Soal Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

Soal Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

SOAL UJIAN UTS BAHASA INGGRISKELAS : IIIISIAN6. Dableyu adalah sebutan untukhuruf............7. “ ABI" ejalah nama tersebut dalam bahasainggris8. Tuliskan bahasa inggris :в А. C С# D9. Ejalah nama dibawah ini dalam bahasainggrisNANITATIBUDI10. Tuliskan abjad A - Z dalam bahasainggris.!​

Daftar Isi

1. SOAL UJIAN UTS BAHASA INGGRISKELAS : IIIISIAN6. Dableyu adalah sebutan untukhuruf............7. “ ABI" ejalah nama tersebut dalam bahasainggris8. Tuliskan bahasa inggris :в А. C С# D9. Ejalah nama dibawah ini dalam bahasainggrisNANITATIBUDI10. Tuliskan abjad A - Z dalam bahasainggris.!​



7.Ei Bi i


9.NANI= en ei en i

TATI = ti ei ti i

BUDI = bi u di i



No 10 Terlalu Panjang Saran sih tanya MamaKau

2. berikan saya soal bahasa inggris ujian kenaikan semester kelas 6 sd materi: 1.nama,asal dan makanan hewan disekitar2.tentang nama hewan yg ada didunia dan bagian tubuhnya3.warna jenis dan perlengkapan pakaian 4.nama cuacaklo bisa dari gurunya langsungsoalnya pakai bahasa inggris ya100 poin​



Cows are animals that are raised for the purpose of taking milk or meat. Cows are herbivores, so to raise them, breeders usually just need to feed them in the form of grass or weeds and sometimes they are also given a mixture of bran and water.

2. Goats

Just like cows, goats are usually raised for milk or meat. Goats are herbivores that eat leaves.

3. Horses

Horses are generally kept or bred by humans for their energy use. However, there are also horse farms that produce horse milk. Like cows, horses generally eat grass and weeds.

2.Transparent ointment

glass squid


3.formal outfit

everyday clothes

traditional ceremonial clothing

4.Sunny (cerah)

Windy (berangin)

Cloudy (berawan)

Snowy (bersalju)

Foggy (berkabut)

Rainy (hujan)

Pour (hujan deras)

Drizzle (gerimis)

maaf kalau salah

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

3. 1. Data nilai ulangan Bahasa inggris siswa kelas VNo Nilai Banyak siswa1. 10 2 2. 9 73. 8 34. 7 55. 6 26. 5 1Rata-rata nilai ulangan Bahasa Inggris yang diperoleh siswa kelas V adalah . . . .2. Dari hasil penilaian ujian praktek Olah raga sekelompok siswa diperoleh data :75, 76, 70, 76, 70, 73,75, 80, 75, 75 dan 78Rata-rata dari data di atas adalah . . . . 3. Dari data soal nomor 2 siswa yang mendapat nilai terendah ada . . . anak.4. Dari data soal nomor 2, modus data tersebut adalah ....5. Dari data soal nomor 2, median data tersebut adalah ....TOLONG DI JAWAB PAKAI CARA :) NANTI DI JADI IN YANG TERBAIK ​


1. (10×2)+(9×7)+(8×3)+(7×5)+(6×2)+(5×1)




2. 75+76+70+76+70+73+75+80+75+75+78



3. 2

4. 75

5. 70 70 73 75 75 75 75 76 76 78 80=75

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


최고의 답변을 만드십시오

4. Tolong ei bantu ya kakak dan abang"..Di kumpul jam setengah 1 ini..Soal ujian bahasa Inggris kelas VIII Choose one of the answer corectly!1. He will be coming ………. ?a. is he                       b . did hec. doesn’t he             d. won’t he 2. You can sing well,........?A.Did youB.Were youC.Can't youD.Aren't you3. She is coming with us, ........?a. Aren’t she?B. Don’t she?c. isn't she?d. Will you?4. George isn't having breakfast ,......?A. Is he?B. Was he?C. Were he?D. Are you?5. Putri doesn't go to school on Saturdays,......?A. Do she?B. Does she?C. Was she?D. Is she?6. Agung : send this letter today Secretary : Yes, Sir From the dialogue we know that Agung will have the letter____ a. .deliver. c. To deliver. b.Delivered d. To beDelivering. 7. My father is having the wall ......a. Replace b. Paintedc. Check d. Makee. Repair8. Susi made Andi ______ his sandals before he went into her house.    a. takes off    b. take off    c. took off    d. taken off9. “Mahmud had the oil of his car changed yesterday” means ______.    A. “He changed the oil of his car”    B. “He had to change the oil of his car”    C. “Someone changed the oil of his car”    D. “He would have changed the oil of his car”10.  The owner of the shop let the beggar _____ in front of their shop.    A. Begged    B. To beg    C. To be begged    D. Beg11. He is driving car ..... ..... ..... dangerously.a. Less and less b. Few fewerc. Good betterd. More and more 12. ...... ....... people pay cash.(Semakin sedikit orang membayar secara tunai.)a. More and more b. Less and lessc. Fewer and fewerd Most and most13. The research is getting ....... and.... interesting.(Riset tersebut menjadi semakin menarik.a. More and moreb. Most and mostc. Less and lessd. Fewer and fewer14. They are talking ...... And...... these days (little) a. More and more b. Less and lessc. Most and most d. Fewer and fewer15. He needs ....... And....... money everyday ( little)a. More and moreb. Less and lessc. Most and mostd. Fewer and fewer16. I am getting ........ And...... My work ( many)a. More and moreb. Less and lessc. Most and mostd. Fewer and fewer17. Studying Mathematics is ...... and ........ difficult.a. More and more b. Less and lessc. Most and mostd. Better and better 18. I ..... ..... a new bag if I have enough moneya. Will buyb. Would boughtc. Was buyd. Were buy19.  If Risa has much time, she will … you.a. Help c. Helped b. Helps. d. Is help20. If you … study hard, you will not pass the test a. Didn’t c. Doesn’tb. Don’t. d. Wasn't21. If the game … good, I will … it.a. Are – play c. Is – playsb. Is – playb. d was – plays22. If I have thisty, I ...... ....... Softdrinka. Will drankb Will drink c. Would drink d would drink23.  If I … much money, I will … a new smartphone.a. Has – buyb. Have – buyc. Have – buysd. Have – bought24.  If she …. , I won’t be angry.a. Don’t comeb. Don’t comesc. Doesn’t comed. Doesn’t comes25. If Risa … on time, I will be happy.a. Comeb. Comesc. Camed. Comed


1. d

2. c

2. c

4. a

5. b

6. c

7. b klo g salah




11.d klo g salah





16. a




20. b






klo bnyk yg salah, maaf ya..


5. Soal ujian mid semester bahasa inggris kelas 71 what do you say when you greet people?2. what should you say if you meet someone at 10 AM3. if you make a mistake what will you say?4. if you want to leave the conversation, what should you say?5. what do you say when someone thanks you?6. how many people are in your family?7. do you have nickname? What is it?8. what is your father's hobby?9. please write a text about your self introduction10.what is your favorite subject at school? And why?tolong dijawab Sekarang,pliss​


Soal ujian mid semester bahasa inggris kelas 7

1. Apa yang Anda katakan saat menyapa orang?

Hi, call his name

2. Apa yang harus Anda katakan jika Anda bertemu seseorang pada jam 10 pagi?

Good morning

3. Jika Anda membuat kesalahan, apa yang akan Anda katakan?

I am sorry

4. jika Anda ingin meninggalkan percakapan, apa yang harus Anda katakan?

Hope to see you again, thank you

5. apa yang Anda katakan ketika seseorang berterima kasih kepada Anda?

Thank you again

6. Berapa banyak orang di keluarga Anda?

7. apakah kamu punya nama panggilan? Apa itu?

8. apa hobi ayahmu?

9. tolong tulis teks tentang pengenalan diri Anda!

10. Apa mata pelajaran favoritmu di sekolah? Dan mengapa?

tolong dijawab Sekarang, pliss

6. anSOAL UJIAN SEMESTER GENAP SMP NEGERI 3 HARIAN TAHUN PELAJARAN 2020/2021Mata PelajaranKelas: Bahasa Inggris: VII9.Choose the correct answer between a, b, c, ord!This text below is for the questions 1 - 3Tina: Your car is very nice, SitiSiti : Thank you. It is an old car but it is very fast.Ani :?Ida : I think it's great!a. have you read this book?b. what do you think about this book?C. what is it?d. do you know this?1.What is the topic of the dialogue?a quality of peoplec. quality of animalb. quality of thingd. quality of information2.The word "car'is a mean of ....a. public placeC. kitchen utensilb. transportationd. school kit3.The word underlined above is an ...a. demonstrative adjective c. adverb of placeb. quantive adjective d. descriptive adjective10. Mina : Wowl your class room is .........Rita: Thank you.a. Shinyc. messy,b. clean,d. dirty11. Alice : Those are big trees. What do they for ?Thomas :a. They are oxygen and shadeb. Yes, They doC. No. They don'td. The trees provide oxygen and shadeThe dialogue for questions no. 4 - no.5Siti : Look at the giraffes. They have curly eyelashesLina: Yes, They do. Their eyelashes are adorableBeni : Look at the zebras. They have black and whitestripes on their bodiesUdin : Do you know that each zebra has differentpattern?Edo : That is very interestingDayu : Look at the elephants. They are huge.Udin : Yes, They are. And look at the tigers. They havesharp theetSiti : And They have powerful legsThe dialogue is for question no. 12- no.13Siti: I am very angryDayu : What is wrong?Siti: Nita cheated during the test but she got ascire better than I did.Dayu : That's too bad. But please be patient. Beingangry will not change anything12. The topic of the dialogue is ...a. description of someone c. praiseb. identifyingd. criticizing someone4.Where does the dialogue happen?a. at hospitalC. at zoob. at homed. in park13. The antonym of the underlined word is ...a. JealousC. happyb. Furiousd. sad.How many animals do they speak about?a. 4. b. 5 c. 6 d. 3The dialogue is for question no. 6 - no.7Beni : Edo, you look so happyEdo : Yes, I am happy. My father just bought me a newbikeBeni : That's great! What does it look like?Edo : It is red, my favourite colour, and it is bigThe dialogue is for question no. 14 - no.1514. Anita : What do you know about the sun?Sinta:.a. It rises in the west and sets in the eastb. It rises in the east and sets in the westC. I don't knowd. Yes, It does15. The dialogue tells about ...the quality of thingb. the activity of animala.c. the activity of peopled. the function of thingThe word "That is great" expresses ...a. Praisingc. identifyingb. Criticizingd. descriptionThe dialogue below is for question no. 16-17Marta : What does your father do?Lina : My father plants and grows potatoes. He is (16).... and my Mother is a trader.Marta : What does your mother do?Lina : (17).....The similar meaning of happy is ...a. BadC. sadb. Gladd. madTiwi : What do they do?Rina : They take passengers anywhereChe sentence underlined above states...someone's profession C. someone's functionsomeone's habit d. someone's activity16. My father's profession is ...........a EntrepeneurC. driverb. Traderd. farmer17. Lina responses is......a.yes,she doesb.she takes a good care of,I don't knowd. she sells some marchhandisestolong di jawab yh kk,,​


Ingin Ku Teriak Ingin Ku Menangis


Btw Cari Di Translate Yah..

7. Hafidh, Anak Penjual Mainan, Raih Nilai UNBK Sempurna dengan Rata-rata 100 SOLO, Ananda Hafidh Rifai Kusnanto (17), siswa kelas XII IPA 6 SMAN 4 Surakarta, terkejut dirinya memperoleh nilai ujian nasional berbasis komputer (UNBK) secara sempurna. Anak penjual mainan anak-anak asal Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, ini meraih nilai rata-rata 100 pada empat mata pelajaran (mapel), yaitu Matematika, Bahasa Indonesia, Kimia, dan Bahasa Inggris. "Awalnya yang penting nilainya bagus. Tapi, ternyata setelah melihat hasil nilainya, saya terkejut.Semua total nilainya 400," kata Hafidh ditemui di SMAN 4 Surakarta, Jalan Adisucipto Nomor 1 Manahan, Banjarsari, Solo, Jawa Tengah, Selasa (14/5/2019). la mengaku tak pernah mengikuti bimbingan belajar (bimbel) karena tidak ingin membebani orangtuanya. Sejak ayahnya meninggal, semua kebutuhan bergantung pada ibunya, Supatmi. Ibu Hafidh selama ini hanya berjualan mainan anak-anak dengan pendapatan yang tidak menentu.Hafidh sendiri masih memiliki tiga adik. Untuk menunjang belajar, Hafidh hanya mengandalkan buku-buku pelajaran dari sekolah dan latihan soal-soal. "Ibu tidak banyak uang.Takut repotin ibu. Jadi, banyak latihan soal saja di rumah sama belajar buku dari sekolah. Itu saya lakukan rutin setiap hari," kata remaja yang berhasil menyabet medali perak dalam Olimpiade Astronomi tingkat nasional di Riau pada 2017. Saat ini, Hafidh telah diterima di Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta. Sementara itu, Waka Bidang Kurikulum SMAN 4 Surakarta Meyra Dwi menilai anak didiknya tersebut dikenal pendiam sehingga teman-temannya tidak menyangka Hafidh memperoleh nilai UNBK sempurna. "Anaknya low profile.Jadi, tidak menyangka anak yang the best atau luar biasa. Tidak ada orang yang melihat.Penampilannya kelihatan biasa sekali," katanya. 1. Tentukantema berita tersebut! 2. Tentukan pokok-pokok isi berita tersebut! 3. Tentukan simpulan dari berita tersebut! unbk-sempurna-dengan-rata-rata-100.) 4. Aspek apa yang harus diperhatikan dalam menanggapi isi berita? 5. Berilah tanggapan terhadap isi berita tersebut!​

Berikut jawaban yang sesuai untuk pertanyaan tersebut

1. Siswa SMA yang berhasil meraih nilai UNBK dengan sempurna

2. Berikut pokok-pokok dari isi berita tersebut:

Salah satu siswa SMA anak dari keluarga yang memiliki ekonomi dibawah, tetapi berhasil meraih nilai UNBK dengan sempurnaMeraih nilai UNBK dengan skor 400 tanpa bimbelUsaha nya untuk ujian benar-benar dengan hasil sendiri, memanfaatkan buku sekolah dan latihan soal setiap hariHafidh diterima di jurusan Teknik Elektro UGM Yogyakarta

3.  Kesimpulan dari berita tersebut adalah, tidak perlu fasilitas yang sempurna untuk menunjang keberhasilan dari sebuah tes atau ujian, tetapi cukup dengan niat dan usaha secara maksimal.

4. Berita tersebut memberikan motivasi untuk para pelajar khususnya di Indonesia ini yang biasa membekali dirinya dengan bimbel untuk persiapan ujian. Namun, tentu masyarakar Indonesia tidak seluruhnya memiliki ekonomi yang tinggi untuk memanfaatkan bimbel tersebut. Tetapi hanya dengan niat yang sungguh-sungguh dan usaha yang maksimal, hasil nya pun akan maksimal.


Berita adalah sebuah informasi yang diberikan oleh lembaga penyiar informasi, baik media cetak, ataupun online.

Dalam teks berita tersebut dapat kita telaah kata kuncinya untuk mendapatkan jawaban dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang tersedia.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang Judul berita, sumber,tanggal pemberitaan,dan isi pokok berita

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

8. HANDAYANIKELASTUT WURIWATDINAS PENDIDIKAN KABUPATEN LABUHANBATU SELATANUJIAN SEMESTER GENAPTINGKAT SEKOLAH DASAR (SD)TAHUN PELAJARAN 2020/2021MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS5LEMBARAN SOALPETUNJUK UMUM1. Selesaikan soal pada lembar jawaban dan jangan lupa menulis namamu2. Bacalah baik-baik soal ini, kerjakan yang lebih mudah dahulu kemudian kerjakan seluruhnya3. Sebelum menyerahkan hasil pekerjaanmu pada pengawas, periksalah pekerjaanmu baik-baik1. PILIHAN GANDABerilah tanda silang (x) pada salah satu hurufa, b, c, dan d, yang merupakan jawabanyang benar!8. A: I will night.a. Breakfastb. Lunchc. Dinnerd. Food9. The sick people are bought to the....a. Hospitalc. Marketb. Restaurantd. Zoo10. We can buy medicines in the...(apotik)a. Canteenc. Bookstoreb. Drugstored. Department storeThe taxt for namber 1-4Sony's BirthdaySunday 14th is Sony's birthday party. Thereare various kinds foods and drinks. There arecake, bread, candy, syrup, etc. There are oneof my favourite foods. It ia chocolate. Sonyoffers me a slice of cake and his mother givesme a glass of coke. Now I am going home andhis father gives me a bar of chocolate and abox of candy.1. What day is it today?a. Sundayc. Tuesdayb. Mondayd. Wednesday11. Laila : What happen with you Andy?Ais : I got eye sore"eye sore "in indonesia is....a. Sakit gigic. Sakit matab. Sakit perutd. Sakit telinga2. Whose birthday party is it?a. SandyC. Siskab. Sonyd. Shinta12. The the doctor in the hospital.a. Patientc. Nurseb. Dentistd. Sailor3. what does Sony offer to his friend?a. A can of coke c. A slice of cakeb. A cup of coffee d. A bar of chocolate13. The doctor used examine the patient.a. Medicinesc. Ambulanceb. Syringed. Stethoscope4. Does his father give sony's friend a glasscoke?a. Yesb. Yes, he does d. No, he does not14. Mira : what's matterwith you, Irna?Irna : I have got....a. Toothachec. Coughb. Headached. Influenzac. No5. It is a glass of....a. Milkb. JuiceC. Coffeed. Coke15.1 have toothache.I have go to....a. Schoolb. Zooc. Dentistd. Supermarket6. Anissa is thekitchen now.a. Fried noodleb. Fried chikenc. Fried riced. Meatball16. My young brotherhas got....a. Injuryb. Sore throatc. Faverd. Stomachache7. A: do you like to drink orange juice?B: yes....a. I amc. I haveb. I dod. I had17. banana.a. Likesb. Likec. Disliked. HaveHal.1 - Bhs Inggris (5)​


8.c diner


1.a .sunday

11.c.sakit mata

2.b sony

12.c. nurse

3.c .a slice of cake

13.b stetoscope he does not


15.c .dentist

6.c.fried rice

7b. i do

17.b. like

9. SOAL UJI COBA UJIAN SEKOLAHTAHUN PELAJARAN 2020/2021MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris BENTUK SOAL : MATERI KELAS 5= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Answer the question with choose A, B, C or D!1. She …. an apples.a. have b. hasc. is d. are2. My friends…. new sport cluba. have b. hasc. is d. ar3. Iffa and Intan …. free time on Wednesdaya. have b. hasc. is d. are4. The cat …. Sharp claw and more fura. have b. hasc. is d. are5. Lubna … beautiful smilea. have b. hasc. is d. are6. Andre and Kafa …. Tall bodya. have b. hasc. is d. are7. Elephant …. Long nosea. have b. hasc. is d. are8. Fitryie and her cat …. white skin.a. have b. hasc. is d. are9. This morning …. Good weathera. have b. hasc. is d. are10. Mr Hasan and Mr Andis …. Different skillsa. have b. hasc. is d. are11. 16.30 is …a. thirty past fourb. thirty to fourc. half past fourd. half to sixteen12. 04.45 is ….a. quarter past fourb. quarter to fourc. quarter past fived. quarter to five13. 13.05 is …a. five to one b. five to twoc. five past one d. five past two14. 19.00 isa. o’clock nineb. o’clock sevenc. nine o’clockd. seven o’clock15. 20.15 is ….a. fiveteen past twentyb. fiveteen to twentyc. quarter past eightd. quarter to eight#Tolong jawab#•jangan asal jawab​


1. has

2. have

3. have

4. has

5. has

6. have

7. has

8. have

9. has

10. have

11. half past four

12. quarter to five

13. five past one

14. seven o' clock

15. quarter past eight

10. SOAL UJIAN SEMESTER GENAP 2019/2020Mr. Kardiman is a factory worker and Mrs.Nunik is a teacher. She teaches English in a vocationalschool in Surakarta from Monday till Saturday. They have been home, and at the moment they arerelaxing with their family. Mr. Kardiman is sitting in a sofa, watching some news on TV. Mrs.Nunik isbeside her husband reading a woman magazine. Their son, Rijal is playing games on the computer,Ajeng is in her bedroom, she is practicing a pop song with her Piano. Their other daughter, santi, isBAHASA INGGRIS KELAS VIIIAnswer The Questions Below Correctly!The following text is for questions number 1-5in the kitchen, preparing her favorite instant noodle.Nomor1. What is Mr kardiman doing infront of TV ?Is Santi preparing her meatball in the Kitchen?3. What is Ajeng doing in her bedroom?4.What is Mrs. Nunik's job?5. What is their son, Rijal doing?6. Themagazine costs Rp. 5000,00. The newspaper costs Rp. 5000,00. The novel costsRp.11.000,00. The magazine is ................. the newspaper.7. Randy is thestudent in my class. He always gets first rank.8.Bag costs Rp.50.000,00. Shoes cost Rp. 60.000.00. Shoes are ...........than the bag.9.Translates this sentence into English : Randy lebih tinggi daripada Toni.10. Changes this sentence into (-) and (?) form : she studies English every Monday​

1. He is watching the news.

2. No, she is not.

3. Practicing a pop song with her piano.

4. She works as an English teacher.

5. Playing games on the computer.

6. as cheap as

7. smartest

8. more expensive

9. Randy is taller than Toni.

Semoga membantu, kak! ^^

11. Try out karya nn "tik..tik..tik..", hanya terdengar suara detik jam di kelas di sela-sela keseriusanku dan teman-teman seruanganku mencermati soal demi soal yang ada pada lembaran lembaran kertas di atas meja. itulah suasana ruanganku pada try out yang kesekian kalinya. tak terasa sudah hampir 6 tahun aku duduk di sebuah madrasah ibtidaiyah. hari-hariku tak pernah lepas dari berbagai soal yang terus menerus dijejalkan ke otakku. dari pagi sampai sore materi ipa, matematika, bahasa indonesia, dan bahasa inggris sudah menjadi makanan rutinku setiap hari. try out demi try out harus kulalui, dan ini adalah try out terakhirku menjelang detik detik eksekusiku di ujian nasional. ide pokok paragraf yang kedua adalah .... a.hari hariku yang di penuhi dengan latso ipa, matematika, b.ind dan b.suasana try oat di kelasku c.jumlah mata pelajaran yang di jadikan try oat d.try oat membuatku bosan dan lelah


c.jumlah mata pelajaran yang di jadikan try oat

12. 5 Berikut ini adalah sebaran skor siswa: 15 No Nama Skor 1 Aqeela 45 2 Ardiansyah 17 3 Azwar 25 4 Adifa 37 5 Dita 28 6 Dewi 42 7 Fikri 46 8 Ilham 32 9 Intan 21 10 Keisya 49 11 Lintang 30 12 Mona 12 13 Susan 22 14 Yusuf 38 15 Zainal 40 Pada ulangan akhir semester mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VI SD diujikan 50 butir soal. Selesaikan lah beberapa pertanyaan berikut.(1) Urutkanlah siswa dengan nilai tertinggi, (2) Buatlah presentase tingkat penguasaan setiap siswa, (3) Jika guru memberikan nilai 10 kepada Keisya, maka bagaimana penilaian terhadap teman-teman yang lain.Skor Total 100*) coret yang tidak perluPondok Cabe, 20 April 2020Menyetujui,Ka. ProdiPenelaahPenulis,................................... ......................... Astri Dwi Jayanti S., M.Ed., Ph.D.................................... .........................


1. Keisya, Fikri, aqelaa, dewi, zanail, yusuf, adifa,ilham,lintang, dita, azwar, susan, intan, adriansyah, mona.


3.akan berubah yang tadi 2 poin 1soal menjadi 2,04 1soal

maka akan ada penambahan nilai


5. 1. keysa, fikri, aqeela, dewi, zainal, yusuf,

adifa, ilham, lintang, dita, azwar, susan,

intan, ardiansah, dan mona

2. tingkat penguasaan ( % ) :

kesya : 49/50 × 100 = 98%

fikri : 46/50 ×100 = 92%

aqeela: 45/50 × 100 = 90%

dst sampai yg plng kecil

3. kesya = 10/50 × 49 = 9,8

fikri = 10/50 × 46 = 9,2

aqeela= 10/50 × 45 = 9,0

13. Soal Ujian F3 Bahasa Inggriskelas:6Read the following descriptions for each profession,then quess what profession it is.1.This man works in a hospital.He cures sick people2. This man is skillful at cooking.He works in a restaurant or hotel3. This man is responaible for the safety of pedestrians.He also directs the traffic4.This man drives people who want to go to a particular place5.This man delivers letters from house to house6.This woman usually helps doctors to treat patients7.His duty is to protect and to defend our country from enemies8. This man is skilful at making chairs and tables9.If you need your car or your motorcycle repaired, go to this man10.This man is skillful at cutting people' s hairTolong dijawab semua ya kak​


1. doctor

2. chef

3. police

4. driver

5. postman

6. nurse

7. soldier

8. carpenter

9. mechanic

10. barber





5.pos men





14. o Uji Kompetensi. Pilihlah satu jawaban yang tepat.Bacalah informasi berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 1 dPT PAPER PressJalan Letjend Soeprapto No, 78 SurabayaTelepon (031) 908355Surabaya, 26 AprlnPENGUMUMANPT PAPER Press membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk mengisi posisi AccountinKualifikasi1) Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 30 tahun2) D-3/51 dengan pengalaman minimal 1 tahun3) Berpengalaman di bidang pemodelan finansial dan penganggaran4) Bisa mengoperasikan Microsoft Office5) Mampu berbicara serta menulis dalam bahaso inggris dengan fasih6) Bertanggung jawab dan dapat dipercayaKirim surat lamaran kePT PAPER PressJalan Letjend Soeprapto No. 78 SurabayaNo : 69/PP/20171. Jenis surat yang tepat berdasarkan pengumuman tersebut adalahA lamaran pekerjaanB. pribadiC. sosialD. niagaE. elektronik2. Kalimat pembuka yang tepat untuk surat lamaran pekerjaan berdasarkan pengumumantersebut adalahA. Berdasarkan pengumuman nomor 69/PP/2017, dengan ini saya mengajukan lamaranB. Sehubungan dengan pengumuman nomor 69/PP/2017, saya akan mencoba melamaC. Melihat pengumuman nomor 69/PP/2017, jika boleh saya akan melamar sebagaD. Melalui surat ini, saya akan melamar sebagai Accounting Staffsebagai Accounting Staffsebagai Accounting StaffAccounting StaffE. Menindakianjuti pengumuman nomor 69/PP/2017, mohon saya diterima sebagaiAccounting Staffif Berbahasa Indonesia untuk SMK/MAK Kelas XI

1. A. lamaran pekerjaan
2. A.Berdasarkan pengumuman nomor ...

15. Tolong di ubah ke bentuk pasif dalam bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan aturan.1. Mangga itu dilempar oleh anak-anak kampung sebelah.2. Restoran bintang 3 ini didirikan oleh ibu Sri.3. Duri bunga mawar itu terinjak oleh Anita saat asyik bermain sambil berlari.4. Tugas akhir itu sudah kuserahkan kepada dosen pembimbing.5. Tender proyek bendungan itu dimenangkan oleh perusahaan milik pamanku.6. Buku cerita itu dibacakan oleh nenek setiap malam saat aku akan tidur.7. Mobil itu terjatuh ke jurang yang dalam setelah mengalami pecah ban saat berada dipinggir jurang tersebut.8. Soal ujian kemarin sedang dibahas oleh ibu guru di depan kelas.9. Billy dihukum oleh bapaknya karena hampir setiap hari bolos sekolah.10. Buah itu sudah kucuci sebelumnya.11. Makanan itu disediakan oleh pihak penyelenggara bagi seluruh peserta.12. Pilkada itu dimenangkan oleh pasangan yang berada di urutan no 1.13. Sepeda milikku sedang diperbaiki oleh ayah.14. la diberhentikan dari jabatannya dengan tidak hormat karena kasus penggelapan danaperusahaan.15. la mudah terlena dengan bujuk rayu seorang penipu.16. Bangkai hewan buas itu terdampar dan membusuk di pinggir laut.17. Acara perpisahan siswa kelas 3 ini juga dihadiri oleh alumni-alumni tahunsebelumnya.18. Lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya dinyanyikan oleh seluruh peserta upacara benderapada hari kemerdekaan 17 Agustus kemarin.19. Kesedihan sering ditandai dengan adanya airmata.20. Daun jeruk dimanfaatkan oleh ibu agar masakanya lebih enak.​


1. The children from the next village threw the mango.

2. This 3 star restaurant was founded by Mrs. Sri.

3.Anita trampled the rose thorns while playing while running.

4.I have submitted the final project to the supervisor.

5. The tender for the dam project was won by my uncle's company.

6. The storybook was read by grandma every night when I was going t

7.The car fell into a deep ravine after experiencing a tire burst while driving

the edge of the cliff.

8. Yesterday's exam questions were being discussed by the teacher in front of the class.

9.Billy was punished by his father for skipping school almost every day.

10. I washed the fruit beforehand.

11. The food is provided by the organizer for all participants.

12. The Pilkada was won by the pair who was at number 1.

13. My bicycle is being repaired by father.

14. He was dishonorably discharged from office because of embezzlement

15.. He is easily lulled by the persuasion of an imposter.

16. The carcass of the wild animal washed ashore and rot by the sea.

17. The year 3 students farewell ceremony was also attended by alumni


18. The national anthem of Indonesia Raya was sung by all participants in the flag ceremony

on Independence Day, August 17th yesterday.

19. Sadness is often characterized by tears.

20. Lime leaves are used by the mother to make her cooking better.

sorry if wrong

I hope this helps

16. Perhatikan tabel berikut untuk soal nomor 26dan 27.Tabel Nilai Ujian Tengah Semester BahasaInggris Kelas VII.Nilai45678910Frekuensi 491292.2.26. Jumlah siswa seluruhnya adalah ... orang. .a. 41C. 43b. 42d. 4427. Jumlah siswa yang mempunyai nilai di atas7 adalah ... siswa.a. 11C. 17b. 13d. 25dowsDiagram dari haril​

Perhatikan tabel berikut untuk soal nomor 12 dan 13. Tabel Nilai Ujian Tengah Semester

Bahasa Inggris kelas VII

17. SOAL UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER (UTS)Mata pelajaran : Bahasa InggrisKelas : 9 (sembilan)Hari/TanggalSoal essayRead the following dialougue and answer the questions no 1-3Nabila : Hi Rani, long time no see, How are you doing?Rani : Hi Nabila, I'm doing well.Nabila I heard that you won the English Speech last week.Fantastic! Congratulation, Rani.I hope you can reach your successRani : Thank you, Nabila.1. a. When did the English debate held?b. What does Nabila's hope for rani?2. Why does Nabila congratulate Rani? Because....3. a. Today is lenny's 15th birthday. What will you say to her?b. Raisa and Hamish got merried. What will you say to them?4. During the pandemic Covid-19, what people should to avoid the dithree (3) sentences.Read the dialogue and answer the question no 5-6 using Agreement/DIvan So, where will we go?Rendy : how about beach?(5) We have visited a lot of beach this yeaatoresting, right?​


emang pts boleh tanya brainly ya?!


1, a : it was last week

1.b : she wishes rani to reach her success

2. because rani won the English speech last week.

3.a happy birthday(maybe idk)

3.b congratulations on your wedding!

4. they should avoid, going out, touching various items, and crouded spaces.

5. yes, it is very interesting


sorry if I got some wrong, I need an explanation on what verb or phrases you use.

18. SOAL UJIAN BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS XI SEMESTER GENAP 20011 jack I saw the accident yesterday haw is your leg now?Anachi Irsreally hurt I can't move it from the dialog above ana is expressing-a Loveh SadnessC PaindEnharrassmente HappinessPenguin in the parkOnce a man was walking in a park when he came across a penguin. He took him toa policeman and said Thave just found this penguin What should I do? the policemanreplied, ale him to the zonThe next day the policeman saw the same man in the park and the man was stillcarrying the penguin with him the policeman was rather surprised and walked up to theman and asked why are you still carrying that penguin about? Didn t you take into the2007 I certainly did replied the man. And it was a great idea because he really enjoyedso today I Memling him to the movies!!(Taken from her kulum 2004 Standar Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris2. Where did the man find the penguin?At the stationb in the zooin the parlin the movie3 What was the policeman suggest to the man?a To take the penguin to the moTo take the penguin to theseTo bring the penguin homeTo the penganTo give the per into the policeman4 What is the type of theNamSpoolSathapped the daydhe pengum was in thethe found another pengun and carryghamthe plan was carag the pengan6. And it wasgreat so today imtainghat he​


1.pain the park take the penguin to the zoo


Sisanya belum terjawab karen soal tidak lengkap terbaca

19. ScotlandA lot of people think that Scotland is a part of England but this is untrue. Scotland is, in fact, a part of Great Britain.It is governed from London but in many ways it is a separate nation. It has its own capital city, Edinburgh, its own lawsand its own stamps. It even has its own language. Gaelic, spoken now by only a few people in the islands.There are only about five million Scots, and most of them live in the southern half of country called 'Lowlands', wherethe major cities are situated.But most holiday visitors to Scotland go to the Highlands because of the high mountains and deep volleys, cleanrivers and cold 'lochs'. The Highlands are home to many rare birds and animals, like the golden eagle and the wildcat.which are found nowhere else in Britain. It is a lonely, wild and empty land. Only two per cent of the British population livethere and the population is getting smaller all the time. There is very little work so most of the young people who are bornthere have to move south to find a job. Perhaps the Highlands of Scotland will become the last great wilderness of Europe.14. The text tells us about ....a. Scotland as a nationb. Highlanders in ScotlandC. Rare animals in Scotlandd. The population in Scotlandinc15. Why is the Highland going to be the last of the great wilderness of Europe?a. It's a favorite place in Scotland.6 Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional UN Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs -​


14. A. Scotland as a nation

15. Because in Scotland have too many rare birds and animals, like the golden eagle and the wildcat.

20. tolong minta jawab dong bahasa inggris kumon bentar lagi mau naik smp kalau sesudah ujian semester 2 kelas 6 tolong minta jawab iya. soal nomor: 1.A:What does she want to be? B:She ______ ___ ____ ___ _______. [painter] 2.A:Where is my bike? B:__ __ ___ ____ _______. 3.A:______ _____ _____ this morning? B: I was at the gym. 4.A:______ ____ ____ ____ at the supermarket? B:I bought some vegetables. Ini soal percakapan. ada soal lagi. tolong dijawab ya contoh: They go to the library. Jadi: Do they go to the library? 1. She can play tennis.Jadi:2.Mike has arrived.Jadi:ini soal sampai 1 sampai 2. ini soal kalimat passive iya tolong dijawab. Contoh:Many scientists use this laboratory. Jadi: This laboratory is used by many scientists. soal nomor: 1. A French writer wrote this novel.Jadi:Ini soal cuma satu. ada soal lagi jawaban nya di dalam kotak. 1.We have a sister. Her name is lucy. [whose] We have________________________________. 2.I have listened to all the CD's. I bought them yesterday. [that]Jawab: I have listened to _____________________________________________. tolong ditulis jawaban ya jawabanya sudah digaris ​


1. B: She want to be a painter

2. B: Your bike is in the garage

3. B: Where are you this morning?

4. B: What are you doing in the supermarket? atau bisa juga What do you buy in the supermarket?

1. Can she play tennis?

2. Has Mike arrived?

1. This novel is written by a French writer.


Untuk lanjutannya perintahnya kurang jelas.

21. SOAL UJIAN PENILAIAN AKHIR SEMESTER GANJIL BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS VII Rabu 7 Oktober 2020A. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer.1. Edwin : Hi, Alan. _________Alan : Very well, thanks. How about you?Edwin : I’m fine too, thanks.a. How are you? c. My name is Edwinb. See you d. Where are you from2. Celine : I’m going to bed now. Goog night, Dad.Mr. Danar : _________. Have a nice sleep.a. Good morning c. Good nightb. Good evening d. GoodbyeThe following dialog is for questions 3 and 4.Mr. Irwan : Good morning, everybody.Students : Good morning, Sir.Mr. Irwan : How are you today?Students : We’re fine, thank you. How about you, Sir?Mr. Irwan : I’m fine too, thanks3. When does the dialog take place?a. In the morning c. At noonb. In the afternoon d. In the evening4. How is Mr. Irwan?a. He is sick c. He is tiredb. He is very well d. He has a feverThe following dialog is for questions 5 and 6.Doni : Hi, Vita. What a coincidence to meet you here, in the night fair! Who are you with?Gita : Sorry, I’m not Vita.Doni : Oh, I’m sorry. You’re alike my friend Vita.Gita : That’s O.K. Well, I’m Gita, Vita’s twin sister.Doni : Nice to meet you, Gita. I’m Doni, Vita’s classmate.Gita : Nice to meet you too, Doni.5. Where does the dialog take place?a. In a night fair c. At hospitalb. At school d. In a book fair6. Who is Vita?a. Doni’s sister c. Gita’s elder sisterb. Doni’s classmate d. Gita’s classmate7. Soni : It’s already five o’clock. Sorry, I have to go home now.Heri : O.K. Take care.Soni :Bye, Heri. See you tomorrow.Heri : See you.What does the underlined sentences express?a. Farewell c. Greetingb. Introduction d. Welcoming8. Tiara : How are you feeling, Kiran?Kiran : I’m feeling _________. My grandma is hospitalizedTiara : I’m sorry to hear that.a. Sad c. Happyb. Angry d. Confused9. Rima : Candra, could you accompany me to the drugstore?Candra : Certainly.Rima : _________Candra : No big deal.a. I’m fine c. You’re welcomeb. I’m sorry d. Thank you very much10. Dimas : Rona, why are you late?Rona : _________. I missed the bus.a. Thanks c. I’m sorryb. Never mind d. Get well soonThe following dialog is for questions 11 and 12.Nadya : Ouch .... it’s very painful!Gerry : What happened, Nadya?Nadya : I fell from my bicycle.Gerry : Let me give you iodine.Nadya : Thank youGerry : My pleasure​


1. a. how are you

2. c. good night

3. a. in the morning

4. b. He is very well

5. a. In a night fair

6. c. Gita’s elder sister

7. a. Farewell

8. a. sad

9. d. Thank you very much

10. c. I’m sorry

ngomong-ngomong nomor 7 garis bawahin yang mana?

semoga membantu:)


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