay (okay)
27. contoh dialog bahasa inggris membuat invitation
Carrie : "Hi Claire,"
Claire : "Hi. What brings you here?"
Carrie : "Well, my younger brother has his birthday tomorrow. Would you like to come?"
Claire : "Sure! I will tell my friends to come with,"
Carrie : ""That's a great idea! See you soon,"
Claire : '"Bye,"
28. contoh soal bahasa inggris tentang Invitation,suggestion,opinion
- I would like to invite you to my house for finishing homework
- I think you should be more careful with your belongings
- In my opinion, it is an awesome beach. It has many good diving spots. Besides, you can also see a beautiful sunrise in the morning.
"semoga bermanfaat"Answer
Elsa: ".............................
Helen: "With pleasure.
What should she say to Helen?
a. Do not come to
my house later
b.I hope
you will come
to the grave
c.Would you like to
come to my house
for dinner tomorrow
d.Would you like to
coming to my house
for dinner tomorrow
=> Answer: C
Elsa: "I can not sleep
because I had a fever
last night.
Helen: "..............................
the right sentence to fill the blank sentence above is ...
a.you have to drink water
which derive from
chemical reaction
b.It's all because
you like to eat
with a rush.
c.You're better
go to fortuneteller
d.You had better go
to the doctor
=> Answer: D
Elsa: "What do you think of my new bag?
Helen: "....................
The best words that Helen will say are ...
a. Your bag is very ugly.
you had better
give it away
to me.
b.I think it is
the most beautiful bag of
all your bags
c.There is no use
I commented
that ugly thing.
d. Your bag must have
low price
=> Answer: B
29. contoh informal invitation letter
To: All my beloved friends
Please, Come to my 10th Birthday Party! And don’t forget to bring your sincere gift or present guys!
Place: Strawberry Cafe
Dress Code: Unique Dress
Time: 09.00 a.m – end
Day/Date: Sunday, 21th November 2015
Games: Clown & Special Performances from Acetic Band!
I’m waiting for your coming! Come before 09.00 am and wear your unique dress!
My sincere greeting,
30. contoh personal letter tentang invitation
join me,joined,please join,join
31. Contoh invitation tentang class meeting dalam bahasa inggris
Hello guys...
Please come and join the class meeting in our school
On (tgl kegiatan)
32. apa itu letter dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 9?
arti kata letter dalam kamus besar bahasa indonesia adalah surat, huruf, isi, sport.kertas,semoga bisa membantu
33. contoh letter declining invitation
source google kka :3
munkin membantu.. maaf dapet dari google juga ^^
34. Contoh soal dialog invitation bahasa inggris dan jawabannya
kegiatan sekolah
SMA. Negri 137
JL Mawar 15/26
Telp (0261) 4255612
Dear Samanta
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, August 8,2018
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda= final preparation for the 2018 PENSI competition on next Tuesday, please com on time, see your there.
Chair Person
1. The competition will be held?
A. On Sunday, August 8,2018
B. On Saturday, August 8,2017 >>>>
C. On Friday, June 8,2018
D. On Saturday, June 8,2018
E. On Tueday, August 11, 2018 >>>>
2. Based on the text, we know that .…
A. The meeting will be held in the school hall>>>>
B. If you cloud not come, you should call Naomi
C. The meeting only invites the committee
D. The meeting will be held in the morning
E. The competition will be held in the evening
35. # pengertian invitation dan berikan 5 contoh kalimat yang menunjukkan suatu invitation# pengertian accepting invitation dan berikan 5 contoh kalimat yang menunjukkan suatu accepting invitation*bahasa inggris kelas 10*thnk's
● Pengertian invitation dan accepting invvitation
1. Invitation adalah permintaan baik berupa ucapan atau tertulis kepada seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu atau pergi ke suatu tempat.
( An Invitation is a request, a socialitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event )
2. Accepting invitation digunakan untuk menerima dan menolak undangan.
● Contoh :
1. Invitation
° Would you come to my house at 07.00 o'clock?
° May you came to my birthday party?
° Would you visit me after dinner?
° Could you come to school next sunday?
° Would you come to Jatim Park with me after the class?
2. Accepting Invitation
° I'd love too.
° That's sound good
° Well, thanks, but i can't
° All right i'll be there
° I'm sorry, i can't
36. contoh soal bahasa inggris membuat kalimat invitation beserta rsvp
ini contoh teks invitation wedding, maaf jika salah :)
37. Contoh teks invitation bahasa inggris
hello I would like to invite you to come to my home. contoh invitation dalam bahasa inggris :)
semoga dapat membantu
38. contoh letter dalam bahasa inggris
Dear, Rico
at Singapore
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hello Rico :) how are you? I hope youre fine there :)
i miss you so much because we have no met in a long time. do you miss me too?
if you are on vacation, i hope you can visit Bandung. im sure you will love it because bandung is beutiful city. i will take you to tangkuban parahu mount and ciwidey.
hopefully we can meet soon, my dear friend
your friend,
(nama kamu)
maaf pendek :)
AndinaJl. Sukamenanti, 16Semarang 2030Hello my friend, how are you there? I hope you are good. I miss you because we have not met in a long time. Do you miss me too? If you are on vacation, I hope you can visit Lampung. I’m sure you will love it because it is a beautiful city. I will take you to many places like Kiluan bay and to the most beautiful places in Indonesia. I know that you love surfing and I have so many secret places for you to surf, so I recommend you to visit here a couple of weeks
.Hopefully we can meet soon, my best friend..
Your friend,
Artinya…AndinaJl. Sukamenanti, 16Semarang 2030Hello temanku, bagaimana kabarmu disana? Saya harap kamu baik-baik saja. Saya merindukanmu karena kita sudah lama tidak bertemu. Apakah kamu merindukanku juga? Jika kamu sedang berlibur, datanglah ke Lampung, saya yakin kamu akan menyukainya karena ini adalah kota yang indah. Saya akan membawamu ke banyak tempat sepert teluk kiluan hingga tempat berselancar yang paling indah di Indonesia. Saya tahu bahwa kamu sangat suka berselancar, sehingga saya merekomendasikanmu untuk berkunjung kesini beberapa minggu.Semoga kita dapat berjumpa secepatnya, teman baikku.Temanmu,Tika
39. contoh wedding invitation bahasa inggris
A & S
Mr. and Mrs. Robby Setiawan Purba
are pleased to announce
The marriage of their daughter
Anvhie Simatupang
Sandy Margadinata
son of
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Margadinata
on Monday, the four of July
Two thousand and seventeen
at eight o’clock
Gazibu Ave
South Jakarta, JakartaYou're Invited!
Stacy and Roger
7 April 2016 at 9:00 pm
the dahlia beach resort
28 geary st, california
40. 5 contoh invitation dalam bahasa inggris
1. I'd like you to come to dinner.
2. I'd like to ask you to come to my housewarming party.
3. Would you like to go to the theatre with me on Saturday night?
4. I was wondering if you'd like to come to my birthday party on Sunday.
5. Are you up for going out tomorrow morning?
hope this helps!1...
Dear Kaira.
Please, come to singing class on saturday, April 2nd 2016 in our campus at 13.00 p.m. until 15.00 p.m. Please come on time, I will wait for you!
your best friend
Dear my lovely friends,
Don’t forget to come to my wedding party next Sunday at 09.00 a.m. in my house.
I promise that we will be happy together in my precious moment.