Contoh Soal Essay Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris 2 Beserta Jawaban

Contoh Soal Essay Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris 2 Beserta Jawaban

Contoh recount text bahasa inggris beserta soal essay dan jawabannya!

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1. Contoh recount text bahasa inggris beserta soal essay dan jawabannya!

43My Holiday        Last week I went to Mount Bromo. I stayed at my friend's house in Probolinggo, East Java. The house has a big garden with colorful flowers and a small pool.
       In the morning, my friend and I saw Mount Batok. The scenery was very beautiful. We rode on horseback. It was scary, but it was fun. Then, we went to get a closer look at the mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful scanery there. After that, we took a rest and had lunch under a big tree. Before we got home, we went to the zoo at Wonokromo. We went home in the afternoon.
       We were very tired. However, I think it was really fun to have a holiday like this. I hope my next holiday will be more intersting.

question :
how about mount batok ?
= the scenery was very beautiful

Last holiday, my family went to Seoul, South Korea. We stayed at Seoul International Hotel. We stayed there for 5 days. First day, we went to Lotte World. It was amazing. The second day, we went to Jeju Island. We stayed there just for 1 night. We taked some photod or selcas there. The river was amazing. We stayed there for 1 night. From the third day until the last day, we just went to shopping and walking arround. We really happy there.

How long she/he stayed there?
Ans: They stayed there for 5 days.

2. Contoh soal essay teks eksposisi analitis beserta jawabannya bahasa inggris.

An example of an analytical expository essay prompt and response in English might be:

Prompt: Analyze the causes and effects of air pollution in major cities around the world.


Air pollution is a major problem in many cities around the world, with harmful effects on human health and the environment. There are several causes of air pollution in cities, including the burning of fossil fuels by vehicles, factories, and power plants, as well as the release of gases and particles from various sources such as agriculture and waste disposal.

One of the main causes of air pollution in cities is the high volume of vehicles on the roads. The burning of fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel releases harmful gases and particulate matter into the air, which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues in humans. In addition, the construction and operation of roads and highways can contribute to air pollution through the release of dust and other particles.

Another major cause of air pollution in cities is the presence of industrial facilities, such as factories and power plants. These facilities often release large amounts of gases and particles into the air, which can have serious health impacts on nearby residents. In addition, the use of fossil fuels by these facilities contributes to climate change, which is another major environmental concern.

The effects of air pollution on human health can be severe, including respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. Exposure to air pollution can also have negative effects on the environment, such as damage to forests and other ecosystems. Additionally, air pollution can lead to the formation of ground-level ozone, which can damage crops and other vegetation.

Overall, the causes and effects of air pollution in cities are complex and interconnected, but it is clear that action must be taken to reduce the harmful impacts of this problem. This may include measures such as regulating emissions from vehicles and industrial facilities, promoting the use of clean energy sources, and implementing policies to reduce air pollution and protect public health.

3. Berikan contoh soal essay biography bahasa inggris,salah satu soalnya HOTS beserta jawabannya

Questions About Biography :

As we know, Najwa Shihab is a graduate woman  Faculty of Law, from the University of Indonesian. the question is why is Najwa Shihab more likely to be a journalist than a lawyer or related to law?

4. Bahasa inggrisnya mata kuliah dan mata pelajaran apa ya?

courses and subjects》Translating The Words

Mata kuliah

"Mata" in this sentence means "subject" or the titled of the lesson.

"Kuliah" means "lecture", but in this sentence, we don't need this word.

Mata kuliah = learning subject (s)

Mata pelajaran = learning subject (s)



5. Buatlah contoh soal essay dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang text biography!


R.A Kartini

Each April 21 peolple in indonesia celebrate the kartini day. It is delightful day for the lady on the grounds that we praise the conception of incredible woman R.A. Kartini. Everybody knows who Kartini is. She is our national champion and an extraordinary woman with the brilliant thought.

Kartini was conceived in 1879 April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her dad was Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana (associate of head of rule) in Mayong. Her mom, Ma Ngasirah was a young lady from Teluk Awur town in Jepara as the little girl of a respectable family, she felt fortunate in light of the fact that she got more than the standard individuals got. She improved instruction than other youngsters. In november 12 1903 she wedded adipati djoyodiningrat, the head of rembang rule. As per Javanese custom Kartini needed to tail her spouse. At that point she moved to Rembang.

In September 13 1904 she gave a conception to her child. His name was Singgih. Anyway, subsequent to conceiving a child, her condition was deteriorating and she at long last passed away on september 17 1904 on her 25 years of age.

Presently Kartini has gone. Anyway, her soul and dream will dependably be in our heart. These days Indonesian ladies advancement is affected by kartini’s soul expressed on accumulation of letter “habis gelap terbitlah terang” or from the nightfall to the first light.

6. Apa first impressionmu terhadap mata kuliah bahasa inggris


Mata kuliah

"Mata" in this sentence means "subject" or the titled of the lesson.

"Kuliah" means "lecture", but in this sentence, we don't need this word.

Mata kuliah = learning subject (s)

Mata pelajaran = learning subject (s)


7. contoh soal essay announcement beserta jawabannya

what's the announcement today jawabannya go home at 10 maafnya kalau salah

8. Contoh soal essay beserta jawabannya tentang fasisme

1). Apa yang dimaksud dengan fasisme?

Jawaban :
Fasisme adalah paham yang berdasarkan prinsip kepemimpinan dengan otoritas yang mutlak/absolut di mana perintah pemimpin dan kepatuhan berlaku tanpa pengecualian.

2). Siapa tokoh yang pernah menerapkan paham fasisme?

Jawaban :
Hitler (pada masa Nazi)

9. Saya ingin menanyak soal essay bahasa inggris ini

1. nikita aldila putri
2.she works as a nurse
3. yes, she does
4.she goes to work1. Nikita Aldila Putri
2. A nurse in a private hospital in Surabaya
3. Yes, she does
4. Go to work.
Smoga membantu^^

10. contoh soal essay tentang puisi beserta jawabannya

ibu kaulah yg melahirkan ku
tanpa engkau aku tidak ada di dunia inksoal: buatlah puisi tentang lingkungan!

engkau sangat bersih
membuat hatiku damai
membuat mataku menjadi segar

maaf cuma segini, maaf klo salah :)

11. Sebanyak 115 tarunan mengambil mata kuliah Matematika, 71 tarunan mengambil mata kuliah Fisika, dan 56 tarunan mengambil mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Di antaranya 25 tarunan mengambil mata kulaih Matematikadan Fisika, 14 tarunan mengambil mata kuliah Matematika dan Bahasa Inggris, dan 9 tarunan mengambil mata kuliah Fisika dan Bahasa Inggris. Jika terdapat 196 tarunan yang mengambil paling sedikit satu dari tiga mata kuliah tersebut, berapa orang yang mengambil tiga mata kuliah itu sekaligus?



12. cara menjawab soal essay bahasa inggris

tau dlu inti dari soal itu dan hayati lalu mncoba mngrjaan sedkit tp pasti

13. contoh essay bahasa inggris

Indonesian Cultural Existence almost Disappears in its Own Home

Indonesia is a country that has various cultures. This culture diversity occurs because Indonesia country consists of hundreds of islands where each island has its own culture. However, currently Indonesian culture is in danger of being lost because eroded by the times. There are so many factor that make Indonesia’s culture is in danger. Those factors are from inside and outside. Through this paper, the authors will describe those factors that cause the endangerment of native Indonesian culture. Here are two paragraphs that discussing those factors:

The first is factor from inside. The decreasing of Indonesia’s culture existence in its own home is caused by its own people that ignore their culture especially for teenagers. They are lulled by modern life and started to forget the values which is inherited by their ancestors. For example, local languages, cultural ceremony, customs and Indonesian traditions have been lost in society. Now, we could see no one wants to use local language because they are embarrassed called plebeian. Besides the teenagers who do not care anymore with the culture, government also less responsive in dealing with this problem. There is no real attempt from government to sustain Indonesians culture.

The second is external factors. The Rapid flow of information which comes to Indonesia also effects the erosion of Indonesian culture. Many foreign cultures, especially Western cultures have come and grew in Indonesia. Those western cultures are incompatible with the Indonesians values as eastern nations. It also gives bad effect in Indonesian’s norm as eastern nation. Nowadays, we can see the fashions of clothing that does not conform to the norms, habits drunk, and poor lifestyle has grown in Indonesia.

In short, the reduction of Indonesian culture existence in his own country as a result of several factors. They are inside and outside factors. For maintaining the continuity of Indonesia’s Culture, let us keep our own culture. Especially we as young people do not feel embarrassed to preserve our culture and also stem western cultures which come into our country. If we have lost our original culture means we have lost our own national identity.

14. contoh teks essay bahasa inggris beserta strukturnya

Sura and Baya
A long time ago, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea.

Once Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat.

"Yummy, this is my lunch," said Baya.

"No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy" said Sura. Then they fought for the goat. After several hours, they were very tired.

Feeling tired of fighting, they lived in the different places. Sura lived in the water and Baya lived in the land. The border was the beach, so they would never fight again.

One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise.

Essay Soal :
1. What is the title of anarrative text above? 
2. How many characters in thestory? 
3. What is seen Baya? 
4. Why are they fighting? 
5. Anyone who violates the agreement between Sura andBaya? 
6. What lessons can we learn inthe story?
Answer :
1. Sura and Baya 
2. There are two 
3. A goat 
4. They fight because of a goat 
5. Sura 
6. Do not break a promise that has been agreed upon.

15. tuliskan cerpen bahasa inggris beserta soal essay


A long time ago, there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea.

Once Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat.

"Yummy, this is my lunch," said Baya.

"No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy" said Sura. Then they fought for the goat. After several hours, they were very tired.

Feeling tired of fighting, they lived in the different places. Sura lived in the water and Baya lived in the land. The border was the beach, so they would never fight again.

One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise.

They fought again. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya’s tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up and Awent back to the sea. Baya was happy.

 Soal Essay
1. What is the title of a narrative text above? 
2. How many characters in the story? 
3. What is seen Baya? 
4. Why are they fighting? 
5. Anyone who violates the agreement between Sura and Baya? 
6. What lessons can we learn in the story?

Jawaban dari Soal diatas
1. Sura and Baya 
2. There are two 
3. A goat 
4. They fight because of a goat 
5. Sura 
6. Do not break a promise that has been agreed upon.

16. Soal essay bahasa inggris tentang Accepting and refusing beserta jawaban ​

Dalam percakapan, kita terkadang sering dihadapkan oleh situasi menerima atau menolak saran ataupun ajakan. Demikian pula dalam bahasa Inggris, hanya saja pemilihan dan penyusunan kata dalam bahasa Inggris untuk menerima (accepting) dan menolak (refusing) agak berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia. Mari kita simak contoh dari refusing dan  accepting.


1. Contoh jika situasi nya adalah ajakan atau undangan secara formal :

"I would like to invite you to the annual party on this Saturday "

(Saya bermaksud untuk menggundang anda untuk hadir diacara tahunan hari sabtu ini)  


Thank you for inviting me, I am honored.

(Terimakasih sudah mengundang saya, saya tersanjung)  

Refusing :

Thank you for the invitation, but I am truly sorry, I have already had another appointment this Saturday.

(Terimakasih atas undangannya, tapi saya benar-benar minta maaft, Saya sudah ada janji sabtu ini.  

Dalam menolak ajakan, biasanya kita memulai dengan kata terimakasih kemudian disertai alasan mengapa kita menolak ajakan tersebut.

2. Contoh jika situasi nya adalah ajakan atau undangan secara informal :

"Hi, I will have a barbecue party this weekend, do you want to come?"

(Hai, aku akan mengadakan pesta barbecue weekend ini, mau datang?)  

Accepting :

That's sounds great, I'll be there. Thanks anyway.

(menyenangkan sekali, aku akan kesans)  

Refusing :

I'd love to, but I have to go to see my grandma this weekend, She's not feeling well.

(Aku sebenarnya ingin, tapi aku harus mengunjungi nenekku weekend ini, beliau sedikit kurang enak badan)  

3. Contoh jika situasi nya adalah saran (suggestion) secara formal :

"What if we consider a new way of marketing? "

(bagaimana kalau kita mempertimbangkan cara baru dalam pemasaran)  


"Agreed. I think we need some innovation"  

(Setuju. Saya rasa kita memerlukan inovasi)

Refusing :

"That's sounds good, but what is wrong with the old one? I think it is already perfect."  

(Sarannya bagus juga, tapi ada apa dengan cara yang lama? Aku rasa cara yang lama itu sudah sangat sempurna)

4. Contoh jika situasi nya adalah saran (suggestion) secara informal :

"I think you look good with this color"  

(aku rasa kamu cocok pakai warna ini

"really? That's what I thought too"  

(benarkah? Aku juga berpikir seperti itu)  

"I think it's too bright for me, I am not confidence to wear it"

(aku rasa itu terlalu terang untuk ku, aku tidak percaya diri memakainya)

Dalam menolak saran, biasanya kita awali dengan memuji saran tersebut, contoh, "That's sound preefty cool but...", "Not bad, but i think..."

*Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam membuat, menolak, menerima saran atau ajakan adalah bentuk yang di pakai selalu dalam bentuk present. Dan biasanya terdapat awalan kalimat yang menunjukkan kesopanan seperti " I would like...", " would love to but...", "Thank you for...", "I would appreciate that...",  "I am glad to...", "I am honoured", "I would be happy if..."

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Materi tentang accepting and refusing invitation

2. Materi tentang making and acceting suggestion

Detil Jawaban

Kelas :  VIII SMP

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Bab :  stating suggestion and responding

Kode :  8.5.3

Kata Kunci Making suggestion, making invitation, refusing invitation, accepting invitation, refusing suggestion, acceppting invitation

17. Buatlah contoh soal essay dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang news item!


Amazon Prime Day will actually be two days this year

Amazon’s Prime Day will return for the fifth time next month, and this year the discount holiday will run for two entire days.

Amazon announced that Prime Day this year will start at midnight on Monday, July 15, and run for 48 hours. The company boasts that the event will include more than a million deals around the world, such as steep discounts on Alexa-enabled devices. In 2018, Prime Day lasted 36 hours, which was longer than in prior years. Amazon tested out its inaugural Prime Day in July of 2015 to celebrate its 20th anniversary. It designed the day to replicate Black Friday for Amazon die-hards.

18. puisi dalam bahasa inggris dan 4 pertanyaan essay beserta jawaban

Puisi 1

The Beauty of Natural Land

Birds are chirping so melodiously

Indicating a new day is starting

The beauty of the nature keeps me amazed

As if the world is made just for me

I close my eyes for a moment

I stretch my hand and breathe

I feel the cool breezes

The feeling of calm and peace

O the creator of nature

My admiration for this nature

Can’t be explained by words

The beauty of nature will never fade

The wind that rushes to the mountains

Makes plants in the mountains dancing

It is really beautiful

Like a garden in paradise

The beauty of nature is perfect

It always makes everyone stunned

It always makes everyone amazed

However, we must take care of it

For the beauty will never disappear

Puisi 2

Going to School

Rooster crowing in the morning

The sun is waking up to greet warming

Makes me want to go bathing

Because the sunny day has been starting

The desire was unstoppable anymore

For picking up the mounting science

The desire was unstoppable anymore

To meet friends who have been waiting for

I go to school

With a bag on my back, I pull

Soon I take my shoes

Not forget to say goodbye to my parents

I move my foot quickly

I do not want to be late, for sure

I learned at school diligently

So, I become successful in the future.

Puisi 3

The Spiky Bamboo

At the end of a sharp bamboo brush

Rend the enemy to goodness

In sharp pain mencekat

Ready to swallow enemies

The ends of the bamboo so witnesses

Black sense hurt

Cast out Satan with life

Without fear without trepidation

A sense of love of the fatherland

Fused in red blood

Rooted in the white bone

Mastering the breath

They fought until the vanished

Divorced with raga

For Earth garuda

For indonesia raya

They die with respect

Fight for freedom secerut

The iniquitous terenggut

For one independence.

Puisi 4


Today we stand in front of the mirror

Looking a way to fashion

Look at yourself who amazed

With our expertly berlenggok

Today take a look at the faces of our face

Hard fibres without shame

Like a wall of concrete

Radiated with pride

Today we stand

In the black earth begam

In the clear blue water

In clean white air

But did you?

The Earth we foothold is sweat the heroes

They fought for our departure and soil to the water we drink

Up to this point

We can fly without bound;

Can scream tapa bekapan

It’s all because of their contributions.

19. Soal essay undangan dalam bahasa inggris

about essay invitation
maaf klok salah

20. Sebanyak 1232 orang mahasiswa mengambil kuliah bahasa inggris, 879 orang mengambil kuliah Bahasa prancis, dan 114 mengambil kuliah Bahasa jerman. Sebanyak 103 orang mengambil kuliah Bahasa inggris dan perancis, 23 orang mengambil kuliah bahasa Inggris dan Jerman, dan 14 orang mengambil kuliah Bahasa Prancis dan bahasa jerman. Jika 2092 orang mengambil paling sedikit satu buah mata kuliah bahasa inggris, Bahasa prancis, dan bahasa jerman, berapa banyak mahasiswa yang mengambil kuliah ketiga buah mata kuliah bahasa tersebut?

Sebanyak 1232 orang mahasiswa mengambil kuliah bahasa inggris, 879 orang mengambil kuliah Bahasa prancis, dan 114 mengambil kuliah Bahasa jerman. Sebanyak 103 orang mengambil kuliah Bahasa inggris dan perancis, 23 orang mengambil kuliah bahasa Inggris dan Jerman, dan 14 orang mengambil kuliah Bahasa Prancis dan bahasa jerman. Jika 2092 orang mengambil paling sedikit satu buah mata kuliah bahasa inggris, Bahasa prancis, dan bahasa jerman, berapa banyak mahasiswa yang mengambil kuliah ketiga buah mata kuliah bahasa tersebut?



Menyelesaikan soal diatas dapat menggunakan diagram venn

Diketahui :

Mahasiswa kuliah Bahasa inggris = 1232

Mahasiswa kuliah Bahasa Prancis = 879

Mahasiswa kuliah Bahasa Jerman = 114

Mahasiswa kuliah Bhs Inggris dan Prancis = 103

Mahasiswa kuliah Bhs Inggris dan Jerman = 23

Mahasiswa kuliah Bhs Prancis dan Jerman = 14

Ditanya :

Mahasiswa yang mengambil jurusan ketiganya?


Mahasiswa yang mengambil Bhs Inggris saja = 1232 – 103 – 23 = 1106

Mahasiswa yang mengambil Bhs Prancis saja = 879 – 103 – 14 = 762

Mahasiswa yang mengambil Bhs Jerman saja = 114 – 23 – 14 = 77

Total ada 2092 mahasiswa.

Maka banyak mahasiswa yang mengambil ketiganya adalah

2092 – 1106 – 762 – 77 – 103 – 23 – 14 = 7 mahasiswa


Jadi, banyak mahasiswa yang mengambil jurusan ketiganya adalah 7 mahasiswa.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Materi Himpunan :


Detail jawaban

Kelas : 7 SMP

Mapel : Matematika

Kategori : Himpunan

Kode : 7.2.1

Kata Kunci : himpunan, diagram venn

21. 5 soal essay bahasa inggris

-Write The Example Of Verbs Word!

-Example 5 Animal That Live At Africa

-Write 5 Things That Help Make An Art

-Tell Me Your Favorite Place! And Tell Me Where is It!

Semoga Bisa!!
Dan Semoga Membantu !!

22. contoh soal essay tentang pantun berserta jawabannya

Buah cempedak buah durian
Pergi ke pekan naik sepeda
(1)jangan ragu berbuat baik
(2) senyum saja sudah ibadah

23. Doa sebelum dan sesudah mulai mata kuliah dalam bahasa inggris

Oh Lord, thank you so much. We want to start our class. Please bless me, our parent, our teachers, and our friends. Thank you Lord. Amin.

Oh Lord, thank you so much. We want to end our class and go home now. Thank you for everything today in class. Thank you Lord. Amin.

24. Contoh soal essay bahasa indonesia beserta jawabannya materi surat kelas VII

Jawaban:kalimat salam pembuka pada surat dinas diantaranya

=dengan hormat dan salam hormat


25. buatlah soal bahasa inggris tentang invitation 5 PG dan 5 essay beserta jawabannya​


suenna and david

are waiting you to their wedding

time: 19.30

date: 12th of april sunday

place: blue zest beach club

1. what does the purpose of the text ?

a. to give direct iinformation

b. to invite people to an event

c. to inform about an event

d. to offer somethinh or an event to the people

jawabannya b

2. what party does suanne and david held ?

a.farewell party

b. new born baby party

c. wedding party

d. birthday party

jawabannya c

3. what day does it happen  

a. sundy

b. monday

c. friday

d. saturday

jawabannya a

4 what time does it happen ?

a. 20.00

b. 19.30

c. 12.30


jawabannya b

5. what place does it happen ?

a. blue zest beach club

b. hermitage hotel

c. alila villas

d. abdul wahid avenue

jawabannya a

esainya sendiri aja yaa gpp kan yaa maap yaa


26. contoh-contoh essay dalam bahasa inggris

ini pilihan ganda sih.. tpi bisa untuk esay

27. Doa sebelum dan sesudah mata kuliah dalam bahasa inggris

"Before we go home, let's pray together. Start."

28. Buatlah contoh soal essay dalam Bahasa Inggris!


terjemahkan bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia

a pillow=

b box=

c sing=

d one=


Maksudnya gimana??

- do you have pensil case?
- do you have a dog?

30. Bahasa inggrisnya dosen pengampuh mata kuliah apa ya?


"lecturer of curative subjects"

31. puisi dalam bahasa inggris dan 4 pertanyaan essay beserta jawaban

Deep Meaning of Friendship
Friendshipis like the two rings that havedifferent shapes
But can be combined with a very strong sense
Friendship is just a word
But it has a deep meaning
We’ll feel it when actually find
A continued friend in a life
Friendship has always been an oasis when we experience sadness
Friendship is always a joy to be complementary
A day without friends is very strange
Months without friends are very painful
True friends will always be missed
Talks will continue to be memorable
Easy to get a rich friend
But hard getting a forever friend
Because a true friend is not for a reason

32. bahasa inggrisnya mata kuliah apa ya?​


Mata Kuliah ---> courses


semoga membantu:)


courses itu jawabannya

33. Soal bahasa inggris essay panjang 3 paragrap dan jawabannya.

Jawabannya A bukan B Ataupun C

34. Dari 65 mahasiswa, 10 orang tidak mengambil mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris maupun Kalkulus, 50 orang mengambil mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris, dan 40 orang mengambil mata kuliah Kalkulus. Jika seorang mahasiswa dipilih secara acak, tentukan peluang mahasiswa tersebut mengambil mata kuliah a. Bahasa Inggris dan juga Kalkulus b. Bahasa Inggris tapi tidak Kalkulus


a. 7/13

b. 3/13

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

mhs yg ngambil b ing & kalkulus = (50 + 40) - (65 - 10) = 90 - 55 = 35 org


35/65 = 7/13


mhs yg ngambil b ing tp tdk kalkulus = 50 - 35 = 15

jd peluangnya = 15/65 = 3/13

35. buatlah soal bahasa inggris beserta jawaban tentang analytical exposition dalam bentuk essay

definisi of analytical exposition.
the purpose communative
generic structure

36. tolong bantu saya membuat 2 soal essay tentang agreement dalam bahasa inggris beserta penyelesaian dan pembahasannya . thnks

1. It was a miracle that neither the passengers nor the driver ____ seriously injured in the accident.
A. they were
B. was
C. to be
D. were
E. he was
Pembahasan :
Penggunaan dua kalimat digabungkan dengan Neither ... nor
Rumus yang digunakan : neither + noun + nor + singular noun + singular verb
sehingga, the driver ; singular noun == was (jawaban B)
Jawaban : B
2. The installation on various high-tech electrical devices in our office ___ a sophisticated safety system.
A. requiring
B. requires
C. to require
D. require
E. it requires
Pembahasan :
The installation == ( subyek tunggal)
maka, The installation on ... requires (verb tunggal)
Jawaban : B

semoga membantu 

37. contoh soal essay bahasa inggris tentang earthquake

what causes an earthquake?

38. Kasih aku 8 soal essay Bahasa inggris tentang congratulation dong beserta isinya

Andi : I win soccer match
Doni :...
Andi : thank you
Doni : you're welcom

kalo nggK slah

cuma itu doang 1 essay

1. Lina: "Congratulation,Siti! You have a good test ,I'm so proud of you!"

Siti: "Thank you,Lina. You have a great test too!"

What does Lina proud of Siti?

Answer: Lina proud of Siti's test,she do it well.

2. Teacher: _______ to our friend,Edo. He've been made our class revived again,give him big round applause!

Answer: Congratulation

3. Udin: Beni,you got the test results well,I'm not good at Math. Congratulation _____..

Beni: No,you're wrong,it's not too bad.

Answer: on you

4. Everybody,we have news. We won the contest! I'm so ____ __ ___ ___.

Answer: proud of you all

5. He's so smart and dilligent,I think his parents is proud __ ___.

Answer: of him

6. Gika: Wow,you're amazing Vina! Look,now you're a real singer!!

Vina: Thank,you! I'm so _____ __ ___,___ are so kind and I feel so lucky to be your friend,without you I can't be like now.

Gika: Aw,that's cute..

Answer: proud of you,you

7. Bob: Oh,I have a massage!

Tim: ____ it's _____?

Bob: It's about like .. "Congratulation! You have been recharge your credit! Please check now. Call *000*9#"

Tim: That's good,that guy doen't lie.

Answer: What ... about

8. Leader: Good! We have reached the top. ______ for us!

Answer: Congratulations

39. Bikinin contoh soal bahasa inggris tentang things dong! 10 isian 5 essay

this is a ...
that is my ...
i have a ...
this is a black ...
it is a ...
that is a ...

kira-kira begitu

40. mengapa mahasiswa pgsd mempelajari mata kuliah bahasa inggris?

Karena mereka menyukai mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris

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