Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Dialogue Subjective Wis

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Dialogue Subjective Wis

Contoh kalimat subjective bahasa inggris

Daftar Isi

1. Contoh kalimat subjective bahasa inggris



Dalam aturan grammar Bahasa Inggris, subjunctive adalah aturan bentuk kata kerja (verb) yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan situasi yang bersifat imajinasi atau tidak benar benar terjadi. Hal ini meliputi wish (harapan), keraguan (doubt), penyesalan (regret), permintaan (request), dan juga saran (advice). Dengan begini bisa kita katakan bahwa umumnya makna yang terkandung dalam sebuah kalimat subjunctive akan berlawanan dengan fakta yang ada.

Materi Bahasa Inggris tentang subjunctive ini termasuk kedalam salah satu jenis verb moods selain imperative dan indicative. Dalam subjunctive kata kerja dibagi menjadi dua yaitu “Present Subjunctive” dan juga “Past Subjunctive”, yang masing masingnya memiliki cara penggunaan yang berbeda. Saat digunakan dalam sebuah complex sentence, bentuk subjunctive ini akan berada pada bagian dependent clause dan bukan di main clause.

Berikut ini adalah aturan tentang penggunaan subjunctive dalam kalimat.

Present Subjunctive

Dalam bentuk present subjunctive, kita akan mengggunakan bentuk verb bare infinitive saja. Walaupun subjek kalimat tersebut adalah orang ketiga tunggal (Andi, miss Mona, dsb), atau juga pronoun (she, he, it).

Contohnya :

Tries (normal) – Try (subjunctive)

Goes (normal) – Go (subjunctive)

Sedangkan untuk verb be (is / are), dalam bentuk present subjunctive nya akan selalu digantikan dengan “be” saja.

Contohnya :

Is (normal) – Be (subjunctive)

Are (normal) – Be (subjunctive)

Past Subjunctive

Dalam past subjunctive, bentuk verb yang akan kita gunakan sama saja dengan bentuk normalnya yaitu masih tetap menggunakan bentuk verb 2. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

Contohnya :

Asked (normal) – Asked (subjunctive)

Told (normal) – Told (subjunctive)

Sedangkan untuk verb be (was / were), bentuk past subjunctive nya akan selalu berbentuk “were”.

Contohnya :

Was (normal) – Were (subjunctive)

Were (normal) – Were (subjunctive)

Itulah tadi aturan aturan seputar penggunaan subjunctive dalam kalimat. Sedikit ya ternyata aturannya, namun memang tidaklah mudah untuk membedakan suatu verb dalam sebuah kalimat merupakan subjnctive atau bukan. Karena pada umumnya bentuk kata kerja dalam subjunctive dengan indicative sama saja. Jadi seringnya kita tidak bisa mengenali apakah suatu verb itu sedang digunakan dalam bentuk subjunctive atau indicative mood. Penanda yang mungkin bisa kita perhatikan adalah tidak adanya penambahan huruf “s” dalam present subjunctive meskipun subjeknya adalah orang ketiga tunggal, serta bentuk verb be yang selalu digantikan dengan kata “be” untuk semua bentuk. Sekarang, ayo kita lihat beberapa contoh kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan subjunctive.


It is crucial that you be there before your sister arrives.

(Sebaiknya kamu berada di sana sebelum saudarimu datang.)

I wish, I were rich.

(Andai saja aku kaya.)

It is necessary that our team prepare for the next match.

(Sangat penting bagi tim kita bersiap untuk pertandingan selanjutnya.)

If I were you, I would go from the house.

(Andaikan aku adalah kamu, aku akan pergi dari rumah itu.)

2. Buat contoh soal subjective

"Do you think President Trump is doing a good job?"

3. contoh dialogue bahasa inggris prohibition??

prohibition sebenernya itu adalah larangan
pokoknya yg di awali kata don't
jdi buat dialog bahasa indonesia nanti di translate kee inggris ( pokoknya di dialog itu ada kata melarangamy : hi, is this sit taken?can  i sit here?  bryan : no! don't sit here! look! the leg is loose . please take another seat :) maaf kalau ada salah  :)

4. Carilah kata bahasa inggris mngunankan kata subjective I

I want to eat a cake

She's reading an old comic

He's eating a cake

Semoga membantu :)

5. tolong buatin dialogue tentang surprise bahasa inggris dong

A : It’s hard for me to tell you the truth, but I think you should know what I saw yesterday.
B : You make me curious, just tell me.
A : I saw John, your boy friend and a girl were having dinner in a romantic restaurant.
B : Are you kidding? That’s not true .
A : Listen, I know it’s hard for you to believe, but I saw them with my own eyes.
B : Oh my god.. He always tells me that there is no one in his heart but me.
A : Oh.. came on. He is not only guy in this word. Take it easy.
B : Hmm.. You alright, Besides, he is not handsome to be my boy friend.
A : You’re right. Let’s go to the class. The bell is ringing.

6. membuat contoh dialogue dalam bahasa inggris​

Anna: Laura! How are you? It's been a long time since we last met.

Laura: Oh, hi Anna! I have got a new job now and is going great. How about you?

Anna: I have been so busy with the new business that I have not had the time to do much else.

Laura: What is that?

Anna: Small business, a coffee shop.

Laura: Sounds cool! Don't forget to invite me to your soft opening.

7. Dialogue bahasa inggris 5 orang tentang virus corona

Hermione : hey everyone! Have you heard about the new virus that inffected almost all parts of the world?

Draco : my god... Really?? What is it called? Can you give me further informations?

Harry : its called the Corona Virus or COVID-19

Ron : COVID-19? What does that stand for?

Luna : corona virus December, 2019

Ron : more information please?

Harry : Corona Virus started spreading on December 23rd 2019 at Wuhan China and its now spreading threw Bats, and what they have said to be Snakes and the sea food market

Draco : what are the signs and symptoms??

Hermione : Most common symptoms are fever, dry cough, tiredness

Less common symptoms are aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, headache

Luna : how can we do to prevent this for happening?

Harry : we need to do physical distancing, wash our hands daily, prevent going to public places, and if we do we have to wear a mask, dont forget to use hand sanitizers

Hermione : lets keep our health important, health is a number 1

8. Bisa bikin dialogue soal ini ga??percakapan guru dengan murid dalam bahasa inggris singkat aja

teacher : good morning student. how are you today?
student : good morning teacher. i'm fine .how about teacher?
teacher : im fine thanks ,i will give new task
student : what is that?
teacher : math studies

9. Apa aja contoh subjective

i,you,they,we, she, he, whoever ,it, who

10. cara membuat dialogue bahasa inggris yang benar?

liat caranya di buku aja

11. buat 1 paragraf bahasa Inggris, yang terdiri dari kata subjective, objective, possessive adjevtive, possessive pronouns. ​



12. Dialogue 2 orang tentang cloning dalam bahasa inggris

Layla: "Hey, Chika!"

Chika: "Wha't is it?"

Layla: "Do you allready read the forms at the school front?"

Chika: "No, Wha't is it about?"

Layla: "It's about cloning"

Chika: "Oh, thank you"

13. contoh kalimat subjective pronouns?

-he's the one that did the charity yesterday.
-After lunch, she and I will go to basketball arena.

14. Contoh kalimat subjective Dan imperative


Complete the sentences!

Subjective: You are diligent and smart.

Imperative: Do not sleep too late!


Detail Jawaban:

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: VII (JHS)

Materi: Sentence

Tanggal: 6-11-2020

//Semoga membantu.

15. Dialogue bahasa inggris 6 orang tentang covid 19

Angga ,ali ,ila, Sarah ,Zaki and Anton are learning about how to deal with covid 19, they are discussing through the application wa

Angga: Anton, what do you think about how to deal with the dangers of covid 19?

Anton : I think the right way is to not panic and keep your distance, that's the best way.

Ali : yeah right, I also agree with you Anton we don't need to overdo this situation, the key is to always act positively.

ila : that's right negative thoughts will only cause negative effects, just keep your health not to enter the hospital, because we can add stress and that is the cause of the decrease in body immunity.

Angga : what about you Sarah and Zaki what do you think about this ??

Zaki : I really agree with your opinion, it's good for us not to stress in dealing with situations like this, do not watch TV too much about covid news continuously, the effect will actually make us more panicked and we can stress that cause our immune system down. this is what will cause us to be susceptible to viruses.

Sarah : ok the point is we must always think and act positively in dealing with this situation.


Angga, ali, ila, Sarah, Zaki dan Anton sedang belajar tentang cara menangani Covid 19, mereka sedang mendiskusikan melalui aplikasi wa

Angga: Anton, bagaimana menurutmu tentang cara menghadapi bahaya dari covid 19?

Anton: Saya pikir cara yang tepat adalah tidak panik dan menjaga jarak, itu cara terbaik.

Ali: Ya benar, saya juga setuju dengan Anda Anton, kita tidak perlu berlebihan dalam situasi ini, kuncinya adalah untuk selalu bertindak positif.

ila: itu benar pikiran negatif hanya akan menimbulkan efek negatif, jaga kesehatan Anda agar tidak masuk rumah sakit, karena itu hanya bisa menambah stres dan itulah yang menjadi penyebab menurunnya kekebalan tubuh.

Angga: bagaimana denganmu, Sarah dan Zaki, bagaimana menurutmu tentang ini ??

Zaki: Saya sangat setuju dengan pendapat Anda, ada baiknya bagi kita untuk tidak stres dalam menghadapi situasi seperti ini, jangan terlalu banyak menonton TV tentang berita covid 19 yang terus menerus, efeknya justru akan membuat kita jadi lebih panik dan kita bisa stres yang menyebabkan kekebalan tubuh kita jadi menurun . inilah yang akan menyebabkan kita rentan terhadap virus.

Sarah: ok intinya adalah kita harus selalu berpikir dan bertindak positif dalam menghadapi situasi ini.

16. contoh dialogue bahasa inggris tentang penemu yg menggunakan A, An , The dialognya yang panjang ya

Apayah.. lupa aku nah

17. contoh dialogue tentang kehilangan hewan peliharaan dalam bahasa inggris

A : hey why are you sad like this?
B : do you know Zoey my cat?
A : Yes of course your gray cat is not it? What is going on?
A : That's right, yesterday evening my cat was gone.
B : really? God, have you looked for it?
A : Yes of coure, all parts of the house and the whole area of ​​this housing I've been looking for even I've made a pamphlet contains features contains the characteristics of the zoey character.
B : I'm sorry, hopefully zoey quickly meet, if i find your cat I'll let you know. already yes don't be sad anymore.
A : oh thank, you care very much.
B : okay no problem

semoga membantu

18. contoh dari kata subjective​


1. I love you

saya cinta kamu

2.We win the competition

kami menang kompetisi

3.They hate Yuni

mereka benci Yuni

4.You are very beautiful

kau sangat cantik

5.She loves reading

dia(pr) suka membaca

6.He kicks the ball

dia(lk) menendang bola

7. Look the cat, it moving

lihat kucing itu, dia bergerak


Subjective adalah kata subjek yang biasanya menjadi kata ganti seseorang yang berada di depan


19. contoh dialogue bahasa inggris tentang games and toys 4 orang​


Anto: What do you like to do in your leisure time, Angga? (Apa yang suka kamu lakukan di waktu senggangmu, Angga?)

Angga: I like playing video game. (Aku suka bermain video game)

Anto: Really? I also like playing video game. Which video games do you play? (Benarkah? Aku juga suka bermain video game. Video game apa yang kamu mainkan?)

Angga: Mobile Legend and PUBG. You? (Mobile Legend dan PUBG. Kamu?)

Anto: Overwatch and Fortnite. Have you tried playing them? (Overwatch and Fortnite. Apakah kamu pernah mencoba bermain Overwatch and Fortnite?)

Angga: No, I haven’t. They are console games, aren’t they? (Tidak, belum pernah. Itu permainan konsol, kan?)

Anto: Yup, but there’s also the mobile version of Fortnite. Do you prefer mobile gaming or console gaming? (Ya, tapi juga ada versi HP dari Fortnite. Apakah kamu lebih menyukai permainan HP atau permainan konsol?)

Angga: I prefer mobile gaming because it’s more practical. How about you? (Aku lebih menyukai permainan HP karena lebih praktis. Bagaimana dengan kamu?)

Anto: I prefer console gaming because it has wider variety of games. But I sometimes do mobile gaming too. (Aku lebih menyukai permainan konsol karena permainan konsol memiliki macam permainan yang lebih luas. Tetapi aku juga kadang-kadang bermain permainan HP)

Angga: We should play together some time. (Kita harus bermain bersama kapan-kapan)

Anto: Yeah, we should. (Ya, harus)

20. Contoh dialogue pemesanan hotel dengan bahasa inggris

Resepsionist : Good morning, welcome to (hotel's name), Can I help you sir?
Mr.otong : yes, I'd like to book a room

21. Dialogue bahasa inggris yang diperankan 2 orang

A : I want to buy a pocket dictionary
B : A bilingual dictionary?
A : Yes, it is
B : Here is a new pocket dictionary. English - Indonesian and Indonesian - English
A : Well, may I have a look?
B : Yes, please
A : I will take this dictionary. How much is it?
B : Just fifty five thousand rupiah.
A : How about fifty thousand, I have no enough money.
B : It is OK
A : Here is the money.
B : Would I wrap it, sir?
A : Yes, please.
B : Here is the dictionary, sir.
A : Thank you.
B : You're welcome.

22. contoh dialogue bahasa inggris yang terdapat kalimat pujian (compliment) jangan terlalu pendek

Marrie: what are you doing here, Kaylan?
Kaylan: mmmm....i'm drawing a caligraphy
Marrie: what? i tought you were supposed to read the instructions first
Kaylan: i know, i've been reading it for several times but i still fail
Marrie: really? let me see that
Kaylan: but.......
Marrie: woww! it's very nice! i really like it
Kaylan: really?
Marrie: yes, to be honest, you can make it as the same as the instruction
Kaylan: wow, i didn't realize that
Marrie: keep on going, girl! i'm sure you'll be a great artist someday
Kaylan: thank you so much, Marrie
Marrie: you're welcome
X: what do you think about my new hair style?
Y: iyou look more beautiful with this style
X: thanks for your compliment
Y: your welcome

23. Tulislah 5 buah kalimat yang menggunakan Subjective Pronoun & dan 5 buah kalimat menggunakan Objective Pronoun dalam Bahasa Inggris dan diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia ​



✨1. I will buy you a bouquet of flower

《saya akan membelikanmu satu buah buket bunga mawar》

✨2. I got a A+ for my mathematics test

《saya mendapat nilai A+ dalam tes matematika》

✨3. we love our parents

《kami mencintai orangtua kami》

✨4. you are my best friend ever

《kamu adalah teman terbaikku》

✨5. they do not afraid of dark

《mereka tidak takut dengan kegelapan》


✨1. the book is written by me

《buku itu ditulis olehku》

✨2. can you do it for the sake of all..?

《bisakah kamu melakukannya demi kebaikan bersama..?》

✨3. he always goes there with them

《dia selalu pergi kesana bersama mereka》

✨4. she relies on us, for the god sake !

《ia mengandalkan kita, ya ampun !》

✨5. nope, i'm not sure that was him

《tidak, aku tidak yakin itu adalah dia》




24. buat 2 dialogue bahasa inggris offering for help​


Dialogue 1:

Caca: Hi Fira! Wow... You bring so many books today. Need a hand?

Fira: Are you sure? These books are so heavy.

Caca: Don't worry, let me help you.

Dialogue 2:

Mr. Harry: The room is so dark, i can't see the papers.

Lili: Do you want me to get you a flashlight?

Mr. Harry: Sure, if you don't mind.

25. Dialogue bahasa inggris dyah asep nuning

Dyah : hey
Asep: how are u doin'?
Nuning: u can see me, Im ok
Dyah : yeah may u dont ask her how are u later. Are u mad, sep?
Asep: no bloody
Nuning : im sorry, my bad
Asep : its ok but i have to go, see ya
Dyah : okay take care

26. tulislah 5 buah kalimat yang menggunakan subjective, objective dan possessive pronouns dalam bahasa inggris!tlong dibantu yaaa...

1 They are using ours
2 yours are in the table
3 l hate my job,do you hate yours
4 my brother's study table was pink.mine was light blue
5 whose wallet it this ? it's hers

27. dialogue bahasa inggris menggunakan kalimat selamat,, harapan

a: Congratulation for your 14th Birthday. Wish you all the best!:)
b: Thank you
a: Your welcome ;)

Maaf gak jelas, semoga membantu:)Lina : Happy Birthday Talitha. I wish you long life, and luck always be with you. Wish you all the best. God bless you
Talitha : Thank you, Lina. God bless you too.
Lina : You're welcome.

28. Terjemahan bahasa inggris di lks hal 10 dialogue 1

btw soalnya mana ya ka????


Apanya yang diterjemahkan kak? Tidak lihat teksnya. mending post lagi deh


29. tuliskan contoh dialogue bahasa inggris singkat 6 baris 2 orang

chris="hello,what is your name?
leo="my name is leo".
chris="introduce my name chris"
leo="nice to meet you chris".
chris="I'd rather meet you leo".
leo="already yes chris, thank you"!!.
Zhafran: “um.. im just looking my phone,”
Me: “Dew you know de wae?”
Zhafran: “ i know, it’s a meme. Lovely fresh meme”
Me: “OMG. You know about that!! “ *clapping*
Zhafran :”yes lmao”

Sorry kalau misalkan salah ^_^

30. contoh kalimat subjective pronous​


He likes to play football. ...

She returns back to her hometown. ...

It is raining so hard now. ...

He likes to eat spicy food. ...

He is the most handsome guy I have ever met. ...

He feels regret for doing that thing. ...

He has one pretty sister. ...

He is a coward.


Maaf ya kalau salah

31. contoh dari subjective text?


[tex]contoh \: ada = 4[/tex]

l am reading this artcle have been very helpful to me.he told us to stay out of troublesshe was in my dream last night.


1.she has a beautiful face

2.he always kind

3.they never lazy have a new bike

5.I have a big house

32. 2 contoh subjective pronoun

1.He  likes to play football
2.She returns back to her hometown

33. bantu kak buat dialogue bahasa inggris​


You : "Hello Aini. How are you today?"

Aini : "Oh Hi! I'm fine, thank you"

You : "Is this your new bicycle?"

Aini : "Yes, it is. What do you think about it?"

You : "It's look so beautiful Aini."

Aini : "Really?"

You : "Yes, it is"

Aini : "Thank you"

Hopefully this can be helpful and useful

34. 30 point untuk satu soal saja, tentang dialogue bahasa inggris​


The New Teacher in that school is Lia


maap kalo salah kak aku jawab yang nomer 2 ya kak

35. contoh kata dari subjective​


I, you, we, they, he, she, it

36. dialogue yang berisikan willing dan can dengan bahasa inggris


Beni: “I think we should start our wall magazine now.”

Dayu: “I don’t think we can start now. We should plan it carefully. We should go to people who know how to make a wall magazine.”

Siti: “I agree with Dayu. We should think before we leap.”

Siti: “I think we need a lot of money to make a wall magazine.”

Edo: “I don’t think so. We can use used paper. We can also use used wood for the frame.”

Lina: “Yes we can, so we do not need a lot of money to make a wall magazine. What we need is hard work.”

Edo: “What should our wall magazine contain? Can we put any writing we have made there?”

Udin: “I don’t think so. We should not just put anything there. The texts should be good and interesting.”

Lina: “And, there should not be many mistakes there.”

Udin: “I think only good texts, with few or no mistakes, can be published.”

Edo: “But how do we know that a text is good enough to publish?”

Dayu: “I think our English teachers can help check our English. Do you think Mrs. Tini is willing to be the editor of our wall magazine.”

Lina: “It seems that none of us knows how to make a wall magazine. What if we go to Mrs. Tini and ask her for advice. I think she has a lot of good ideas.”

Siti: “I think so too. Let’s go to her now.”

Dayu: “I don’t think we can see her now. She is in the sta! meeting.”

Beni: “Why don’t we go back to SMP Sumber Ilmu tomorrow to look closely at their wall magazine. We will know what kinds of texts are published there.”

Edo: “I agree with Beni. We will also look at the layout and the decoration. Do you remember the color of the background.”

Lina: “Sorry, I don’t. What if we just ask for their permission to take a picture of the magazine?”

Siti: “I think the best thing to do is to meet the team who manages the magazine.”

Udin: “I agree with Siti. We can ask them a lot of questions. I think they will be happy to help us start our wall magazine.”

Dayu: “That’s a very good idea. We need their help to plan our wall magazine.”

37. contoh dialogue bahasa inggris tentang wish and hope dan terjemahnya

Wish: I wish that my family will live peacefully

Hope: I hope you got greatest rank in your school                                                                                    wish: i wish my day is delightfull
= aku berharap smoga hari" ku menyenangkan

hope: i hope for you so that your honor is rise
= aku berharap kepadamu supaya gajimu naik

38. contoh kalimat subjective pronouns

We gave them lots of fruits and vegetables. I have a book · You are sensitive · She have a dog · He sing a song · They play football · It Could be dangeraous when explode

39. buatlah contoh dialogue bahasa inggris dengan tema rumah idaman

a : Morning!
b : em , hai a!
a : you look so bad today , why?
b : i feel sleepy . because , last night i'm watching "Frozen" all time . Queen Elsa's home so beautiful and amazing .
a : Oh my god , i want have home like that . but in Indonesia the air so hot , so i think if we build home with ice , the ice will get melt in 5 minutes.
b : em , you're right . Someday , i want have home not big enough and not small enough , i just want home who give comfortable for my family and me ..
a : my house in the future , i think i want to have a big house , like castle .
b : that's okay ;)

40. tolong buatkan dialogue di pasar dalam bahasa Inggris​


Dialogue yang dimaksud dengan

Misalnya: KB. dialog, atau percakapan dwicakap.

Contoh ke 2 - Dialogue masuk ke dalam bahasa inggris yaitu bahasa Jermanik yang pertama kali dituturkan di Inggris pada Abad Pertengahan Awal dan saat ini merupakan bahasa yang paling umum digunakan di seluruh dunia.

Detail terjemahan kata "dialogue":

Jenis Kata

Bahasa Asal Inggris

Bahasa Tujuan Indonesia

Jumlah Arti 2

Jumlah Karakter 8

Jumlah Huruf Vocal 5

Contoh ke 3- Dwicakap -permulaan


Semoga bermanfaat ya buat jawabannya.


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